Brief explanation. I purchased a generic brand laptop and loading xp myself. I had no problems whatsoever until I bought the game Medival II. While I was playing the game, as I had before, it suddenly froze my laptop. I was forced to turn off the power and restart. When I did that, I was able to see the bios screen and enter bios which still seems to recognize everything correctly in the laptop. But when getting out of BIOS system restarts. Just a black screen. I finally got to the point that I decided just to reinstall. Upon attempting to do so, I get the following error message after it attempts to load
Hi. This is the second time it happens. I basically press the power button on the PC, all the fans started and then they shut off. I've pressed it again. The fans started to spin for a few seconds but no POST or successful BOOT Beep. After 30 seconds or so the PC finally boots. It gets past POST and the it sais something like this "Bad bios checksum. Recovering from backup bios". After a couple of minutes the PC started as usual and now I'm writing for it.Why is this happening?
Got a bit of a problem with my housemates pc.A friend gave him some extra RAM, i checked it out and it was crucial 512mb pc2100 CL2.5, and although it didn't match his exsisting RAM it seemed to me that his mobo would only run the FSB at 200mhz anyway so i went ahead and fitted it.It worked fine I then noticed his system temp was running a little high (60-65 degrees), so i took his heatsink off and cleaned the dust and refitted it with some new thermal compound.I added too much and the temp went up. To nearly 90 degrees.I shut it dwon as i didn't want the cpu to pop, cleaned it off, reapplied less compound and figured this would work fine.Now we have the problem. Most of the time: Power on and nothing happens. No bios, no beeps. Occasionally: Power on, i jump into the bios, the temp looks fine (30-40 degrees) and then it freezes right there in the bios after about 30 seconds to a minute.This sounds like a heat issue, but the last temp reading before freeze is 33 degrees.?I've double and triple checked that the heatsink is on properly and thats fine. I followed the official guide on how much compound to use (a blob the size of an uncooked short grain of rice).
I have ibm thinkpad R51 2887 nq2 series .My system has been crashed as it is not starting.The whole system gets hang after showing the first ibm screen. The bios utility setup is not getting opened through access ibm button . In safe mode it shows that system BIOS and video BIOS is not working and it has been shadowed.sometimes the system gets started ,but after one minute ,it stucks and the whole system paused and nothing happens.It may be the virus attack on BIOS and it also changes the time and date configuration of BIOS. so what should i do .And how i can install BIOS driver to the system.
i have a problem with my Acer Aspire 4732z. Press <F2> to enter SETUP).i must press anykey twice to load the window(i'm using window xp pro).i think it cause by System BIOS shadowed, i want to disable it..but there is no option.
Every time I either log off of an account or switch user, as soon as I enter the password on another account, they computer immediately restarts without warning. I'm running XP Pro?
IE8 downloaded and hangs. tried to cancel and it just stayed on the screen running the IE8 downloading screen. I used the start menu to shutdown the pc. on restart it lets me go to the bios. nothing I see there helps. I know just enough here to be dangerous restart if I pump the esc button the option to "start from" appears, but, if I choose anything it just hangs. I cannot access safe mode by pressing f8. it does nothing . goes to a black DOS like screen with a blinking cursor won't let me type anything and beeps at me except it will let me turn num lock on and off and use crtl+alt+delete to restart
I've encountered many threads, which have a more or less similar content as mine, but none seem to be entirely similar. I've even tried out the solutions for most of them, however, I still find myself at the same point. The nature of my problem, as the title suggests, is that every time I'm trying to boot my system, the Windows XP loading logo page comes up and after a few seconds, the system restarts itself. After disabling the "Restart If System Encounters Error" option from the menu screen available after pressing F8, I was able to discover that the BSOD actually said that my system was experiencing a "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" problem. Thereof, I've tried to fix the problem using the following methods, 1 -> Taking out my RAM chips and remounting them on the motherboard. 2 -> Running Windows Memory Diagnostic tool (Both Standard as well as the Extended Test suites): Neither detected any errors with my motherboard or the RAM chips. 3 -> Tried starting using the "Last Working Configuration" option from the F8 menu: System still reboots at the same point. 4 -> Tried starting in Safe Mode: System still reboots at the same point. 5 -> Ran CHKDSK /R using Windows Recovery Console: Doesn't fix anything 6 -> Tried Repairing my Windows XP installation, it does all the things but right before it steps into the Repairing Menu, the system restarts. 7 -> I haven't installed *any* hardware or software of late. The last *wrong* thing I did, was to shut down my system forcibly (shutting off the power directly), because it wasn't shutting down even after nearly 30 mins had elapsed since I ran the command to shut it down. My last option remains, that I go for a complete reinstall of XP. However, I'm not entirely convinced that this can be the only solution and considering the overheads of taking backups, I'm not really enthusiastic about it either. I'm also hoping that I can get my hands on a different set of RAM chips to check my hardware for sure, but that'll take a week or so.
About a week ago I downloaded SP-2 and everything seemed to do okay, but have since detected a funny (not Ha Ha) problem. After turning on my PC it runs for about two minutes and then shuts down and restarts all by its self. It does not happen every time, but about 80-90% of the time. Everything seems to run okay after that for 2-3 hours, but I have not been on line longer. I have not added any new programs or games in many months.
I'm running Windows XP, but when I try to restore my system to a previous date it goes throught the motions, restarts fine and then tells me that it cannot restore to that date and that no changes have been made. I've tried various dates and get the same answer.
I receive him with linux, so I asked a friend to remove and install XP, after 1 or 2 mounts the first blue screen appeared, I read it and restart the pc since it was the first time I didn't find it so bad, anyway it kept o going, one time I exit Garry's Mod, it also appeared after a critical error in SWAT 4 - The Stetchkov Syndicate,
i have i think it is a spyware problem, there is a file in the windows folder that needs deleating, the only problem is windows vistas explorer restarts every 10 seconds or so and i cant browse the hdd because it jus restarts itself lik u have just logged in, i have even tried this in safe mode but it stil does it. Anybody know of any problems like a certain spyware name or virus that is doin this, and any programs that would likely to get rid of it, this has happened before, and i deleted the program in the windows folder and it was fine, except i dont know the name of this file i havbe to delete this time.
I'm using a different computer, than my not working one to post this. My other computer has frequent crashes like when i click certain things. It says beginning dump of physical memory in a blue screen and counts up from 1 at the bottom of the screen. It takes forever so i Just restart the computer. I downloaded and installed a BIOS update, tried a different graphics card, tried different RAM chips, tried a different processor, and it still happens.
I recently found out that a pirated copy of windows was installed on my machine so I went and bought a new copy of XP to install and get my maching running right.
My hardrive has 2 partitions. One for windows and the other for my files. My problem is that I go through the steps to do the reinstall and I get to the part to delete the partition where XP is located. As soon as I hit delete the computer immediately cuts off. I have tried it several times with the same result.
It never even asks to confirm the delete. It just shuts down like the computer was unplugged a;; pf a sudden.
I have a optical disk from my old build and 1 ide hard disk with xp installed.
I have tried booting from the ide hard disk with xp installed but when the xp loading splash screen is about to come a BSOD appears and it restarts. I can't read the BSOD as it goes to fast and i can't stop it.
Used the hard disk back with my old system and there is no problems, everything runs fine.
I have tried using 1 ram stick, both sticks, ram in different slot, every configuration i could think of. But i still have the problem. Tried the ram on a different system and it is fine. i can't get to run xp on this new system.
I have been having a restart problem lately and it only happens everyone and a while. It happens about once a day and sometimes twice it is usually hours past boot up. I have heard about uncheecking a box in system properties. If i do this what will happen the next time the code reaches 00000x000
I'll get right to the point. When starting up my computer, it doesn't make it to the desktop anymore. It goes halfway and then restarts.I restarted the computer, and the mouse still didn't work. So instead, I flipped the swith in the back of the PC to completely shut it off. However, the computer was still starting up on the desktop, but I've done that before without problems.
I turn the computer back on, and all of a sudden I get to a screen that says this:We apologise for the inconvenience,but windows did not start successfully A recent hardware or software change might have caused this. (Note: The only changes I made recently were the unplugging/replugging of the internet cable, mouse, and keyboard).
I have a laptop with Windows XP Professional SP2. I get the following error messages in my system recently, and there will be a blue screen that pops up for 2 seconds, i am unable to read the message but the system restarts, this happens frequently now and some times i am able to use my system and found a pop up message saying "system has recovered from serious error" and get the error codes.recent activity that had done is i tried to uninstall .net framework v1.1 in my system as felt that i had .NETframework v2 installed in my system so it wudnt be of no use in my it related with it or anything else as i wanna prevent my system crash, Please provide me a proper solution.
I started getting this message when my Windows XP is loading. Right after the Windows XP screen, a box pops up with "Isass.exe system error - object not found" message. When I click on OK, the system restarts and it goes over and over. The same happens in Safe Mode. I found out it is a virus or a worm and there is a way to fix it, by installing a second copy of Windows from a CD, starting it and cleaning up the original installation. For me the problem is that my HD is almost full (has less than 6% free space) and it's not enough to do a second installation.What I thought of doing was to install a second HD, install Windows XP on it and boot the pc from that dirve to clean up the original operating system. The question I have is whether this can work. The second HD will be set up as slave and I am not sure if the system can boot from a slave if it detects original installation on master HD.If it wasn't for some files that I really need from my pc I would probably just reformat my C drive and reinstall Windows.
My computer restarts on its own without giving an error msg/warning... I even disabled auomatic restart under system & recovery but the problem still persists I have: Intel Pentium 4 3.06GHz Microsoft XP Service Pack 2 which recently got updated to SP3 250GB HD 1GB RAM 512MB Nvidia Graphic Card Well but it once gave a BLUE SCREEN with error
once the on button was pushed, it came up with the BIOS screen asking for the password.I removed the CMOS battery, which allowed me to change the Password so I can get onto BIOS now. However, when I boot now it just comes up with the BIOS screen.I set HD to boot first, aswell as setting the clock and date. I then ask it to save and quit, after which it shut's down, and reboots, only, BIOS keeps coming up. And I need to get this sorted asap
I have had windows XP Pro installed, updated and running fine until about a week ago. I was away from home for about a week and left the machine plugged into the mains but powered down. When I returned home to boot up, it kept doing things like constantly hanging on parts of the bios POST screen, eventually booting up after thirty or so complete restarts. It finally booted into windows but after the last shutting down, it will now not boot up at all. I have replaced the bios battery and reset the bios several times.
Running a Dell XPS710. Was on the phone with tech support and had to go into setup to check on something. after I got off the phone, I rebooted and tried to access setup and can not. I don't know if I accidentally checked off something that won't allow me to use the keyboard until the machine boots into windows because pressing F2 (Setup) or F12 (Boot Options) when the Dell splash screen appears won't work. It just goes into Windows.
When I turn on my computer, it does the bios check, then goes into the bios screen on its own. I have checked all of the bios settings, and see nothing set wrong. The only way I can get itno my xp pro system, is to use "F8" during the bios check, the select my hd from there, then it seems only half of my programs work, and it also seems to be randomly changing the programs that do not work, when I do this.
it wasnt problematic when i 1st set it up about a month ago. the startup was defo alot quicker.the system sometimes hangs during a game, it used to hang on startup but i fixed that with system restore in startup because of the slow startup (where it doesnt seem to be actually doing anything! no cpu of mem usage just ages to load startup programs) i used some startup removal programs to delete all unnecessary startup program, it hasnt speeded anything up it takes the same amount of time but just loads less programs.i have also run ccleaner, reg cleaners, tried running ad-aware but never completed a scan as it freezes. i have always had zonealarm pro runing and bitdefender
when powering up it seems to show the blackscreen very often, asking to turn on in safe mode? even when the pc had been shutdown properly. othertimes on powering on the pc hangs on the windows loading page or when enering the password.the pc can also restart randomly during general use or gaming.this is very fustarting and was hoping you guys could give me some of your advice? i was thinking maybe do a system restore to the day when the pc was first built? would this be a really dumb move? what would be the consequences?
I have found myself in a sticky predicament. when i start up windows it gets to the loading screen and then the blue screen of death comes up. now, it only comes up for a few mili seconds and then the system restarts, so i am unable to tell you the codes on the screen. this is p#*@ing me off
Everytime I seem to connect to the internet my computer freezes and I have to restart (physically press the reset button) my computer. I am using windows xp. At times the following message appears "C Windows/system 32/lsass.exe terminated unexpectedly with status code 1073741819 system will now shut down and restart" I dont know if the freezing and restarting are linked faults. I have run several antivirus software and Ad-aware but the problem still persists.
I've recently installed WinXP on an older Compaq (P2, 350mhz, 256mb ram). Yes I know its supposedly under the minimum requirements. But believe it or not it runs pretty good. My problem is that I want to change the system clock but cant find the system clock setting in the Bios. how to change the system clock on an older Compaq like this?
While in XP I deleted a partiain that had Fedora on it. I was using GRUB to do multi-boot. When I rebooted XP it booted to the GRUB command line. I rebooted and hit F12 to try to get to system settings and after I chose system settings it went right back to the GRUB command line. I rebooted again and hit F2 to get to system settings and it went straight to the GRUB command line again.I'm pretty sure I need to fix my MBR but, I can't change my settings to boot from my CD and I don't have a floppy drive.
I am trying to install winXP Pro I set the system's bios to read the CD first. Now the system can not see any of the RAID HDD's? Help I have been pulling my hair out over this thing?