ALL Desktop Disappears For About 5/6 Secs Then Reappears
Dec 26, 2007
ALL my desktop (Except wall paper) disappears for about 5/6 secs then reappears as if nothing has happened.
Taskbar, start button, icons, everything except the wallpaper.All goes, I wait for approx 6 secs then they all come back ONE BY ONE.Only happens when I am changing programs, or going from icon to icon.Recently repaired, (had 7 trojans) and since then it says my copy is not validate, so I downloaded service pack 2,
Used Avast boot time scan to repair, blooming great that prog, although a bit confusing if you dont know what to do.
I have a brand new Acer Veriton M410 UD5000P, 1 x AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ / 2.6 GHz ( Dual-Core ), 3 gibs DDR2 of ram and a sata 300 hd with win xp pro, I remove fom the msconfig startup all those utilities that acer installed to speed up the booting, plus some other tweaks, the partitions from factory came as FAT32, and Norton internet security is installed for 60 days, i am wondering if the delay is cause maybe Norton is checking during boot time or cause the the file system is fat32, any opinion is vey appreciated in orde to speed the boot time, by the way, I don't now if i should remove the register keys related with those utilities that are not any longer on the startup
I have a HP Pavilion A1624N computer, running Windows Media Center 2005. AMD 64 x 2 Processor 2.0 GHz, 1 Gig of RAM. All of a sudden yesterday morning when I right clicked on my desktop and un-checked Show Desktop Icons (to take a print screen for my friend) the problem started. This worked fine, I did the print screen and saved it in paint no problem. But when I right clicked again and then chose Show Desktop Icons, they came back, but my wallpaper disappeared. I tried several ways to get it back
I am having an unusual problem with my Windows XP computer. Occasionally when I am on a web site (any web site) all of a sudden the web site will disappear and the desktop will show up.
Started only yesterday,Intenet Explorer just disappears off my desktop, whether minimized or maximized. I have rebooted, it still does this occasionally? Any ideas what could be causing this. I am well scanned for virus, ant-spy, malware, and keep my registry clean with Personal Computer DOC, C-Cleaner, and Cleanup.
When I carry out an auto-update on my Network Associates VirusScan my desktop disappears when the installation of the data file completes. The only way to restore the desktop seems to be to reboot the machine.
I am using a Windows XP Pro SP2. I have run Spybot, Ad-Aware, Clamwin and Symantec to verify if its virus related. Checked Startup and disabled it using Safemode to isolate source. Check if there was a BAT file created a few days earlier. But came up with nothing.Every time I used Start/Run/CMD or click CMD shortcut from Quick Launch, a second window that warns me my windows XP will force shutdown everything in less than 30 secs. Don't have even have enough time to disable it using cmd window or take a screen shot.
Hey guys, hoping you can help, hopefully i have put this in the right section...
My computer has yet another problem - lovely.
It was all running fine until yesterday night when I went to play on a game - Medal Of Honor: Spearhead, which i've been playing for years. Anyways, I connected to my usual server, and the computer froze. I waited for 10 mins, and then powered it off by the PWR button on the front of the computer.
Did a system manufacturer install(wiped everything)..Went thru process 2 days ago...Computer was working great, best it had run in awhile...Today when I turned it on I was able to move the cursor around but nothing could be clicked on except for the initial 5-8 secs Windows came on, I was able to click on icons but it wasn't long enough to run before the computer froze....I'm worried I have a hardware failure because the software ran fine for 2 days..Computer is 5 yrs old..
I am using a Dell, Windows XP Professional laptop computer. It has a non- wireless connection to the internet via my LAN.Last week, the yellow update "shield" icon appeared in my systray and I updated Windows - the update was completed. Since then, the update shield icon has appeared in my systray four times. I installed the update each time, but it seems to have been the same update each time ("KB 967715"). If it is the same update each time, which it seems to be, why would the update "shield" appear in my systray four times within a week and a half to install the same update
Occasionally when I start up, The Icon in the system tray for McAfee turns to black and says firewall disabled. I have run a full virus scan, Spybot, Adaware and Spy doctor. nothing has been found that would suggest a problem. Any ideas as to why? It's not every time and only at start up. I am running XP Home, McAfee version 5. Once running no problems.
I'm pretty sure I have a virus on my PC itself and on my flash drive. CA keeps popping up every 10 seconds or so telling me that a virus has been detected and deleted on my removable drive. It's called INF/Slenfbot.GT and it's on my Autorun.inf file on my drive.
Started only yesterday, IE just disappears off my desktop, whether minimised or maximised. I have rebooted, it still does this ocassionally? Any ideas what could be causing this. I am well scanned for virus, ant-spy, malware, and keep my registery clean with PC DOC,Cleaner and Cleanup.
Why when i type regedit i see regedit window for some seconds and then it disappears i have to modify some values in regedit and so i am unable to do it.
I've searched everywhere for an answer to this but no luck yet. My Start>Run works just fine in my WinXP Home Ed but I have several small CLI apps (.exe) that flash their own black screen and disappear leaving nothing! No sign of the process either. One of them (MBRWizard) seems to be a very popular app, I've downloaded several versions, always the same: the screen disappears as soon as I press the "any key" that it wants before it shows me more options.I find it hard to believe it's a problem with the app - people seem to be using it all over. If it's something I need to configure I'd sure like to know what it is.
I have a second hard drive that's started spontaneously dissappearing lately. The first time it happened it came back after a reboot (or two?). This time it doesn't come back at all. The computer is a Dell Dimension 4600 2.4GHz running Windows XP Home (yeah, I know), with 512MB Ram, two 80GB internal drives and an external SCSI VideoRaid. I'm pretty sure I've got the cable selections to master and slave but might have cable select jumpered (have to double check).
The even viewer shows Errors 9 and 11 in both this case and the former occurance. I thought maybe the drive was going bad but it's less than a year old and had no problems when it was the second drive in my PIII. It's a Western Digital 7200RPM special edition with 8MB cache and has previously performed flawlessly.
I recently started having problems with my Recycle Bin running Windows 2000 O/S. When I delete something it just disappears and does not go to my recycle bin. It was working fine up until yesterday and now it always stays empty no matter how much I delete. I checked the global setting and the "Do not move deleted files to Recycle Bin" is unchecked.
when I try to carry out certain tasks when right clicking. For example if I have a picture open and try and right click on it, it dissapears, the programme i am using will close and the screengoes blank. It then re-appears on the desk-top screen. This is driving me mad. I cant carry out any right click operations like save as or delete!
I have a new Western Digital 120 GB hard drive that I have slaved. I have formatted this drive in Windows XP. When I boot up sometimes the second drive is not there (D: Drive I go to: Control Panel System Hardware Device Manager Disk DrivesScan for hardware changes Once I do this the drive appears and is accessible, but the drive is very slow to copy data.
XP Pro SP2. In Network Connections folder I had an icon for a dial-up connection (which I use), a LAN connection (for wired NIC), A Wireless connection (for built in wireless card), and a 1394 connection (firewire port that XP likes to list as a connection). The NIC, wireless, and 1394 I keep set to disabled when I'm not using them. I enabled the wireless card and set up ad-hoc connection to another laptop with built-in wireless, so I could transfer some files between the two.
After I was finished, I disabled the wireless connection again. My dial-up networking connection disappeared from the Network Connections folder, and it's shortcut icon on desktop disappeared. It still showed in IE Intenet Options, and I could dial-up from there, but when I did, no computer icons appear in the taskbar, leaving me no way to disconnect except by pulling the phone cord............
Every few seconds the cursor disappears and I have to move the mouse back to where I was typing and left click. When this happens the browser area also turns grayish until I left click. So frustrating! Have tried all the suggestions I have found online such as unclicking the "hide pointer while typing" box.
I am having a problem with my computer whereby I have a screen before my computer begins to boot and this screen used to show for about 3-5 seconds then disappear. In the last couple days this screen has been sitting there for anywhere up to 5 minutes before the PC even reaches the loading XP screen
When I RUN, TLIST -s, TLIST -t, or NET START on the command line, the screen disappears before I can read it. This seems strange as I see the screen quickly flash by but cannot freeze it for viewing. However, when I type CMD, the screen appears and stays.
whenever i try to open a batch file an ms-dos window opens up and then it disappears in less than a second. No program will run. I've tried to run lqfix.bat and smitRem's runthis.bat. I need to know how to make this stop happening because i need to run smitrem to rid myself of a virus.