PC Restarts 15 Secs After Shutdown

May 2, 2005

I recently upgraded to xp pro via clean install.

Problem is that all of a sudden the pc has decided to switch back on 15 seconds after shutdown.

Thought it was a software issue, so I uninstalled all recenly installed software, but no joy.

Runing Win XP Pro, all updates installed.

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Using CMD Does A Force Shutdown In Less Than 30 Secs

Jan 12, 2008

I am using a Windows XP Pro SP2. I have run Spybot, Ad-Aware, Clamwin and Symantec to verify if its virus related. Checked Startup and disabled it using Safemode to isolate source. Check if there was a BAT file created a few days earlier. But came up with nothing.Every time I used Start/Run/CMD or click CMD shortcut from Quick Launch, a second window that warns me my windows XP will force shutdown everything in less than 30 secs. Don't have even have enough time to disable it using cmd window or take a screen shot.

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Computer Freezing For 2 Secs Then Ok

Oct 11, 2005

I reformatted my C: drive today and installed win xp pro fresh and now its doing this.

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ALL Desktop Disappears For About 5/6 Secs Then Reappears

Dec 26, 2007

ALL my desktop (Except wall paper) disappears for about 5/6 secs then reappears as if nothing has happened.
Taskbar, start button, icons, everything except the wallpaper.All goes, I wait for approx 6 secs then they all come back ONE BY ONE.Only happens when I am changing programs, or going from icon to icon.Recently repaired, (had 7 trojans) and since then it says my copy is not validate, so I downloaded service pack 2,
Used Avast boot time scan to repair, blooming great that prog, although a bit confusing if you dont know what to do.

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PC Doesn't Always Start And Then Freezes After 45-60 Secs

Apr 24, 2005

Hey guys, hoping you can help, hopefully i have put this in the right section...

My computer has yet another problem - lovely.

It was all running fine until yesterday night when I went to play on a game - Medal Of Honor: Spearhead, which i've been playing for years. Anyways, I connected to my usual server, and the computer froze. I waited for 10 mins, and then powered it off by the PWR button on the front of the computer.

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Control Panel Takes 30 Secs To Appear

Oct 29, 2006

Would this point to a disk prob

What could I do to verify if it is anything else ?

I have XP pro with 1gb RAM

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5-8 Secs Response After Start-up Than Frozen

Jul 30, 2009

Did a system manufacturer install(wiped everything)..Went thru process 2 days ago...Computer was working great, best it had run in awhile...Today when I turned it on I was able to move the cursor around but nothing could be clicked on except for the initial 5-8 secs Windows came on, I was able to click on icons but it wasn't long enough to run before the computer froze....I'm worried I have a hardware failure because the software ran fine for 2 days..Computer is 5 yrs old..

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Takes 45 Secs When Booting To The Desktop - Start Up Utilities Have Gone

Mar 3, 2008

I have a brand new Acer Veriton M410 UD5000P, 1 x AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ / 2.6 GHz ( Dual-Core ), 3 gibs DDR2 of ram and a sata 300 hd with win xp pro, I remove fom the msconfig startup all those utilities that acer installed to speed up the booting, plus some other tweaks, the partitions from factory came as FAT32, and Norton internet security is installed for 60 days, i am wondering if the delay is cause maybe Norton is checking during boot time or cause the the file system is fat32, any opinion is vey appreciated in orde to speed the boot time, by the way, I don't now if i should remove the register keys related with those utilities that are not any longer on the startup

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McAfee Firewall Is Disabled On Startup For Upto 20 Secs.

Oct 17, 2005

Occasionally when I start up, The Icon in the system tray for McAfee turns to black and says firewall disabled. I have run a full virus scan, Spybot, Adaware and Spy doctor. nothing has been found that would suggest a problem. Any ideas as to why? It's not every time and only at start up. I am running XP Home, McAfee version 5. Once running no problems.

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Virus INF/Slenfbot.GT On Removable Drives - CA Pops Up Every 10 Secs

Sep 12, 2009

I'm pretty sure I have a virus on my PC itself and on my flash drive. CA keeps popping up every 10 seconds or so telling me that a virus has been detected and deleted on my removable drive. It's called INF/Slenfbot.GT and it's on my Autorun.inf file on my drive.

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Explorer Constant Restarts - Restarts Every 10 Seconds

Sep 23, 2006

i have i think it is a spyware problem, there is a file in the windows folder that needs deleating, the only problem is windows vistas explorer restarts every 10 seconds or so and i cant browse the hdd because it jus restarts itself lik u have just logged in, i have even tried this in safe mode but it stil does it. Anybody know of any problems like a certain spyware name or virus that is doin this, and any programs that would likely to get rid of it, this has happened before, and i deleted the program in the windows folder and it was fine, except i dont know the name of this file i havbe to delete this time.

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Remote Shutdown Causes BSOD But Not Local Shutdown

Aug 3, 2010

i remote into my XP box everything is fine except when i shut down using a shutdown shortcut and other shutdown utilities no matter what after i get booted off the remote session the computer looks like its shutting down then stays on for a few seconds then a BSOD appear. I have been trying to figure out why for the past week and no solution so im hoping someone can chime in..The problem is only on remote if i shut down locally never a single BSOD and no hardware has changed. No driver issues. ive read and tried all the usual solutions. Need someone here to chime in on specifics.Ive also tried to remote in with bare minimum and no go. same thing.

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Shutdown 2000 Pro Twice To Shutdown Computer

Aug 28, 2003

This is weird. I have to go through the shutdown procedure twice, i.e., Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok, then Start/Shut Down/Shut Down and click Ok again. It will then shutdown properly. The same thing happens when I try to "Restart." After doing the first shutdown sequence, everything is normal. I can open programs, surf the web, etc. It's as if I never tried to shut it down at all. Only after the second shutdown procedure will it shutdown fully. One note: When I go through the first shutdown sequence, my taskbar pops up and the desktop is darkened. After clicking Ok, the taskbar autohides and my desktop returns to its normal color.I have only had this problem for the last month or two. Before that, all was fine. It's not critical since I can shut it down. It's just annoying to have to do it twice.I have Windows 2000 Pro, SP4, build 5.00.2195.

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Click On Shutdown Twice To Shutdown Computer

Jun 13, 2005

When attempting to "shutdown" or "reboot", I have to do it twice. When I select "Start" then either shutdown or reboot, my desktop will flicker a couple of times, and then nothing appears to happen. I must select "start" again and then either shutdown or reboot and then they will work as expected.

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Computer Always Restarts

May 18, 2007

My computer always restarts eventhough im not restarting it. this always happen. what am i going to do?

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Random Restarts

Apr 5, 2006

I dont think it has something to do with the harddrive as this used to work fine a while ago. I searched for trojans, viruses and other stuff and it did nothing.I can't find what its causing it. I'm in a middle of a game and it just reboots.

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Hibernate Restarts PC

Apr 13, 2006

Whenever I hibernate my PC, it dumps memory to disk but then it restarts instead of powering down. But when I choose shutdown, it properly powers down.I have tried everything i know and searched a lot of web sites but i am still not able to solve this problem.Then I came across techsupportalert which recommended your web site. So I hope that you will be able to solve this problem.

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Restarts Instead Of Shutting Down

May 14, 2007

ive had this problem for a few months now and its pretty annoying. every time i go to turn off my comp from the start menu it restarts instead. so i have to wait next to my comp turn it off manually when its at the start to be safe.

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Computer Restarts By Itself

Feb 7, 2005

I've been using Adobe Photoshop for awhile now and I seem to have a serious problem. Sometimes, when I'm using it, the computer just restarts without any error. This happened to me a few times. I tried Norton Virus Scanner, Adaware, Defragment, and System Restore. But sadly... it still doesn't work...It happened again when I was using spy bot and listening to music... what is the problem??

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Restarts Right After Booting

Dec 9, 2006

Well, my father told me this all started after he clicked yes on an error message that he had always pressed no on...he couldn't remember what the message said.I'm running Windows XP. So after pushing power, the computer passes POST, then goes to a screen saying Windows can not start normally and gives an option of going into Safe mode, trying to start normally, etc.If I select start normally, it goes to the black Windows Startup screen, showing a progress bar, then the screen goes black as if it's going to go to the blue welcome screen then just restarts, with the same loop over and over.In safe mode, it says what drivers it's loading, then quickly does a blue screen (too quick to read), then restarts.Do you guys think this is a software problem? Is there any way to fix it without reinstalling Windows?

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Restarts As Soon As Logged In

Feb 20, 2006

My WinXP SP2 computer restarts its self just as it logs in to any account.

I woke up to find my computer had an error on it. It had been on all night and connected to the internet (if that helps you understand the situation). The error was something like this:

Explorer.exe - Application Error
The instruction at "0x0105b1fe" referenced memory at "0x000000000". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program.

and 'Explorer.exe' was something else a couple times (if I saw it I would remember)

I kept clicking 'OK' and It would keep appearing, then the start menu and taskbar would disappear and appear. The warning kept appearing. I restarted properly and then the computer would keep restarting after "Windows is starting up...".

I tried going into Safe Mode and Safe Mode in Command Prompt and still restarts when I get to logging in.

I thought if I got to MS-DOS, I could launch System Restore and go back to a previous state, but it's easier said then done.

I have tried to boot from a Win98 CD, but I couldn't locate the C:WINDOWS directory.

I've tried to boot from a Office 2000 Pro CD that had Word, Excel, and Outlook. I could brouse around the CD in Command Prompt, but that didn't help much.

Now, I'm onto booting from an WinXP upgrade CD. I've tried reinstall Windows, and when Windows Installation is just about done, the computer restarts and I had to restart all again. When I start up now, it is WinXP without Service Pack 2.
In Microsoft Windows XP Recovery Console, I have tried to open System Restore ("C:WINDOWSSystem32Restore
strui.exe"), but I just get 'The command is not recognized. Type HELP for a list of supported commands.'
Does anyone know how to open System Restore in Microsoft Windows XP Recovery Console? Or even if is possible. Am I even on the right path?

Can anyone give me any hints as to WHY this error happened and what to do now to get my pc started properly?

I also have my all my files on a partitioncalled D: and I am willing to try to reinstall Win2K again and upgrade to XP. One more question is if I format or reinstall on the C: drive, will it effect the D: partition?

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Explorer Restarts When You Right Click And Much More

Nov 16, 2004

I'm working on a computer for a client and have found it to be the most problem filled machine I have ever delt with. Spybot and ad-aware removed between the two of them over 1000 spyware files, I had to un install several bad programs, and stinger found 7 critical viruses. . It also will not connect to the Internet, it has been configured to the shop's network and I can ping other computers in the network no problem, I can even ping the gateway, but it cant connect to or ping any site beyond that...and finally, explorer restarts anytime you right click on a file on the desktop
I did manage to get highjackthis on to it and move the logfile to this computer on my USB drive and so here it is

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IE Errors Explorer.exe. Restarts

Feb 18, 2008

I keep getting an error from microsoft and soon after the error. Explorer.exe. restarts. and this happens very frequent. the error is "Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library Buffer overrun detected!
Program: C:windowsexplorer.exe A Buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal sate. the program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated."

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Computer Restarts About 4 Times A Day?

Jul 23, 2008

I have been looking into this computer restarting. I have downloaded recent drivers and updates. I looked at Microsofts suggestions. After the bsod if comes back up and the error reports says they are not sure what it is but it has something to do with antivirus.
Here is the event. It seems to happen whenever they are playing games or online. sometimes they will just go back to the desktop and the program will close.

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Getting Out Of BIOS System Restarts

Jul 6, 2007

Brief explanation. I purchased a generic brand laptop and loading xp myself. I had no problems whatsoever until I bought the game Medival II. While I was playing the game, as I had before, it suddenly froze my laptop. I was forced to turn off the power and restart. When I did that, I was able to see the bios screen and enter bios which still seems to recognize everything correctly in the laptop. But when getting out of BIOS system restarts. Just a black screen. I finally got to the point that I decided just to reinstall. Upon attempting to do so, I get the following error message after it attempts to load

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CRC Errors And Random Restarts

Nov 16, 2009

Recently i have been having lots of crc errors whilst unzipping files. My initial thought was that one of my hard drives was on its way out. I had checked them all using the manufacturers diagnotic ultility (Seatools) with all testing features and each one, on all drives, returned without error. I thought my suspicions were confirmed when i turned my drive on for the BIOS not to recognise one of my SATA's (a Barracuda 7200.11). After a bit of research i found out that this was prob not the cause of my crc errors as the SD15 version of the firmware supplied with my drive had a bug and causes the drive to go into a hibernated state, a separate issue i'm trying to deal with.After removing this particular hard drive along with Vista out of my system i installed win XP onto another drive temporarily. I am having the same problems with the CRC errors on my other drives which seem to be operating normally. The kind of files i'm talking about are fairly large usually demos or trailers etc in .rar format.

As i understand it CRC errors can also come from faulty RAM. I have recently RMA'd some faulty RAM back to OCZ and the stuff in my system currently is the brand new RAM i got sent back from my RMA. I know this can be causing the CRC errors and occasional random restarts regardless of how new it is so i have checked both sticks individually using memtest86. I only had time to let them do 1 pass each but both came through error free.If any of you out there have any suggestions for what else i can do to figure out what is wrong i would very much appreciate it. Could it be a lack of wattage on the psu causing the restarts? Processor? I'm stuck,

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Explorer Crashes Then Restarts

Mar 7, 2006

I first noticed that explorer would crash a few weeks ago after I stumbled across an infected .wmf file while surfing the net. I was logged in under my limited account and my anti-virus detected the .wmf but it could not take action, I believe due to the fact I use system restore. I finally was able to delete the .wmf after which I ran several different scans and could not detect anything except Microsoft (R) HTML Application host had been altered (24,576 bytes to 24,064 bytes), so I replaced the file (note: explorer was already crashing before this point). The only time it seems to crash is once in a while when I click on My Document, Control Panel, My Pictures etc.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 8:19:13 PM, on 3/7/2006
Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2600.0000)

Running processes:

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Random Crashes And Restarts

Sep 6, 2008

I'm running Windows xp professional, and I recently upgraded the hardware in my computer. After this upgrade my computer would infrequently just restart, about once a week or so, but I left for a trip to vancouver for a week and when I got back and turned my computer on the problem started getting much worse. Now it happens about ten times a day, and I can't just leave it off because I don't have another computer and I need this one for classes. Also, when I try to play games it shuts down, or freezes about ten minutes after I start. I have run AVG, Spybot, and ad-aware, and the problem remains. This problem seems to be completely random, sometimes it happens while I'm doing something, and sometimes it happens when the computer is doing nothing.

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Explorer Restarts - Upgraded To SP2

May 15, 2005

I upgraded to SP2, on Xp Pro, now when I try to start windows explorer, the explorer.exe restarts. This is on a K8V-X Motherboard with Athlon64 3000 cpu.

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Computer Getting To OS Boots Then Restarts?

Oct 24, 2009

Ok so I just fixed a computer and reinstalled the Operating System. I booted it once an installed all the drivers again then restart it. Upon doing so it failed to boot the operating system. I rebooted it again and said start Windows in safe mode. This results in the Windows XP loading screen appearing but when it goes away the whole system restarts. The same thing happens no matter what I select on the "Windows did not start up last time" screen.

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Computer Restarts Itself - IE Or Downloading

Sep 29, 2005

Recently my computer just started restarting itself. I haven't quite pinpointed when yet but it seems that it does it when i'm running IE or downloading something. It just does it randomly.

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