I have reinstalled Windows XP Professional but seem to have lost sound. Musicmatch Jukebox returns the error message �MMJB Soundcard Problem, WaveOut Format not supported�.Does anybody know what this problem may be?
i have a dell latitude d620 and the sound volume is very low. All the levels on everything are set on high but this makes no difference. i tried uninstalling the driver and downloading the driver from dell. Reinstalling the driver but this still made no change
My friend's computer was really messed up last week, and the only way to fix it was to reinstall XP. Once I did so, the monitor and sound did not work right. After messing around, I got the monitor corrected (the computer could not find the drivers) but there still is no sound. The sound card is on the motherboard itself (not removable), but the computer does not see anything but a generic sound card.How can I fix this? Do I open the computer up and try to find the specs on the motherboard, or is there another way? Plus, I don't have access to the computer for a couple days, so I can't tell you what all the specs are.
I have recently reinstalled windows and since then i havent been able to get any sound except the warning beeps from the computer itself. my speakers dont work. The error message, 'There are no active mixer devices available. To install mixer devices go to Control Panel, click Printer and Other Hardware, and then click Add Hardware' pops up everytime I try to open the Volume Control.I have tried downloading various drivers which many people have suggested bute when I try this message pops up:'Microsoft QFE Update (835221) This is only to be used on HP Consumer PCs preinstalled with Windows XP. Your PC does not meet this requirement, so update is being aborted. but my PC was preinstalled with Windows i've just had to reinstall it again!
I recently formated my hard drive and reinstalled XP operating system. I no longer have sound on my computer. When I go to control panel- sounds it says no driver found. I have a Unimodem Half Duplex Audio Device. I tried reinstalling the driver from the cd and the control panel still shows no driver installed. One time I tried using the resource cd and the sounds worked in both speakers.
I just did a fresh install of XP on my new PC and now, for some reason there is no sound coming out of the speakers. It worked before I did the reinstall. The digital sound is built into the Gigabyte mobo and I made sure I reloaded the drivers. Everything looks okay in the Device Manager. I've looked at everything I can think of, but I can't get the sound to work. When I plug in my USB headphones, they work fine. I keep thinking it's something simple I'm missing.
It worked just fine yesterday.I have Dell Inspiron 9200 17" with windows XP I re installed the driver ( sigma C-audio ), but i still got no sound.The funny thing is .... it works if I use external speaker / headset.
It's a Compaq presario 700 laptop, XP SP2 home edition, 486mb ram AmD athalon and for some reason just recently the sound is not working right.If I'm playing a music file the sound that comes out is all broken up.This just started happening within the last week and I did uninstall (delete) the sound drivers and when I rebooted they re-installed, but I have the same problem.
I have an IBM Thinkpad T-40 with Windows XP SP2, 1500 MHz, 1.50 Ghz, 256 MB RAM. After I reinstalled Windows the computer doesn't recognize any of my drivers and hardware. I no longer have sound.
I recently reinstalled windows XP home edition to counteract a virus. Everthing's working fine now from what I can tell, except sound. the troublshooting provided by windows so far hasn't turned up anything and the updating from windows' site hasn't helped either. my control panel says that only my usb device is being read although the speaker system is hooked up exactly as before.
Well I reinstalled XP SP2 then after working for awhile i noticed my sound was not functioning. The icon was not showing up on the toolbar currently running programs( which it usually does ). Then went into ADDRomove programs to uninstall. I recieved an error " The RPC server is unavailable ". I then saw that sound devices in Properties said it was not working properly, well after everything I thought a SYSTEM REPAIR would work that didn't work eighter. Then i saw in MSCONFIG there was one Service that was unchecked DCOM server process, this service would stay that way evertime i restarted. So I then reinstalled the sound software from a CD. In installation the error code 110, RPC "server unavailable or has been corrupted".
I own at Pentium 4 XP Home Edition PC. Recently, I lost all of my default system sounds--like boot up sound and closing sound. The sound card is okay, because I can play CDs, listen to Real Player and otherwise get sounds.I have gone into the sounds and audio devices properties panel and don't seem to be able to set it to play the sounds. The test button works the sounds fine, but I cannot actually activate them.I have troubleshooted by surfing the web, installing various supposed registry fixes. I have also read the Microsoft data base articles that seem to pertain. SO FAR NOTHING HAS HELPED.Can anyone suggest what I do short of reinstalling Windows? I don't want to take that drastic step!
Recently i had to basically kill my computer to rid it of viruses etc. i had a recovery disk that came with my laptop so i was able to rebuild windows xp as well as an lg disk that restored most of my settings and programs. except now i am without sound which is turning out to be a big pain in the butt. The device manager has only one yellow warning sign over 'Other Devices - PCI Device'. could this be the reason for my missing sound? or is there something else i need to do
I recently upgraded to XP from 98SE and as a result have no sound. Also when I play video files either through Windows Media Player or Real Player, the video stalls to a still frame for a couple of seconds and then moves on and then stalls again. It doesn't correspond with the time line. Can someone please provide me with a method to fix these two issues?
I have been having some squirely things happening like a blue screen with a code of 0x0000008e and my Picture It! software not working but now when I lost my sound for my email I checked the Sounds and Audio device in the Control Panel and now there is not even a selection for Email Notification. I have never seen this before. This is driving me nuts.
I installed XP SP3 and after the installation and a reboot I had lost my sound card + my VPN connection to the office no longer worked. I could live without sound or could reinstall my sound card but the VPN connection to the office is critical to my daily work.
I come home to visit my family for Christmas last night and use my old desktop. its working fine besides its a little slow. i figure its from my little sister downloading stuff. easily fixed problem. so i try to fix the problem by deleting things that were useless to her and i and were making the computer slow. i restart the computer and my windows xp theme has disappeared, there are no more network places or networks, for that matter, and i have no sound card now.
carried out a system recovery (xp home) now i have lost my sound.no audio device is detected. (on board sound card)i've checked the soundcard (AC'97) is set to 'auto' in the bios.have installed new up to date driver. have done system restore.
I have somehow misread your entire post. I thought you had a sound card installed. If it is the AC'97 codec here is the> download page for it. I believe it is the third one down:
> http://tinyurl.com/808g
> Hopefully you can try this first and everything will work out...Let us> know the results.
I recently downgraded my HP PAVILION DV6500 from vista to xp because I was having complications with connecting a dial up plus other downloading other softwares. Now that my system is with xp, I have lost sound and some other drivers. I have tried downloading several drivers but none seem to work. Right now I have a laptop without sound or even VGA.I need help.Please,if anyone can send me a software to get back my sound and other drivers I will be most grateful. I like my laptop and don't want to lose it.
I started another thread a couple of days ago but have progressed a bit since then so thought i would start a fresh one.I have recently formatted my hard drive and lost drivers for my soundcard. I have been onto my motherboard manufacturers website and downloaded the appropriate driver. This worked (or so i thought) the ?Media Controller in device manager disappeared and my soundcard appeared. Media player plays CDs now, as do all my other sound related programs. The problem is i still can't hear any sound!
no IE icon on desktop or in programs. i have internet access through verizon. i recently got windows update to install IE7 in the hope that would restore the icon/program but the only way i can access the internet is via the verizon browser. i clearly installed IE7 because now the "sidebar" of my verizon browser says that "sidebar i currently not compatible with IE7...". so why can't i get the IE7 icon in my program list or desktop?
My wallpaper has disappeared even though it appears under display properities-themes. Under the desktop tab my wallpaper is set correctly. When I try to change the theme from modified theme to windows classic the change is not accepted. My screensaver was the picture slideshow and is now windows xp moves across the screen as the screensaver. When I try to change it back the change is not accepted.
This all started because I am trying to back up my computer to an external hard drive and keep getting error message "windows delay write failed". I tried updating the hard disk driver but there wasn't any update. While searching for fixes for that problem, I came across Panda Software online virus checker. I used it and it deleted a few viruses. They were all old, some may have only been unopened email attachments and they were all from 2001 and 2002. Two days later, I was using logmein - remote access and while rebooting (not the first reboot) I got the blue screen. Here's the error message.
Driver_IRQL_not _less_or_equal stop:0x000000D1 (0x502F1F70, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0XF398B203) VSDATANT.SYS - address F398B203 base at F3966000, Datestamp 4313a6c6
So I looked up vsdatant.sys which is located in system32 directory, and I changed the name of the driver to vsdatant.old but then my zonealarm stopped working so I changed it back.
How do I get my display working properly? Any ideas on the "write failed" error message?
I have burned some photos onto a CD -R and have gone back into the cd drive but they are missing!! where have they gone. The photos were definitely burned on. I thought that once on a cd nothing could be lost.
I left in a hurry yesterday and forgot to close some programs (specifically, Outlook 2003) and run a full virus scan. When I checked the computer this morning it looks like Windows XP had reinstalled itself! The items listed below are all DIFFERENT than what I normally see on my computer. To wit:
1. My Desktop was totally rearranged; all the icons were placed on the left side of the screened and arranged in alphabetical order. 2. A pop-up window appeared that sayed something like Setting Preferences and proceeded to set preferences for such things as Outlook Express (which I never use), etc. 3. Control Panel was no longer in Classic View. 4. The Taskbar was rearranged and the Quick Launch bar had disappeared. 5. The Start panel showed only IE, Outlook, MSN, Windows Media Player, Windows Messenger, Tour Windows XP, Files and Transfer Wizard. This is usually what the Start panel looks like with a new Windows XP installation but is nothing like what my Start panel looked like the day before! 6. The Language Bar was showing. 7. All Folder views were showing as icons. I previously had all my Folder views set to display Details. 8. The Event Logs seemed to be missing. The System Log showed no log entries after 5/29/2008. The Security Log had ONE entry (Audit) dated 7/21/2006. The Application Log had no entries dated after 5/15/2008!
I did a full virus scan using PrevX and BitDefender. No malware showed up. Finally, I decided to do a System Restore back to a restore point taken on 4/28/2010 (two days ago). Everything now looks as it did BEFORE I got onto the computer this morning.
My computer wasn't working right, so I re-installed Windows XP with the CD-ROM that came with the computer.After I re-installed Windows XP, all my files and programs have been deleted, and everything went to the lowest performance(meaning stuck in the 640x480 resolution and the 16-bit color)I am unable to change the resolution even by doing what the trouble shoot tells me to do
After a while my sound will cut out and when I try to play things in Winamp or anything it will stay stuck @ 0:00The sounds will sputter for a second and then freeze. Also when the sound dies, sometimes programs will start to freeze up to the point I can't even kill them in tskmgr. System sounds don't play either.I've tried updating to the latest drivers. I tried an older version of the drivers too.