User Blocked Not Accessing Folder

Nov 30, 2007

When i go to Documents and settings, i can see the inside of my own folder, the other administrator folder, my 12 years old limited-user folder - but not my 8-year old sister's limited-user folder!It pops up an "error" saying: Cocuments and settings/"Lisa" is not accessible. "No access"and it shows that the folder contains 0 byte.When I logg in to her account, then I can check what is inside.

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Accessing Old User Desktop From Old HD

Dec 1, 2006

I have an old 80gb HD that has some old files I would really like to get back. I think something went wrong with the boot.ini or something but it will no longer boot. It still has all the files. I am now using it as a slave drive on my current system(XP PRO SP2). The problem is that I need the files off a pw protected user. It is my old loggin so I know the pw but it wont let me into it. I was thinking that if my current loggin was the same I might be able to access it but no such luck.

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Restrict A Limited User From Accessing The Internet Without A Password?

Mar 30, 2005

What i want to do is restrict a limited user from accessing the internet without a password. I have been looking around in the computer management console but don't see what i am looking for. Do i need to set up a new policy?

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Accessing User-Specific Files From Old Hard Drive

Jul 16, 2005

I had my hard drive transferred to a new pc. I cannot access the numerous (and important!) files under Documents and Settings/My Username on the new pc. Apparently, Windows has restricted access to those files since it does not recognize me on the new PC. The files all seem to be there (based on the info from the properties of the documents and settings folder), but I cannot see them. Both old and new pc use XP Home.How can I regain access to these files?

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Accessing A Folder - Encountered A Problem Needs To Close

Mar 14, 2007

This has been happening for some time, Only when i access the folder with the dloaded tv show files. What causes this and how do i fix it?

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Trouble Accessing / C System Volume Information Folder

Sep 18, 2006

I'm using Windows XP SP2 Home Edition and am trying to access the C:System Volume Information folder, but I keep getting an "Access is denied" message, even after following the below directions.
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. Make sure that you are in the root folder of the partition for which you want to gain access to the System Volume Information folder. For example, to gain access the C:System Volume Information folder, make sure that you are in the root folder of drive C (at a "C:" prompt).
3. Type the following line, and then press ENTER:cacls "driveletter:System Volume Information" /E /G username:F. Make sure to type the quotation marks as indicated. This command adds the specified user to the folder with Full Control permissions.
4. Double-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it.
5. If you need to remove the permissions after troubleshooting, type the following line at a command prompt:
cacls "driveletter:System Volume Information" /E /R username..This command removes all permissions for the specified user. My problem may be with step #2, as I'm not sure what to do what it says in the last sentence. How do I get to a C: prompt?

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Password Fails When Accessing Shared Folder Over Network

Jul 13, 2010

From my XP SP2 (Media Center Edition) computer, I can access shared folders on my other computers (a Vista, a W7, and another XP computer). However, those computers cannot access shared folders on this computer (the XP SP2 machine).The shared folders are visible from the other computers, but when they attempt to access them, they get a dialog box to log in with userid and password. I have tried various combinations of userid and password, including "thiscomputernameprimaryaccountname" with the associated password. Authentication fails.I am using simple file sharing.

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Renaming The USER Folder/User Name?

Jul 27, 2008

I've got a hand-me-down laptop that I inherited from my dad (IBM Thinkpad 600X), which is running Windows XP Home Edition. I never cease to be amazed at what sort of weird configurations my dad managed to get in place, or how much time it takes to undo some of these configurations now that the laptop has been handed down.

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Accessing A User's "documents And Settings" When It's "protected"

Sep 9, 2005

I have my entire hard drive backed up to an image file. I had to format and put a new hard drive in my machine. All is fine and dandy, but when I try to access my user's folder in "documents and settings" on the mounted "image" all I get is "access is denied"

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New User Folder Created

Mar 19, 2007

when i switched my computer on this morning an error appeared regarding not being able to find the local profile. I restarted the computer - no error message - but now it appears to be logged in as a guest (my settings have all gone - no icons for my files on desktop, etc.). When I look at the users in control panel it shows just main user and guest (i don't use the users options on windows - only me using the computer).

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Cannot See Other User Documents Folder

Aug 7, 2005

I share computer with my wife. Both we have administrators rights.When I opened "My computer" view in Windows Explorer I used to see items like:

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Rename Your Old User Folder

Oct 16, 2008

Quote:Originally Posted by TheOutcaste Welcome to TSG!When you did the recovery, it apparently didn't rename your old User Folder (HP Administrator in this case). So when Windows was being re-installed, as a folder named HP Administrator already existed, it created a new one named HP Administrator.ComputerName.Just move the stuff you want from the old HP Administrator folder to the new HP Administrator.ComputerName folder. Mostly just move stuff from My Documents (may be called HP Administrators Documents), Favorites (Internet Explorer), Desktop (files that were on the old Desktop, best not to move shortcuts though).If you use Firefox, your old profile and bookmarks will be here:C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles andomname.default
The profile under Administrator.ComputerName will have a different randomname.default folder, so you can't just copy the folder. You can copy the contents of this folder to your new profile folder, overwriting the current profile,

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Clean The Temp User Folder

Dec 9, 2005

Is there a script or way to clean the user's temp folder on startup or login with XP?

Using the RUN command with %temp% will open it and the items can be deleted. But I looking for a way to do it at startup or login.

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View And Modify User Folder Location

Aug 12, 2002

Microsoft Windows XP uses a lot of folders for each user. Everything from  "My video" to your personal documents folder. Below is where you can view the locations of these folders and can change them. Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders Right click on the folders and select Modify Change the path to a new path if you want to change the path. Reboot your computer.

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User Profile Corrupt, Lost My Documents Folder?

Jun 21, 2005

when I booted my XP Pro system, my user profile admin) was corrupt and all my user settings were lost.Then I found that my documents were gone too.The files do not appear anywhere on my hard drive. no docs & settings folder has them. btw, no viruses found on my pc.When I use a undelete file utility, I can see the files at cdocuments & settings/temp, but windows explorer does not see this folder. Nor does explorer see any *.doc, *.xls, *.jpg, or any other file that I had saved in "My Documents" The file resoration free ware that I downloaded (to usb drive) does recover some files that have not been written over. However, I have multi GB of data

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Granting Folder Permission In Limited User Accounts?

Aug 11, 2005

I have a network of 20 computers with three workgroups. One workgroup (three computers) would like to have shared folers within the workgroup that are NOT
available to Everyone outside their workgroup but on the network. All 20 computers are on windows XP I went and unchecked simple file sharing so I can have the permission tab available. However I am having hard time finding the othertwo computers in the workgroup so I can grant them full access permsission. I assume I need to remove 'everyone' and add the other two computers in the work group and grant them full permission.

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Un Able To Open , Delete , Rename User Folder In My Documents

Dec 24, 2005

To begin with. My Hal.dl file ended up missing, so I got an error and had to reinstall windows, bla bla bla bla. i didn't lose all my data, and just reinstalled windows. I had to reinstall all my programs again, and everything went swell, untill I hit one problem. I had a ton of data (over 15 GB of pictures/music, etc) on my desktop. Since it was on my desktop, I now have my previous user folder in my documents, and I am un able to open it, delete it, rename it, etc. I know that the data is still there because when I check how much of my drive is taken up, it is obvious. (22.2 GB DOES NOT just disapear

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User Profile On Pro Disappeared -folder In Documents And Settings Gone

Jul 26, 2008

one of the user profiles in Windows XP Pro has disappeared. I cannot recover the files because the folder in Documents and Settings has disappeared too. I am running a virus scan now

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Start Menu Items Missing - User Folder

Jan 14, 2009

Items place in my user folder are not appearing in the Start/All Programs menu.For example, if I place them here:C:Documents and SettingsusrnamStart MenuAccessories they do not appear in Start/All Programs.But, if I place them here:C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessoriesThey do show up in the program menu.

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Shared And User's Documents Folder In My Computer Window Have Disappeared

Oct 22, 2007

My problem is that, the Shared folder and "User's documents" folder in My Computer window, in XP Pro are not visible. I think it s possible that the registry keys are missing.

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Blocked Downloaded Files

Oct 28, 2008

I run Firefox 3.0.3 under Windows XP SP2 Home.
I have downloaded, a new batch of .jpg files from a trustworthy site that I have been using without any problem for a couple of years. With the latest batch of files I find that whenever I try to open any one with PaintShop Pro, I get an Open File - Security Warning asking me if I really want to open it from an unknown publisher.

If I check the file's properties, I find it is blocked. I can unblock each file individually, either by changing the property or by checking an option on the Security Warning.

I can see no reason for this happening suddenly. I have found various possible solutions proposed (but for slightly different environments or file-types), but they do not work for me. Is there any really proven solution for either preventing the blocking in the first place or removing the block en block?

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Ads Blocked / Want It All Back To Normal

Jan 1, 2006

i blocked my ad's but now i want it all back to normal, can someone help me fix this?

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Website Is Blocked By Administrator

Apr 11, 2008 is blocked from my computer, when i type it in this is what is says... 401 The website is blocked by administrator. i know for a fact that the website didnt block me, it was my dad who blocked it from my computer, how do i get it back, or unblock it without just using a proxy server or proxy website?

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Fresh Intall Blocked

Jan 10, 2008

i am trying tio install Windows XP Pro, the original OP/S is Win 2000, every time i put in the disc, i click on install and i get the message "This program is blocked" Then underneath that it says , "Check on line to see if solutions are available".Copuld any one tell me how to get round this problem. Thanks.

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Downloaded Files Say In Properties Blocked

Apr 27, 2005

I am not sure if MS or IE or McAfee is doing this. I have been downloading
a lot of files for my PSP program. I have notices in properties it is
saying the file is blocked and I can unblock by clicking etc.

I don't know where this block is coming from or what limitations it is
posing. I want to unblock all of them at one time.

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Cookie - I Was Blocked From Entering The Site

Oct 20, 2006

I did for a while activate the "prompt" alternative on Favorites/Tools/Internet Options/Privacy/Advanced to block unwanted cookies. Then I blocked cookies from a site that I usually visit, marking the "always." option. The result was that I was blocked from entering the site. I then reversed all of my previous actions, letting the browser deal automatically with cookies as it saw fit (greying out all the rest of the alternatives on that window), restarted the computer and returned to the site. But all I get is a pop-up saying "You must activate cookies on your browser", at various stages, sometimes after I give the password and all, sometimes as soon as the home window comes up. I repeated all the a/m actions several times, but with the same result. I have XP with SP2, IE6, Pentium d.
Any help will be appreciated - Amos.

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Background Change Feature Blocked By Itself?

Apr 15, 2006

when my computer starts up, my background changes into a blue color and im unable to chage it back, because when i rigth click and go to properties, the background chaging section is blocked and you can only pick some colors.

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Zone Alarm : Getting A Blocked Message

Jul 7, 2005

I am currently running the free version of ZoneAlarm so that I can use the firewall. I am getting a blocked message that indicated that the firewall blocked something that seems to be coming from my cable internet provider.

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Internet Connection Is Being Blocked After 15 Minutes

Aug 11, 2005

My internet connection is being blocked after roughly 15 mins, so i have to restart or disconnect to get it back, upon reconnecting another 15 mins pass and it does it again. I'm running zone alarm free firewall, avg anti virus and ad ware filter. i know i can do something with win sock but im don't know how to do it.

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Alt+Ctrl+Del Not Working - Administrator Blocked

May 27, 2009

Whenever i click alt+ctrl+del a message appears that administrator has been blocked!

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Download Blocked By Security Zone Policy

Jul 26, 2008

All of a sudden I can not download any programs, music files etc. I just get the above message in my Mozilla Firefox download screen. The same thing happened when I tried Internet Explorer.

I am running Windows XP and using Firefox 3.0.1. The problem is that Download blocked by Security Zone Policy, I have gone into the Internet section of control panel and reduced the zone protection to the minimum. I have turned the firewall in McAfee off. These actions did not have any effect. I am not aware of any other program on my computer that would cause this to happen. I use Sypware Doctor, but I disabled that also. My computer is set to load Windows updates automatically and that would be the only software updated I might have loaded.

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