Save Several Word Written Letters To A CD And Record?
Jul 4, 2005
Windows XP, SP2, I.E, and questions:I would like to save several Word written letters to a CD and record them at different times, just like I would do on a floppy disk. When I tried this,I was told the disk was full and could not be written to. I use either WindowsXP, Record Now or MusicMatch to record information. How do I set my computer to record items at different times? If I am in the wrong group, please direct me to the correct one.
I have Windows XP on HP A735W - trying to download an e-mail attachment fm attorney but it's saying windows can't download-and giving me options on searches via internet.what can i do to open this important doc?
I have Windows XP Pro SP2 as my OS. When I try to save a document directly from Word onto my DVD I get the message that is read-only. The OS does see the DVD drive because Roxio can burn to the drive. I prefer saving directly to the the drive from Word. What could be the problem?
None of the word processors on my computer, save notepad, work at all. When I double click the application, it shows the hourglass for a split second, and it disappears again, as if I'd never clicked anything. Actually, MS word worked. Except it always had some random error and just exited itself. So as far as I'm concerned, I can't use any of my word processors.I ran a CHKDSK scan, it took several hours to complete, but I did it, and the problem persisted.So I decided to get a HJT log. I downloaded HJT.
OS is Win 2K. I have a folder containing about 150 files Using Explorer, I can open the folder and view a list of the files. Is there any way to save that list as a text document?
Is there a way to schedule an automated task the will save any open Word or Excel (Office 2003) files, and then close those programmes at a set time? I would like to be able to set this up on a PC with XP Pro as part of scheduling computer shut-down but not losing any data if an individual is still working at that time.
I have a strange audio problem which i havent encounted before and cant for the life of me figure it out.My microphone isnt recording exteral sound, but i can record sound only from in the computer i.e. "what you hear" records.
my keyboard is messed up. if i type the alphabet it comes out as follows abcdefgh51230n6pqrst4vwxyz, i can type the correct letters by holding down the 'fn' key, as i am doing now. and if i hold down the 'fn' and 'shift' i get this ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVWXYZ this all aooctter when i was trying to write a letter to someone in germany and wanted to tyoe the char of the 'umlaut'. i thought i could set the language to german, then switch back.
When I try to open Microsoft Office Word 2003 a window pops up that says window installer then it says installing microsoft office word feature. It stops half way and another window pops up that says Installation error file not found. A required installation file SKU112.CAB could not be found. Original installation source required. If you installed Microsoft Office Standard edition 2003 from cd please insert your cd.
If you installed Microsoft office standard edition 2003 over your computer network please browse to the installation source on your computer. Also a window popped up that says Microsoft word has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install application. I don't have the cd its lost. This just started doing this about a month ago. I can't open any files through microsoft office word or power point.
When I click on a Word document (on my Desktop, for example), it seems to take a long time for the document to open. Yet if I have Word open and click on the document it opens instantaneously. Similarly, when I right click on a document, photo, spreadsheet file, it takes what seems a long time for the menu (Open, Run as, Send to, Delete, etc..) to open.
I just installed my home Dell Dimension 4700 -- and can't seem to find any MS Office or "Word" options on my "All Programs" drop-down. The system is supposed to have Windows XP resident, but I'm not finding any of it. Also, I want to be able to convert old Word Perfect files to Word -- and vice versa, but have thus far been unsuccesaful in figuring out how to do it.
I just uninstalled something with word perfect on my dell inspiron 600 in order to free space b/c I didn't think that I used it, but now all my word docs (I'm running windows 2003 with a 2007 service compatibility patch/update) have turned into what looks like word pad docs! How do I find what was uninstalled and get it back?
I've been reading that Photoshop is being written for 64 bit. In view of what I've read about Vista will I be better off installing XP 64. I currently use XP 32 with no problems.
I've been searching for most parts of the net and the forums here and did install uninstall restore my notepad, paint and wordpad but nothing seems to work.When these files are opened, nothing seems to be a problem. But whenever you attempt to save by Ctrl+S, or the by clicking File>Save or File>Save As the program automatically closes. This has been a consistent behavior for the 3 softwares.I'm using Windows XP 64 bit OS and had no error messages of any sort except that these programs just close themselves when a save attempt is done.I did virus and malware scans by Avast, ESET Nod & Kaspersky and nothing was detected.Reinstalling isn't an option for me now as I don't have any optical drive... besides, this may be very hard for me but I'm willing to suffer for the sake of learning.
My lap top (IBM think pad 600E) running windows 2000 professional has suddenly slowed down completely "when opening from switching on and when opening "all" new programs inc. Int Explorer, Outlook Express, windows, Skype etc. However - once a program finally opens it generaly works at full speed!!!I also get from time to time the message - (The memory could not be written. )In addition the Disc clean up program will not "clean up" - it just hangs there after starting for ever.Looked for a virus through AVG, and defragged, also took out programs not used often etc. Installed anti "Spy Bot" - which found 6 "bad" products - but won't / can't remove them.
Just started getting this error message. [see attachment] It pops up seemingly at random; startup, browsing, even while I left the computer for awhile (no tasks running). The app is different most every time, tho (eg. <whatever>.exe).
My friend has a laptop with XP Professional installed. It was bought 2nd hand with no discs. Can he install XP Home Edition and use the Product key on the base of the laptop,or is this key only for Pro.Failing that can he use a new XP Home Upgrade to go over top of the Pro Edition?In case anyone is thinking the obvious, it isn't stolen. He just wants to wipe everything out and put on the laptop what he wants. I was thinking of using my XP Home for the job.
Today, for the first time, when I signed on I get this big dialog box that states:winlogon.exe Application Error The instruction at 0x77f83aed referenced memory at 0x00440052. The memory could not be written. Click OK to terminate Click Cancel to debug.I tried BOTH Cancel and then OK with no results.When I clicked OK the programs would eventually come up, but I've found my application SCREEN SHOT DELUXE won't come up don't know if that is related or not.Also, had a little problem with Word Perfect on one boot, don't know EXACTLY what or IF these would be affected by this problem.I have a Dell 8250, Windows XP Pro, 512 RAM, 120 gig hard drive, 2.5 GHz.
A while back I had a program or a tweak that enabled me to change/add to the list on the left side of the window that opens when you want to save or save as. So, if I was saving a photo, instead of clicking on My Documents >> My Pictures, I was able to just click on My Pictures, ect. (See Photo) Does anyone know of a tweak/program that would allow me to do this?
I posted about an "uncountable boot error" that my other computer had and, the day before that happened, i thought i backed up my information but it turns out i only copied the information to the cdrw drive but had not written it.and the original files (though i am not sure about the ones that were waiting in the cdrw drive) i am pretty sure i deleted ..and the cd i have does show all the files i thought i had backed up, but when i try to view any one of them they are not viewable (for example, html files will come up as gibberish). the other computer that had the error is up and running - i don't think there was any reformatting, only chkdsk, but i am not sure (without being there to look) .if this even matters.. whether any of the files are still waiting on the cdrw drive.
i get this weird message just before shutdown:-the instruction at 0x01604617 referenced memory at 000000007, the memory could not be written. i have ran a disk check and it has come up clean. any ideas? someone said it might be malware? what is malware, and how do you scan for it?
I get an application error on start up before ever making a move to open any programs. The instruction at "0x009a6f9a" referenced memory at "0x00000000" could not be written. The moment I noticed this issue was after an install of my Printer/Fax/scanner by HP, It is a wireless printer so the firewall asked if it should unblock for the install process. My question is should I try to go back to a restore point before that install or is there a workaround for this error.
When downloading files, any type files, just using IE's dialog, or using a Download Manager's dialog, Explorer's Save or Save As panels *will not* allow me to create a new folder on XPpro [current user's] desktop! I am allowed to save the file to the desktop, and of course, can then create a new folder directly on the desktop with the context menu, and etc. It will allow me to create a new folder anywhere else and save any type file being downloaded into that new folder.It simply will not allow me to create a new folder on the Desktop.Could this be some kind of registry alteration?
I noticed this problem like a week ago. I tried to download and save some vids, but the windows that says the percent of your download just freezes. I thought it was a problem with the vid, but now I see it's the computer.Whatever I try to dowload it's the same problem. What can it be? It was fine before.
My'Recording Control' shows Microphone 'select' button checked.Volume Control does not.Could this be part of the reason I cannot use my microphone to record into Audacity and/or Sound Recorder?
My daughter has a Dell XPS M1210 laptop running Windows XP Media Center Edition. She got fooled by PSGuard and thought she was downloading antispyware software after a warning came on her screen. She ended up with the TrojanDownloder.xs and the SmitFraud problem. With a lot of assistance from techs on this site (thank you, thank you I was able to fix all the problems. At least that is what I thought. Recently she tried to burn a audio CD. The CD drive reads CD's and DVD's but won't allow her to record. The drive had worked in the past. Is there a chance there is still a registry problem here that is preventing the drive from recording? She has reloaded the software from Dell. She uses Itunes, Windows Media Center, Nero, which in the past has allowed her to record
Anyone know if there is a DVR that I can buy without the monthly subscription fee and set up charges to record TV shows onto the harddrive?I heard that only a few manufacturers were making such devices, but I haven't been able to find which ones.
my computer is unable to save any files at all. It cannot save files off the internet or save any files in a Save As.. format? Ive searched the internet for the last 2 weeks looking for some infomation on the problem but i cannot find anything?
My little paper notebook of passwords is falling apart.I want to save my passwords on my PC.Saving them in Norton Password Manager does not allow me to see what they are.
I want to save them as graphic objects that can be displayed.
What is the kind or type of software that causes a password to be displayed in a graphically complex format that is not readable by software but is readable by a human
I will like to know from the Cnet uses that use windows xp sp2 to tell me how many viruses that they has on their pc. My record number is 105 viruses when doing a full system scan with the full paid version and updated version of Norton anti-virus 2004! I was surprised that i had that many viruses when i had been running norton for 3 or 4 months running full system scans once a week and a quick scan once everyday. I later then uninstalled norton becuase my computer was going too slow and installed avast antivirus. The first scan that i ran with avast as soon as i installed it found another 24 viruses. That is a total of 129 viruses.