Unable To Log Into My Computer

Nov 14, 2008

I'm unable to log into my computer (not the one I am using right now). As soon as I type in my password, the computer just freezes and does nothing. I tried going into safe mode but the same thing happens. Is it perhaps a virus? I don't have the windows CD for that computer as it used to belong to my brother who had it for school and it has the school's copy of windows installed. Is there anything I can do or will I just have to buy another copy of windows?

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Unable To Change Audio On Computer: Unable To Raise Volume?

Aug 4, 2009

I cannot change the audio on my computer. It's at mute and I cannot raise the volume.I checked my Device Manager and under Sounds,and video game controllers
Nothing has an exclamation mark.But under 'Other Devices', my PCI Device, SM Bus COntroller and Video Controller all have exclamation marks.What do I do to fix my problem

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Unable To Log On Computer

Jul 16, 2005

I am unable to log on to my other computer Usually when I turn the computer on, you don't need to log on to a username because there is only one. On the start-up screen, however, it said "Owner" (no password). When I click on it, it says "Loading personal settings" underneath "Owner"... then it pauses. An blank error message comes up (with only the 'Yes' or 'No' option). You cannot exit the error box.Whichever you pick (Yes or no), it continues to log on. It shows the wallpaper background then logs back off before it could load anything else.It returns to the log-on screen. I could click "Owner"... but it would just do the same thing all over again.Also: I've recently formatted my computer about a month ago. Everything was just fine. I've installed ZoneAlarm and something called AVG or something.Has this ever happened before?

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Unable To Log On Computer

Dec 30, 2006

This is what I did and now I can not undo it.In control userpasswords2 from command prompt, I unchecked the "User must enter a user name and password to use this computer" Thinking that unchecking this would disable the log on screen at start up. HA!! Was I wrong. Can not log in this pc anymore, not in safe mode, not with xp disc to try a repair. Completely locked out. Can not get command prompts. ZIP ZILCH NADDA. OOPSY.The only thing I can get to is the BIOS utility, that is it. No one placed an "administrator's" password on this thing, which baffles me. Is there a default password by chance?

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Unable To Shut Down Computer?

Jan 31, 2007

i was wondering if you could help me with a problem. My computer won't shut down. The only way i can actually turn it off is by the button or *the plug*. I think i'm damaging it, and i recently had it upgraded. here are my specs:
Windows XP Home service pack 2
Pentium 4, 3.00 GHz
1.00 GB of ram
250GB hard drive and 80GB C drive
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro 256 MB (VGA graphics card)

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2nd Thought Removal: Unable To Run Computer Normally ?

Dec 4, 2004

My son has a bad case of "2nd thought" which is making it almost impossible to run his computer. Any suggestions on a simple way of getting rid of this ?? Found one procedure which requires removing gangs of files which would take forever.

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Unable To Make Computer To Run Fast?

Oct 2, 2005

i need some ideas on how to make my comp faster! its super slow and i have tried abunch a differnt things!

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Unable To Install On Brand New Computer

Sep 6, 2005

I just really have no clue on how to install windows XP, I set first drive to boot in the bios as the CDROM and put in the windows XP disk, it goes to a blue screen with white text on the bottom saying it's loading stuff.. Then it says "Loading Windows XP" for about 10 seconds, then I get a 2 tone alarm (2 beeps each, like "beep boop beep boop" and the computer shuts down. I don't think it's a heat issue as I can let the computer run all day in dos and it won't shut down, but once it gets to Loading windows Xp it goes downhill.

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Unable To Connect To Internet From Computer

Oct 24, 2008

I am unable to connect to the internet from a computer that is directly connected to a 2Wire wireless router with a ethernet cable, the serial number to it is 2701HG-B. side note i am able to connect wirelessly with a laptop and even with a xbox 360 with an ethernet cable. i called support and they said that the problem is because of a software app but it is not the anti virus or the firewall i have installed.

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Unable To See CD-drive Icon In Computer?

Jul 16, 2005

My Windows XP could not find the CD drive icon in the My computer or in the file explorer.I checked with the Device Manager and found the CD drive is working
normally. I've tried to uninstall and re-scan for new device. The system could find it w/o any difficulty. However, the icon still couldn't be found.

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Unable To Hear Sounds On Computer

Dec 25, 2008

i normally run on a linspire pre-loaded machine, but due to the heatsink on its way out have been using my secondary backup windows machine: http://littlurl.com/aw9rw there has been no issue for a while, however about 2 weeks going into 3 now.i've not been able to hear any sounds out of my speakers (Internet, cnn news, etc.)except if i used windows media player, cd's and any internal/preloaded sounds worked fine, as well as any 'testing'no yellow ! or errors were seen, or are seen currently.i began to muck about in the system files,the ultimate troubleshooter is an awesome program.and ended up tossing the system restore disks in.which seemed to just place another load of the os onto the hd.as a simple glance into the file system shows an owner and fred flintstone -(previous admin i was working under) besides the 'new' addition of mine.is it possible to have overlapping or multiple layers of an os on the same hd like this?i have sound only through wmp still.have downloaded and burned a copy of gparted to facilitate a clean sweep of the hd if needed to do a fresh/clean install.

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Unable To Open C And D Drive From My Computer

May 23, 2007

i ran the AVG anti virus and it put some files in its vault.now i am unable to open my C: and D: drive from My Computer folder.It says it caant find copy.exe file..also some other files seem to be missing.. like host.exe svchost.exe ...I tried to restore these files from AVG VAULT but it does not seem to work... I am only being able to open C and D drive with the right click-> open option.

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Unable To Play Games On Computer ?

Oct 11, 2005

I was given some info to try which I tried to no avail and then someone told me to do a Hijackthis scan Could someone please at least check out this log and see if the problem lays there as I cannot play any games etc as they are totally unplayable even if they are really old or I turn all the specs as low as possible.

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Computer Keeps On Shutting Down: Unable To Repair OS?

Oct 23, 2008

I'm running Windows XP SP3. For the last 4 days the computer kept randomly shutting down for no apparent reason, often times when I was in the middle of typing documents (causing me to lose everything I wrote!). I used my Windows installation disc to try and repair Windows. But it kept shutting down in the middle of the repair. Figuring the file system might be messed up, I reformatted the harddrive and then tried doing a reinstallion of Windows. Again, this damn thing keeps shutting down in the middle of my re-installation!

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Can't Connect To The Net - Hjt Computer Unable To Conect Firefox

Mar 22, 2005

currently unable to connect to the net via Forefox browser. From a read only CD, I have cleaned out several trojans, diallers and assorted rubbish, using Spybot, Adaware, and AVGfree. I have also installed Spyware Blaster. Connection remains unavailable. The installed Norton identifies C:windows erocheck.exe as a backdoor trojan but is unable to remove it and cannot then progress beyond the alert window so much for Norton.

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Stand By - Unable To Turn Computer Back On

Aug 14, 2009

I have a Gateway computer with Windows XP. I believe my computer keeps going into stand by mode. The power button is orange instead of green. When this happens I am not able to turn my computer back on. I have to unplug everything. When I plug it back in, the light is usually still orange but I just keep hitting the on and off button until it finally turns green and the computer will start up. I will now shut my computer down at night but when I get up in the morning the light on the computer is orange again.

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Computer Speed Is Extremely Slow: Unable To Fix Log?

Jun 8, 2005

My computer has been running slow lately, i have looked at my hijack log, and let me know if there's anything there that should not be.

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Computer Unable To Boot Past Loading Bar?

May 2, 2005

My friend has a XP Home OS. When he fires up his computer, that sucker wont boot past the little loading bar. It just stays there indefinently. I had him boot off the 6 XP boot discs and run "FIXBOOT" to re-write the boot sector, still nothing. We booted up off the XP-CD and ran the setup so we could run the repair (R), files loaded and the computer restarted. Still nothing happened.The files that remain on his computer are so fragile that doing a fresh install of his OS would be a disaster. Any thoughts as to restoring the computer?

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Unable To Access Computer Beause Of An IO Error?

Sep 20, 2008

(My Computer) I: is not accessible--The request could not be performed because of an IO error.This occurred with a NEW Iomega HDD desktop 250GB USB 2.0 external hard drive. I am using Windows XP on a Sony Desk top.I was in the process of formatting the drive from FAT32 to NTFS when the formatt was about 98% complete and it advised it could not complete.I reconected it to my Lap-Top and the it completed the formatting and showed OK on MY Computer Disk management this was on my lap top. I reconnected to my desktop. new drive Orginally showed as (H). When it was reconnected It was and has been very slow in loading on MY Computer. It now shows as Drive (I) When I clicked on (I) the above error message came on after a prolonged period of time.

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Unable To Power Off The Computer / Getting Black Screen?

Sep 27, 2006

After a hard disk crash I replaced the disk and did a clean install of Windows XP. Now when I do a Shut DOwn, the operating system will shut down and I get a black screen but the actual machine will no longer power off.I have not changed anything in the bios but cannot find out what the problem is. Can anyone help?

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System Restore Is Unable To Protect Computer

Mar 29, 2007

I clicked on system restore and got the message " system restore is unable to protect your computer . Please restart and try again" I rebooted several times and got the same message .I then accessed system restore with view of switching it off and on again.i checked the on / off box then clicked on apply changes and got the following message"System restore encountered a problem trying to enable/disable one or more drives. Please restart your machine and try again later"I then thought that if i slide the disc space bar down to zero it may clear out system restore but i got the same message as when i tried turning it off .i went into safe mode and searched for the wininit.ini file with the view of renaming it but this isn't the problem.

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Computer Running Awfully Slow: Unable To Speed Up?

Apr 20, 2006

I am having difficulties with the speed of my computer. It is running really, really slow. I can't even go online at times because of the slow speed.

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Computer Is Running Really Slow: Unable To Run Any Program?

Aug 18, 2006

I am currently working on another computer. This computer seems to be running very slow.

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After Registry Cleaner Computer Unable To Print

Apr 24, 2005

After running a registry cleaner service. I have been unable to print. I get need to add printer. When I try to reinstall printer. I get print spooler service is not running. I first tried restarting printer spooler and I get error 1068 the dependency service or group failed to start. I tried the following that was suggested by a friend.

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Unable To Get To Desktop To Reformat Computer After Virus

Feb 20, 2009

My computer has been messing up alot lately and i've ignored it because I was getting a new computer and at the worse, I could get someone at any point to look at it at their leasure to fix it up.But that was suppose to be 2 months ago and my computer does not let me get to a safemode/command prompt or the desktop to let me use start/run and the such. I put in the CD and i get a hal.dll error that its missing or corrupt and so far, each way that I can fix that requires me to go to desktop and do so. I want to reformat my computer so that it will run at the very least until I get a new computer. Also, when I say 'unable to get to desktop' i mean it shows just the wallpaper and doesn't let me even go to task manager.Does anyone have any solutions? I need a computer for school so that when i want to work late nights on a project or something, i can instead of getting off my parents' at 9pm and being screwed.

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Computer Having 1000 Errors / Unable To Remove ?

Oct 3, 2005

my computer got alot of errors, when i play warcraft3 tft in the loading screen sometime it will jam and i have to restart. and alot other problem have in my computer. ya i download a software call Free Registry Fix 3.0 from www.download.com, and i scan for error i have over 1000 errors in my computer. And since i can only fix 50 error coz that software not totally free. so what must i do, can u guyz give me some free web that can dl software that can remove error, or tell me the way to fix them.

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Reformatted The Computer: Unable To Access Certain Websites?

Sep 9, 2007

I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.

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Computer Running Slow: Unable To Speed It Up?

Oct 27, 2009

I have tried just about every thing to speed my computer up. I have ATT High speed ,but it acts like dial-up . I have talk to att and they said every thing is work fine but i know its now it freezes up have of the time or it crashes .I have spend 200.00 dollars to have it debug. I need help

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Computer Getting Very Slow Startup / Unable To Speed Up?

Nov 23, 2006

My computer startup very slowly and please look at my list and see what is needed to improve the performance.

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Unable To Perform System Restore On An HP Computer?

Mar 27, 2010

I've had my HP computer for quite some time (5 years at least), still runs great and all. But here recently my harddrive crashed when trying to do something (still using that harddrive), when I tried to use the system restore feature from HP,it wouldn't let me, so I had to get a WindowsXP disc from someone. Using their copy of windows won't let me update windows or anything, so I decided I would just system restore using HP's system restore. (Format and reinstall my windows), but when I hit the F10 at bootup, it does nothing

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Unable To Load My Computer Into Safe Mode

Jul 11, 2007

i am unable to load my computer into safe mode,it hangs when it is loading agp440.sys.im running Windows XP SP2.

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