Loosing Connection Of Internet In Work Group

Apr 2, 2006

Two computers connected via a router , I already check if the work group is set and yes they are in the same work group by the same name but we are not sharing a printer or files, we don't have a home network set. Well the point is that sometimes I get disconnect from the internet but the other computer still works online, so I have to reboot or even start up again the computer. we already RESET the router but after that, I already get twice again disconnected need to reboot again, I am missing something that I oversee and its producing this disconnection.

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Loosing Internet Connection - Page Not Available

Feb 24, 2006

Why am i loosing my connection? Getting on line is no problem, but the moment i attempt to change to another website i loose my connection, in otherwords i am brought to the page that says "This page is not available etc etc" If i press the "Back" key i am brought back to the previous page not the page i tried to go to. Or if i press refresh it also will bring me to the previous page. An my second attempt at getting the desired web page it is then successful. This process is an everyday, all the time issue with the internet. I am running XP-PRO, 600MHZ, 256MB, sbc iNTERNET SERVICE. Folks what are my options?

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Cable Connection Wont Work: Internet Connection Breaks After 15 Minutes?

May 25, 2006

my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems

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Registry - Loosing Connection To DVD-Drive

Jul 21, 2010

I have been having nasty problems with my PC recently like loosing connection to DVD-Drive code 9 and code 41, also my internet connection went haywire by not leting me use any internet programs and i can't even look my internet settings through ipconfig /all also just today my graphics driver went berzerk and now i can only use the lowest resolution possible with 256 colors in windows.

I scanned through the PC and there were 3 trojan backdoors. I managed to clear them, but still the system is messed up. For some reason i had also lost all the restorepoints and the "last good know configuration" is not helping me out... So i'm planing to take the last step and reinstall the whole Windows. So i tought why not mess around for fun.What happens if i delete all my register entries? Do i dare to do it since i don't want to loose any data?

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Internet Connection On & Off - Not Work

May 29, 2007

I'm having a bit of trouble with my internet connection at home. I have recently reinstalled Windows XP home due to corruption of files but previous to that my internet connection did not work. However, since the install i have been unable to establish a continuous connection. It starts and stops for no reason at all. I have been online and it loses connection saying there is no dial tone. A connection can be lost/found for no particular reason.

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Internet Connection Doesn't Work Web Pages Are Not Loaded

Feb 13, 2005

I went to pc pitstop and did a test on my computer. Everything seems to do ok except for the internet connection. What is bandwidth and ping. Here shows the results of mine Gotta love computers.lol What should this be?I have windows XP and connect via cable.I thought adding memory made it faster but when i load some web pages it's not.

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Media Player Wont Work And Internet Connection Lost?

Oct 9, 2005

Lately I've tried to get onto Final Fantasy Online and it doesn't appear to be letting me online, even though my internet is clearly working. It appears to be the exact same for WinMX (yes, it is a legal share program, so don't shout at me and refuse to help me) But at the same time as all this, my Windows Media Player refuses to play most of my MP3 tracks.

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Browser Doesnot Pick Up Internet Connection - Yahoo Does Work

Apr 13, 2005

sometimes my browser doesnt pick up a connection. But my yahoo does work. Sometimes my aim and msn won't connect either. I have a router connected to this.

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Reinstalled: Internet Connection / Audio Device Wont Work?

Sep 12, 2009

I recently had to reformat and reinstall windows xp due to a virus, which i have done several times before, but not on this computer (bought it refurbished less than a year ago), and have never had a problem doing so..But this time, when I reinstalled windows, on start-up my (hi-speed) internet connection didnt work (no icon on bottom right bar), same with my sound card (also no icon).

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Internet Connection Dosen't Work / Network Places Won't Open

Mar 24, 2008

I have a pretty major problem with my main computer. The wireless network i have is running fine because all me other computers are working. On my main computer the internet does not work. It says all is connected. If i try to open network places, explorer freezes up.

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Internet Connection Sharing - Browser Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 7, 2005

Right after my computer is finishes booting, suddenly there's a prompt telling me that Internet Explorer wants to change my Internet Protection settings. Then it asks me if I want to give IE permission to change these settings. Of course not (I think?). And the problem is still there. I connect with Verizon DSL, but when I go on Internet Explorer, the browser doesn't work properly- it says "Web Page Unavavailable While Offline"- what's up with that?! I even checked the status of my connnection- "Connected"! It's just retarded.

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Domain To Work Group Problem With Pro

Feb 18, 2009

This will most likely be a "here we go again" type of thread, but I have not found any newer developments on this.Have a Dell Lattitude D610 laptop, running Xp Pro, SP2. Recently, I inadvertantly changed the net settings to workgroup, to set up a home network. Once this was done, I can not log on to the machine.History: this is a work laptop, however, the HD is mine (had viruses, so the company gave me a new HD). The two HD's were both from a master image Obviously, I could send the HD back to the techies at work, however, this is a 5 year old HD that we are talking about.I tried ophcrack to get the admin password, but none was found. There was a guest account, with no password, but it would not work.

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Changing From Domain To Work Group

Nov 19, 2004

I have a client that had a home network setup with a domain.He has recently taken all the workstations off the domain and has switched them all over to a workgroup.On one of the workstations he can no longer log into windows with his normal admin username/password.There is nothing in the options drop down that will allow him to log onto the local machine either. How would changing a workstation from Domain to Workgroup have caused this problem?Im not sure what to tell my client other than reformatting and reloading XP as he cannot get into Windows at all.

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Moving Pro User Off A Domain And Into Work Group

Sep 29, 2009

With the demise of a Primary Domain Controller, I'm replacing the server with a simpler Vista/Win7 power workstation to act as a peer file server. Right now, the three existing workstations are still logging into a Windows domain, but I'll need to change it for them to log into windows and be a part of a workgroup. I know there's a way to maintain settings, desktop, my-documents, etc, but it always seems I create the same userid on the local workstation, it re-creates everything and all the existing files, outlook, desktop are all under a different user in /documents and settings It can't be that complicated. Is there a step by step procedure for migrating a user from a domain to a local user & workgroup while keeping everything the same?

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Loosing Mapped Drives / Loosing Connectivity To Drives?

Jun 6, 2005

I work for a fire department and they have Desktop Authority map certain network drives when they login. For some reason, DTA will map the drives when they login, and everything works fine, but after an hour or two, they lose connectivity to that drive and are no longer able to access it. I know this is very vague, but has anyone had this problem?BTW, I just recently upgraded from NT 4.0 to Server 2003 Standard, and we've had tons of other little problems with permissions and the like. Is this the cause of the dissapearing drives?

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Internet Connection Wizard - Dialup Connection

Jun 24, 2005

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went
to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.

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Cant Connection To Internet - Tried Direct Connection

Apr 13, 2005

I got a Toshiba with windows XP.. Its an older laptop and runs slow.. which is fine for what i need it for.. It is connected through a Dlink Cable modem. Recently moved and had a DSL connection of 3 years no problems. Had to switch to cable broadband. The lights all light up solid no problem. Network cable connected to no problem. Problem : NO internet

Unplug netowkr cable from cable modem (get the network cabled unplugged in windows, so it is seing the modem or atleast talking to it)Tried using the windows xp network srtup wizard. I did that hub one (connected thourhg a hub) and i tried the direct connection (goes from modem to computer).

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Loss Of Internet Connection: Programs Requiring Internet Access Unable To Connect?

Nov 19, 2006

After long periods of my internet connection being idle (2+ hours usually), all programs requiring internet access are unable to connect. By idle I mean I leave to run some errands with no programs other than Zone Alarm running. My DSL modem still has all lights flashing and active. There are a couple other scenarios where this occurs as well. Ex. I'm playing WoW for extended periods but not using the internet through any other program, then upon alt-tabbing no other applications are able to connect to the internet even though WoW is still connected and functioning. Rebooting the router/modem doesn't fix it, but rebooting the comp does.

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Slow Internet Connection: Internet Bad After 2 Hours?

Sep 7, 2005

I have a number of XP computers (all SP2) connected to the Net via a wireless modem/router. Everything was fine until a few days ago when my connection speed dramatically slowed after being online for a few hours. This happens to all of the PCs in my home - so it's nothing internal to my PC. I tried to transfer a large file across the wireless network and it transferred fine (5Mb in 10 seconds). I can also connect to the router's web management software without problem. So it's not the wireless connection. Which leaves either my modem/router or my broadband connection. The router's "DSL" light is always on which infers that my broadband connection is OK. So that leaves my modem/router.

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Wireless Connection Does Not Work

Nov 19, 2007

I've been getting a couple messages whenever i turn on my computer.The first one says "Generic Host Process for Win 32 Services encountered a problem and needs to close." This message seems to trigger two problems: (1) the sound is not working, and (2) the wireless connection does not work after my computer goes into hibernation--I have to do a complete reboot to get the internet back.The second message says "Anti-Spyware | Unexpected Problem was encountered. Error #: 0x80004003.I assume these messages are related but I'm not sure.

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Network Connection Doesn't Work

Nov 9, 2008

My laptop works fine for wireless connection, but doesn't work for wired LAN's. There is no QoS Packet Scheduler in the Network Properties and if I click on Install it doesn't come up as an option. How do I find QoS or download it in order to install it?

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Slow Internet - Norton Internet Securities Wont Work

Sep 24, 2005

My computer is slow as well as the internet. some sites dont work where they work from another computer.

norton internet securities wont work, norton antivirus wont work.

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Assistance Work Remote Desktop Connection

Jan 6, 2005

Problem with remote desktop connection from one PC at one country to another PC at another country. I cannot make remote assistance work either. I asked remote assistance from a friend who is abroad. Both of us have Win XP Pro.

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Epson Scanner Suddenly Won't Work / RPC Connection With ScanManager Terminated Abnormally

Feb 20, 2006

My Epson scanner suddenly won't work. I keep getting this error message: RPC connection with ScanManager terminated abnormally then escndv.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.I've been back and forth with Epson, who advised me to uninstall the program, download their newest driver, and reinstall.

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Very Slow Internet Connection - 56K

Sep 6, 2003

One of the most frustrating things to have with a computer is a slow internet connection and 56K is about as slow as it gets these days. I feel the pain that 56K users have and hope that by following this thread they can experience a faster more reliable internet connection. There are a few things that one must understand prior to tweaking their 56K connections. The first is that it is actually a 53.3K connection since that is the speed that the FCC limits you to, on top of that most dialup users actually connect in the 40,000 – 50,000K range, which is excellent by dialup standards.

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Toggle Internet Connection On / Off?

Mar 6, 2005

Is there a way for me to create a two key combination that will toggle my internet connection on/off? I am right clicking a shortcut to my connection and choosing "disable". I'd like a less cumbersome method.

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Error - No Connection To The Internet Is Currently Available

May 28, 2007

I have no problem connecting to the internet however I constantly get this message while surfing the net. No Connection to the internet is currently available. To view internet content that has been saved on your computer, click work offline. click try again to connect or WORK OFFLINE try agian. My internet connection is fine.

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Connection To Internet Slow

Oct 27, 2008

I have a dell 4600 dimension operating on windows XP, and my ISP is optimum cable. It's been coming on slowly, but my connection to the internet, via internet explorer is extremely slow. I also experience long waits opeing new windows, or attachments from a site, as well as rply and fwd on E-mail. Once connected moving from site to site is normal speed, but as stated other openings take up to 2-3 minutes to connect. My ISP says my connection is fine, but I do get a connectivity icon on occasion, causing me to click repair, and it goes away.

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Internet Connection Sharing Between 2 Pcs

Jun 18, 2005

I seem to have a problem sharing the Internet between 2 pcs. The Internet connection lasts for a while & then, later on, it doesn't work. Is there any reason why this might be? The 2 pcs have Windows XP & they are both configured using the Network Connection Wizard. They should both work fine but they don't.

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Sharing Internet Connection (ASP)

Feb 24, 2006

i try to share internet connections to play my xbox. Let me tell you what i am trying to do first and the error and i am getting. I have my internet connected threw USB dirctly to my modem. Then i have my crossover cable plug into my Xbox and the other end in my ethernet port.. And when i trying to bridge the connections i get a error on my xbox something about the DNS sever i try to fix that but i think its because I am not sharing my internet connection.. This is the error i get when i try. An error occurred while internet connection sharing was being enabled.The specified service does not exist as an installed service And here a screenshot of the error you can make it bigger for you can read it..

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IE7 Lost Internet Connection

Dec 18, 2006

Im surfing on sp2 and I click on IE to read mail, I lose the internet connection and I have to reconnect?Before I updated to IE7 this did not happen.

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