Reformatting The Hard Disk: Unable To Understand Procedure?

Nov 12, 2006

I was wondering if anyone can help with reformatting my hard drive. I am looking to reformat and install a clean xp. I have already transfered my files to an external drive. I was wondering if there is a;website if anyone has instructions how to re-format and clean install whats the difference when doing it from windows xp cd or a boot from windows 98?

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Reformatting The Hard Disk: Nothing Shown On Dissplay?

Dec 17, 2006

OK, so I made sure my BIOS was booting from CDROM and first priority, and then HDD. I put the Windows XP Pro CD in and the little windows pop-up screen came up and I exited that and shut down my computer.I turn my computer back on and I cannot get ANYTHING on my monitor.I have two slots on the back of my eVGA 6800 PCI-E card.

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Partitioning Primary Hard Disk Drive Without Reformatting?

Mar 25, 2006

Is there a way to partition the primary disk on a computer without reformatting?A computer that I inherited (HP Pavillion) has a 120Gb hard drive partitioned into two sections C drive 104Gb NTFS primary D drive 7Gb FAT32 recovery I would like to split the primary into two sections, if possible without reformatting

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Reformatting Hard Drive Msdos Boot Disk - Error NTLDR Missing

Jun 16, 2005

I recently tried to reinstall windows xp, but the installation was interrupted and left me with a partially installed windows on my hard drive. Now, whenever I try to install again, it gives me the error: NTLDR is missing. I made a msdos boot disc to reformat my drive such that I can try installing windows again. However, I have two hard drive (one for windows and programs and one for storage) and I don't know which one is which letter. How can I find this information, so that I don't accidentally wipe my storage drive?

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Unable To Understand Addones?

Nov 7, 2009

Firefox just updated and wants me to install the latest Adobe Flash Player, which I did a few days ago. This one gives instructions about different screens asking to allow some add-ons. I have no idea what they are. Do I need them or can I just keep using the updated Firefox like I've been doing?

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Unable To Understand ACW In Program Files?

Mar 22, 2007

I was wondering what this folder (ACW, in Program Files) is for as I've never seen it before and it suddenly showed up as I searched through my program files. Is it some sort of malicious software? I noticed there was nothing contained within the folder even with hidden files visible.

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Unable To Understand Console Cable?

Aug 1, 2005

I just enrol for the course, and I need to buy 3 kind of cables -- cross over, straight through and console cable.Can I ask what is console cable?

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Unable To Understand About Indexed As Per A File Created?

Dec 14, 2007

I know this question is ambiguous in nature given the subject matter.I know what the search feature does as it pertains for looking for files.However, in the " file properties "additional information can be added to the file:Title, Subject, Author, Category, Keywords and Comments.Does windows search look within these file properties based on what is the nature of the search words are?I'm just trying to create more detailed info about the files so that what when I do a search for a specific info much in the same manner as doing a search on the web.

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Unable To Understand The Default Settings For Registry Values?

Nov 11, 2009

What are the default settings for registry values?

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Unable To Understand The Purpose Of System Idle Process ?

Jun 26, 2006

I was looking in my task manager and I have 40 processes running. Out of those 40, the process with the highest use of CPU is the 'System Idle Process' which hovers around the 95-100 range. What is it, and do I need it running?

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Unable To Understand Genuine Advantage Notification Tool 1.5.526.0?

Apr 25, 2006

This mandatory critical update was released today(April 25, 2006) at the Windows Updates site.Users of illegal or pirated copies of Windows XP - Microsoft announced that on Tuesday it will make Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) more bothersome than ever. A new update for WGA is now on the Windows Update website as a mandatory update. Once installed, your copy of Windows will be checked for validity.

If your Windows installation is found not to be genuine, Windows will display a message telling you that “This copy of Windows is not genuine.” Windows will check and display messages on every boot as well as once an hour (or so). The new WGA tool also puts an icon in your system tray if your copy of Windows is not genuine.

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Unable To Understand Dual Boot Xp 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Nov 27, 2008

Basically the thread title explanes it all, I am building a new computer and wondering if i can have vista 64 bit and xp 32bit on the same HDD in a dual boot format.I am no computer noob, I am in training to be a network manager and deal with a server 2003 and open SUSE Linux dual boot system at school.

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Reformatting The Disk : At 100% Shows Disk Damaged Error?

Feb 18, 2007

how come when i reformat, if i do a full format NTFS i get an error at 100% saying the disk may be damaged..butu when i do a quick format, it works fine..?

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Installation Disk Keeps Reformatting Disk Not Installing Program

Jun 24, 2010

I am having to reinstall XP - the setup starts and then reformats the hard drive. After it has done that it won't start the program installation it just keeps looping and reformatting the hdd

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BIOS Update Procedure - Doesn't Recognize Hard Drives

Dec 5, 2006

I have an old T1090 eMachine that doesn't recognize the new larger hard drives. I purchased a 200 GB PATA (IDE) drive and it shows up as a 75 GB drive using GParted and under Windows Disk Management. I expected that it would only be recognized as 137 GB, but I can't explain why it only sees 75 GB. I suspect that the BIOS needs to be updated, but I've never done this before so I was looking for a procedure and ideas for trying to find the latest BIOS online.

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Unable To Enable The Remote Procedure Call Service?

May 25, 2010

I'm running the WinXP Pro ver. 2002 OS in a home built desk top machine. Problem is with the Remote Procedure Call (RPC).I have mistakenly disabled this Service from Profiles and when the computer rebooted it opened up into "Safe Mode" and is locked. Can't get it out of safe mode.I tried to undo my mistake and cannot enable this service. Messages say I can't open Properties boxes from any of the Services listed in the My Computer/Manage/Computer Management /Services & Apps/Services... window.

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Unable To Defragment Hard Disk After Re-partitioning?

Aug 27, 2005

If I partition my hard drive and want to append a partion to the windows xp partition can this be done.Also If I am having problemsdefraging a partition (it say's something about a retore file on it) but this partition does not have an operation system. I just use it to keep web sites I develop on it. How can I defrag it.

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Unable To Get System Boot After Changing The Hard Disk?

Nov 9, 2006

I have been using a Compaq Deskpro with Windows XP SP2. And then I sold that computer and bought a Compaq Evo. I then inserted the same harddrive but it is failing to boot. When I insert the installation disc it says "Press any key to boot from CD". Pressing keys does not activate anything and it stays on the same screen. I then created 6 set up disks and they all work perfectly loading drivers etc. The problem starts when I reach the stage where it says "insert Win XP SP2 installation disc and press any key when ready". Pressing the keyboard keys produces no response

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Unable To Perform System Restore On External Hard Disk?

Sep 21, 2008

I have an external hard drive that I have assigned it a permanent hard drive letter reference through Disk Management. I have set the System Restore tab in My Computer Properties tab to not moniter this external hard drive K. Problem is that every now and then when I plug in every now and then for backing up my files via Briefcase - this will activate the System Restore function on that hard drive. This usually happens when I have the hard drive plugged in when I either turn off or turn on my computer. I stopped having the hard drive plugged in to hopefully stop the stop the System Restore on that hard drive (and then re-checked the System Restore tab)

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Lost 20GB Space Of Hard Disk / Unable To Recover?

Sep 26, 2007

i was infested with spyware so i decided to use a programe called clean wipe which it said wiped everything off your computer after wipeing i reinstalled windows xp sp2 but it would only let me partition 20gb but before the wipe i had 40gb so ive lost 20gb somewhere.

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Reformatting My Hard Drive

Jul 4, 2005

take me through reformatting my hardrive

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Reformatting Hard Drive

Oct 17, 2009

I have decided to reformat my hard drive. I've transferred my files to my backup disk. I need very specific instruction on this process. I could use details regarding process itself and any precautions or hints. I am running Windows XP Professional X64.

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Need Help Reformatting Hard Drive

Jan 18, 2005

I have a gateway amd athlon 1.10 Ghz running microsoft windows server 2003 datacenter edition. The os was installed by my former roommate, without my permission, and I believe it may not be a legal copy. I've been trying to reformat the hard drive and install a copy of Windows XP Professional, which is legal, but it tells me wrong dos version whenever I try to do this. My former roommate also partitioned the drive, also without my permission. I would like to remove the partition as well, but don't really know how.

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Hard Drive Reformatting

Sep 16, 2005

basically something happened to my computer so i want to reinstall windows xp again. usually it starts up and then when it should normally go to the login screen, it shows a blank black screen. so i tried to boot it from the windows xp cd, and yeah it says 'press any key to boot from cd', or something like that. so i do it and i know after it boots from the cd i can choose to reformat the hard drive...but it freezes every time i press the key to make it reboot from the cd. i haven't seen any online tutorials that go over this..

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Reformatting Hard Drive

Jan 6, 2005

Ok, I am just about to get up enough enough nerve to reformat my hard drive and have a couple of questions (for now).After reformtting and before beginning the install of XP Pro, do I need to disconnect periphials (printer, scanner, etc)?Do I stay connected to the internet via cable modem and router or should those be disconnected?I have 2 computers networked. Will resetablishing the network happen automatically or will windows walk me through it, or

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Reformatting An Acer Laptop Without The Disk!!

Jan 10, 2009

I have a friend who has a slow Acer laptop. I told him I would be happy to reformat his hard drive and reinstall everything back to it. However I told him if you don't have the XP cd then forget it. lol. Now let's say he can't find the XP cd.
What are my other options if I wanna reformat his hard drive?

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Need Guidance In Reformatting Hard Drive

Jan 20, 2005

I have terrible errors in my system. I run Windows XP. It is to the point that my internet is very very slow as are my programs I run. I have tried everything suggested. Microsoft now suggested that I do a full reformat, reinstall & clean of my hard drive. (Start all over from scratch).Can someone lead me into the right direction that explains step by step how I do this? I have backups of most all my programs and everything I think I will need.

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Uninstalling Reformatting Hard Drive

Jun 13, 2006

we've got a bit of a problem. Our computer came with Windows XP Home Edition already installed by Dell. Just recently my internet stopped working, and my mom changed the administrator password and made the main account non-administrator. Problem? SHE FORGOT THE PASSWORD!So, now, we can't install/uninstall anything and we need to know how to completely reformat our hard disk and uninstall windows so that we can start over fresh. We plan to reinstall Windows with a complete Windows XP Home Edition CD that we purchased separately. We also have another CD that came with the computer, but we're not sure if it is a complete Windows XP Home Edition installation CD. *NOTE* My mom is working with me on this, and she's more computer savvy than me. She's going to be the one reading the instructions. I just type faster

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Reformatting Hard Drive Without Startup CD?

Dec 7, 2006

I tried to do a search but I keep getting a blank screen for some reason.I need to reformat my hard drive but the original recovery CD I got from Toshiba is long gone. I don't really have time to wait for another to come in the mail, as I have work to finish within the next day or so. Is there a way to download the necessary drivers and whatnot from Microsoft and burn my own recovery CD to use while reformatting?

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Question About Reformatting And Hard Drive

Dec 28, 2007

ok I was thinking about reformatting. If I just took out my old hard drive and put a new one in, then I could just install a fresh version of windows? Also how would I do like 1 part of it for the os, the other part for my files. This wasy i can just reformat the windows part when i wanna do it again.

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Reformatting My Partitioned Hard Drive

Jun 5, 2008

I tried to format my hard drive by right clicking the c: drive then clicking format. At the end, it says "Windows cannot format this drive. Quit any disk utilities or other programs that are using this drive, and make sure that no windows is displaying contents of the drive. Then try formatting again.". This happens all the time.

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