Memory Resident Program To Close When Exiting Windows

Jan 2, 2006

I have a couple programs that Windows can't close when it exits (Win XP). So when I exit, I have to manually click the popup Window that asks to close the program without saving it or cancel. Is there a way to have Windows do that by default for that particular program (or even for all programs) preferably after some period of time of not making a choice?

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Cant Run 16-bit Windows Program Insufficient Memory To Run This Application

Aug 13, 2010

give the information to me about this problem. can't run 16-bit windows program.

Insufficient memory to run this application.Quit one or more windows application and then try again.

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Not Enough Memory Close Other Programs And Try Again?

Jul 18, 2005

I recive amemory error "not enough memory, close other programs and try again".This happens in Digital Image suite 10.I have used Disk Cleanup, Error Checking, Defragand and set my Performance Options.I am using a: Dimension 8400, Winsowd XP Hone Edition, 1 GB of RAM, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.00Hz speed 2992MHz, Total Capacity of Hard Disc 229.28GB and have used only 18.19 GB and have free 211.08.

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Close Internet Explorer - Refrenced Memory At 0x01e21f99

Dec 24, 2005

Lately out of nowhere ive been recieveing error messages when i close internet explorer. When i close it first i get an error report screen. If i either send the error report or dont send i get the following message. "An error has occured in Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer will now close. If you continue to experience problems please restart your computer." When i click on ok sometimes i recieve this message after that. "The instruction at "0x01e21f99" refrenced memory at 0x01e21f99". The memory could not be "read". Clock on ok to terminate the program" Now after this i restart my computer but for some reason that doesnt work either

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Program Will Open Then Close Immediately

Oct 20, 2007

I downloaded the latest episode from the Hugel CD (Ragnarok). The installation was successful. But the problem is when I click start game, Ragnarok will open then immediately close. I also tried reinstalling my Ragnarok but its still the same. I have all the latest players like java players, adobe flash player and Direct X 9.0. My Specs are 80GB hardisk, Intel P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB RAM. But all other programs are working fine.

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Cannot Delete Folder - Close Any Program That May Using The File

Oct 7, 2004

"Cannot delete (folder name): It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that may be using the file and try again." So, I did that and it still will not delete. Besides rebooting (uses up much of my time) anybody know how to clear this?

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Remove Program From System Tray/set Unable To Close?

Mar 19, 2005

how would I make it so that a program does not go to the taskbar, and instead runs in the background? For example, if a program minimizes to the system tray, I would like it so that it "goes to the system tray" but does not show, even if you expand it. Another way this can be described, is that I want it to behave like explorer.exe Also, How would I also make it so that if someone attempted to close that program, it would automatically open up again? Is there anything

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Slow Computer Open / Close Boxes - Program Not Responding

Aug 2, 2005

My computer seems to be really slow when i open and close boxes - they overlap or i get the message 'This programme is not responding' what does this mean and what can i do?

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Close The Program Generic Host Process For Win32 Services - Automatically Comes

Feb 28, 2005

I have Windows XP Home Edition and lately I've been getting a pop-up everytime I start up my computer that reads:To help protect your computer, Windows has closed this program Generic Host Process for Win32 Services. click ok, send an error report once, then have to do battle with this pop-up -- clicking ok and closing it at least five more times before I can finally access my desktop. Then it takes forever for IE to load. Do I have spyware on my computer again????

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IE 8 Windows & Tabs Now SLOW To Close

Mar 27, 2010

In the last few days I've noticed IE is suddenly taking ages to close a tab or window, it seems particularly strange as my computer is only a few months old.I saw that someone else here with a similar problem had been asked for an HJT log as well as an 'uninstall' list from HJT, so *just in case* I'm including both here.
(Some terms may appear in Portuguese because I'm living in Portugal at the moment.)

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Network Repair Windows How To Close It?

Dec 17, 2008

I right clicked on the internet connection symbol, chose repair, after that the small panel appears persistently, I cannot close it. My windows is still running, I open tasks management, but dont know where the resource for that panel.

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Windows Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close?

Dec 21, 2008

I am having a problem with my mothers computer it has a box that comes up every time it is started saying windows has encountered a problem and needs to close we are sorry for any inconvenience. I cannot go on the internet. I have done a system restore 2 times and that has not solved the problem. I have done other tips I found on the internet but no luck. I am also running firefox web browser now but it still brings up box?

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Pc Restarts When Exiting AOL Dialup

Dec 16, 2004

I use windows xp pro, and the pc is new. I do all the maintenence all the time, and I know its not a virus or spyware. This is something that happens about 50% of the time, what is causing this?

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Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close. We Are Sorry For The Inconvenience

Jul 24, 2007

Ok, first of all I'm using XP, not sure about service packs or other things as my System Tools>System Information doesn't work so I cant find out anything else about my computer. I've looked around for this problem on the forum a bit but haven't found anything, so sorry if this has already been talked about.I think this started about 6 months ago, can't really remember that much as I don't use 'run' that much. Now whenever I go to Start>Run my whole computer freezes and stops responding until an error message comes up saying-
'Windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.' then the whole send error report thing.

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Security Center: Not Started Or Stopped Close Windows And Restart?

Aug 27, 2005

when I open security center message says that it was not started or stopped I followed instructions to no avail , close window and restart comp

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16 Bit Windows Subsystem Error - Choose 'close' To Terminate The Application

Apr 27, 2005

im attempting to install an application setup.exe file and recieve the following message: 16 bit windows subsytem c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.

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After Exiting Save Mode All My Win Fonts Have Changed

Apr 29, 2006

after exiting save mode all my win fonts have changed to bigger font also win toolbars changed to gray.

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Games Exiting Automatically After Game Introduction?

Dec 20, 2002

Mnay gamers are having problems with games especially the game exits after a game Intro or after it Well there is a Fix Get Indeo 5 Video Codecs for Windows XP Professional and supposelly it fixes it all.

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Virtual Memory Low Message / Windows Virtual Memory Minimum

Dec 10, 2004

I keep getting the error message that my Windows virtual memory minimum is too low. I have Microsoft Windows 2000 and the following settings: total paging file size 205 MB; minimum 2 MB; Recommended 190 MB; Currently allocated 205 MB; current registry size 21 I'm not the system administrator so I can't change these numbers. I also couldn't find the pagefile.sys that someone suggested looking for. My IT guys don't know what's wrong; they reformatted my computer but I got this error message again. What should I tell them to do?

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CMD - Program Too Big For Memory?

Dec 8, 2005

I am trying to run a .exe file, but when i try to run it CMD pops up and then dissapears. Other than that, nothing happens. So, i tried using CMD to open the program, but then it says "Program too big to fit in memory". How can i fix this? I doubt that it's a RAM problem, the program is only 364 MB...

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Program Too Big To Fit Into Memory During Install

Sep 10, 2005

I recently downloaded the Indigo Prophecy Demo (Game) from fileplanet and when executing the installer a dos window would pop up and disapear real quick. So I ran the setup from command prompt and it ended up saying "Program Too Big To Fit Into Memory". At first I thought this was just a problem with this demo, until I tried to install the Starship Troopers Demo (Game) and it tried to install a third party audio system during install and hat installer did the exact same thing. I noticed that both of them appeared to Installshield brand and had the msi files with them. So I am assuming it's an issue with my computer

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Message: Program Needs At Least 3MB Virtual Memory To Run

Feb 21, 2009

Windows XP Pro 1 gig Mem, I am trying to install AutoCAD 2000 LT and I get the message
this program needs at least 3MB Virtual Memory to run. I've checked the virtual memory settings and they are at 1523 MB, I had an older computer (With XP) that I ran AutoCAD on before with no problem, so I know it's not the program.

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Mixer.exe Eating Up Memory - Sound Program

Jan 3, 2005

I usually leave my computer on for a day as it has music and files that other users around the house may need. If I start up the computer for the first time in a day and come back a coule hours later the system takes a very long time to get out of the screen saver and continues to act very slowyl. When I press Ctrl+ALT+Del I see that a program called 'mixer.exe' is using 111,000+k of my memory usage. So basically my question is: what is mixer.exe? I think it is some type of sound program but I never use it.

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Warning: Out Of Video Memory This Program Will Exit

Aug 15, 2005

I'm attempting to open the 'Google Earth' program, which I've downloaded. I've got a video card: SiS 650_740 but whenever I try to open the program in 'OpenGL' mode it comes up with an error notice saying 'SISGL Warning: Out of video memory. This program will exit'. I tried opening Google Earth with the alternate DirectX mode, but it froze.I've only got a couple of video emails on my computer, but not many.

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Memory Reading Issue Terminate Program

Jun 20, 2005

Close internet explorer on XP pro. The instruction at 0x020c3795 referenced memory at 0x01a5ad58 . This memory could not be read . click on OK to terminate the program. when i click ok nothing happens and problem occurs again next time.

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Explorer Needs To Close - Click Close On The Message

Jul 7, 2005

Long time since I posted for help but right now I have the Windows Explorer message Winows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. in the middle of my screen It appears on boot and remains there .If I click close ,the desktop icons disappear and reappear and the message also reappears several seconds later,In those few seconds things seem to operate normally but after it appears, things on the screen just blink once when I click on them and nothing else happens. If I click something , and then click close on the message, it clears the desktop and reappears the previous click is then executed and the lockup is back .I can do things one at a time by repeating this closing process and the application on the screen does not close but reappears also

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Error - "Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close"

Mar 13, 2005

I don't know what's up with my computer, but I'm getting all these Windows Explorer errors saying that Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close, and so folders won't stay open. what's up with this

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"Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close." Error

Feb 1, 2007

I'm new to this site. After searching the archives for a problem close to the one I'm having I came up empty so I decided that it would be best to get individual help. I've been having, what I would consider, a minor problem with my machine. There is a folder that, whenever it is clicked, causes this error message to pop up "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close." I am then given the option of sending or not sending an error report to Microsoft. I can't do anything with this folder. One click and that error message pops up and the window closes. Recently, I've noticed that whenever I right click and try to "save as" a file on the web I get an error that says " The filepicker was unexpectedly closed by Windows." There is no text in the gray area, that message appears in the blue title bar part of the pop up. I can then only choose "OK" and the window I'm working in freezes. I cannot delete the folder because it has files in it that I need and it's impossible anyway becuase of the Explorer problem. I really want help to do 3 things: 1. Find out what's causing these problems 2.Get my files back and 3. Delete or fix the folder so as to stop the problem.

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Find Out Eating By Memory - Task Manager Shows No Program Running

Aug 8, 2008

I am running XP. The system is crawling. When I do a Task Manager or Ctrl Alt Delete, the little green square is full up and this is with no programs running except Windows. I am using Finity Soft Memory Manager and this program says Free Ram 54%, Memory Load Index 44%, and CPU 100%. How do I find out what programs are running other than using Task Manager which shows no programs running?

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Windows Xp Message Virtual Memory Is Too Low ?

Sep 4, 2005

Can anyone explain why I keep getting a windows XP message ( virtual memory is to low )

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Memory Full Afer Reinstalling Windows

Jan 22, 2009

I recently reinstalled windows (XP) using the recovery disk supplied with the computer and now my memory is full even though I haven't reinstalled or recovered most of my old stuff. When I was reintalling I chose to create a new partition (I think that's what I chose anyway). Question 1: Are all of my old files still on my hard drive?Question 2: How can i either save them or get rid of them in order to free up more memory?

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