Explorer Restarts When You Right Click And Much More

Nov 16, 2004

I'm working on a computer for a client and have found it to be the most problem filled machine I have ever delt with. Spybot and ad-aware removed between the two of them over 1000 spyware files, I had to un install several bad programs, and stinger found 7 critical viruses. . It also will not connect to the Internet, it has been configured to the shop's network and I can ping other computers in the network no problem, I can even ping the gateway, but it cant connect to or ping any site beyond that...and finally, explorer restarts anytime you right click on a file on the desktop
I did manage to get highjackthis on to it and move the logfile to this computer on my USB drive and so here it is

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Explorer Constant Restarts - Restarts Every 10 Seconds

Sep 23, 2006

i have i think it is a spyware problem, there is a file in the windows folder that needs deleating, the only problem is windows vistas explorer restarts every 10 seconds or so and i cant browse the hdd because it jus restarts itself lik u have just logged in, i have even tried this in safe mode but it stil does it. Anybody know of any problems like a certain spyware name or virus that is doin this, and any programs that would likely to get rid of it, this has happened before, and i deleted the program in the windows folder and it was fine, except i dont know the name of this file i havbe to delete this time.

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Explorer Closes When Click On File Menu - Right Click

Aug 3, 2005

I have a computer that quits explorer every time I try to click on the file menu, or right click on explorer and go to the new link. It also does this when i try to delete a folder in explorer or through my computer.

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System Restarts When Click Ok On Popup After Boot

Jan 28, 2006

I started getting this message when my Windows XP is loading. Right after the Windows XP screen, a box pops up with "Isass.exe system error - object not found" message. When I click on OK, the system restarts and it goes over and over. The same happens in Safe Mode. I found out it is a virus or a worm and there is a way to fix it, by installing a second copy of Windows from a CD, starting it and cleaning up the original installation. For me the problem is that my HD is almost full (has less than 6% free space) and it's not enough to do a second installation.What I thought of doing was to install a second HD, install Windows XP on it and boot the pc from that dirve to clean up the original operating system. The question I have is whether this can work. The second HD will be set up as slave and I am not sure if the system can boot from a slave if it detects original installation on master HD.If it wasn't for some files that I really need from my pc I would probably just reformat my C drive and reinstall Windows.

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Windows Explorer Crashes When I Right Click On File And Explorer

Dec 11, 2004

When I right click a file, windows explorer crashes and then recovers.

Right clicking on a folder works OK.

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional.

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IE Errors Explorer.exe. Restarts

Feb 18, 2008

I keep getting an error from microsoft and soon after the error. Explorer.exe. restarts. and this happens very frequent. the error is "Microsoft Visual C++ runtime library Buffer overrun detected!
Program: C:windowsexplorer.exe A Buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal sate. the program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated."

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Explorer Crashes Then Restarts

Mar 7, 2006

I first noticed that explorer would crash a few weeks ago after I stumbled across an infected .wmf file while surfing the net. I was logged in under my limited account and my anti-virus detected the .wmf but it could not take action, I believe due to the fact I use system restore. I finally was able to delete the .wmf after which I ran several different scans and could not detect anything except Microsoft (R) HTML Application host had been altered (24,576 bytes to 24,064 bytes), so I replaced the file (note: explorer was already crashing before this point). The only time it seems to crash is once in a while when I click on My Document, Control Panel, My Pictures etc.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 8:19:13 PM, on 3/7/2006
Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2600.0000)

Running processes:

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Explorer Restarts - Upgraded To SP2

May 15, 2005

I upgraded to SP2, on Xp Pro, now when I try to start windows explorer, the explorer.exe restarts. This is on a K8V-X Motherboard with Athlon64 3000 cpu.

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Explorer.EXE Has Generated Errors And Restarts?

Apr 1, 2007

When I try to open certain files in My Documents, or any file in my folders labeled for media on my second hard drive, Explorer.EXE generates problems and I get my background for a few seconds before everything is right back to normal. Still without opening the file that I was trying to open. I have had several viruses, trojans especially, I may still have some. Im still able to open or modify any of these problem files through winamp or wmp- file, play file, up one level... my computer wasn't always like this. What should I do?

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Explorer.exe Continuously Crashes / Restarts

Feb 22, 2008

Explorer.exe will load when my machine starts up. About every 5-10 seconds, it will close, meaning my desktop blinks off. Another 10 seconds later (or around that) explorer.exe will start again and my desktop will come back. Eventually, it stops trying to load and the desktop stays off. I can go to task manager and run explorer.exe to repeat the process of having explorer.exe run, stop, run, etc. I don't receive any error messages when this happens. This machine has the latest Microsoft updates incl service pack 2.

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Explorer Shuts Down And Restarts Every Minute

Oct 6, 2010

I recently had a bout with spyware. I ran a full Malwarebytes scan and removed all the items it found. I restarted the computer like I was instructed to do and it booted up fine. explorer.exe shuts down about every minute or so and restarts. There's no error message or anything, just everything on my desktop disappears then re-appears. This only started happening today. It was working fine last night before I got hit with the spyware this morning. What could possibly be causing this and how do I fix it. My computer is basically useless in this condition

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Dvd Open Explorer - Shuts Down / Restarts

Mar 9, 2008

Since recently, whenever I insert a DVD/CD intomy DVD drive & try to browse it (via OPEN or EXPLORE) the DVD does open & I can see the icons/folders + other details, but within seconds, I get a box saying "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem...etc" & explorer shuts down & restarts. This happens only when I access my DVD drive. I'll be grateful for a solution., Here's the details from the Event Viewer , the last time it occurred (an hour ago).

Event Type:Error
Event Source:Application Error
Event Category:None
Event ID:1000
Time:10:46:53 AM
Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3264, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x06041468. For more information,
0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74 Applicat
0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c ion Fail
0010: 75 72 65 20 20 65 78 70 ure exp.....

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Explorer Crashes And Restarts During Browsing Folders?

Apr 17, 2006

On a new computer I installed windows XP pro, updates and installed basic software, such as Office XP, McAfee, Firefox, etc. Whenever I open My Computer or windows explorer and browse through folders, after a little while explorer crashes and then restarts. This also sometimes happens when I open the start menu. Occasionally, Dr Watson postmortem debugger is triggered and the computer freezes until I end the process from the task manager.

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Explorer.exe Crashes And Restarts - So Fast Practically Blinking

Oct 13, 2007

basically when the computer starts up explorer loads then shuts down then loads then shuts down. it does it so fast that the start menu and stuff literally looks like its blinking. i cannot do anything it does it so fast, even in safe mode.

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Right-Click Kills Explorer

Aug 7, 2004

Before I throw my monitor across the room, I decided to ask you guys for some help.

Everytime that I right-click any application, explorer shuts down. Leaving me to glare at my background in despair. I do'nt think it is a virus, as I have used countless anti-virus scaners on my computer and not a one of them has found any. I also tried to find the cause of this by looking in the event log, however nothing is mentioned in it.

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I Have No Way To Click On Internet Explorer!?

Jan 12, 2006

I recently reloaded Windows XP (Home). Soon after I noticed there is no way to get on Internet Explorer. It's not listed in the programs or the start menu. It's not on the desktop.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Do Right Click

Jan 29, 2008

My Windows Explorer keeps on crashing when ever I do right click in windows explorer.The error shown in the Event Viewer(Application Log) is as follows

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3156, faulting module , version, fault address 0x00000000.

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Cannot Right Click Related To Explorer.exe

Aug 4, 2006

I have a Dell 8200 desktop running XP service Pack 2. The problem I have is right clicking anything that is related to explorer.exe. I can right click icons on my desk top that are webpages, but not links to files on my computer. If I open a window, I cannot right click. I highlight an item and the busy hourglass spins around, then the window disappears. Can not delete items with out doing some work arounds. To delete, move or copy a file, I have to go into any program and say open file, then I can do what ever I want with it.

I have defragged, scanned for virus as well as adware and I am clean. Have even replaced the explorer.exe file. Had another tech try his darndest as well as other on-line Tech's. I have run a program called ShellExView and it comes up with an error in the following Extension Names. Channel, Channel Menu Handler Object, and Channel Shortcut. All are Channel Definition Viewer files.( cdfview.dll) All appear to be system types. Other Channel Definition Viewer fields seem to work just fine. (they include things such as icon handler, thumbnail, info tip handler etc. Not sure what to do with the information. I plan on getting a new computer soon, so do not want to have to reinstall Windows XP before then.

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Explorer Crashing When Do Right Click

Aug 7, 2007

I had a problem crop up yesterday in which a folder in my documents (my documents few folder to be exact) has consistently started crashing explorer whenever I even go near the folder.If I go in to it, right click on it or even put my mouse on it explorer will crash, it has clips and pictures in it, mostly game or movie trailers, or little movie clips. If the problem cant get sorted out I would prefer the folder to be deleted.Ive asked at other places, and have seen someone else ask the same question (albeit without a resolutions) here so I'm not walking in blind.I've tried various programs including unlocker, killbox, moveonboot which all crash when attempting to delete.Spyware and virus programs crash when scanning the folder.

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Right-click In Explorer Program Freezes

May 25, 2008

when I try right-clicking on a file in Windows Explorer (or PowerDesk Pro), I get an hourglass, but the right-click menu never comes up and the program freezes (both Explorer and PowerDesk). Actually the very same thing happens if I "select" a file and try to delete the file by pressing the "Delete" key. And the problem occurs when I try to delete a file using the menu (Edit --> Cut). This is really frustrating, to say the least.

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Right Click Crashes Explorer To See The Size

Jan 20, 2005

Crashes if I right click on my HardDrive icon to see the size.

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Change Explorer Right Click Menu?

Jun 13, 2005

changed my right click menu in Windows Explorer/My Computer where �Search� is the top item.I would like to revert back to where �Open� is the top item and executes on a double click

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Explorer - Right Click - Crash It Dumps Out

Mar 2, 2006

I'm running XP Home. When in Windows Explorer if I right click on a file/folder I get an hourglass for about 25 seconds and then it dumps me out of WE. After I'm dumped out everything else still seems to work fine and I can reopen WE, but still no right clicking in it.

The right click feature seems to work in all other applications.

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Explorer Right Click Default.change It?

Apr 8, 2006

If I double-click a file (or folder) in Windows Explorer, by default the computer opens the file or folder in another program (Virus Scan) and begins to scan it. Obviously, I don't want this. Normally, I should be able to hit ENTER, double-click, or right-click and select the first option, which should be open the folder or file in Explorer. However, this is not so, and I can't figure out what Default setting I changed in order to change the Default operation for any files or folders I select. I've poked around in the File Types tab of Folder Options (for Explorer) but this doesn't work

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Error On Explorer Right Click - Kernel32.dll

Dec 2, 2008

In Win-Explorer, whenever I right-click on a file or folder, then I get a dread message that "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close"; the error points to kernel32.dll and eventually a similar message comes up regarding Dr.Watson.

Q. Is there any way other than a re-install of WinXP to re-enable the right click function?

Q. Is there some utility that I might run to restore the capability that I had or perhaps to UNinstall something that I could possibly put back?

Since I'd don't right click very often, am not sure but believe that the problem may have resulted from the installation of Nero8Ultra.

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Explorer Right Click Hangs Up The Application

Sep 19, 2009

I am running an old dual celeron 1.13 ghz machine with windows xp. I just reinstalled xp, and installed sp3 after installing windows installer 3.1. Right mouse click on folders on desktop or in windows explorer hangs the application. On the desktop I have been just shutting down, and when I do it to rename or in explorer I can stop process

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Explorer Crashes On Right Click On AVI File

Nov 29, 2008

I Right-Click On A AVI File To Select What Player To Play It In, I Recieve 'Windows Explorer Has Encounted A Error'.

If I Just Double-Click It, Opens Up Realplayer And That Crashes With A Similar Error I Have Tried Windows media Player To Play Files,But That Does Exactly The Same.Its Not Just Limited To One AVI File, It's All Of Them
Done Virus Check, Spyware Check, And undo Check All Clear Now

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SP2 Causes Explorer Error - Not The Right Click Thing

Dec 13, 2005

I just installed SP2 and now everytime I turn on my computer, the explorer shell crashes. Leaving me with no icons/startmenu.

Now I suppose I could easily uninstall SP2 but I need it for media center upgrades with a xbox 360 and such.

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Cant Right Click On Desktop Or In Any Explorer.exe Process

Mar 29, 2005

I can't right-click on my desktop or in any explorer.exe process. Also, my desktop is reading off of C:Desktop instead of C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEDesktop?

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Double Click On Internet Explorer

Dec 5, 2004

I can't double click on my IE icon with out gettign a send to MS error. Same error happens when i go to start Explorer but i can go to my computer or somethign liek that and use that as a browser but only thing is if i click on somethign liek a link for say my explorer will then crash and once again i would be confronted by a send to MS error. Heres a bit of what the error says: AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: hydradmh.dll. ModVer: Offset: 00003c02.

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User Account ::Right Click - Explorer Must Close

Sep 28, 2007

I have been having user account problems. We have 4 user accounts and only one works properly.

I have and eMachine T3256 Windows XP Service pack 2.

On three of the user accounts when you right click on anything you receive: Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.

When I open a new account the same problem returns.

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