Even though I have deleted the Microsoft Money program, every time I get onto or do something on the Internet I get a message that Windows Installer is searching for Microsoft Money 2002 System Pack. The it comes back and says "Error 1606. Could not access network location..." Since Microsoft no longer supports this 2002 System Pack, I can't seem to totally disable this continual search for an update. how to disable/delete or whatever to get rid of this annoying reaccurance?
Hi some body help me. when i play video or audio they get struck and immediately the next day my system need to be formatted as i cant start it. This is happening from 6 months that's the reason i stopped watching movies.
How do I minimize Outlook 2002 to the system tray? You can use the registry to minimize Outlook 2002 to the system tray by performing the following steps: Start the registry editor (regedit.exe). Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice10.0OutlookPreferences. From the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value. Enter a name of MinToTray. Double-click the new value, and set it to 1. Restart Outlook. After you perform these steps, Outlook will reside in the system tray.
I start up my computer, I get this message pop up: Fatal Execution Engine Error (0x7929f276) By accident, I went to my control panel and clicked on Administrative tools, and clicked on the Micrsoft.Net Framework 1.1 Configuration and got this same error message: Fatal Execution Engine Error (0x7929f276) so how do I get rid of it then? I went online and found out that I needed to go to my Add/Remove Programs and put a check mark next to the "Show Updates" which makes it show all of the Microsoft .Net Framework stuff. I did that, and managed to remove the Service Pack 3. BUT when I tried to remove all of the Service Pack 1 it said something like that "something is already in the process of installing, please wait till it gets done"
Microsoft made any announcements about whether they will release a Service Pack 3 for Windows XP this year? If so, I haven't heard anything, and Microsoft service packs usually generate a lot of media attention. I thought perhaps Microsoft would bundle SP3 with the upcoming Internet Explorer 7. If there is no SP3 on the horizon, I suppose Internet Explorer 7 will be released by itself.
I'm running the Home Edition Version 2002 and ever since I downloaded Service Pack 3, I have had nothing but BIG PROBLEMS. Is SP3 compatible with this version or should I still be useing SP2. I've slowed considerably, jumping, lagging, skipping.
I have MS XP HE SP3. Try as I may, I cannot install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1. I need this to install Paint.NET. I have MS Framework 2.0 installed, and this Update is directly from MS Updates. The only message I get after trying to install is: Installation was unsuccessful. I have tried ending any unnecessary Processes through Task Manager, but to no avail
I did a full HP system restore and the Computer guy who came to my house installed the Service Pack 3, the latest version. I used to have Service Pack 1. I have had quite a few problems since then because of the full system restore and having to re-install alot of my programs, etc. But anyway I noticed today, that down in my system tray (or whatever you call it) on the bottom right of my computer where all the little icons are, there is this Microsoft Updates Automatic Updater with the yellow shield and it said that an update ready to install so I tried installing it. And this is what it said:
Automatic Updates Some updates could not be installed The following updates were not installed: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 ....SO- that seems like a conflict since my computer had Service Pack 3 and the Microsoft Updates is trying to install this Service Pack 1 thing. What should I do? Do I have to get it all in sync somehow and is this messing up things on my computer? Also does this mean I am missing out on all the correct updates for my computer?
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
i have an icon from microsoft.saids it has updates to install for microsoft office, update service pack 3.the only thing is it won't update.and the icon won't go away until it gets updated .plus norton keeps giving me a box saids norton can't update feature.to uninstall norton than reinstall.now my son did up my whole computer so i am afraid to really touch anything.
I work at a small accounting firm and was wondering what the "64x" implied for the XP Pro OS. We have the "Microsoft Action Pack" and were curious as to whether the 64x (bit?) meant anything special; i.e. if it won't run/install on certain computers.
I just bought a used laptop from a friend. It came with XPProfessional on there. I need to put on word, etc...My question- I have a desktop that I bought running XP Home- thedesktop (I bought that one new) came with XP preinstalled and with a cdthat has word on it, the cd says Works Suite 2002.Will I be able to run this Works Suite 2002 on the used laptop that is running XP professional
Tell me where to find and download an ethernet driver for a Gateway 2002 model 300L desktop? Or walk me through checking out whether this option has been turned off or never enabled. I had used a USB cable for Comcast HSI, and now have a wireless router wired in for my new laptop.
The attached is a screen shot of PowerPoint. My problem is with the "Slide Layout" sidebar menu on the right side of the screen: none of the options for slide layout or design, or templates or anything at all show up? I have also had the same problem with other supplementary menus for other office applications not showing up properly. For instance, in excel, when i go to the Insert menu, and select Object, the menu that comes up is completely blank. The problem is that all of the option are actually in the menu and can be clicked on, however it is a process of trial and error to pick the right option. Do you know what is going on? Do you know why the menu options are not showing up. I downloaded Sp3 for office 2002, is there something else I need to download to fix this?
I'm using Outlook 2002 in XP Home. There seems to be options to modify the fonts for the appointments, but no option I can find to change the default font for the list of tasks as they appear in the "Day Week/Month" view. Is there a way to change the size of that font?
My daughter is traying to set acces to her job's Exchange Server using Outlook 2002 SP3. But had no success so she asked me to help, but I could not get it to work either. Her OS is Win XP Pro SP2.I go to Control Panel -Mail -Accounts- Email Accounts and click on to set a new account for Microsoft Exchange Server.In that panel I enter the name of the server.server. and her user name it asks to check the name and I click on and it brings up an error message thet it could not connect to the server that no connection could be established and that I need to connect to the internet. I know we are connected since it is a DSL connection she has. Also checked for More Settings but nothing in there indicates that I need additional info for a connection.I also tried to go through the HTTP set up and it to no avail. However if I just open the browser explorer and enter that HTTP address I can connect with no trouble at all to her logon page.
I am having a problem using system restore.The only "bold" date available, as an earlier date, is today's date.I have tried all 5 methods from Microsoft's system restore help and suppport page for WindowsXP, to no avail.Each tells me that System restore is working.I used the one date (today) that was avaialable and it "restored" without a problem.How can I get the calendar to show an earlier date?
My computer, actually both of my computers, have been running extremely slow lately and they have so much junk on them that I want to get off. I know that just removing them and deleting files will not solve anything seeing as the hard drive is never fully deleted, but i have heard that there is a way of reformating your hard drive. My goal is to put my computers back into the condition they were when I first bought them. I have a Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 2, and I would be really thankful if someone could help me put my computer back to the way it was. I am not at all interested in keeping personal files or anything on my computer, I just want the computer exactly the way it was when I first bought it with the programs that were already preinstalled still in it.
I have a dell series 2002 computer need to up grade video card to Nvidia GeForce series FX5900 or greater a 128 MB video card with support for Pixel 2.0 don't know if I have a PCI version or AGP.Is that the slot? Don't know anything about computers.just want to play a game I bought.will that above mentioned video card fit in my computer and work.
Use the Custom scan at the Windows Update site to see if there are any new drivers for your hardware immediately after installing SP2. Mods. Can you make this one sticky? What do you think of the Processor & RAM requirements quoted? Unrealistic?
I have a new computer that came pre-installed with WinXP Media Center Edition 2002 SP2. I was also sent the discs for WinXP MCE 2005. I have tried to updgrade the original installation and then perform a clean install. In both cases after the installation, when I check properties on My Computer it says WinXp MCE 2002 SP2. Shouldn't it say 2005 MCE?
This tweak works also if your Using Zone Alarm or Zone Alarm Pro V.3.7. I found out by applying this tweak for Nortons with my Zone Alarm program. If you are using Norton Internet Security 2002, and are experiencing slow start-up of XP. i.e. you can see the desktop with icons etc. but it takes 30-60sec before you can start using the computer.1. Click on start buttom.2. Select control panel3. Open “Network Connections”4. Under “LAN and High-Speed Internet”, right-click on your “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”5. Under “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and select “Properties.6. Select “Use the following IP address:” 7. Under “IP address” enter following : 192.168.0.X (Replace X with a value between 1 and 254. If you have multiple computers, pick differnt numbers for each computer on your network)8.
I'm not sure if I have trojans in my system or if the Service Pack 2 is responsible for a bunch of new "services" running in the background of my computer. I've tried searching the internet and have found conflicting reports, so I thought I'd come to the BEST tech source on the net! Now...I've scanned with HJT and I can't see anything suspicious but then again I'm NOT a techie. The services I found that are running on my computer are as follows: C:WINDOWSSystem3 2svchost.exe -k netsvcs (there are about 30 - 40 of these entries on my computer) C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe DcomLaunch (there are 2 of these entries on my computer) C:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exe -k NetworkService
Got a system I'm looking at for someone I know. They have a file extension issue that I'm not familiar with. Here's what it is and what they think they did to get it that way.Currently all but a couple their shortcuts on the desktop have a .lnk extension attached to them. If you try to double click the shortcut to open the program windows tells you that it can't open the file and askes you what program to use. Here's what they were doing when they noticed this problem.They went into Windows Explorer and accessed the "tools" menu. From there they went to "folder options" and selected the "file types" tab. They clicked to create a new file extension, entered "lnk" for the extension and clicked "ok" Then they selected the new extension from the list and clicked the "advanced" option. In the resulting window they unchecked the "confirm open after download" option and clicked "ok". After going through this sequence they noticed that all of their shortcuts had been modified with this extension. Also now if you create a new shortcut it is automatically given this file extension. They tried going back to the folder options and removing the extension but that hasn't helped the problem any. Changing the name of the shortcut back to the original format doesn't help either.The system is currently running Windows XP with service pack 1.
Does anyone know how to correct the following error appears at startup; The procedure entry point set keyboard filter hook could not be located in the dynamic link library?
"Don't let XP Service Pack 3 hose your system From the moment Microsoft released it, Service Pack 3 for Windows XP has been the subject of almost daily reports of bugs, incompatibilities, and general headaches. You can install SP3 with confidence providing you take certain precautions or, if you prefer, use Windows' Automatic Update settings to keep the service pack off your system.
I have two computers, bothrunning XP with Service Pack 2. My older one has a program on it called "Easy Cleaner". I ran it recently and must have deleted some system files? as I no longer have access to the Help & Support (accessed from the start menu), the System information and the System Restore facility. Selecting System restore resuklts in a black dos prompt box, but i am unable to type anything into it..it just has a flashing curser. In addition, when I right click on the desktop and select properties I only get the dialogue box showing a modified theme. In order to access the other tabs (to change desktop background for example) I have to select another theme. Exiting from this and then right clicking a gain brings up the single theme box again.
Anyone know if software exists which is on a cd-rom or dvd-rom that contains a libary of drivers? like a driver pack? for now i am using a usb pen and searching the net for drivers once windows is installed. Does anyone know please if there are discs which do this automatically from a library of drivers? to save searching the net and looking for individual drivers.
What other security (protection from virus and spyware) system do I need in addition to the already built in Windows firewall?Currently I have a Microsoft Windows XP, Home Edition, 2002 version, service pack 3, intel, celeron, CPU 2.20 GHz, 2.00 of RAM.
my girlfriend had been adamant about not updating her computer because she claimed that is a way to get viruses.I scoffed and updated it anyway.I downloaded almost 2 years worth of updates over a two week period, the last update was the XP Service Pack 2 update.The very first time the computer was started after her SP2 update it loaded extremely slowly. The mouse doesn't work correctly (I can only right click) and most programs are inaccessible. I tried to System Restore (which is no easy task without a mouse) but it fails each time. I ran a virus scan with AVG but had no luck finding any infections.
I haven't installed anything new recently except for windows updates. (College makes us install them.) Yesterday after a reboot, my system started acting strangely for no apparent reason. I have the following problems: System Restore opens to a blank page Help Center doesn't load at all windows won't minimize to the taskbar windows media player gives the error "can't perform operation, low memory" word gives the error "this document could not be registered. It will not be possible to create links from other documents to this document." Otherwise word functions properly.
copy/paste doesn't work dragging files/folders on the desktop and in windows explorer doesn't work When I try to view 'properties' of errors in the event log, nothing happens. I also noted that I started getting a lot of Event 4609 after these problems sprang up, when I hadn't been getting any previously. I also noted that my running processes are about 6 fewer than they were before I encountered this problem. Additionally, I am unable to start in safe mode. Pressing f8 produces no results. Everything else seems to work fine. So the system works, but is obviously in a crippled state, for no apparent reason. I'd rather not have to reinstall the os because I don't have a cd at the moment.