Memory Wont Be Written Dialogue Box?

May 27, 2005

My lap top (IBM think pad 600E) running windows 2000 professional has suddenly slowed down completely "when opening from switching on and when opening "all" new programs inc. Int Explorer, Outlook Express, windows, Skype etc. However - once a program finally opens it generaly works at full speed!!!I also get from time to time the message - (The memory could not be written. )In addition the Disc clean up program will not "clean up" - it just hangs there after starting for ever.Looked for a virus through AVG, and defragged, also took out programs not used often etc. Installed anti "Spy Bot" - which found 6 "bad" products - but won't / can't remove them.

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Getting Application Error And Memory Not Written?

Jun 8, 2006

Just started getting this error message. [see attachment] It pops up seemingly at random; startup, browsing, even while I left the computer for awhile (no tasks running). The app is different most every time, tho (eg. <whatever>.exe).

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Application Error Memory Could Not Written

Jan 28, 2006

Today, for the first time, when I signed on I get this big dialog box that states:winlogon.exe Application Error The instruction at 0x77f83aed referenced memory at 0x00440052. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate Click Cancel to debug.I tried BOTH Cancel and then OK with no results.When I clicked OK the programs would eventually come up, but I've found my application SCREEN SHOT DELUXE won't come up don't know if that is related or not.Also, had a little problem with Word Perfect on one boot, don't know EXACTLY what or IF these would be affected by this problem.I have a Dell 8250, Windows XP Pro, 512 RAM, 120 gig hard drive, 2.5 GHz.

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Memory Could Not Be "written" 0x77f52b6a Referenced Memory At 0x00000067

Feb 28, 2005

anuyone ever seen this problem or know how to what is the cause of it or where it came from, and how do we fix it?

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Getting Memory Written Failure Message Upon Every Shut Down?

Feb 7, 2007

i get this weird message just before shutdown:-the instruction at 0x01604617 referenced memory at 000000007, the memory could not be written. i have ran a disk check and it has come up clean. any ideas? someone said it might be malware? what is malware, and how do you scan for it?

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Application Error Start Up - Instruction At 0x009a6f9a Memory Couldn't Written

Oct 22, 2004

I get an application error on start up before ever making a move to open any programs. The instruction at "0x009a6f9a" referenced memory at "0x00000000" could not be written. The moment I noticed this issue was after an install of my Printer/Fax/scanner by HP, It is a wireless printer so the firewall asked if it should unblock for the install process. My question is should I try to go back to a restore point before that install or is there a workaround for this error.

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Removing "drwatson Postmortem Debugger": Memory Could Not Be Written?

Aug 26, 2007

when i right click on any file it says "The Instruction at "0*02e544db" referenced memory at "0*0000000". The memory could not be written"

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Photoshop Is Being Written For 64 Bit

May 2, 2008

I've been reading that Photoshop is being written for 64 bit. In view of what I've read about Vista will I be better off installing XP 64. I currently use XP 32 with no problems.

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Using Product Key Written On The Base Of The System?

Jul 22, 2005

My friend has a laptop with XP Professional installed. It was bought 2nd hand with no discs. Can he install XP Home Edition and use the Product key on the base of the laptop,or is this key only for Pro.Failing that can he use a new XP Home Upgrade to go over top of the Pro Edition?In case anyone is thinking the obvious, it isn't stolen. He just wants to wipe everything out and put on the laptop what he wants. I was thinking of using my XP Home for the job.

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Save Several Word Written Letters To A CD And Record?

Jul 4, 2005

Windows XP, SP2, I.E, and questions:I would like to save several Word written letters to a CD and record them at different times, just like I would do on a floppy disk. When I tried this,I was told the disk was full and could not be written to. I use either WindowsXP, Record Now or MusicMatch to record information. How do I set my computer to record items at different times? If I am in the wrong group, please direct me to the correct one.

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Copied The Information To Cdrw Drive But Not Written

Nov 21, 2006

I posted about an "uncountable boot error" that my other computer had and, the day before that happened, i thought i backed up my information but it turns out i only copied the information to the cdrw drive but had not written it.and the original files (though i am not sure about the ones that were waiting in the cdrw drive) i am pretty sure i deleted ..and the cd i have does show all the files i thought i had backed up, but when i try to view any one of them they are not viewable (for example, html files will come up as gibberish). the other computer that had the error is up and running - i don't think there was any reformatting, only chkdsk, but i am not sure (without being there to look) .if this even matters.. whether any of the files are still waiting on the cdrw drive.

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Received An E-mail Attachment Written On Corel Word

Feb 6, 2006

I have Windows XP on HP A735W - trying to download an e-mail attachment fm attorney but it's saying windows can't download-and giving me options on searches via internet.what can i do to open this important doc?

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Getting My Previous Dialogue Box Back?

Jul 27, 2007

Ya know that little window that pops up while something is downloading? Someone checked the box and now that window disappears. I really would prefer for it to ask me. Because sometimes I like to open it right away. How can I change that back? It disappears to quick for me to uncheck that box.

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Dialogue Box Appears When Closing XP?

Oct 10, 2008

I have the Windows XP home edition operating system on my computer. Just recently when closing down a dialogue box appears with the text: "End Program - sprtmcd.exe" This goes through a little process then I select the "End Now" option and the computer closes down. This has to be done every time now. Everything else seems to be functioning normally as far as I can tell.

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Define Location In Dialogue Box?

Apr 19, 2010

When you go to save a file, a dialogue box appears that on the left has several pre-set choices (such as 'history' 'my documents' 'desktop' etc.Is there a way to define one of those pre-set choices to be a folder of your own choosing?

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Blank Dialogue Box With Yes Or No Buttons Which Both Log Off?

Aug 17, 2004

I go to switch on my pc to do some work and boots up fine asks me to log in as per usual..log in is fine but does not get to the desktop. Instead a Blank Dialogue box with with a red circleand white cross appears with yes or no buttons which both log you off back to the dialogur screen.Booted into safemode with command promp and with network support and thistime a single OK button appears again logging you off. Howevever I can get into ordinary safe mode.

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Dialogue Box In The Middle Of The Screen That Won't Go Away?

Mar 13, 2010

the computer wasn't working for some reason, so I checked it out, and everything was gone from the screen besides the background. Files and icons and what-have-you, were all gone, with the exception of a small dialogue box in the middle of the screen. All it says is "ok" and there is an "ok" button at the bottom, and the red "x" at the top. I've clicked both buttons several times, but nothing has happened. I'm scared to unplug the computer, or restart it or anything, because I don't know what it will do.

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Registry Recovery Dialogue Box 90% Of Time?

May 21, 2006

I run WindowsXP Home and after long shutdown periods (ie. overnight), the following dialogue box appears at startup:Window Registry Recovery One of the files containing the system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful.I would say this message appears 90% of the time, and so far my computer runs fine. I should also say that it started appearing after I installed NortonAV 2006 and updated Windows with SP2. I have since uninstalled Norton, but it still appears.

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Dialogue Box Does Not Appears When Shut Down Computer

Aug 6, 2008

I am using XP SP3, Comodo, Avast,Spywareblaster. (AMD Athlond 2600+). When the PC has been on a while, i press Start, Turn Off computer, the dialogue box does not appear and the hourglass symbol appears, I can still access Task Manager, the graph still unfolds and the CPU usage shows 1 or 2 %. After several minutes there is a beep from the pc, and the dialogue box opens, but if I press it, it starts the process again. I have to press the on/off button to shut down. Does not seem to happen if the pc has only been on a few moments.

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Getting Default List Of The Dialogue Boxes Of OS?

Apr 26, 2007

Does anyone here know where can I get a list of all of Windows XP dialogue boxes? Recently, when I was Turning Off my computer, there was a very interesting dialogue box that appeared on my desktop, however, I don't remember exactly what it said, but if I could go through a list of Windows dialogue boxes (hopeful ly an alphabetical list), I would be able to find it.

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Internet Shortcuts Open Print Dialogue Box?

Jan 18, 2007

copied the url, desktop > right click > properties > new > shortcut which brings up the new shortcut box. Paste url > next > named it b&b, clicked finish, thought I was done. and clicks on the link. It promptly opens up the printer dialogue box. That was in Firefox, our default browser. Tried it in IE, same thing. All other icons work fine. Only when I create an internet shortcut do I get this issue, and I don't even know how to begin to google for it.

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Removing Unwanted Registry Booster Dialogue Box?

Feb 11, 2010

Just installed RegistryBooster and scanned OK. When computer restarted a RegistryBooster dialogue box appears offering to scan and I want to get rid of it, but can't as there is no apparent way to do so. So can anyone please tell me how to remove it?

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Yellow Bubble Dialogue Box In Sys Tray During Printing?

Aug 18, 2005

We have recently installed a PC of software that need an agent "pushed" out to each users PC. We also had turn on the file and print share option for all PC's. But since doing so, people are now getting a yellow dialogue bubble pop up in their sys tray EVERY time they print. I have been told that this may be a policy in GPO, can anyone give me any ideas where I could start looking?

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Clicking In Mail Gets A Dialogue Box Wont Find Server?

May 14, 2007

It seems every time I click into my mail, games or anything, I get a dialogue box that says cant find the server but it still goes to that site. Just want to have it quit doing that

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Folder List In Left Pane When Using Open Or Save Dialogue?

Sep 9, 2005

On XP Pro I used to have it set up so that when I opened or saved a file(regardless of the program being used) it would show the folder list on the left side of the open/save file window (like in Windows Explorer when you do a folder list in the left pane). Now, it only shows certain groupings like My Documents, My Computer, My Network, etc. in the left pane. How do I get folders back?

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Setting File Open/save Dialogue Boxes To Display Thumbnails?

Aug 23, 2005

I'd like to permanently set my open and save file dialogue boxes to display thumbnails instead of the usual list display but can't find any way to do this (the folder options setting doesn't appear to affect this aspect of windows XP).

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Cannot Upgrade Memory - Blanck Sceen Appears After Installing Memory

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade the RAM memory on my Gateway MX3230 notebook. It presently has 256 MB and I would like to upgrade to 1 GB. I have checked the Gateway website and and upgrade to 1 GB is acceptable. I purchased a memory module from Kingston which was listed as being compatible with my laptop. When I tried installing the module, the computer will not start, nothing but black screen. It's as thought there is no memory at all. I tried re-installing the module making sure it was inserted in as far as it will go, still no luck. There is no settings in bios that I can see that would prevent the acceptance of this module

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IEXPLORE.EXE Reside In Memory - Opening IE Window - PC Memory Is Lost

Sep 18, 2005

The IEXPLORE.EXE still reside im my PC memory after I close the IE window.

With task mamanger, I can see there are many IEXPLORE.EXE running. But, I already close all of them.

I ran 3 ad-ware, spybot, MS antispyware. Removed all the spyware by those 3 spyware detector.

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Free Memory - Used Memory Of The System Drive Problem?

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Intel pentium 4 cpu 2.40GHz, 1.25 GB RAM. Iam using 80 GB samsung hard disk.
I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional service pack 2 on a drive of 10 GB memory space with NTFS file system.
After the installation of Win XP, the drive properties shows 4.9 GB of used memory and only 4.45 GB of free memory, but when I try to find total memory occupied for all the files in that drive (using "select-all" and properties) the used memory is only 2.3 GB only.

Now I don't understand the huge difference of this memories calculations. Where that extra used memory gone, when the total memory occupied by all the files is much less.

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Find Only Two Out Of Three Memory Modules - Increasing Original Memory

Oct 19, 2007

why my Windowx XP sees only 1024 MB memory while I've increased the original memory of 512 MB by 2x 512 MB ?My motherboard has three DDR-slots. It had from the beginning a Kingston K 512MB PC2700 module in slot #1. This week I've added two Kingston K512 UDIMM 512MB PC2700 modules in the slots #2 and #3.All three modules has the type name KVR333X64C25/512, so I thought they would be compatible.

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C Drive Prompting "Open With" Dialogue Box

Oct 28, 2007

first with usb harddrive, then with C drive, prompting me to select a program in "Open with" dialogue box. Some of the solutions I read on the net were too technical for me, for fear of creating myself further problems. Through good luck I needed to attach a file to an email. I selected attach, then browse, and I decided to see what would happen if I selected My Computer, then C drive in that dialogue box. I did this and C drive information was displayed. Later when I was out of the mail account, I tried My Computer and C drive again and it worked fine.

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