Moving Hard Drive And Booting Xp On Different Computer
Aug 6, 2009
I have a Compaq Presario 900 which doesn't have a working CDrom drive.I took my harddrive out and put it in my friends Dell Inspiron B130 and installed Windows xp SP2. Now that all works fine but(there is always a but ....) when I tried to put the harddrive back into my laptop(Presario 900) Windows will not boot, even if I go to safemode first thing. I thought maybe I could install Windows from the USB port but my BIOS doesn't have a BOOT FROM USB option. Also there is no Bios update that will give me that option.I have tried deleting and installing all the drivers for the Presario then trying to boot like that but it still gets stuck.
I built a new computer w/ XP Pro. Its has a ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe MB w/ a 3.2 Mhz cpu. with a raptor hard drive. I set it up by installing the raptor alone, after xp was up and running I put the seagate 40gb in. It was running fine, when I took it out to put it back in the old system it was in it would not even start the check of IDE's. If I removed power from the HD it would say no IDE's found. I have award BIOS v4.51pg and when I hit delete I can't enter setup. (?) The only thing new to the old system is another video card (I put the old one in the new computer) I also removed the cd burner and dvd plyer and put it in the new computer, and a old dvd player was put back in the old computer. No setting were changed. I have tried to put the 40 gb back to the new comp and I get an error message w/ options to continue starting windows, start in safe, safe w/ com prompt, etc.
I have a Dell Dimension 8200 with a Pentium 4, 1.8 GHz. A while back, I installed a new ~75GB hard drive as the secondary drive (slave is the term, right?). Based on the fact that this is a newer drive, and on my own experience using the computer, I'm pretty sure the new drive is a lot faster than the original one. I'd like to make the best use of this additional speed, and was thinking about moving Windows and most of my program files to it. The older, 40GB drive could then be used for backup/archives.I've done some initial searches, both here and on MS's knowledge base, but couldn't find instructions for doing what I want to do. Also review, found the Move XP section, but still didn't seem like an exact match.
Every 3-4days my computer would freeze up while booting up at windows XP screen and scroll bars would freeze.What bohers me about this is i am sure what could be causing this. I use avg as my antivirus,and run A2, spybot,regcleaner, tweaknow on a weekly basis. I keep my system really clean, so now i am wondering is it my HD. PC: Win XP-PRO, 800MHZ AMD Athlon, 1024mb,80gHD. I did what cleaning i could in safemode, it still freeze on scroll bars. I tried last good config, result is the same. The last time i got pass the freezing was by doing a restore.
My friend has a laptop, and the power supply went on it. He gave me his hard drive, so I can back up his data. I removed the hard drive in my laptop, and installed his. When I boot I get a blue screen that says remove any newly installed hard drive or controllers. I cant get windows to boot, so that I can backup the data.
I am running Windows XP on my PC. I have two WD hard drives. My C: drive is getting full (on my master drive). I have now an empty D: drive on my slave drive (I used to store my documents there, which I now moved to an external drive). Now I want to move everything from my C: drive to my D: drive. I know how to switch the jumbers so that the slave drive becomes the new master drive. But how do I move the system, files, everything, so that the System boots from current D: Drive (which will become the new C: drive). I do not want to reinstall everything anew, so I am not looking for a clean install, just a move of everything from C: to D:
Anyways I want to make My MAXTOR my main Hard drive I set it up as a master and Seagate as slave, however when i do so it doesn't boot from the MAXTOR, i used MAXBLAST 3 to set it as a boot drive and it went haywire is it possible to set them both as Bootdrives, backup my files to the 40gig install XP Pro on the MAXtor move my files from 40 to 80gig and then format the 40 gig.If you did not understand this is what i want/Have
only 1 user, 33 processes, ewido and adaware SE scanned free -- but simply opening a word doc made the system hang over and over. Found I could open and print by running Word and opening the files from the 'open file menu' -- did this 12 times, fine. But try to double-click the same file that just printed -- hangs (and same for other files e.g. image files). the Folder showed on two lines in TaskManager Applications ''Not responding'' and no other applications; I did try cleaning registry ist time ever in nearly 4yo computer, restart seemed fine. But still hung on any particular file even with other applications (ie not just Word). Defragged but no better. Then thought of ChkDsk....It asked for restart to access certain windows I canot tell whether CHKDSK is doing something or its just stuck in failing to boot.
basically I need to know how to make a pc boot from the HD and install XP by copying the XP CD to the HD. Details & reason below:I've formatted the hard drive on a a friends emachine (by putting the HD into my machine) due to mess with viruses etc.Put HD back into e machine and tried to install XP from an OEM XP CD (genuine windows) - it boots and starts install, copying files to the hard drive fine but when it reboots it doesn't continue the install, but just goes back to the start, wanting to copy the files again.So what I'm going to do is put the HD back in my machine, copy the XP CD to a partition on the HD and then put it back in the machine, boot from HD and install XP all from HD. Question is- how do I get it to boot from the hard drive and start the install?I don't have a floppy boot disk or a floppy drive on my machine to make floppy boot disk. I can set the machine to boot from the HD 1st, that's no problem, just don't know how to set up the HD to let it boot from that so I can run the windows install which will be on the partition on the HD.
Windows XP SP2.I have recebtlky suffered from various Malware and suddenly I have a message Invalid boot.ini booting from C:windows.When I try to recover from CD I get a message that it doesn't recognise the hard drive. Theerefore no restore. I can use my PC but it will re-boot sporadically.
I'm having a problem with a laptop that will not boot up.
Lenovo 3000 C100 Windows XP Home
After powering it it up it seems like it does not recognize that the hard drive is there so XP does not boot. No error message. It brings up a Boot Device menu screen with the options to boot from Floppy (does not have one), HardDisk (does not work), CD-ROM or PXE. Choosing HardDisk does not work.
In the BIOS screen the hard disk has the status: "Disable" and there does not seem to be a way to change that. In the BIOS boot sequence the hard disk appears as it should. I've tried reordering the sequence but it makes no difference
I didn't open any suspicious emails, shared on P2P networks and certainly made no changes in system files. Only thing I did was what I do periodically. I defragged my hard drive, uninstalled games and went into msconfig and stopped 3 programs from start up (DEAMON tools, PowerISO and SQL service) I was also having problems with the SpyCop package so I uninstalled and reinstalled.
So I restarted (like I should) and the only process it goes through is the DELL start up "splash screen" After that it usually does the Windows XP "splash screen" but it never does the Windows XP screen, it just stays black, nothing. I pressed F2 to see if anything changed and nothing seemed to, as far as I know. I tried F8 to enter safe mode and a couple lines of text show up and stop and hang. I even tried to let it sit there to see if maybe it's just getting used to the defrag job(s) I did, still black. It's still black as I type this.
I had a two seperate versions of windows installed on two seperate hard drives, when i turn the computer on it asks me which one i want to boot from. well the second hard drive is now dying and somtimes it tells me DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT BOOT DISK AND PRESS ENTER. now this only happends when the second hard drive doesnt work. I have tried to just unplug the second drive to see if it would boot off of the original copy on the first drive but i get the same thing.
My hard drive crashed. When I start up, the device info is supposed to say something like:"Maxtor 2B020H1" but instead I get "Maxtor eph7 hgnk78l" note: the odd device name isnt exact, but I could write it down and post it if it helps.This all happened when I unplugged the ribbon cable from my m/b. -dont ask- lolWhen I plugged it back in I got that message.I have confirmed it is the hard drive itself, by trying it in a different computer.My second problem is, that was my primary master hard drive. I did not have the operating system on that hard drive but, that hard drive contained the xp boot record or ntldr .
I just put my computer on stand by mode for the first time in my life and now every time i start my computer i get this message " Reboot and select proper Boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key "And in my setup mode theres no hard drive showing is it gone forever?? Everything was working perfect before i put that accidently on standby mode.
Recently I installed Ubuntu Linux on a partition on my secondary hard drive (it's a worthwhile education, I'll give it that). Since then, when in Windows, the remaining space, used for games, alternates between being accessible and being unaccessible. What's the go?For example, when I go in My Computer and try to open D: drive this is the message i receive:D: is not accessible The parameter is incorrect.
I have Windows 7 installed on my new computer, but my firewire audio card and also some software wouldn't work properly with it, so I put my old hard drive with Windows XP installed on it into my new computer. I can boot up Windows XP from the second hard drive at the bios screen bit, but when it gets to the log in screen, the mouse and keyboard will not respond. I have tried multiple mice and keyboards including the old school style non-USB keyboard. The keyboard works fine to press F12 to get into the boot menu etc but then just stops working completely when XP is loaded. I assume its some kind of driver issue or something like that but I'm pretty useless with computers and I have no idea how I can get my mouse and keyboard to respond in XP .
I'm basically on 'reinstall not booting Windows XP' duty this week. The problem I have is my father inlaw lost his C.O.A of his tower somewhere between his house, his car and my house, (about 60 miles).I can't boot from his hard drive, however I can 'browse/access' it. I've tried a couple of 'retrieve windows key' programs, which work...on my P.C! I have my key tho! I tried installing one into his hard drive but kept finding my key. Is there a command from 'DOS prompt' or some other measure I can take to recover his serial key?
bsod at the starting of the hard drive and need to be fix and i can't go to safe mode and here is the bsod code: 0x000000d1 (0x00000000, 0x00000007, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) on a acer veriton 5200 running windows xp home with sp2 or sp3 i don't remember which service pack
I have an external hard drive (150GB) which is partitioned into two parts. One partition , about 145gb, is data and files of my own. Then there is an extended partition at 5gb in size, which contains windows xp installation files. What I did was take my windows xp cd, make an ISO, and then extracted the iso and put the files into the extended partition of my external usb hard drive.The computer I want to install to has a cd drive that is not working and thus i cannot install windows xp from a cd. The BIOS of the computer DOES support booting from a USB device.I have partition magic software and have used it to create the 5gb extended partition on the usb external drive. However, I don't know how to configure anything so that it will acutally know to boot from this partition and what files to use to start the installation.
My computer has given me problems from day 1. Currently, it fails to recognize my E drive. When rebooting, a black screen appears that says "Secondary drive 1 not found." When restring to an earlier date, a screen says that the E drive cannot be restored because it is either turned off or disabled. The harddrive light which usaully flickers when the computer is working now stays on all the time.
I live with went on a rampage and felt like throwing my desktop around. Anyways, when I go to boot it up and use the Boot disc (XP Home Edition) It goes through but says it can't find the hard drive. Can someone please tell me how to fix this. I know how to open the case of my computer and everything.
I am trying to avoid reinstalling XP after moving to new hardware. I had SP2 installed and when I try to use the old XP CD SP0. some programs were not working and Windows update was not working and alot of other problems.
I installed a new hard drive, the only drive, in my computer and installed XP pro. There was a card reader in the computer which was assigned c drive and the local drive was assigned h on the disk. I disconcected the card reader and changed the local disk to c from h in the registery. Now when I turn on the computer the blue screen introducing XP comes on and goes no farther.
My main pair of raid drives crashed and burned. So I installed XP on my second pair of raided disks and recovered the data from the first pair. But now my boot/o-s disk is D and my drive is C.Any tools I can use to change drive letters around and move boot information and such automatically?
Let me be clear on this: I want to put in a larger drive than the old one, have Windows completely move itself to the new drive, and leave the old one blank - all without Windows' security hackles raising and saying, hey you changed something so you need to re-activate(I don't want to clone. I've done this and Windows has been a POS about it. I want to MOVE the installation.)Perhaps someone has some secret information that this is in fact possible?
I have 3 hard drives in my pc, and have been trying to move files and folders from one location to another. I do a Cut/Paste and XP starts to move my folders, showing that it will take say, 1 hour to complete.I come back an hour later and find that after a few files have been moved, the process paused because it ran into some "Read Only" or ".exe" file and it asks me if I really want to move it. This happens almost every time I move a bunch of folders.Is there some way to tell XP when you try to "Cut/Paste" not to keep stopping and asking if you really want to move certain of the files?
Recently I have not been able to access my hard drive(s) from My Computer. I double click on one of my partitions and the computer does nothing. It doesn't open the drive in order to see the files!! It even doesn't work when I plug in my external USB drive either. It sounds like a windows problem to me. However I can access any disk that I want if I type the corresponding address in the address bar.Do I need to reinstall a driver/services or even XP ?
I recently bought Fantom Drives 1Tb external hard drive, Model # GF 1000EU. After about a year all computers would stop recognizing the external hard drive. My computers would know it was connected but I would not see it under "My computer." I read through hundreds of forums trying to fix the problem. When nothing worked I decided to take apart the enclosure and remove the hard drive so I could connect it to my desktop pc using a SATA cable. Essentially, I have two hard drives connected to my computer and I want to use one as an external hard drive so I am able to access data from it while still running my computer off of it's original hard drive. Is this possible?
I have a second hard drive installed on my computer. Lets call this F:My main hard drive, were I am running WXP SP2, Home Ed., and were my program files are kept. Lets Call this drive C:IP3, 733mhz, 384 mb, HOMEMADE. works well, very happy $5.99 OBO.I am filling up C: and have tons of room on F:. Can I put program files on F:, easily that my computer will recognize and be able to use effectivley and effciently? With out jack-ups? Yes I understand that this an imperfect world, but If I could do what I wish within this situation, I will be closer to.