Can't See Full 4GB Of Memory

Jul 28, 2009

Im fully aware of why one would'nt be able to get Windows XP to use a full four gigabytes of memory but I thought I had taken the appropriate steps to remedy the problem. Im using the 64-bit version of Windows XP Pro and I've enabled memory hole remapping in my motherboards BIOS but for whatever reason windows is still telling me im only using around 3GB of memory. What am I doing wrong?

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Memory Is Almost Full - Saving The Files In Two Places?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a 60GB hard drive that says it is full. I have relatively few programs on my machine and only about 10 GB worth of music/pictures/movies. What is using all my hard drive memory and how do I fix? Does XP save the files in two places?

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HijackThis Log For Memory Full / Restart My Computer

Aug 6, 2007

The memory runs out on my computer when I open additional windows on my PC and I have 512 MB of RAM. I use internet explorer 6 and with windows xp home edition. Then I have to use Disc Cleanup to get more space by compressing old files and deleting temporary files. I cannot even run this utility when the windows are open and I cannot close windows sometimes so I have to shut down Internet Explorer and restart my computer.

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Memory Full Afer Reinstalling Windows

Jan 22, 2009

I recently reinstalled windows (XP) using the recovery disk supplied with the computer and now my memory is full even though I haven't reinstalled or recovered most of my old stuff. When I was reintalling I chose to create a new partition (I think that's what I chose anyway). Question 1: Are all of my old files still on my hard drive?Question 2: How can i either save them or get rid of them in order to free up more memory?

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Large File Transfer / Memory Stick Is Full

Mar 31, 2009

I am trying to move a 5 GB file from my hard drive to a 16 GB memory stick that is empty in Win XP. I get the message that the memory stick is full.

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System Wont Recognize Full System Memory?

Feb 20, 2008

i am having a problem with windows xp not reading my full system memory it is in the bios but windows just one day decided to stop reading a full one gig instead it decided to read 256 megs of ram i've replaced the memory sticks five times now and i know i havent baught that many bad sticks of memory is there any way i can get windows to read the memory since i know the memory has to be good since the bios is reading the full memory i've even the a f-disc and reformat thinking that would fix it

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Cannot Upgrade Memory - Blanck Sceen Appears After Installing Memory

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade the RAM memory on my Gateway MX3230 notebook. It presently has 256 MB and I would like to upgrade to 1 GB. I have checked the Gateway website and and upgrade to 1 GB is acceptable. I purchased a memory module from Kingston which was listed as being compatible with my laptop. When I tried installing the module, the computer will not start, nothing but black screen. It's as thought there is no memory at all. I tried re-installing the module making sure it was inserted in as far as it will go, still no luck. There is no settings in bios that I can see that would prevent the acceptance of this module

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IEXPLORE.EXE Reside In Memory - Opening IE Window - PC Memory Is Lost

Sep 18, 2005

The IEXPLORE.EXE still reside im my PC memory after I close the IE window.

With task mamanger, I can see there are many IEXPLORE.EXE running. But, I already close all of them.

I ran 3 ad-ware, spybot, MS antispyware. Removed all the spyware by those 3 spyware detector.

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Free Memory - Used Memory Of The System Drive Problem?

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40GHz, 1.25 GB RAM. Iam using 80 GB samsung hard disk.
I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional service pack 2 on a drive of 10 GB memory space with NTFS file system.
After the installation of Win XP, the drive properties shows 4.9 GB of used memory and only 4.45 GB of free memory, but when I try to find total memory occupied for all the files in that drive (using "select-all" and properties) the used memory is only 2.3 GB only.

Now I don't understand the huge difference of this memories calculations. Where that extra used memory gone, when the total memory occupied by all the files is much less.

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Find Only Two Out Of Three Memory Modules - Increasing Original Memory

Oct 19, 2007

why my Windowx XP sees only 1024 MB memory while I've increased the original memory of 512 MB by 2x 512 MB ?My motherboard has three DDR-slots. It had from the beginning a Kingston K 512MB PC2700 module in slot #1. This week I've added two Kingston K512 UDIMM 512MB PC2700 modules in the slots #2 and #3.All three modules has the type name KVR333X64C25/512, so I thought they would be compatible.

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Transfer DVD To Memory Stick Or Memory Card

Dec 27, 2007

I am running Windows XP in a Compaq Presario, with CD reader and CD/DVD burner. My question: How do I get a DVD(with photos and sound) onto a Flash Memory stick or an SD card??

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Weird Memory - Adding More Memory In Computer

Jan 19, 2006

I have a white box Pentium 4 CPU with XP professional service pack 2 build 2600 installed. The motherboard is an intel D865GLC with 512 MB RAM installed in Dual channel mode with 1 256 MB stick of ram in slot zero of bank 1 and 1 256 MB stick of ram in slot zero of bank 2. This memory is dual channel compatible. I tried to add another 2 sticks of the same type ram but from a different manufacturer.
Here's the problem: I can use any 2 of the 4 sticks of ram together, both from the same manufacturer or 1 from 1 manufacturer and 1 from the other for a total of 512 MB. Everything works fine. I can place one stick in slot 0 of bank 1 and the other in slot 0 of bank 2 or I can place 1 in slot 1 bank 1 and 1 in slot 1 of bank 2 with no problems. I can even place a 3rd stick of the same type ram in any open slot and all's fine (except the machine complains that this is not an optimal memory setup). Memtest86 reports no errors with any of the above configurations

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Virtual Memory Is Low - IE Takes Up Memory

Dec 6, 2004

I was running Outlook, AIM, and IE at the same. After a few moment, I'd get this following message:

Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your Virtual Memory Paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied.

When I hit OK, all my applications would close, except my Outlook. I'm running Win2K with 512 memory. My computer is only 1.5 years old. I didn't play any games or download anything so it's not heavily used. But why the message then?

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Virtual Memory And Memory Leak ?

Jun 21, 2008

I don't really have a problem on my hands, but I would like to ask a few questions relating to Virtual Memory and Memory Leak.

I downloaded a game back in December, but hasn't been installed as yet. I heard that it is created using "C++" or "C" (whatever it is), and I learned that it has a memory leak. My Virtual Memory was running low (it may already have beforehand) by the time the game was installed. My computer crashed two days later as a result.

But some users haven't experienced any problems with the game. My question is, is it a better idea for me to install the game on a CD-ROM or USB Drive and play it from that media type (instead of from the hard drive) so that I can protect my PC from crashing due to low virtual memory?

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To Know Virtual Memory And Memory Usage ?

Sep 28, 2007

virtual memory and memory usage i need to know how to know this 2 perfomances and if we need to otuch something to upgrade memory and best usage for your pc.

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Swapping Memory - Memory Sticks

Aug 9, 2005

I have a Ecs P4vxasd Motherboard, Pga socket 423. The mainboard accomodates 2 DDR 184 pin 2.5v + 2 SDR 168 pin 3.3v Dimm sockets with a total capacity of
etting various blue screen errors, to go along with several reloads. I downloaded a memory diagnostic program from this site. My computer didn't pass the test, so I removed on stick and it passed this time. I assumed that the memory stick was my problem, and ordered a DDR 512 mb pc3200 stick from I installed the new memory and got the same error from the diag. test. I began swapping memory around. all three sticks worked fine by themselves in either slot, but put two together & I would get a bad diag.

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Memory Could Not Be "written" 0x77f52b6a Referenced Memory At 0x00000067

Feb 28, 2005

anuyone ever seen this problem or know how to what is the cause of it or where it came from, and how do we fix it?

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Virtual Memory Low Message / Windows Virtual Memory Minimum

Dec 10, 2004

I keep getting the error message that my Windows virtual memory minimum is too low. I have Microsoft Windows 2000 and the following settings: total paging file size 205 MB; minimum 2 MB; Recommended 190 MB; Currently allocated 205 MB; current registry size 21 I'm not the system administrator so I can't change these numbers. I also couldn't find the pagefile.sys that someone suggested looking for. My IT guys don't know what's wrong; they reformatted my computer but I got this error message again. What should I tell them to do?

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Won't Run In Full Mode

Oct 9, 2010

I have an old Toshia Tecra laptop that suddenly refuses to run in full mode in XP professional. It will run in safe mode and I have tried to run anti virus etc with no problems. I have tried windows directory services restore mode. I have tried to restore a previous know working set of data. I have removed the ticks from all in startup but still the machine goes through showing the microsoft screen then goes blank and after a few minutes tries to start up again. I have noticed that when I shut down I get an end program screen of (End Program-- Sample), when clicked it says this program is not responding. I have looked through windows explorer under program files and can't see a program just called Sample.I am going into hospital shortly for a major op and wanted to use the laptop to look at DVD's to pass the time, so any help gratefully rec'd.

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C Drive Full

Aug 11, 2006

A msg. popped up today saying my C: drive was full.I let it clean it up, but still only have just over 600 MB free out of 15 GB. Only 2.16 GB of this is programs as I have my programs installed on another drive. Looking in my Windows folder, I found 16.8 MB of log (text) files. Can these be removed? Can I turn off whatever is creating them?I downloaded Disk Size Manager after reading some other messages on this site. It says my C: drive is 12,815.60 MB which should be 15 GB. Where is the just over 2 GB that are missing? Windows uses 4,887.88 MB. Documents and Settings is 3,090.28.Is this normal?I wish I could move the programs to my D: drive, but I can't find a way. They are only available on my computer restoration disks and it puts them where it wants to instead of letting me decide where I want them. I tried running a free program called Move It!, but it looks like they are moving but they don't.

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Ding More Memory Can Put More Memory?

Mar 1, 2007

I have 3 memory slots on my motherboard. Two of them have 512MB DDR PC2700 chips. Can I put a 1GB chip in the third slot or would it have to be another 512MB chip?

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Hard Drive Is 100% Full

Feb 11, 2009

I'm at my wits end. I was queried by my computer to clean up my hard drive because it was full. ( I wasn't downloading anything).This seemed very odd to me as I always clean up my hardrive regularly.I usually defrag my hardrive every few weeks and the last time I did it I had 29% free space. Now when I check it I have 0% free space and the hard drive has over 20000 fragmented files, I've never seen it look like this.I ran spyware and came back no threats.Something has filled up my hardrive unexplainable.I've tried a lot of things from system restore to chkdsk.

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Pro With SP3 Won't Let Administrator Have Full Control

Oct 4, 2009

I recently purchased an HP 8530w laptop that came with an xp from Vista downgrade preinstalled. I foolishly let Windows update automatically update the OS using the Express mode. It downloaded and installed SP3 and several .NET framework patches. The laptop also came with HP Credential Manager installed. The problem I'm encountering is that even though I logon under an administrator account I can't delete files under any of the USers under documents and settings, including the administrator acciunts Everytime I try to delete a cookie, or remove some documents (under My Documents) the file management program (Explorer or PowerDesk, I use both) pauses and then shuts down, and creates an error message to send to Microsoft. In short the system will allow the administrator to administrate. Can't uninstall SP3 because it doesn't show up in Add/Remove Programs, and can't delete any of the .NET framework updates even though they are listed.

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C: Drive Totally Full

Jun 15, 2005

What would make a C: drive with only Win XP and nothing else on it fill up. It is a 10 GB drive. I installed XP Pro to it and everything else to different drives. The C: drive totally filled up and I couldn't seem to find anything to delete from it to make room. I did all the cleanup steps with no results. I have now reformatted it and am installing XP again, but would like to avoid this problem in the future if I can. Plan to use Fred Langa, of the Langa List, steps to lighten up XP, but not sure that will be enough since I don't know what caused the problem in the first place.

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Full - Screen Program

Aug 28, 2006

I use full screen programs, usually games, my pc automatically minimizes the program to show the desktop. anyone experience this? i think it is from a program i installed coz everytime i reformat my pc.

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HDD Is Full - Free Spsce

Jan 31, 2005

I have a 80GB HDD and I'm down to 13GB's. I'm wanting to run a DVD program, which requires my to have at least 20 GB of free space. Can any one tell me where all of my free space has gone?

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Want A Full Screen For Computer

Jul 23, 2010

I need toget to the display control to enlarge my game board please i am stupid when i do it and it took me 24 hours.

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Buy Upgrade Or Full Version Of XP?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a computer that came with OEM Windows Me and I want to upgrade to Windows
XP Pro. Is it possible to acquire a retail upgrade version of Windows XP for that

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Can Install Full Version Instead Of Oem

Feb 7, 2008

I have acquired a computer with an oem copy of xp installed I have a full version cd of xp pro recently acquired can I do a reformat and then install the full version with no complications. I dont know much about oem's.

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NT4 Event Log Services - System Log Is Full

Sep 4, 2006

Dialog box with Event Log Services - System log is full.
It looks like the Disk is full and I can't find anything to remove until I talk to the user.
How do I address this message.

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Full C: Backup And The System State - .bat

Jul 21, 2005

I'm creating a .bat to run a backup job and it keeps failing. The event log says that no media was specified. The job works fine if I load it to the GUI. The 4mm DAT drive is specified in the GUI but that doesn't seem to carry over to the command line. In the end all I want is a full C: backup and the system state, overwriting whatever tape is in the drive. This is the command from the .bat

ntbackup backup "@c:ackupserver.bks" /m normal /v:yes

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