Memory Full Afer Reinstalling Windows

Jan 22, 2009

I recently reinstalled windows (XP) using the recovery disk supplied with the computer and now my memory is full even though I haven't reinstalled or recovered most of my old stuff. When I was reintalling I chose to create a new partition (I think that's what I chose anyway). Question 1: Are all of my old files still on my hard drive?Question 2: How can i either save them or get rid of them in order to free up more memory?

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Can't See Full 4GB Of Memory

Jul 28, 2009

Im fully aware of why one would'nt be able to get Windows XP to use a full four gigabytes of memory but I thought I had taken the appropriate steps to remedy the problem. Im using the 64-bit version of Windows XP Pro and I've enabled memory hole remapping in my motherboards BIOS but for whatever reason windows is still telling me im only using around 3GB of memory. What am I doing wrong?

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Memory Is Almost Full - Saving The Files In Two Places?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a 60GB hard drive that says it is full. I have relatively few programs on my machine and only about 10 GB worth of music/pictures/movies. What is using all my hard drive memory and how do I fix? Does XP save the files in two places?

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HijackThis Log For Memory Full / Restart My Computer

Aug 6, 2007

The memory runs out on my computer when I open additional windows on my PC and I have 512 MB of RAM. I use internet explorer 6 and with windows xp home edition. Then I have to use Disc Cleanup to get more space by compressing old files and deleting temporary files. I cannot even run this utility when the windows are open and I cannot close windows sometimes so I have to shut down Internet Explorer and restart my computer.

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Large File Transfer / Memory Stick Is Full

Mar 31, 2009

I am trying to move a 5 GB file from my hard drive to a 16 GB memory stick that is empty in Win XP. I get the message that the memory stick is full.

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No Sound After Reinstalling Windows

Jul 5, 2005

I'm about ready to beat my head into a wall.I've got an onboard sound card that has not worked since I formatted my computer (Win XP Pro SP2). The device has the latest drivers from the manufacturer installed, it's enabled in Windows and the BIOS, the Audio Codecs are there, the Windows Sound service is running, thd driver reports no problems at all and yet, No Audio Devices are found when I go into Sounds and Audio Devices in the Control Panel. I've tried installing another sound card in there too, which installs fine, but still isn't selectable as an audio device. What the heck could I be missing here?

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Reinstalling Windows After MB And CPU Upgrade

Sep 19, 2006

I just bought a new MB and CPU to upgrade my rig. I currently have a Athlon XP 3000 with an Epox MB and am going to a socket 939 X2 4800 and a ASRock 939 Dual-VSTA MB.So the question is: Is there any pointers or short-cuts when my system requires me to perform a re-installation of Windows XP? Is there a way to just update the drivers needed for my new MB and CPU or do I just have no choice but to do a reinstall of XP? What about the differences between repair and a full reinstallation.

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Slow Performance After Reinstalling Windows

Nov 8, 2006

After I installed Windows Xp Home Service Pack 2 I noticed that video playback was very jumpy with media player and that general performance was very slow. I installed all the drivers etc. I tried changing the screen resolution and colour quality but still no good. I'm also having problems with power saving: There is no standby option, when I close the laptop during operation and open it again, the screen does not return from black and I need to restart.

A further problem I am having is the TV-out option. Before when I pressed Fn+F8 a multiple monitor option would appear on the screen but now, nothing!

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Error Vcl50.bpl Reinstalling The Windows?

May 1, 2010

need help with vcl50.bpl cant get rid of error message or reinstaall it

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Reinstalling Windows For The 3rd Time This Week

Nov 28, 2008

I just got a new gaming rig last week and with in the first day I had to down load a virus that trashed windows, so I reinstalled...... on the 10GB shared network partition! If I reinstall on the 950GB side of the disk can I some how move what ever file tells windows that programs are installed to the new install? because now I'm out of space at first I thought that the 10GB would work if I didnt install anything on the windows partition but now I'm F-ed!

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Windows And Sonic Keep Saying My Hard Drive Is Full

Feb 7, 2010

Hi. My problem is similar to this one here
Except I am not running Vista and don't have AOL on there.
Also, I don't think my drive is actually full, or if it is, it's because of something that Sonic or Windows did.

I have a bunch of computers. This Dell laptop, Inspiron E1505, is one I primarily use to watch DVD's or online shows. There were a lot of programs installed, because I used to use it regularly, and then I loaned it to someone for about a year. It had very few files in terms of documents, pictures, music, or videos, because I had cleaned all that out before I loaned it to her, and I got a new laptop, and so only use this one to watch DVD's. Also, I should mention it has a fairly new DVD recorder because the old one died a few months back.

Sometimes I use this laptop to burn or copy disks, which is what I have been doing the past two days, using the program Sonic Digital Media LE v7, which came preinstalled. It was working fine copying dvd's (legal copies of ones I recorded myself) until yesterday, when it suddenly said that my hard drive was full and to free up "0 kb" in order to proceed.

When I close the program after this error, it gives me three crash messages (every time).

First one says MediaHub.exe application error.
The instruction at "0x0035afd0" reference memory at "0x35171ae8". The memory could not be "written". Click on OK to terminate the program."

The next error is almost exactly the same but gives all the numbers as 0x00000000.

The third error is Microsoft Visual C++ RUntime Library Runtime Error! program: mediahub.exe
R6025 - pure virtual function call.

At first, rebooting helped this problem, but then I got the error again. So I ran disk cleanup. It took a really long time and then the pc turned itself off. I turned it back on and it said that the pc had overheated because the fan vents were blocked. The vent is on the bottom, and was very dirty (possibly because my friend was a heavy smoker), so I wiped it off with a damp napkin. I rebooted and ran disk cleanup again. I was able to copy disks again until it gave me the error again. Every time I go to the C drive and check the disk free space, it gives me very little there, but I know that it's not because of any files I have on there.

Anyway, I also uninstalled all of the unimportant programs and deleted any extra files I could find. I want to run check disk, but I got an error message and it said it would run it next time I rebooted (that didn't help and check disk still didn't run, and still wouldn't run next time I tried it). I tried to run disk defragmenter, but it said I only had 5% hard drive space left and it needs 15%. I ran it anyway, and it seemed to work, and I was able to copy more disks.

Now I am getting that error message again.

I am running disk cleanup again, compressing old files, so we'll see if that works. I haven't tried System Restore yet, will try that one next. I really would rather not reinstall Windows.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Suzanne Lanoue

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Media Player Glitch - Reinstalling Windows

Jan 20, 2005

I keep having a glitch in windows media player, where the texture seems to be incorrect or somthing... I have no idea what is causing it or what started it in the first place...anyone have any ideas on a way to fix it?...I've tried reinstalling windows media player 10...but it doesn't fix it

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Reinstalling Windows: Could Not Copy The Files: Presetup.cmd & SetupORG?

Jul 18, 2009

I have a desktop and a laptop but decided I needed to reinstall windows on the desktop. I backed up everything and started the re-boot. I deleted the partition and installed a fresh copy of windows. The first thing I noticed while it was installing was that it said it could not copy the files: presetup.cmd & setupORG. I skipped these and continued the installation but once the setup restarted my PC it hits an error screen saying that because these files were not copied setup has to abort.

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Blue Screen Eroor On Startup: Reinstalling Windows?

Jul 7, 2010

Using XP Home. Have Professional to try too which hasn't worked. OK, so about a month ago, I started getting BSOD, more and more regularly, until my computer wont start. So naturally, I try and reformat and reinstall. BSOD. So, I took it apart, put it back together, tried to reinstall, BSOD.

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Disk Boot Failure: Reinstalling New Copy Of Windows?

Jan 21, 2007

Just wiped my hard drive clean and am trying to reinstall OS but get a Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. When i add the cd it just repeats Disk Boot failure, insert system disk and press enter. Have wiped my hard drive before and haven't had this problem. The boot order is correct in the BIOS and i havent touched any cables.

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System Wont Recognize Full System Memory?

Feb 20, 2008

i am having a problem with windows xp not reading my full system memory it is in the bios but windows just one day decided to stop reading a full one gig instead it decided to read 256 megs of ram i've replaced the memory sticks five times now and i know i havent baught that many bad sticks of memory is there any way i can get windows to read the memory since i know the memory has to be good since the bios is reading the full memory i've even the a f-disc and reformat thinking that would fix it

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Full Hard Drive Wont Be Recognized / Os Is Windows Xp Fat 32 Oem Disc

Sep 12, 2009

Oem disc auto partions any hdd as 16GB os fat 32/D:\ drive NTFS raw. The Sony OEM disc(s) are pre sp1.
What steps do I take to install and get the full 200 GB to bea recoginized correctly?

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Full Screen DirectX Applications And Games Resize Background Windows

Mar 12, 2008

I consider myself somewhat experienced with computers in general and Windows in particular (been using computers since the DOS days), but there is a thing with windows that rather baffles me. The thing is that since some time ago, whenever I start a game or any other DirectX program in full screen it resizes all opened windows to that program�s screen resolution. Even dxdiag full screen tests seem to cause it.

Once the full screen program exits or if I alt-tab out of it, all mine previously maximized windows are resized to fit in whatever resolution the DirectX app was running but they seam to think they are still maximized (2 squares instead of one on the maximize button and I need to press it twice to actually maximize them again, and also their size when not maximized seam to be changed to the app's resolution as well I normally run my desktop at 1280x1024 resolution

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Virtual Memory Low Message / Windows Virtual Memory Minimum

Dec 10, 2004

I keep getting the error message that my Windows virtual memory minimum is too low. I have Microsoft Windows 2000 and the following settings: total paging file size 205 MB; minimum 2 MB; Recommended 190 MB; Currently allocated 205 MB; current registry size 21 I'm not the system administrator so I can't change these numbers. I also couldn't find the pagefile.sys that someone suggested looking for. My IT guys don't know what's wrong; they reformatted my computer but I got this error message again. What should I tell them to do?

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Problem Reinstalling Windows XP After Data Wipe - BSOD "Process1_Initialization_Fail"

Apr 16, 2007

I am using an HP Pavilion / Pentium 4 HT / WinXP Pro SP2 / 1 GB RAM / 200 GB HD desktop with no problems at all.

I used DBAN (Boot and Nuke) to wipe my data clean in hopes of reinstalling WinXP fresh. This morning while trying to reinstall Windows XP Pro SP2 I ran into several problems:

The copy I paid for was not recognized as a full version.
A backup copy I had borrowed from a friend was recognized and successfully allowed me to format my HD. However, while installing the OS, after getting to about 80% of the files copied it started saying it couldn't find certain files.
I had to swap copies of the WinXP discs several times and Retry to get all of the windows files copied.

Before getting to that, I formatted my HD using NFTS full which was successful. After finally getting all the Windows files copied, the system performed the initial reboot, and after the Windows XP black logo screen I got the BSOD stop error:


I do not have Norton GoBack installed and have never had any issues with this computer at all so I don't see how it could be a HD, Memory or CDROM issue.

Do I need a new copy of WinXP Pro?

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Windows Xp Message Virtual Memory Is Too Low ?

Sep 4, 2005

Can anyone explain why I keep getting a windows XP message ( virtual memory is to low )

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Cant Run 16-bit Windows Program Insufficient Memory To Run This Application

Aug 13, 2010

give the information to me about this problem. can't run 16-bit windows program.

Insufficient memory to run this application.Quit one or more windows application and then try again.

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Windows Keeps Updating Virtual Memory Daily

Apr 21, 2009

Xp keep updating my virtual memory all the time, I have windows xp service pack 3 installed running on a pavilion ze4300 us machine with 704 of ram installed. How do I set it so it will keep from doing this so much? James L.

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Reinstalling / Reinstalling Office 2002

Jul 26, 2006

I want to reinstall Window XP on my computer. I have Microsoft office 2002 installed, but I don't have the installation CD.How can I reinstall Microsoft office after I reinstall Windows XP without the CD?

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Slow To Load Windows 2000 - Virtual Memory Too Low

Jan 5, 2005

The computer is slow to load windows 2000. Takes several mintues to connect to the net. Message showing that "Virtual Memory is low". Have gone into "My computer" - then "advanced options" and increased virtual memory to 1500. There is a good amount of space on the disc. But actions made no difference and still get the message that the virtual memory is low. Speed of computer not improved.Will try "System restore".

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Memory Resident Program To Close When Exiting Windows

Jan 2, 2006

I have a couple programs that Windows can't close when it exits (Win XP). So when I exit, I have to manually click the popup Window that asks to close the program without saving it or cancel. Is there a way to have Windows do that by default for that particular program (or even for all programs) preferably after some period of time of not making a choice?

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Getting The Error Of "Windows-virtual Memory Low"?

Mar 29, 2008

what to do in this case ""Windows-virtual memory low""

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Cannot Upgrade Memory - Blanck Sceen Appears After Installing Memory

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade the RAM memory on my Gateway MX3230 notebook. It presently has 256 MB and I would like to upgrade to 1 GB. I have checked the Gateway website and and upgrade to 1 GB is acceptable. I purchased a memory module from Kingston which was listed as being compatible with my laptop. When I tried installing the module, the computer will not start, nothing but black screen. It's as thought there is no memory at all. I tried re-installing the module making sure it was inserted in as far as it will go, still no luck. There is no settings in bios that I can see that would prevent the acceptance of this module

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IEXPLORE.EXE Reside In Memory - Opening IE Window - PC Memory Is Lost

Sep 18, 2005

The IEXPLORE.EXE still reside im my PC memory after I close the IE window.

With task mamanger, I can see there are many IEXPLORE.EXE running. But, I already close all of them.

I ran 3 ad-ware, spybot, MS antispyware. Removed all the spyware by those 3 spyware detector.

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Free Memory - Used Memory Of The System Drive Problem?

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40GHz, 1.25 GB RAM. Iam using 80 GB samsung hard disk.
I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional service pack 2 on a drive of 10 GB memory space with NTFS file system.
After the installation of Win XP, the drive properties shows 4.9 GB of used memory and only 4.45 GB of free memory, but when I try to find total memory occupied for all the files in that drive (using "select-all" and properties) the used memory is only 2.3 GB only.

Now I don't understand the huge difference of this memories calculations. Where that extra used memory gone, when the total memory occupied by all the files is much less.

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Find Only Two Out Of Three Memory Modules - Increasing Original Memory

Oct 19, 2007

why my Windowx XP sees only 1024 MB memory while I've increased the original memory of 512 MB by 2x 512 MB ?My motherboard has three DDR-slots. It had from the beginning a Kingston K 512MB PC2700 module in slot #1. This week I've added two Kingston K512 UDIMM 512MB PC2700 modules in the slots #2 and #3.All three modules has the type name KVR333X64C25/512, so I thought they would be compatible.

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