Unable To Access Computer Beause Of An IO Error?

Sep 20, 2008

(My Computer) I: is not accessible--The request could not be performed because of an IO error.This occurred with a NEW Iomega HDD desktop 250GB USB 2.0 external hard drive. I am using Windows XP on a Sony Desk top.I was in the process of formatting the drive from FAT32 to NTFS when the formatt was about 98% complete and it advised it could not complete.I reconected it to my Lap-Top and the it completed the formatting and showed OK on MY Computer Disk management this was on my lap top. I reconnected to my desktop. new drive Orginally showed as (H). When it was reconnected It was and has been very slow in loading on MY Computer. It now shows as Drive (I) When I clicked on (I) the above error message came on after a prolonged period of time.

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Unable To Install SP2: Comes Up With Access Denied Error?

Jan 7, 2006

I have managed to repair the OS (XP Home) but am still experiencing one or two problems. The main one at the moment is that though it has downloaded and successfully installed 33 MS Critical Updates it is not able to install Service Pack 2. It gets about half way through installing SP2 and then brings up an "Access Denied" Error.

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Reformatted The Computer: Unable To Access Certain Websites?

Sep 9, 2007

I just recently reformatted my computer.Now for some reason certain sites are inaccessible to my computer... big sites like yahoo, facebook, and other random sites. But at the same time i can access many websites such as this. When trying to connect to these other websites i get a message such as "The connection was reset" I am plugged into the wall with an Ethernet so there is no router involved. The only firewall i have running is windows firewall.

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Blue Screen Error / Cannot Access My Computer

Sep 15, 2009

my windows xp pro continually boots up with a blue screen which shows the following ***stop:0x00000024 (0x001901fd , 0x81f37828 0xc0000032 , 0x00000000) i have tried rebooting in all the methods offered by windows , using the f8 key to no avail i cannot access my computer and i am at my wits end , could someone please offer me a solution to this problem , i have rebooted using f2 to enter the bios but nothing seems wrong here.

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System Error When Access Any Computer In Network

Dec 20, 2005

I have 3 Windows 2000 computers in a network.When I try and access another computer in my network I get this Windows error:(Name of Computer) is not accessible Not enough server storage is available to process this command.All computers in the network have 1GB or more in memory and even after removing all firewalls I get this error.Sometimes after re-starting each computer several times I can connect... but most of the time this error occurs.I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea how to solve this problem.

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Error On Boot Up Computer - Unable To Load BXXS5.dll

Jan 14, 2005

I keep getting an error when I start up my computer. It say:( Unable to load BXXS5.dll )I have use the Hi jackthis 1.98.2 and below is the log files It came up with.Which file do I remove and which file so I keep .Can someone help me and tell me all the unsafe or unnecessary files I should remove.

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Unable To Access To Desktop / Changing Password To Get Access?

Jul 29, 2009

I brought her computer home to use for my school work. Someone signed into the Administrative / Owner name and somehow locked it. We don't have one of those password reset disk that the Windows website says. I have a disk that says "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition System Recovery CD/DVD" I was told if I reinstalled Windows on the computer that it would erase the entire harddrive. There are alot of pictures on the computer, not to mention Microsoft Office, that I don't want to lose. My mom passed away suddenly and while I know her other passwords, this one is different which leads me to believe one of my younger cousins was messing with her computer and did something they didn't mean.Is there anyway possible to reset the password and use the computer without losing all the pictures on it?

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Ran Recovery - Unable To Access Access Documents?

May 20, 2007

I ran a windows recovery on my HardDrive yesterday - I selected NOT to delete any of my files.Now Ive set windows all up again, and I cannot access my documents. Firstly when i right click on the my documents folder it says 'empty', but when i try to double click it it gives me a 'cant access' error.My hard disk is showing on 1.8 Gb remaining, so my documents are still there somewhere, i just dont know how to access them?

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Unable To Access Http, But Can Access Https?

Jan 23, 2010

I am unable to access http site, but able to access https site.

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Unable To Access Internet Explorer: Unable To Download .net 2.0 Through 3.5?

Aug 6, 2010

OS is Windows XP. The computer is 6 years old & have never had problems. Recently I'm unable to access internet Explorer. The white page appears and the "connecting" message...and there it stays. Also, I'm unable to download .net versions 2.0 through 3.5, which appears to prevent me from downloading other programs. One tech tried to assist me remotely & ultimately suggested

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Need To Access Things On Each Others Computer By Remote Access

Jun 12, 2005

I have 2 users that need to access things on each others computer from 87 miles away. Both computers are behind routers and both are running windows xp pro. They need to use their computers at the same time.

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Unable To Access My Files

Jul 25, 2005

I had recently had to reinstall Windows XP. However, after I reinstalled, I could not access or use any of the old software or files that were still on the computer such as microsoft office. When I try to open and use the software, it takes me into the software screen (ie a blank document for word/excel) and it tells me that the software is not installed under the current user and then the program closes down. I also cannot access my documents saved under my user name. When I try to open the folder, it tells
me that I do not have access to it. It will not allow me to edit its name or delete it as well. In addition, it keeps telling me the folder is empty when I right click and look on its properties while at the same when I go up a folder and look under properties, the same folder has 9 megs in it.

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Locked Out Of Pro SP3 - Unable To Access Anything

Oct 24, 2008

I ran "cacls C: /P guest:n" in a command prompt. After that, I was unable to access anything. I shutdown and booted from the OEM CD. I ran a repair install. I rebooted and put the CD in to try to finish the repair installation. It was going fine for about 5 minutes. Then I got a fatal error. I looked the error code up and it said that this meant that there were not sufficient permissions to perform the necessary tasks. Now, I can't even boot into Windows so what is the best way to fix this? Maybe resetting the permissions (if so, how)? (By the way, I have already tried cacls in recovery console and copying it onto a flash drive and running it in the recovery console. Neither work. I am dual-booting with Ubuntu on another partition, so if I need to use linux for the repair, feel free to recommend that.)

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Unable To Access BIOS

Jul 6, 2005

I can't seem to be able to get into my System's BIOS, that system being Windows XP Professional. I've tried the Hold Del at startup method, but it doesn't work.Is there an alternate method with which I could use?

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Unable To Access Cd Rom Drive

May 7, 2005

I am unable to access my cd rom drive.After inserting a data cd and clicking on the cd rom icon, a blank screen appears.I would be most grateful for any help you might be able to provide me.

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Unable To Access Internet

Aug 9, 2005

I just put together a new computer with a ASUS P5P800 motherboard, 1gb Ram, 200gb hard drive. AMI BIOS, Marvell 88E8001 GB LAN controller (built in NIC) and I am unable to access the Internet. Device manager lists the Network adapter and I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. It also hangs whenever I try to use dialup. It dials and hangs. Tested modem in Control panel and I can Query the modem fine. I suspect that it has to do with my BIOS settings, but I cannot figure it out. I am running WinXP Pro, SP1.

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Unable To Access Website

Aug 13, 2007

I have asked this question in several forum and no one has been able to figure this out. I can not access: www.onlinebandit.com. It is not a gambling site just a game site. All of my friends can get there plus people in the forums I've been to. If I can remember correctly these are some of the things I've tried. Its been a long journey.

1. I used to have McAfee. It has been deleted with the McAfee uninstall tool. I then d/l Kaspersky KIS7. I have done this process 4 times.

2. While both of these were deleted I tried to get to the site. Nothing. IE can't display the page.

3. I've contacted the site management they told me to use the site called the *cloak*. This site did allow me to d/l the client but when I was asked to run the application. IE7 said it had encountered a problem and had to close. No matter what I do I can't get to this site.

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Unable To Access Internet

Jan 2, 2009

Hello, my friend at school built me a computer about two years ago. I recently got a debilitating virus on it, so I decided to reinstall the OS. I previously had XP Pro on it, but I didn't have the disk or the serial number so I installed a copy of XP home that I had laying around my house. After re-formating the hard drive and installing xp, I am now unable to access the internet.Also the graphics look very poor on my monitor. I am guessing it has something to do with my motherboard. So I went into device manager and there is a ?! next to the following things: ethernet controller, pce device, sm bos controller, unknown device and video controller.I have an ASUS P5L-vm socket 775 motherboard. I tried going on their website and looking up what to install, but I was unable to decifer which one to grab.

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Unable To Access Some Websites - Get Timed Out

Sep 21, 2006

I have cleared cookies, cache, check settings reset modem, remove router nothin is helping. On a ping I get timed out.On a trace route it doesnt complete.
Any help to resolve this issue is appreciated for i have many sites i can access but some I cant.Sites I cant access are as follows www.no2allmails.com www.a-n-a-cash.com
and some others all give the same errors

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Unable To Decrypt - Access Is Denied

Jun 26, 2005

I cannot open any files in a folder that is encrypted. I am the administrator on a Windows XP professional, SP2. I used to be able to access the files transparently until about 10 days ago. There was a Major “Windows update� consisting of 8 updates at the same time around June 18th. The problem occurred after this update.

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Unable To Access Old HD - Possible To Recover Information?

Mar 8, 2005

microsofts website states that on your old machine if you un-install the drive before removing it, you should then be able to move it over to the new computer and everything should be dandy, now unfortunatly ive set up the new computer and the old computer isnt working for some reason and im not sure what happend along the way but thats another matter altogether.

my question is, is it possible for me to recover the information on this disk? xp is currently asking me to format the disk whenever i try to access it.
PartitionMagic and DiskManagement in XP both show the drive and its full amount of space but unfortunatly it doenst show up any partitions, it is however listed in PartitionMagic as a "dynamic disk".

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Unable To Access 2nd Hard Drive

May 16, 2007

Having been severely burnt by previous pc crashes I have built my last computer with two hard drives. I installed my o.s. WinXp, SP2 together with several minor programmes on C:I then used D: as a storage drive and have lots of valuable info on this drive including two websites. I have had a crash, and when I couldn't get C: up and running even trying the XP CD and using "R" repair wouldn't start, I then thought surely I will be able to format C: and re-install WIN XP, which I did.The pc is back running, but it has re-lettered the drives, C: , the CD ROM drive is now D: , and the 2nd hard drive is now E: (is this significant?) Now when I go to windows explorer or my computer when I click in the 2nd hard drive I get a message telling me this disc has not been formatted, Do I want to Format this?

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Unable To Access Windows Installer?

Aug 25, 2008

Computer handed to me for problem fixing (here fix) - had a virus of some kind (unknown) someone else tried to resolve unsuccessfully.Windows XP SP2 (HP Pavilion Media Center Pc I've started to investigate...Windows installer problem unable to load / unload some programs.Specifically as a test I'm tryin gto remove Windows Defender from the Add/Remove programs - unsuccessful get message...The Windows installer Service could not be accessed.

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Unable To Access 250Gb Drive

Jun 20, 2007

have a duel boot system with a legacy windows 2000 installation and a Windows XP Proffessional(SP2),I am able to access a 250GB second drive thru the windows 2000 installation but not with the XP.The Boot drive is 80Gb WD drive, and usually runs with another 80Gb WD drive. All drives are NTFS.I have SP2 installed with XP and understooed that access to large hard drives was set to default with the install of SP1.I have tryed to use the support pages at M$ which state that I need atapi.sys drivers (non existant in my XP), But the fix which they give won't install due to me having SP2 already.I think i just need to install latest atapi drivers and change the registry to enable large hard drives but i'm perplexed as to why they arn't already there.

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Unable To Take Hijack This Log And Firewall Access

Jan 19, 2005

mslogin.exe wants access to internet I have McAfee Firewall 2004 and Viruscan. I believe I am coming close to having the viruses and worms cleaned out.An executable file c:windowssystem32oobewinkeymslogin.exe keeps trying to access the internet. I have blocked it and have granted it access and it keeps popping up.The folder 'winkey' does not exist on the computer as I have tried looking for it.

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Unable To Access Winrecovery Console

Jun 7, 2008

I'm trying to access my Win XP cd recovery console and it asks for administrator password and my administrator password is not being accepted. My windows has a corrupted boot sector. I can access all my files by slaving the drive from another computer.

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Unable To Access Hotmail From Internet Any More?

May 4, 2008

i used to be able to access my hotmail from anywhere in the world, but now i can't get into it.altho i have hotmail with msn premium thru verizon, this is no help to me when i am away from home and my own computer.

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Unable To Access User Accounts

Dec 23, 2007

Unable to log in user name and password. Also from control panel when i click user accounts it goes to control user passwords 2 window not to the xp styled user accounts window where i can add pictures etc.
I checked my local and group policies but couldn't find anything there because it always shows the error while entering the name and passwords.

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Unable To Access Accessibility Options

Apr 30, 2007

I cannot turn off the annoying sticky keys because i cannot access the accessibility options. Anyone have ideas?

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Unable To Change Audio On Computer: Unable To Raise Volume?

Aug 4, 2009

I cannot change the audio on my computer. It's at mute and I cannot raise the volume.I checked my Device Manager and under Sounds,and video game controllers
Nothing has an exclamation mark.But under 'Other Devices', my PCI Device, SM Bus COntroller and Video Controller all have exclamation marks.What do I do to fix my problem

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Unable To Access Files After System Crash

Jan 8, 2007

I had to re-setup WIN XP after a system crash and had valuable photos and music that I had been permanently wiped. However, I just installed a new Norton AV program and, while running a complete scan, saw those specific file names being scanned,
The path specified was c:ownermy documents and settings
Access to this folder is denied, even though I have no password protection on any user account, and this IS the only account set up.

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