IE 8 Windows & Tabs Now SLOW To Close

Mar 27, 2010

In the last few days I've noticed IE is suddenly taking ages to close a tab or window, it seems particularly strange as my computer is only a few months old.I saw that someone else here with a similar problem had been asked for an HJT log as well as an 'uninstall' list from HJT, so *just in case* I'm including both here.
(Some terms may appear in Portuguese because I'm living in Portugal at the moment.)

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Task Bar Tabs Minimize / Close Fails To Respond

May 9, 2010

I have the oddest problem thats occuured in the past few days.It appears to be connected with the opening and closing and switching between tasks.For no apparent reason, the window you either want to close or one that's been opened and you need to say click on a button to start a task, just fails to respond. The only way to unfreeze and carry on with your work is to open task manager then you can click on any line of info on the list, dont take any action in task manager, just close it down. Then you can carry on with what you were doing.I'm running a relatively new machine with XP SP3.I've reinstalled XP and I've checked the machine for all sorts of nasties and there's nothing.

This problem can be in programs, browsers (firefox is the worst. If you load a new page, all the URL links will not be accessible, meaning when you mouse over they do not change the cursor, til you do what I mentioned withthe task manager).I have checked the system performance with task manager open and I am not getting any sudden drains on the machine, which is a pretty fast processor (dual core) and working with 4 Gb or RAM.One other thing I noticed. Say you have a page of icons on screen for example in control panel. Single click to highlight one of them and then I would usually double click to perform the action. Now I can't double click because I get a small box open withthe options available open etc.

I have no idea why this is happening, but I reckon it is connected to the problem.I am going nuts with this, because it is adding a lot of time to my PC day constantly having to unfreeze.If anyone can throw some possible causes. I honestly thought the reinstall would fix this once and for all but no such luck.If there's anything I have left out to aptly describe this problem, please ask.

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Windows Xp Keeps Opening Explorer Tabs

Jul 12, 2006

its been about 3 or 4 months since i built this computer there have been no hardware problems but recently windows keep opening tabs. while playing a game it would minimize but there is no other window, there would be sounds that explorer would open new tabs. IF computer is left on long enough there would be 10 new tabs opened. whats teh problem with my computer?

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When Minimizing Open Windows / Tabs Disappear Instead Of Appearing On Bottom Taskbar

Jun 29, 2006

Had diffs yesterday with computer running at snail speed > did ad-aware/norton scans to clean up > now when I minimize any open window, the tab/s just disappear/s to the left of the lower taskbar so they can't be opened easily again. Must be an easy fix for this but after hours of research in MS Help + Google + your existing threads, haven't been able to source a solution.It happened once before but I can't recall how I got it going properly again - that's what age does to the memory!! Now when I have a PC prob & manage to solve it, I note the solution for the future!Would greatly appreciate any suggestions to solve this irritating prob.

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Network Repair Windows How To Close It?

Dec 17, 2008

I right clicked on the internet connection symbol, chose repair, after that the small panel appears persistently, I cannot close it. My windows is still running, I open tasks management, but dont know where the resource for that panel.

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Windows Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close?

Dec 21, 2008

I am having a problem with my mothers computer it has a box that comes up every time it is started saying windows has encountered a problem and needs to close we are sorry for any inconvenience. I cannot go on the internet. I have done a system restore 2 times and that has not solved the problem. I have done other tips I found on the internet but no luck. I am also running firefox web browser now but it still brings up box?

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Computer Running Slow Close Few Processes - Os Crashed

Apr 14, 2007

Last night after the computer was running really slow i decided to close a few processes! Being my usual, carefree self i managed to make the system go into one of those 60 seconds til shutdown. I opened cmd and aborted the shut down. I then saved what i was doing and shut it down. Turning it on this morning, all of the services are disabled and there is no option to re-enabe them, and everything seeems broken!

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Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close. We Are Sorry For The Inconvenience

Jul 24, 2007

Ok, first of all I'm using XP, not sure about service packs or other things as my System Tools>System Information doesn't work so I cant find out anything else about my computer. I've looked around for this problem on the forum a bit but haven't found anything, so sorry if this has already been talked about.I think this started about 6 months ago, can't really remember that much as I don't use 'run' that much. Now whenever I go to Start>Run my whole computer freezes and stops responding until an error message comes up saying-
'Windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.' then the whole send error report thing.

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Memory Resident Program To Close When Exiting Windows

Jan 2, 2006

I have a couple programs that Windows can't close when it exits (Win XP). So when I exit, I have to manually click the popup Window that asks to close the program without saving it or cancel. Is there a way to have Windows do that by default for that particular program (or even for all programs) preferably after some period of time of not making a choice?

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Slow Computer Open / Close Boxes - Program Not Responding

Aug 2, 2005

My computer seems to be really slow when i open and close boxes - they overlap or i get the message 'This programme is not responding' what does this mean and what can i do?

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Security Center: Not Started Or Stopped Close Windows And Restart?

Aug 27, 2005

when I open security center message says that it was not started or stopped I followed instructions to no avail , close window and restart comp

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16 Bit Windows Subsystem Error - Choose 'close' To Terminate The Application

Apr 27, 2005

im attempting to install an application setup.exe file and recieve the following message: 16 bit windows subsytem c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.

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Explorer Needs To Close - Click Close On The Message

Jul 7, 2005

Long time since I posted for help but right now I have the Windows Explorer message Winows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. in the middle of my screen It appears on boot and remains there .If I click close ,the desktop icons disappear and reappear and the message also reappears several seconds later,In those few seconds things seem to operate normally but after it appears, things on the screen just blink once when I click on them and nothing else happens. If I click something , and then click close on the message, it clears the desktop and reappears the previous click is then executed and the lockup is back .I can do things one at a time by repeating this closing process and the application on the screen does not close but reappears also

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Error - "Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close"

Mar 13, 2005

I don't know what's up with my computer, but I'm getting all these Windows Explorer errors saying that Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close, and so folders won't stay open. what's up with this

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"Windows Explorer Has Encountered A Problem And Needs To Close." Error

Feb 1, 2007

I'm new to this site. After searching the archives for a problem close to the one I'm having I came up empty so I decided that it would be best to get individual help. I've been having, what I would consider, a minor problem with my machine. There is a folder that, whenever it is clicked, causes this error message to pop up "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close." I am then given the option of sending or not sending an error report to Microsoft. I can't do anything with this folder. One click and that error message pops up and the window closes. Recently, I've noticed that whenever I right click and try to "save as" a file on the web I get an error that says " The filepicker was unexpectedly closed by Windows." There is no text in the gray area, that message appears in the blue title bar part of the pop up. I can then only choose "OK" and the window I'm working in freezes. I cannot delete the folder because it has files in it that I need and it's impossible anyway becuase of the Explorer problem. I really want help to do 3 things: 1. Find out what's causing these problems 2.Get my files back and 3. Delete or fix the folder so as to stop the problem.

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Explorer Needs To Close - Windows Explorer Has Encountered ..

Jun 14, 2008

Recently, upon startup, i have been getting an error message that says "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It then asks me to tell Microsoft about the problem and i have the option to either send a error report or not to send one. Either way, after choosing one windows explorer terminates and restarts itself. Then the same error message pops up. Recently, when i keep sending the error report, after about the 4th or 5th time, my desktop will just freeze up

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Error "Windows Service Pack Setup Has Encountered An Error And Needs To Close."?

Aug 21, 2005

An error window keeps popping up "Windows Service Pack Setup has encountered an error and needs to close." How do I get rid of it?

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Very Slow Windows Xp Even After Reinstallation

Apr 12, 2007

my system is really slow.I ran many virus scanners, spy/adware destroyers, and programs to clean and fix your registry but they didnt do anything. so i finally just reinstalled XP, i got all the suggested drivers and updated to service pack 2 and got all the windows updates, but its still just as slow.when i run it in safe mode, it works like a charm, just like it used to.

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Slow Performance After Reinstalling Windows

Nov 8, 2006

After I installed Windows Xp Home Service Pack 2 I noticed that video playback was very jumpy with media player and that general performance was very slow. I installed all the drivers etc. I tried changing the screen resolution and colour quality but still no good. I'm also having problems with power saving: There is no standby option, when I close the laptop during operation and open it again, the screen does not return from black and I need to restart.

A further problem I am having is the TV-out option. Before when I pressed Fn+F8 a multiple monitor option would appear on the screen but now, nothing!

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Shuting Down & Starting Windows Xp Very Slow

Sep 11, 2008

My laptop becomes very slow while shuting down & starting windows can any one help me.

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Slow Windows Is Starting Up Screen

Oct 7, 2005

I did a reinstall of windows xp, but now at my "windows is starting up" page it takes forever for windows to load.

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Windows Updates - Computer Becomes Slow

Feb 3, 2007

i have windows xp. i recently ran updates for the first time since having it for a few months. complete disaster. all my display settings are messed up. my computer wont restore to previous points. and sometimes boxes that pop up for programs have no words. i dont know whats going on. any help would be usegful. is there any way to undo windows updates

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IE7 Tabs Gone / Want Them Back

Jan 27, 2008

I'm running XP and IE 7. I downloaded something bad (maybe spyshredder??) and it made my IE7 tabs stop working. I deleted the program and everything i could find related to it, but i can't get the tabs back. I've read thru lots of searches and forums and can't find anything to help me. I've tried many things. I did tools>options>setting tabs are enabled, but they don't work. Also did a RIES, and restarted the computer but they still don't work. I really like the tabs and want them back.

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Slow Windows - Possibly Corrupted Registry?

Jul 27, 2007

My box runs Windows XP Service Pack 2 32-bit home edition with AMD Athlon, Maxtor (ribbon cable'd, not SATA) with 3 sticks of 512MB DDR2 RAM. I haven't touched the hardware in about a month and a half.

Shows the windows XP pro login randomally; once logged in, background shows, explorer.exe doesn't run, and no windows hot keys respond. (every 1/8 boots)
Services and programs randomally quit out and will not run. Restarting them results in another crash

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WIndows Really Slow / Will Not Open Control Panel

Jun 2, 2006

Glad to join the forum. Ancious to read replies from users regarding my problem. Win xp home laptop. and 2400xpm with 512 megs of ram. Looking for help with this frustration. Takes forever to Boot up, open files and programs. Cannot get to the control panel and i am getting and explorer error when i do. would like to get to Microsoft to install sp2 but i cannot.

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No Tabs At Display Properties

Jul 25, 2007

When i right-click my desktop and choose properties, the panel that opens doesnt have any tabs.The weird thing, is when i click on the places of the tabs, the tab switches, but they r invisible, and much much more smaller... like, every tab is about 3-5 mm in length, aqnd i have to be accurate, click on something i cant c, with a small size.Another thing, when i change any setting, then press "Apply", the tabs r back normally, but when i reopen the panel, they r gone.

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Display Properties TABS Where Did Go?

Jun 3, 2005

Awhile back when my computer was going cuckoo ( i think because my daughter went on that stupid kazaa infectious website!!!) Somehow pictures from a folder that had nothing to do with screensavers or wallpaper suddenly appeared as choices. Well i couldnt figure out how they got into that d.p. tab much less delete them but somehow i stumbled across a way to disable so no one could change it. well needless to say can't figure out how to enable it and was wondering how to fix it.

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Desktop Properties - Tabs Gone

Aug 10, 2006

When I right-click on the desktop and choose Properties, all I get is a drop-down box to select a theme - no tabs for screen saver, etc. I tried the "Restore All Display Tabs" solution at, didn't work. The tabs do appear if I boot in safe mode, but changes aren't saved. I've run virus and spyware scans (including the scans at, nothing picked up.

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Missing Tabs Under Display

Aug 25, 2005

i have managed to lose the tabs under my appearance settings. The only one available are screen saver and resolution. Can anyone help with this. I think i managed to get a virus, i have since cleaned everything up, but still unable to retrieve a desktop.

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Ctrl+Alt+Del - Cannot Change Tabs

Jun 23, 2006

My Ctrl-Alt-Del window is really messed up. I have to hit Alt + F4 to close it, and I cannot change tabs. Right clicking doesn't give me any options to get it back to normal

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Program Tabs Highlighting

Sep 13, 2007

After my kids removed a program (Sims original) we have a problem with some of our windows program tabs staying highlighted. I am not sure if the SIMS had anything to do with it but I would like to get the tabs back to the way they were. It used to be if you hovered over a tab file name, it would highlight. If you clicked on it it would stay highlighted and then return to normal. Now it is highlighted as soon as the program opens, stays highlighted when you hover over it (instead of going back to normal when you move the mouse off it again) and all the tabs will end up highlighted and stay that way until a function is completed.

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