Program Too Big To Fit Memory "System Managed Size" Wont Work

Jul 13, 2005

Alright so fist of all i am runnig XP SP2.

Second of all my real problem is whenever i try to run programs like WinRar or Mozilla Firefox i always got this error saying Program too big to fit Memory.

So first i tried this:

Right click on My Computer > properties > advanced tab > Performance - settings button > Advanced tab > Virtual memory - change button > put a dot in "System managed size" hit "set" button - OK and re-boot.

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Managed Infected Program - Operating System Crashed

Dec 16, 2004

He has managed to get an infected program. the OS has crashed to the point it will no longer enter window. The laptop still works fine only no OS I am going to wipe the hard drive and reinstall the OS unless anyone has any better ideas. We do have a Ghost image to backup from.

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Cloned Hard Drive - Managed To Boot System

May 11, 2007

About a month ago I decided to get a much bigger hard drive (500GB) but theres no way I have time to reinstall everything so I decided to clone my existing hard drive, I tried acronis and the clone went superfast and put everything onto a single partition the full size of the new disk - when I tried to boot up with the disk, it didnt boot. It got to the pale blue screen that usually says 'welcome' but instead it had a small windows XP logo and that was it, it didnt go any further. I contacted support and they were no help so last night I tried another free software hdclone - it took about 6 hours but I actually managed to boot up from the new disk - but the new drive had a single partition the exact same size as the old one and the rest was unused space - no problem

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System Information Wont Work / Reinstalling The Program?

Apr 28, 2007

"Windows System Information" will not work anymore when I try to run it "Help & Support" comes up instead. Is there a way to reinstall "Windows System
Information" or a way to correct this issue?

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Increase The Size Of Virtual Memory

Jun 28, 2005

I was trying to download an update for my NAV and i keep getting this Windows-Virtual memory is low-Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file.During this Process,Memory applications may be denied.

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Increase The Size Of Your Memory Paging File

Mar 23, 2005

a pop up window states;system is low on virtual memory, to ensure that windows is properly working increase the size of your memory paging file.

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Find Memory Size By Using Command Prompt

Dec 10, 2008

In windows can we find the amount of RAM installed in the system by using command prompt? Is there any command for that? If it is there could anyone please let me know that?

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Limited Or Zero Virtual Memory Page Size

Dec 26, 2006

Recently, as the available free space on my 60 gigs hard drive dropped to 3 gigs, I started getting an error message at bootup that said that the virtual memory page was too low or zero along with intructions on how to change it in the Control Panel.I have since changed hard drives, installing a 100 gig drive in my HP Pavillion laptop. I have changed the virtual memory setting in the control planel from "Let Windows Manage Memory" to setting actual limits. It is currently set to 2048 megs. Nothing I do will eliminate the error message at bootup. While the responsiveness of the computer was very slow when I had the nearly full drive, it seems to have returned to normal with the new, large hard drive.

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Pagefiles: How To Reduce The Alloted Size Of Memory To Files?

Jul 23, 2005

I have 500 megs of RAM and each of my 6 logical drives indicate that the
system has allocated 785 megs to the pagefile. That is huge. I can't
imagine why any drive would need that much, and since I am runing out of
space on some drives I would like to drastically reduce the size of the
files - maybe to 300 megs. Would that be OK, or would it be unadvisable.

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Want To Change Virtual Memory To Custom Page File Size

Dec 7, 2007

I am running Windows XP, i want to change my virtual memory to custom page file size, can someone tell me the ideal minimum and maximum sizes recommended.

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Paging File Size - Virtual Memory Low Causing To Disappear

Sep 20, 2006

i have an upgraded comp from windows 98 2nd edition to windows xp. i frequently get messages telling me my virtual memory paging file size is too low causing progs to disappear. i have tried help&support pages at microsoft but i dont know what size my min or max page file size should be.the ram on my comp is 192mb.

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Program Wont Allow To Do Anything: System Restore Wont Work?

Oct 9, 2007

one i cant seem to open anything with out this dam thing comeing up asking me which programe i want to open what with and since most of the time i dont know what opens what i cantopen anything i want my computer to act straight plus i cant axcess a system restore or open my control panel

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Pci Sound Card E Mu 0404 - Buffer Size Not Desirable Work Around

Nov 28, 2009

I'm running windows XP Pro 64 I have good specs on this machine, an i7 quad, 12 gig of ram and an edirol UA 101 (usb) sound card. But whenever I open and close an app (well most apps) with any other audio devices running (Windows media player or my Daw FL studio for example) I get severe buffer underruns and my whole system stutters very badly until the apps have finnished their startup, during their startup process any audio playing becomes extremly distorted.

I'd like to find a permanent solution to this problem, a few things that have worked so far were, 1 using a pci sound card an e-mu 0404 (That helped) but I no longer have this card, the second solution was to raise my buffer size way up to arround 30 ms or over, obviously this is not a desirable workaround as this card can run quite happily at latancies between 3-6 ms which I need it to do during normal audio processing tasks such as running my Daw. So, it occured to me that isolating all the audio processes to a single CPU core might stop the distortion/interuption of the audio signal that I'm expieriencing, but from here on I'm a little stumped, I can't find any trace of any processes that are linked to my sound card, or any audio devices at all infact, none of them show up in my task manager. Isolating the apps themselves didn't work, isolating the sound card seems impossible, am I perhaps barking up the wrong tree here?

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Program Font Size Showing Very Small / Unable To Read?

Jan 7, 2008

I turned it on and loaded up Simply Accounting.I noticed that the program window fonts were too small.I thought this had to be a simply accounting problem as i didn’t notice anything odd with my other Windows font in windows explorer.After doing some exploring i found that it was not only Simply Accounting, but other windows programs were affected as well.I looked in the typical windows appearance settings and saw that all was untouched.

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Free Memory - Used Memory Of The System Drive Problem?

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40GHz, 1.25 GB RAM. Iam using 80 GB samsung hard disk.
I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional service pack 2 on a drive of 10 GB memory space with NTFS file system.
After the installation of Win XP, the drive properties shows 4.9 GB of used memory and only 4.45 GB of free memory, but when I try to find total memory occupied for all the files in that drive (using "select-all" and properties) the used memory is only 2.3 GB only.

Now I don't understand the huge difference of this memories calculations. Where that extra used memory gone, when the total memory occupied by all the files is much less.

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CMD - Program Too Big For Memory?

Dec 8, 2005

I am trying to run a .exe file, but when i try to run it CMD pops up and then dissapears. Other than that, nothing happens. So, i tried using CMD to open the program, but then it says "Program too big to fit in memory". How can i fix this? I doubt that it's a RAM problem, the program is only 364 MB...

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Program Too Big To Fit Into Memory During Install

Sep 10, 2005

I recently downloaded the Indigo Prophecy Demo (Game) from fileplanet and when executing the installer a dos window would pop up and disapear real quick. So I ran the setup from command prompt and it ended up saying "Program Too Big To Fit Into Memory". At first I thought this was just a problem with this demo, until I tried to install the Starship Troopers Demo (Game) and it tried to install a third party audio system during install and hat installer did the exact same thing. I noticed that both of them appeared to Installshield brand and had the msi files with them. So I am assuming it's an issue with my computer

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Message: Program Needs At Least 3MB Virtual Memory To Run

Feb 21, 2009

Windows XP Pro 1 gig Mem, I am trying to install AutoCAD 2000 LT and I get the message
this program needs at least 3MB Virtual Memory to run. I've checked the virtual memory settings and they are at 1523 MB, I had an older computer (With XP) that I ran AutoCAD on before with no problem, so I know it's not the program.

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High Memory Usage For Svchost+wuauclt; USB Hubs Don't Work?

Sep 2, 2010

Both svchost.exe + wuauclt.exe's memory usage occassionally increases rapidly even if my laptop is idle. I have to terminate wuauclt.exe manually (through End Process in Task Manager) in order for the 'Commit Charge' to return to late 300/early 400M figures. If my 'Commit Charge' is 5XXM or above, if I plug any USB devices Windows XP won't recognise them. I have to terminate memory consuming programs (e.g. Firefox), restoring the Commit Charge to 4XXM, then Windows XP will recognised any USB devices I plug in. However, if I plug any USB devices right at the beginning when I turn on the laptop, I won't encounter any problems. Why is this?

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Performance And Internet - Memory Card Reader Doesn't Work

Jun 17, 2008

All of a sudden my Dell laptop (just over a year old, go figure) has started acting funny. Here's some of the issues that started happening all of a sudden -It runs super slow at times and freezing up, svchost.exe seems to be taking a lot of resources up when that's happening -The memory card reader doesn't work. It makes the noise that a new device has been recognized when I put one it, but it never shows up in My Computer. The memory card reader does appear to be working properly in device manager. -Both firefox and IE aren't loading some sites. I'm connected to the internet and some sites load just fine and others never seem to load- and it's not that the site is down. The list of sites I can't access I'm starting to discover is big, and which sites can be access and which ones can't doesn't seem to follow any pattern- I can access google & gmail, but it won't perform a search (either from the page or from the search toolbar in both IE and firefox). I can access and log into my banking sites, ebay, and other random sites (some secure, some not). But I can't access, the Neosmart forums, the Dell community forums,, and others. I can access, but I can't log on.

My first thought was I have some type of spyware even though I'm very good about not downloading stuff so I ran a ad-aware scan and it came up with nothing. I also ran a hijackthis scan and everything was normal there too. I'd been noticing recently that some windows processes in task manager are using what seemed like a large amount of memory. I then looked my other computer and on the problem one Explorer.exe is running around 99,000 - 120,000 kb- on my other computer it only runs around 14,000-35,000, that big of a difference between the two machines (both running xp- the problem one pro on a laptop, the other home on a desktop) is not normal...........

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Cant Run 16-bit Windows Program Insufficient Memory To Run This Application

Aug 13, 2010

give the information to me about this problem. can't run 16-bit windows program.

Insufficient memory to run this application.Quit one or more windows application and then try again.

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Mixer.exe Eating Up Memory - Sound Program

Jan 3, 2005

I usually leave my computer on for a day as it has music and files that other users around the house may need. If I start up the computer for the first time in a day and come back a coule hours later the system takes a very long time to get out of the screen saver and continues to act very slowyl. When I press Ctrl+ALT+Del I see that a program called 'mixer.exe' is using 111,000+k of my memory usage. So basically my question is: what is mixer.exe? I think it is some type of sound program but I never use it.

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Warning: Out Of Video Memory This Program Will Exit

Aug 15, 2005

I'm attempting to open the 'Google Earth' program, which I've downloaded. I've got a video card: SiS 650_740 but whenever I try to open the program in 'OpenGL' mode it comes up with an error notice saying 'SISGL Warning: Out of video memory. This program will exit'. I tried opening Google Earth with the alternate DirectX mode, but it froze.I've only got a couple of video emails on my computer, but not many.

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Memory Reading Issue Terminate Program

Jun 20, 2005

Close internet explorer on XP pro. The instruction at 0x020c3795 referenced memory at 0x01a5ad58 . This memory could not be read . click on OK to terminate the program. when i click ok nothing happens and problem occurs again next time.

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Memory Resident Program To Close When Exiting Windows

Jan 2, 2006

I have a couple programs that Windows can't close when it exits (Win XP). So when I exit, I have to manually click the popup Window that asks to close the program without saving it or cancel. Is there a way to have Windows do that by default for that particular program (or even for all programs) preferably after some period of time of not making a choice?

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Find Out Eating By Memory - Task Manager Shows No Program Running

Aug 8, 2008

I am running XP. The system is crawling. When I do a Task Manager or Ctrl Alt Delete, the little green square is full up and this is with no programs running except Windows. I am using Finity Soft Memory Manager and this program says Free Ram 54%, Memory Load Index 44%, and CPU 100%. How do I find out what programs are running other than using Task Manager which shows no programs running?

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Memory Size I Can Upgrade Upgrade

Nov 18, 2006

me how much memory i can install on my pc and also what size sticks i should buy

Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (build 2600) Compaq Presario 5405EA 470032-640 MODEL1
System Serial Number: 4D23KQNTB02G

Enclosure Type: Mini-Tower

Processor a Main Circuit Board b

1.40 gigahertz AMD Athlon XP

128 kilobyte primary memory cache

256 kilobyte secondary memory cache Board: Compaq 073Ch

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Unkown Program, No File Size, Called "Roll"

Feb 20, 2008

What is it?

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Set Program Access And Defaults Link Does Not Work?

Sep 13, 2005

The link "Set programm access and defaults" on my Start menu does not have a right icon and does not work

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Opening Folder Of A Program It Doesn't Work

Jan 20, 2007

When I try to open a folder of a program it doesn't work. I click the folder and the mouse changes to the mouse and hourglass picture but nothing happens after that. Sometimes I get that error sound but no message pops up. Then the title on the title bar of my applications goes blank and I no longer can click the menu that says file, edit, view,It highlights it but it won't let me click it. I also cannot right click anymore and when I try to reset my computer, it highlights it but I can't click that either.I also can't open the task manager when it happens nor can I type in my address bar or open a new tab for my browser.. I tried running a virus scan but it catch anything so I have no idea what I can do. I've tried system restore but that didn't fix it.

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Double Click Does Not Work - Cannot Select Any Program

Jan 30, 2007

Whenever i double click a drive (besides the one with windows installed on it) windows asks me what program i want to use to open the file. It does not let me select the box "always use this program to open files like this" so i cannot select explorer and save that setting. I've been through the file associations and it has "open" set as default. Tried to change this to "explore" but that didn't work.

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