Internet Will Not Work

Jan 12, 2009

A little background on the problem: I have a Windows XP 2002 Media Center Edition which came with McAfee security suite. I recently uninstalled it, as well as a free trial of Norton that I used once McAfee expired. After uninstalling McAfee my internet would not work. I ran system restore back to a month ago hoping that would fix the problem. Still no luck. When I put the computer into safe mode the internet works fine however.

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Slow Internet - Norton Internet Securities Wont Work

Sep 24, 2005

My computer is slow as well as the internet. some sites dont work where they work from another computer.

norton internet securities wont work, norton antivirus wont work.

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Internet Work / Not WLM

Feb 21, 2007

I have a really annoying problem. My internettconnection work. But just with programs that are using port 80. I have tried mIRC, WLM, Ventrilo and so on, but they won't work.Have turned off all firewalls. (Do anyone know about a program that checks open ports on my pc?)

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Internet Connection On & Off - Not Work

May 29, 2007

I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet connection at home. I have recently reinstalled Windows XP home due to corruption of files but previous to that my internet connection did not work. However, since the install i have been unable to establish a continuous connection. It starts and stops for no reason at all. I have been online and it loses connection saying there is no dial tone. A connection can be lost/found for no particular reason.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Work

Aug 2, 2007

My computer has been running really slow for a few days now.. And I think i got many virus and spyware ..stuff like that .. But i cant seem to remove them =/ Heres my HJT Log

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 16:15:17, on 02.08.2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473)

Running processes:

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My Internet Shortcuts Won't Work

Jul 4, 2005

I have been rationalizing some files in the Windows folder to get rid of the usual crop of bugs, and now I find that some shortcuts on the desktop will not work.Is there some file for this that I might have erased by mistake?

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Internet Does Not Work After Few Minutes

Feb 11, 2005

I am connected to the internet on a t1 line at work.I go on the internet & everything is fine.After a few minutes it quits on me.I get the message "page cannot be displayed"I have to reboot to get going again.

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Internet Driver Won't Work

Mar 2, 2010

I just had to reinstall Windows XP on my computer but my Internet won't work. My associates said I need a driver but I don't know what it is or where to get it.

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Internet Explorer Add-ons Dont Work

Dec 21, 2008

every time put uo internet explorer i get this up internet explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled but when i check in manager add-ons thay are all enabled.

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Reinstalled And Drivers - Internet Doesnt Work

Aug 28, 2009

A few weeks ago, I received a blue screen of death that would not get off my computer. I had the Windows Antivirus Pro Virus that would not go away. I am going to school tomororw and needed this off my computer. So I decided to wipe the hard drive clean with the Dell CDs that came with this purchase. I downloaded Windows XP and some of the drivers. Some of the drivers that i tried to download say they downloaded but then do not come up. Broadcom440x10/100 is saying the network cable is unplugged, I have no idea what that means and internet will not work. What can I do manually to make this work?

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CIDAEMON.EXE Trojan - Internet Wouldn't Work

Dec 3, 2006

A friend of mine recently had a trojan revealed from a Mcaffe scan. It was listed as a Downloader-RK and the file effected was CIDAEMON.EXE I have read that this file is from Microsoft for Indexing. My friend brought it to the campus internt guys and when they removed it her internet wouldn't work. So they just left it quarantined. It doesn't seem to be causing any issues, but she still wants it off.

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Like To Install Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 / Does Not Work

May 11, 2006

I would like to install Internet Explorer 7 beta 2, and it does not work. So I did what they said in troubleshooting (use regmon to find a key that says "access denied" So I did that and found that HKCR/mailto is the problem. So I go into the registry and when I click on it I get an a message saying there was an error opening the key. I try change the permissions, and again I get an error message. Then I even try to delete it (I have a copy from another system to install) and again I get an error message. What can I do to fix this problem?

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Loosing Connection Of Internet In Work Group

Apr 2, 2006

Two computers connected via a router , I already check if the work group is set and yes they are in the same work group by the same name but we are not sharing a printer or files, we don't have a home network set. Well the point is that sometimes I get disconnect from the internet but the other computer still works online, so I have to reboot or even start up again the computer. we already RESET the router but after that, I already get twice again disconnected need to reboot again, I am missing something that I oversee and its producing this disconnection.

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Internet Wont Work After Uninstalling A Game?

Jan 23, 2005

i recently uninstalled some games adn software which i dont play anymore including netlimiter and when i restarted i could connect to the internet but like my computer cant recognize that i am online as in messenger, ie , firefox, etc all dont connect

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Can Play Online Games But Internet Does Not Work After Standby

Aug 19, 2006

When i put my computer in standby or hibernation...about 75% of the time, when i bring it out of said state, i can use instant messaging, play online games, my internet works, but not my internet browser. neither firefox or IE works, it acts just as if i was offline. my second when using a program that opens an HTM or HTML file inside itself (counter-strike, anti-virus, just about anything), it asks me before it opens it, and if i click ok, it opens it in my internet browser, and i have no idea why. this gets REALLY annoying, especially during online gaming when i can't see in-game guides to do things, and it opens up 3-4 dialog screens before every single game.

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Computer Not Working On Internet - Norton Doesn't Work

Sep 26, 2006

My problem is is when I booted my comp up yesterday, norton comes up with some odd error about not being able to scan e-mail or instant messenger for viruses, and my internet on just this computer will not work. Now this happened with my other comp when the hard drive was failing. The computer will also at some reboots take forever to get into windows.Sometimes when I try to get into network connections or my computer, it will just hang or I get the flashlight icon scanning. I was able to back up most of my stuff, but when I tried to reformat, it kept saying to close all windows and I ended every program I could think of.I also tried a system restore to Saturday when it was working normal, but I have had no luck. Is it something with windows or is another HDD going? I'm thinking of just RMA'ing the HDD and do a whole new install. My only other option is to use a Linux Suse disk I have and boot from that and see if it works. Here are my specs:Athlon 64 3200+ | Asus A8N5X mobo | 5.1 surround soundcard | 2 GB Corsair PC3200 Ram| 250gig Hitachi Hdd/60 GB WD HDD | 420w PS | EVGA Geforce 7800GT | Logitec 5.1 surrond sound speakers w/subwoofer z-560

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Internet Connection Doesn't Work Web Pages Are Not Loaded

Feb 13, 2005

I went to pc pitstop and did a test on my computer. Everything seems to do ok except for the internet connection. What is bandwidth and ping. Here shows the results of mine Gotta love What should this be?I have windows XP and connect via cable.I thought adding memory made it faster but when i load some web pages it's not.

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Microsoft Word Doesn't Work - Internet Slow

Feb 16, 2009

having a problem with her PC involving checking the internet for instance its really really slow, also not only the internet but her microsoft word either doesn't work or is also extremely slow. Some websites open some don't, and if it does open it takes a really really long time with errors....please help she can't get any schoolwork done at all because of this problem

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Internet Explorer Won't Browse And Dns Server Wont Work?

Dec 21, 2008

Browser will not resove domain names, but will connect to a URL based on an IP address. Nslookup works, but DNScache is empty (DNScache enabled).No traffic from host to resolve name detected on the modem firewall. Other PCs continue to work as normal.Was adding Service pack 3 for XP when this occurred.No other browser on this PC.

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Computer Won't Connect To Internet / Files Wont Work

Feb 27, 2006

my computer wont connect to the internet, some files wont work and it all started after i finished scanning with mcafee

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Internet Explorer Won't Work - Update Operating System

Oct 19, 2005

daughter has an "emachine" (I know, but it's too late) with XP. Son opened a "cheats" from Google and now they can't open internet explorer at all. Just gives us the "sorry, we'll send error report." They can right click on the "explorer" icon and open by "run as" but they can't download anything, or open new pages (assuming the other pages are stored). They play a game called Ragnarok(sp??) and that may have something to do with it, not sure. Anyway, I've checked internet connections and she is enabled, I've run Winsock and that doesn't help, even loaded Foxfire browser to bypass, but it won't open either, just gives me the same message. We even updated with the XP2, still nothing

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Installed Kaspersky 2006 And/or Internet Explorer Wont Work?

Oct 4, 2005

I have just installed the Beta version of Kaspersky 2006. I'm experiencing problems with Internet explorer which cannot open full pages and shows error in script (I think that's what it is). It opens the top of the page but not the content or it just indicates that it cannot find the server or the page.

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Media Player Wont Work And Internet Connection Lost?

Oct 9, 2005

Lately I've tried to get onto Final Fantasy Online and it doesn't appear to be letting me online, even though my internet is clearly working. It appears to be the exact same for WinMX (yes, it is a legal share program, so don't shout at me and refuse to help me) But at the same time as all this, my Windows Media Player refuses to play most of my MP3 tracks.

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Settings In A Limited User Account: Internet Wont Work?

Mar 25, 2006

I have created a second account for me (a limited on) in order not to use the lapton under the admin account. However, after I log-in to the limited, I can't connect to the internet. When I go the Network area in order to try and connect or set uo the connection to the Internet by setting up the connection I get a message saying that I do not have the right to change the settings. Where do I go in the admin account in odrer to set the connection to the Internet for the limited account?

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Limited User Account Wont Work Fine Using Internet?

Mar 6, 2007

I've recently setup a limited user account on a XPSP2 Home machine. The intent is to use it for internet and email. When I switch to this account, and try to setup, say, my email client, the configuration or settings do not stick. On a couple other apps too, when I click on them to start them, it's as if it's the first time they are being executed. I enter the info, apply or save, and when I shut the app and come back into it, the same thing happens. For instance; in the email client, each time I go in, the setup wizard starts and asks for my pop3 and smtp etc..I enter it, save, shut the app, come back in and the wizard starts again, asking for the same things.

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Performed System Restore: Internet Explorer Wont Work?

Aug 4, 2005

I couldn't install sp2, because of a problem I don't know... so it indicated that I had to download it again, but I could only download it by erasing it.
It all came wrong! I erased a file that restarted the computer and I had to restore the system.Now I have a computer that does not allow to me be in the internet, because it restarts itself while Im'm navigating.... it also appears a message of corrupt registry that had never appeared before, but if I install messenger

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Browser Doesnot Pick Up Internet Connection - Yahoo Does Work

Apr 13, 2005

sometimes my browser doesnt pick up a connection. But my yahoo does work. Sometimes my aim and msn won't connect either. I have a router connected to this.

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Reinstalled: Internet Connection / Audio Device Wont Work?

Sep 12, 2009

I recently had to reformat and reinstall windows xp due to a virus, which i have done several times before, but not on this computer (bought it refurbished less than a year ago), and have never had a problem doing so..But this time, when I reinstalled windows, on start-up my (hi-speed) internet connection didnt work (no icon on bottom right bar), same with my sound card (also no icon).

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Internet Connection Dosen't Work / Network Places Won't Open

Mar 24, 2008

I have a pretty major problem with my main computer. The wireless network i have is running fine because all me other computers are working. On my main computer the internet does not work. It says all is connected. If i try to open network places, explorer freezes up.

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Unable To Connect Internet / Network Connections Wont Work?

Feb 13, 2005

When i connect to the internet, The Icon of the two small computers does not go to my Task bar ( near the tasks eg: msn messenger ), until i go to My Network Connections, Right click and press Refresh... i mean it does'nt go automaticaly, same as my network connection when its aquiring the ip, it stays there in my tray until i refresh my Network connections, Anybody knows a workaround ? I don't have any idea why that happened, i don't remember missing with anything

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Device Manager / Cant Get Internet Explorer Tools Options Bar To Work

May 18, 2007

Under device manager/system in windows xp sp2 should it say that no drivers are installed? also shows these devices:direct meory access controller motherboard resources
numeric data processor NVIDIA nforce PCI System Management seems like there should be some type of driver installed, I am just trying to figure out why I cant get internet explorer tools>options bar to work.

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