CIDAEMON.EXE Trojan - Internet Wouldn't Work

Dec 3, 2006

A friend of mine recently had a trojan revealed from a Mcaffe scan. It was listed as a Downloader-RK and the file effected was CIDAEMON.EXE I have read that this file is from Microsoft for Indexing. My friend brought it to the campus internt guys and when they removed it her internet wouldn't work. So they just left it quarantined. It doesn't seem to be causing any issues, but she still wants it off.

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Internet Explorer Not Working / Wouldn't Open / No Windows Based Functions Used Explorer Interface Would Work

Apr 4, 2008

I recently had a problem on my computer where Internet explorer was not working and would'nt open, and no windows based functions that used the explorer interface would work... So i downloaded the IE7 install package on my other computer and burned to disk to install. everything was going along fine, and when prompted to restart to finsih the installation i did so..... that is when "it" hit the fan.

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Ipconfig Isn't External Command - Cmd Run Wouldn't Work

Aug 22, 2009

You see my cmd is working fine. Then one day I open run and type in cmd and then enter. I type in ipconfig and it says ipconfig isn't an external command or something like that. Anyways I fixed the problem by typing in run C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe and enter. Weird enough it worked when i typed in ipconfig, and other commands. If I typed in cmd that was open from the run any commands wouldn't work. I tried creating an shortcut from the actual cmd file and trying commands but it still doesn't work. Well sometimes I code stuff or download .bat files because I need of em. And I try to open the file but it always usually runs fine but after that incident I try to open any .bat file and it just opens it and the window closes so fast. I don't know how to fix this problem uahghhh it's a pain in the butt lol. It's getting me so mad! I just want to use my normal cmd .

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MP3 Player Software Wouldn't Work - Uninstall Error

Aug 22, 2005

I bought a Dell system with XP. After upgrading(incl. new motherboard) the already installed Nike Philips MP3 player "Digital Media Manager" software wouldn't work. Nike/Philips sent me to Dell who sent me back to Nike/Philips who then sent me to Microsoft who I have so far been unable to contact successfully.Tried to uninstall software but received variety of errors, incl. some Java ones. Eventually appeared to delete it but trying to reinstall software always displays "Digital Media Manager already installed". Have tried manually removing some Registry elements but I'm clearly missing some. Does anyone know precisely which Registry elements I need to remove for a complete manual uninstallation ?

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Cannot Install - No Options Left To Do Graphics Card Wouldn't Work

Nov 12, 2006

I hope someone out there can help me because i am well and truly stumped with this problem. I ordered a brand new pc - Ath 64 X2 4600+ CPU, 1 GB RAM, 400GB SATA, 256MB 7900GT, 19" TFT, 16x DVDRW-DL, Running Mcafee Antivirus / Ad-aware, I originally had problems when my Graphics card wouldn't work. I installed some older versions of the drivers and it was working okay. Then I had some problems with some dll files and i couldn't open Windows due to the system/config error at start up. I managed to repair that installation. THe next day, my PC would not boot and I could not repair it. I then found out, i had bad sectors on the Hard disk so i tried formatting it

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Need Installer Clean Up Utility / After Recovery Java Wouldn't Work

Sep 13, 2010

I have an HP computer that got a bug on it. I had to recover with my recovery disc. Before the bug I had Windows Installer Clean Up utility on my computer that I used, like when Adobe Reader screwed up and I couldn't download it again because of remnants of Adobe still on the computer that I couldn't get rid of. Now I have that problem with Java. After the recovery Java wouldn't work. So I deleted it in the Add/Delete. But there are remnants that won't delete. Now I can't find the Installer Cleanup utility. Can someone tell me where I could find "Windows Installer Clean Up" utility for Windows XP

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Wouldn't Connect To Internet / Program Cannot Safely Continue

Jan 26, 2009

I'm writing this on behalf of a friend. She has a pc that works on the OS XP Home. She used it on Saturday to fill in an application on line. She tried to go on line again yesterday and it wouldn't connect to the internet. A dialogue box appeared stating: Buffer Overrun: a buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the programs internal state. The program cannot safely continue.

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Unbale To Remove Backdoor.Trojan / Removal Tools Wont Work?

Jul 27, 2005

My norton Antivirus detected ( after updating the definitions )Backdoor.Trojan having the object name c: WINDOWSSystem32scrsvc.exe I would like to know about its removal tool as Norton couldnot repair it .If deleting this file can get rid of this virus ?

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Virus Or Trojan Prevent A PC From Using The Internet

Jul 21, 2006

Can a Virus or Trojan prevent a PC from using the Internet? If so, what type?

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Slow Internet - Norton Internet Securities Wont Work

Sep 24, 2005

My computer is slow as well as the internet. some sites dont work where they work from another computer.

norton internet securities wont work, norton antivirus wont work.

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Trojan In Reg32.exe =trojan.low Zones: Wont Remove Virus?

Feb 11, 2005

I have of lot of trojans and can't seem to get rid of them I have ran Spy Bot,Avast,Ad-Aware,Stop Sign and found a 1 Trojan in reg32.exe =trojan.low zones
2 downloaded program files says: Trojan.downloader1097 3 System 32 sygate = Win32.HLLW.MyBot.based 4 Avenue Media Internet Optimizer Software Package = Possible spyware Application 5 Appropos Media People On Page Application = Possible Spyware

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Unable To Remove "" Trojan?

Apr 1, 2006

I have windows xp, i have avg antivirus and have run the tests in pc pitstop and done a regular search thru windows for the but can't locate it on my pc. My IE browser freezes everytime i go to a particular site and yet when i ask if anyone else has trouble with that site only a very few people say yes. The solution they give me is to download Mozilla and use it for that site. That doesn't protect me from the trojan completely infecting me does it? Can anyone tell me how to delete this trojan?

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Wouldn't Come Up Because Dll Missing Or Corrupted - System32hal.dll

Oct 2, 2009

I just put in an ASUS mobo, and my XP Pro OS just sent me a message that Windows wouldn't come up because a dll was missing or corrupted. <Windows root>System32hal.dll. I'm in the Recovery Console, and I went to Systemroot, but the command <Windows root>System32hal.dll. is invalid. Other than reinstall XP, what can I do to find or get that hal.dll.

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Note Book Wouldn't Go Into Hibernate

May 29, 2010

I can't get my samsung n110 netbook to hibernate. It always would work perfectly fine. Today (this just started today) it wouldn't go into hibernate. Instead it would just stay on. Typically, closing the screen would send it to hibernation mode, but it won't do that anymore. So I went to start>turn off computer. Held shift, and clicked hibernate. The windows screen came up, and said "Preparing to hibernate". It stayed on that screen for around 3 seconds, then just went back to the desktop, as if nothing happened. I read in multiple places to disable hibernation, restart, enable it again, then try again. I tried that, and it didn't work. Any idea on how this can be fixed? Keep in mind, standby works perfectly fine.

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Internet Will Not Work

Jan 12, 2009

A little background on the problem: I have a Windows XP 2002 Media Center Edition which came with McAfee security suite. I recently uninstalled it, as well as a free trial of Norton that I used once McAfee expired. After uninstalling McAfee my internet would not work. I ran system restore back to a month ago hoping that would fix the problem. Still no luck. When I put the computer into safe mode the internet works fine however.

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Internet Work / Not WLM

Feb 21, 2007

I have a really annoying problem. My internettconnection work. But just with programs that are using port 80. I have tried mIRC, WLM, Ventrilo and so on, but they won't work.Have turned off all firewalls. (Do anyone know about a program that checks open ports on my pc?)

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After Reinstall Windows Computer Wouldn't Start Up

Apr 16, 2008

I had to reinstall windows after a virus took out all of the essential .dll files and the computer wouldn't start up, I now have a problem with some of my hardware not working. When I go into device manager the following have yellow question marks beside them:

ethernet controller
multimedia audio controller
video controller (VGA compatible).

The computer itself is an XC cube edition (not sure if that's a brand or not). It was supplied for a disabled student if that helps? It runs windows XP service pack 2.

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Deleting Files - Wouldn't Harm My Computer

Apr 15, 2008

Out of all these files, I would like to know what wouldn't harm my computer if I deleted, since they're all random stuff anyway

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Images And Icons Wouldn't Display Properly

Apr 18, 2008

I suddenly encountered a problem yesterday. Alot of images/icons wouldn't display properly. When i try to play a video it starts flashes green stripes every 0,4 second(rough estimate) . After reading a bit on these forums. The most probably conclusion was that there was a problem with my graphics card. Is there anything else that could have caused this?

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Installing Windows Xp On Machine That Wouldn't Even Start

Aug 26, 2004

how do i go about installing windows xp on a machine that wouldn't even start. it says cannot find operating system and stays there with the underscore cursor flashing. i inserted the disk anyway an tried to run it usind DOS commans, but it says that the setup file can't run from the command window. is there any other way to do it or that's it the machine is gone.

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Internet Connection On & Off - Not Work

May 29, 2007

I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet connection at home. I have recently reinstalled Windows XP home due to corruption of files but previous to that my internet connection did not work. However, since the install i have been unable to establish a continuous connection. It starts and stops for no reason at all. I have been online and it loses connection saying there is no dial tone. A connection can be lost/found for no particular reason.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Work

Aug 2, 2007

My computer has been running really slow for a few days now.. And I think i got many virus and spyware ..stuff like that .. But i cant seem to remove them =/ Heres my HJT Log

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 16:15:17, on 02.08.2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16473)

Running processes:

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My Internet Shortcuts Won't Work

Jul 4, 2005

I have been rationalizing some files in the Windows folder to get rid of the usual crop of bugs, and now I find that some shortcuts on the desktop will not work.Is there some file for this that I might have erased by mistake?

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Internet Does Not Work After Few Minutes

Feb 11, 2005

I am connected to the internet on a t1 line at work.I go on the internet & everything is fine.After a few minutes it quits on me.I get the message "page cannot be displayed"I have to reboot to get going again.

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Internet Driver Won't Work

Mar 2, 2010

I just had to reinstall Windows XP on my computer but my Internet won't work. My associates said I need a driver but I don't know what it is or where to get it.

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Couldn't Install - Disk Wouldn't Copy Files

Dec 28, 2006

I had bought several hard drives as is, hoping one of them would work. thought I had one, but turned out I couldn't install XP onto the disk, wouldn't copy any files. so I pretty much cut my loss on the drives and removed it the bad one from pc. now I get 2 options when booting windows. my original xp install, and the 2nd install that still needs to complete, how can I stop it from wanting to install xp again from the boot file and keep the original settings as they were?

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Files Wouldn't Transfer Over During Install - Freeze System

Jul 22, 2005

I took it home and attempted to install windows xp on it and in the process things got messed up. I started up the computer and logged in. Once in, I inserted the Windows XP install so as to upgrade it and the process started out fine. Well it got to the point where it said it needed to restart in order to contiinue with the process, which it did. It restarted and began copying files, and it tossed out a few error messages. They were: could not copy file: spra0410.dll & spra0411.dll I tried to write them all down but I couldn't catch the all. I do know however there were about six files, all similar to the ones above, that didn't copy. I'm not too sure what to do at this point because now the computer won't go to windows at all. It goes through the start up screen all the way to the point where it says "press any key to continue", but then just kind of freezes and won't go any further. I've tried pressing a button to go forward, also tried to boot in safe mode whic none of the F Keys or Del will take me to. I tried changing the Bios to Boot from CD first using the same XP CD. I'm not sure what else I can do to get this thing to open windows, even in safe mode, or system restore. Sorry for the novel, just trying to explain in depth.

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Internet Explorer Add-ons Dont Work

Dec 21, 2008

every time put uo internet explorer i get this up internet explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled but when i check in manager add-ons thay are all enabled.

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Reinstalled And Drivers - Internet Doesnt Work

Aug 28, 2009

A few weeks ago, I received a blue screen of death that would not get off my computer. I had the Windows Antivirus Pro Virus that would not go away. I am going to school tomororw and needed this off my computer. So I decided to wipe the hard drive clean with the Dell CDs that came with this purchase. I downloaded Windows XP and some of the drivers. Some of the drivers that i tried to download say they downloaded but then do not come up. Broadcom440x10/100 is saying the network cable is unplugged, I have no idea what that means and internet will not work. What can I do manually to make this work?

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Like To Install Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 / Does Not Work

May 11, 2006

I would like to install Internet Explorer 7 beta 2, and it does not work. So I did what they said in troubleshooting (use regmon to find a key that says "access denied" So I did that and found that HKCR/mailto is the problem. So I go into the registry and when I click on it I get an a message saying there was an error opening the key. I try change the permissions, and again I get an error message. Then I even try to delete it (I have a copy from another system to install) and again I get an error message. What can I do to fix this problem?

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Loosing Connection Of Internet In Work Group

Apr 2, 2006

Two computers connected via a router , I already check if the work group is set and yes they are in the same work group by the same name but we are not sharing a printer or files, we don't have a home network set. Well the point is that sometimes I get disconnect from the internet but the other computer still works online, so I have to reboot or even start up again the computer. we already RESET the router but after that, I already get twice again disconnected need to reboot again, I am missing something that I oversee and its producing this disconnection.

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