Unable To Understand Addones?

Nov 7, 2009

Firefox just updated and wants me to install the latest Adobe Flash Player, which I did a few days ago. This one gives instructions about different screens asking to allow some add-ons. I have no idea what they are. Do I need them or can I just keep using the updated Firefox like I've been doing?

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Unable To Understand ACW In Program Files?

Mar 22, 2007

I was wondering what this folder (ACW, in Program Files) is for as I've never seen it before and it suddenly showed up as I searched through my program files. Is it some sort of malicious software? I noticed there was nothing contained within the folder even with hidden files visible.

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Unable To Understand Console Cable?

Aug 1, 2005

I just enrol for the course, and I need to buy 3 kind of cables -- cross over, straight through and console cable.Can I ask what is console cable?

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Unable To Understand About Indexed As Per A File Created?

Dec 14, 2007

I know this question is ambiguous in nature given the subject matter.I know what the search feature does as it pertains for looking for files.However, in the " file properties "additional information can be added to the file:Title, Subject, Author, Category, Keywords and Comments.Does windows search look within these file properties based on what is the nature of the search words are?I'm just trying to create more detailed info about the files so that what when I do a search for a specific info much in the same manner as doing a search on the web.

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Unable To Understand The Default Settings For Registry Values?

Nov 11, 2009

What are the default settings for registry values?

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Unable To Understand The Purpose Of System Idle Process ?

Jun 26, 2006

I was looking in my task manager and I have 40 processes running. Out of those 40, the process with the highest use of CPU is the 'System Idle Process' which hovers around the 95-100 range. What is it, and do I need it running?

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Unable To Understand Genuine Advantage Notification Tool 1.5.526.0?

Apr 25, 2006

This mandatory critical update was released today(April 25, 2006) at the Windows Updates site.Users of illegal or pirated copies of Windows XP - Microsoft announced that on Tuesday it will make Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) more bothersome than ever. A new update for WGA is now on the Windows Update website as a mandatory update. Once installed, your copy of Windows will be checked for validity.

If your Windows installation is found not to be genuine, Windows will display a message telling you that “This copy of Windows is not genuine.” Windows will check and display messages on every boot as well as once an hour (or so). The new WGA tool also puts an icon in your system tray if your copy of Windows is not genuine.

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Reformatting The Hard Disk: Unable To Understand Procedure?

Nov 12, 2006

I was wondering if anyone can help with reformatting my hard drive. I am looking to reformat and install a clean xp. I have already transfered my files to an external drive. I was wondering if there is a;website if anyone has instructions how to re-format and clean install whats the difference when doing it from windows xp cd or a boot from windows 98?

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Unable To Understand Dual Boot Xp 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Nov 27, 2008

Basically the thread title explanes it all, I am building a new computer and wondering if i can have vista 64 bit and xp 32bit on the same HDD in a dual boot format.I am no computer noob, I am in training to be a network manager and deal with a server 2003 and open SUSE Linux dual boot system at school.

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Partitioning Commander - Don't Understand All The Ins

Mar 23, 2006

Is this something I should try through Fdisc or should I buy Partition Commander? I am learning a lot but don't understand all the ins and outs of the articles I have read concerning partitioning, yet.

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Unable To Register For Many Programs / Unable To Retrieve Album Info

Jan 2, 2005

I'm sure I am overlooking something obvious, but numerous recent problems with my system seem to be (hopefully) tied to the same source.I just don't know what it is.I am running windows XP home, service pack one (I have recently reverted back from SP2 thinking it may be the cause of the problems)
1) Any and all telnet type programs refusing to connect to any host (telnet, zmud, gmud, etc) In the case of zmud I can observe that my computer is in no way interfacing with another machine. telnet error is 'unable to contact host machine'
2) Windows media player (version 10) is unable to retrieve album info. Instead I immediately get a standard IE 'page cannot be displayed' screen.
3) Unable to register for many programs such as Gracenote. In the case of gracenote I recieve a 'socket open failed' error message.I am not currently running any firewall.
I only hae a 56k internet connection, so the instantaneous negative connection responses many of my programs display make it fairly obvious that this is a problem with my machine. I hope it is some silly xp setting I need to change.

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Unable To Change Audio On Computer: Unable To Raise Volume?

Aug 4, 2009

I cannot change the audio on my computer. It's at mute and I cannot raise the volume.I checked my Device Manager and under Sounds,and video game controllers
Nothing has an exclamation mark.But under 'Other Devices', my PCI Device, SM Bus COntroller and Video Controller all have exclamation marks.What do I do to fix my problem

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Unable To Reinstall Operating System / Unable To Repair Old Copy?

Jun 10, 2005

I have a friend who has a pentium 2 350 which is currently running on Windows 98SE...yikes!My friend has been complaining that their computer has been running slow and that pop ups are appearing everywhere. I told them that it sounds like their computer has been hijacked and that I would recommend that they format their computer and start from fresh.I want to format their computer and install a newer windows OS (perhaps windows xp) and install a couple of spyware/antivirus programs.

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Unable To Access Internet Explorer: Unable To Download .net 2.0 Through 3.5?

Aug 6, 2010

OS is Windows XP. The computer is 6 years old & have never had problems. Recently I'm unable to access internet Explorer. The white page appears and the "connecting" message...and there it stays. Also, I'm unable to download .net versions 2.0 through 3.5, which appears to prevent me from downloading other programs. One tech tried to assist me remotely & ultimately suggested

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Unable To Hibernate / Power Policy Manager Unable

Dec 29, 2004

I am unable to enable the hibernate fetaure!Every time I try so, thorugh the Powermanagment Control Panle, Windows returns the following Messag:"Power Policy Manager unable to reserve hibernate. "The Process cannont access the file because it is being used by another process.It is a Windows XP Professional installed on an IBM ThinkPad G40 Notebook.

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Unable To Log On - Immediate Log Off

May 20, 2006

I have been trying to clear my friends severely infected pc from numerous viruses.I managed to remove many but whilst following certain instructions I may have removed a registry key (or the virus removed it for me) but unfortunately system restore is not enabled.When I attempt to log on the pc immediately logs me off again.I have tried in safe mode and last known that worked but as system restore is off neither proved fruitful.I have used the installed recovery console to try the following -I have read web pages about replacing the wsaupdater file with the userinit file but this did not work.I have attempted to copy files from the repair section of windows but these where not found for some reason.

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STill Unable To Fax Out With XP

Oct 12, 2007

I use a motorola SB5100 cable modem And computer came with connexant 56K DATA/FAx modem.I have Windows XP, I conect to the internet thru cable modem, Normally I just run a phone line from my computer to my land line and fax ward documents with out any problems. Usually the fax console/moniter pops up to show the progress of my faxes being sent . Not only do my faxws not go out but the console/moniter does not pop up either. When I go to fax console and then outbox my fax attempts are there with red circle with x in it .

Upon opening properties of a outbox fax the extended status reads "fatal Error" , along with JOB ID: 0x0201080a30b2a429, Broadcast ID:0x2001080a30b2a1b8. Not that this means anything but I figure I 'll give as much information as possible.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling. I have checked to make sure all dependencies are started in services also. I ran diagnosis on modem and copied the log from conexant modems dagnoisis tab. I went to Device manager , right clicked 56k data/fax modem to properties, then went to driver details tab and copied driver files

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Unable To Log On

Jul 5, 2004

I ran Spybot S&D and deleted a few items from the Run directory in the registry, and now I can't logon.I'm running WinXP Home, and when the computer starts I get the main menu with the user names. If I click on any name, including the Administrator, I get the 'loading your preferences' message, but then it immediately shows the 'saving your settings' message and the user is logged off. I can't even get on to try to fix the problem.

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Unable To Use CMD?

Jul 11, 2005

I don’t know what is happened exactly but I'm always using CMD prompt to do some of my works like run telnet command from any directory But now I should go to system directory where telnet file located then I can run it from there And when I try to run it from another directory I receive the following message
telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.and this is not just on telnet program I receive the same message for every file I try to run it from another location.

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Unable To Run MSCONFIG

Jun 23, 2007

I used to be able to run MSCONFIG and now I can't. I've tried the Start/Run thing several times. I've downloaded an XP version, and copied it to the WindowsSystem folder and tried it from there too, but I can't even get that to run.

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Unable To Install SP2

Mar 19, 2006

I am unable to install SP2.When installing from the web site receive an error message stating failure to install; system is unstable.When installing using the Wizard error message says access denied. I am using XP home edition.

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Unable To Add A New Partition

Aug 24, 2005

I have loaded the CD and have gone through the instructions just like others have suggested, however, the process will not allow me to delete the partition because it says it, "contains temp files that are required to complete installation". This is not allowing me to remove the partition, so I can reload XP and start from scratch. The partition obligates my whole hard drive, so I am unable to add a new partition. Additionally, I tried to format C: using the repair menu and DOS prompt without success

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Unable To Set Compatibility

Mar 28, 2006

I'm currently running WinXP Pro (Build 2600) -- upgraded from Win 2000, and am unable to select different compatibility modes for programmes. It used to be that I could set it by right-clicking on the .exe of the programme I wanted to run under a different Win OS (Win 9x, NT etc.) and just click on the 'Compatibility' tab. That tab is no longer there.I also tried running the Compatibility Wizard (Start>All Programs>Accessories), but when that loads the buttons that should say 'Back', 'Next' and 'Exit' have no text on them. If I click the button that should say 'Exit' then the Wizard closes. However, clicking on either of the other two buttons does nothing so I am unable to go through the wizard.It's been several months since this happened, but I never really thought about it until recently because it wasn't until now that I wanted to put an old game on my system; but make no mistake, it's not just the game that won't do it, I can't set the compatibility for any program I have installed, or would want to install. System Restore doesn't go back far enough to try that, so I'm not sure what else to do. Possibly unrelated: At one point, I somehow managed to disable Task Manager; even manually replacing the file for it in the Windows directory didn't bring it back, although it did eventually return seemingly of its own accord. That may have been around the same time that I lost the compatibility ability, but I can't say for certain.

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Unable To Register

Jul 4, 2010

so i just installed windows XP after getting a new hard drive and mother board. It wont let me register it. When i boot up and go to my desktop a few seconds later it say you have 30 days to activate windows. so i click on it and it asks if i want to register windows over the internet, so i click next, then it asks if i want to register with microsoft or something like that so i clink no. then it says "checking for connectivity" and then it says "you were unable to connect to the server" or something like that "Please make sure you are able to connect to the internet". Im able to use fire fox and google crome.

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Unable To Log On / Get To Desktop

Nov 3, 2008

I'm running Win XP Pro and am unable to log on/get to the desktop. When I start the computer the black screen with the white writing comes up, then takes me to the desktop with nothing on it. No icons/tool bar, etc. Then, the welcome screen comes up.I click on my log-on name which then immediately says logging off. It doesn't log off, just sits there. I don't see a safe mode mentioned in the start up screen but I'm sure it must be there. Can anyone help me get to the desk top?

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Unable To Log On Computer

Jul 16, 2005

I am unable to log on to my other computer Usually when I turn the computer on, you don't need to log on to a username because there is only one. On the start-up screen, however, it said "Owner" (no password). When I click on it, it says "Loading personal settings" underneath "Owner"... then it pauses. An blank error message comes up (with only the 'Yes' or 'No' option). You cannot exit the error box.Whichever you pick (Yes or no), it continues to log on. It shows the wallpaper background then logs back off before it could load anything else.It returns to the log-on screen. I could click "Owner"... but it would just do the same thing all over again.Also: I've recently formatted my computer about a month ago. Everything was just fine. I've installed ZoneAlarm and something called AVG or something.Has this ever happened before?

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Unable To Log Into One Site Only

Apr 25, 2008

i can't log into one site on either explorer or firefox. i'm using windows xp sp 2 ca antivirus. but if i use another computer it works fine

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Unable To Log Into My Computer

Nov 14, 2008

I'm unable to log into my computer (not the one I am using right now). As soon as I type in my password, the computer just freezes and does nothing. I tried going into safe mode but the same thing happens. Is it perhaps a virus? I don't have the windows CD for that computer as it used to belong to my brother who had it for school and it has the school's copy of windows installed. Is there anything I can do or will I just have to buy another copy of windows?

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Unable To Log In On Desktop

Oct 8, 2009

This is one for the administrators. I have been trying to log in on the desktop but I am constantly being told that my e-mail adress is not recognised my log in name is not rcognised dispite the fact that I have 1,222 posts. I am posting this from my laptop can someone help me reslve this problem.

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Unable To Log In With My Profile

Aug 21, 2006

I wonder if someone can help me with this issue. I am using an HP laptop that operates Windows XP. The problem is that when I log into the system, it shows a message that indicates a corrupted registry files in the user profile, then windows logs into another created user profile as the following: username.computer's name, rather than having the user name only. I still can view my folders and My Documents, but I cannot access my previous user profile. The starting page that Windows loads when I log in is that same page that was when I first purchased the laptop. I also tried to change my password but this didn't work. The problem seems to be in the registry files. Can anyone lead me to the solution?

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Unable To Run Exe Files

Jun 11, 2008

I'm currently working on a friends laptop thats running Windows XP Pro with SP2. This thing is definitely infected and I'm trying to run hijackthis and other programs to clean it. Anytime I attempt to run a program (exe file), the system runs a spools.exe instead of the actually program I double clicked on. This file then sits in task manager at 100% cpu. I located the file and deleted it but now when I run an exe the system asks me which program to use to run it?!I'm assuming a virus changed something in the registry related to this however I can't even run regedit.

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