Program Files Associations Lost After Making Changes In Registry?
Jun 28, 2005
after blocking some Adware notified attempts to change regiestry entires,I have "lost" all my file associations for my programs I tried the following after to launch registry editor without success Start Run[I had to browse to command in windows to assoiciate this file, but it worked]copy regedit.exe[this worked saying I had copied 1 file successfully]start[this would not work - error message sayng no access]
most of my files have lost their icon and when i open them they pop this error windows saying"Windows cannot open this file: To open this file, windows needs to know what program created it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs on your computer."it seems to be a problem with the extensions of applications
I restarted my computer and now i cant open any of my programs.It appears the links are missing.for example, in the program files menu (start > all programs) there are no icon pictures anymore just blank icons.when i double click to open .exe files nothing occurs.(the problems occured after i restarted my computer and messages popped up asking if i wanted to change registry settings for a variety of different things so i said no to all messages)
My other computer is a hp using windows xp. The computer lost power and now program files will let me access any file in that folder, either through explorer or through any program that is in that folder. The computer is not connected to the internet and never has been. The computer is only used for backup of photos and backup files. Virus scan comes up with nothing. I tried the whole folder options thing.. no luck. When you check the properties of that folder, there nothing showing. Shows 0 mb in folder.
I followed instructions to edit the registry for a program (Foxit PDF Reader), changing 0's to 1's to disable a certain feature, then exiting from regedit. When I reopened it, the changes hadn't stuck. Is this a peculiarity of the program i.e., it has some way of preventing changes to its features or have I failed in some way to save registry edits before exiting?
Weeks and weeks (8~9) ago I found the registry settings ([HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerSetup7.0]"DoNotAllowIE70"=dword:00000001) to keep IE7 at bay, I"m always very vigilant during MS update, been on vacation- returned to find on two computers the entry above was GONE! Discovered this during the MS update check, there-big as life- the UN-hidden IE7 was waiting to come on down into my system. Haven't checked the laptop I took with me, but will check the registry first before checking updates. Does MS update have the ability to do this to ones registry?
From time to time I help people fix their computers. And on occasion I have messed up my computer in the process. No problem. I would just reformat. I read about a program called Nlite, where I could slipstream all my programs + windows xp + sp2 and, most important, all the windows critical updates to date. It worked great. It cut down my time from start to finish, from about 7 hours to a little less than 2 hours. But in the process of learning how to do this, and before I found out that there was such a thing as a virtual pc, I of course had to reformat a number of times.
I exported a backup of the registry to the desktop, and now when I remove that registry back up file from the desktop to another folder, the wallpaper disappears.I tried to import it again from that another folder but it didn't make any difference. I don't want to keep the reg file on my Desktop. How can I restore the registry so my wallpaper shows up, and delete the reg file from the desktop.
Some time ago, my PC had some serious problem and I lost most of my windows files... or files in my windows dir. To get back to my files I re-installed windows.. somehow. Anyway... it works pretty good for the most part but it does seem to load very slowly most of the time... Can you suggest anything to help? HJT log.
The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)
some how my clip board clipboard.exe seems to "disapear" and i tryed everything to get it back but i still can't find one.isn't there a installation program that has the clipboard?
A friend told me to scan my registry for Wineries and lo and behold I found something: My ComputerHkey_Current_UserSoftwareMicrosoftSearch AssistantACMru5603 In this... there is a file named: 002 and 003 one is called Cache one is called Wineries. Their types are REG_SZ
info on recovering lost/ deleted files? I have accidentaly deleted some documents from my computer while performing a backup. Actually I deleted them from the backup before I reintroduced them to my computer. They were backed up on there own slave drive.
In Windows XP, the Windows Explorer application is found under "start/programs/accessories". I clicked on the application listing there and dragged it on to my desktop. There is now an icon on the desktop for it, but it has disappeared from the apps listings in "start/programs/accessories". How can I restore the program listing there?
No programing exp. Started w/program removal when PC slowed. Both CD roms are ? on hardware list and cannot be actavated. Error 41 notice and Easy CD creator warning from msn when ckd. for help True about uninstall of Easy CD BUT printer is damaged and tried reinstall and changed cartridges Etc. My accounts screen repeats itself and has desk top items superimposed at times. will dump and start over but don't have any exp. how to. I built this machine and it ran well till now
Somehow I lost the Program Events for Start Windows, Exit Windows and a few others in the Sound Schemes for Sounds and Audio Devices. I am unable to attach sounds to these "missing" events. What is the best way to recover add them?
It is frustrating having every program automatically install to program files, including minor things like audio attachment. I know I'll end up with tons and tons of folders in program files. Beyond that, I can't access program files from the other computers on the network. Is there a good way to reorganize/move files to my C drive in a way that would be efficient and wouldn't require reinstalling every single program in a different place?
Um.. I think this could go here. Well i just partitioned my hard drive and i seperated it by music, programs, etc. What im trying to do is get all my programs to use the seperate partition (E) instead of C:. I just wanted to know how to do this.
I was uninstalling a prog that had a trojan in it. I deleted the registry keys and such;manuelling removing it because the Explorer.exe would shut down every time I tried to do it the old fasion way Wink So, I was going through, and I accidentally deleted the Uninstall registry key Which has led all the installed progs to not show up in the Add/Remove Programs gui that's in Control Panel.And so, I am wondering if I have to wait until tommorow to do this, when I have the windows cd. Or if I'm able to just do some other recovery.I restarted and held down F8, and did the "Last known good configuration" thing, but it said I had to replace hal.dll.
I restarted my computer and when I opened firefox, the program wouldnt open. The error said something about file extentsion does not exist, attach an association in the folder options of control panel. This problem applies to almost all programs on my computer. I had to change exe and insert in firefox in order to open it and I post this problem.. I was dumb enough and newbish not to create a system restore before fiddling with the registry. Is there any way to fix the problem?
Am Running Windows XP home with SP2 on a P4 machine,everything running smoothly except that I tried to uninstall a program through the control panel-add/remove route and even though most programs are listed there, only a few of them like 5 out of 40 odd have the change/remove button when the particular program name is clicked. It just shows size, used frequency and last used on, I cannot uninstall those programs incl. the officeXP package. I am absolutely sure all this was possible few days back and tried to get my system back to a 7-8 day restore point but this does not help as well
In registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall " only 5-6 programs are listed and the change/remove button only shows up for these. Where did the rest go? all these other programs are running on my computer. What could be the problem and how can I resolve it without re-formatting
I have been playin a lot of online RPG lately, so I been working with maps and photos, drawings, etc.. I got PSP8,and while installing it I switched the file associations ALL on, so every graphics file becames a PSP8 file. Well its causing all sorts of problems, the web wont upload PSP8 format. OOoopss. Fine , right, I just remove the PSP8 assoc on files, such as Jpeg, gif, bmp, but now those files are listed as having no extension now!! So the web wont even recognize them know, ie they dont show up in the 'browse' list. How can I restore the file associations to the originals, on the jpeg, bmp, gifs ?
For some reason now, whenever I try to RIGHT click on ANY of my file types, and do a OPEN WITH, I come up with the following message, "This file doesn't have a program associated with it, for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options control panel". Except that when I go there, there IS a program associated with the particular file type. Example: .jpg files, I have Microsoft photo editor, Paint Shop Pro 7, and Picassa, installed. I used to be able to RIGHT click on a .jpg file, and then go to "open with" and it would give me a list of installed programs to choose from. NOW I get the above error. Now, I DO use a registry cleaner, could I have damaged something? and how do I get it back?
nothing will open..i know it has to do with the file associations, and all that stuff.. i have looked everywhere about how to fix it, and nothing will work.
I'm using Win XP and, using the built in Zip feature,have zipped up 14 files that include one .exe file and one .bas file.When I try to Extract All files it extracts all except these two files.It says that the files have been blocked to protect the computer, then I can click on a link to find out how to unblock the files but the instructions to do so don't make sense.The instructions tell you to save the file, then right click/properties/unblock, but I can't see how you can save a file if it hasn't been unzipped.How can I stop the .exe and .bas files from being blocked
i bought star wars battlefront 2. my swbf2 disk broken (broke disk #2). the good thing is that i could still play with disk 1... until i got a virus and had to clean install windows. luckly b4 that happened i burnt all the swbf2 data to a dvd. now i copied everything from the disk to E:programfileslucasarts starwarsbattlefrontII (its an external harddrive) but it doesnt show up in the add remove thing. i heard that the windows registry handles things like this, so how can i update the registry to show swbf2 installed? i have windows xp sp2.
I recently removed all of my file extensions with my Registry Cleaner,now I can't access anything except my browser and Email program.I was trying to clean stuff off of my computer I didn't need I just got a little carried away.I have a backup of the files on my Registry Cleaner but I can't access it,what can I do?Is there any other way to gain access to my Registry Cleaner where I can get to the backup?When I say I removed all of my file extensions I mean every single one.
I downloaded some Registry cleaner program and I guess it was a crappy one because it must have deleted a whole bunch of important registry files. I had to reboot my system and got a message saying "ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupted" so in my infinite wisdom and panicked state I ran the XP recovery disks that came with my laptop (see laptop details below). But for some odd reason it just installed another version of Windows XP. Anyways after some sleuthing I used the XP disk to copy over the "ntoskrnl.exe" to my HD and all seemed okay as my original version of XP booted up okay, but then I get a blue XP screen saying "AutoChk.exe file not found- skipping AUTOCHECK" and the system restarts