Network Connection Doesn't Work

Nov 9, 2008

My laptop works fine for wireless connection, but doesn't work for wired LAN's. There is no QoS Packet Scheduler in the Network Properties and if I click on Install it doesn't come up as an option. How do I find QoS or download it in order to install it?

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Internet Connection Doesn't Work Web Pages Are Not Loaded

Feb 13, 2005

I went to pc pitstop and did a test on my computer. Everything seems to do ok except for the internet connection. What is bandwidth and ping. Here shows the results of mine Gotta love What should this be?I have windows XP and connect via cable.I thought adding memory made it faster but when i load some web pages it's not.

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Internet Connection Sharing - Browser Doesn't Work Properly

Jan 7, 2005

Right after my computer is finishes booting, suddenly there's a prompt telling me that Internet Explorer wants to change my Internet Protection settings. Then it asks me if I want to give IE permission to change these settings. Of course not (I think?). And the problem is still there. I connect with Verizon DSL, but when I go on Internet Explorer, the browser doesn't work properly- it says "Web Page Unavavailable While Offline"- what's up with that?! I even checked the status of my connnection- "Connected"! It's just retarded.

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Internet Connection Dosen't Work / Network Places Won't Open

Mar 24, 2008

I have a pretty major problem with my main computer. The wireless network i have is running fine because all me other computers are working. On my main computer the internet does not work. It says all is connected. If i try to open network places, explorer freezes up.

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Doesn't Reboot - Safemode Doesn't Work

Jan 15, 2008

Was never able to restart after that. Normal boot shows the windows initial screen, but eventually just restarts, safe mode does the same thing whether it's with network, command line or plain safe mode. Last known good configuration does the same.Needed to use a file so decided to remove the HD and re-install to another PC. I did have access to the file in question but now I'd like to fix the problem.
The other system uses AVG. I started a scan and it detected Cekar.d (A0003977.exe, wdfmgr.exe and initially ntldr.exe), Dropper.Inor (ntdetect.hta, A0003979.hta), PSW.Generic5.ABVW (ctfmona.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.AAFI (ctfmonb.exe), PSW.Generic5.AFYK (ctfmond.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.ZWT (LotusHlp.exe) and some others but for whatever reason the scan stopped. I restarted it and now the AV still finds most of the threats it was seeing before but not Cekar.d. in the ntldr.exe file.

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Local Area Connection - Network Connection

Feb 28, 2008

i havn't (Local Area Connection ) in network connection in my computer why ?
what I must to do to make (Local Area Connection)?

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Cable Connection Wont Work: Internet Connection Breaks After 15 Minutes?

May 25, 2006

my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems

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Remote Desktop Connection: "virtual Private Network Connection"?

Jul 11, 2005

I've been trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my home computer to my office network's machines. I've followed all the instructions except for the part where it talks about getting a "virtual private network connection". Not sure if I have this part done right. Not even sure if this is the problem. Is there something that needs to be set up before being able to connect from a home computer to an office machine?

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Pro Configuring A Network Connection

Jun 17, 2005

I need assistance with seting up my Network Connection.I had my system set up so I can login to my computer for use at home with no network and a login for when I am connected to a network with a domain. Every thing worked fine until I had to reformat my drive and reinstall XP Pro.Now I believe I have set up my system incorrectly. currently my home login is set for a home workgroup which I do not want. And I can not set up the login for the domain.Please point me to a document or give me some step by step instructions.

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Very Slow Network Connection

Mar 24, 2006

I have three Windows XP computers and a DG834G ADSL modem on a wireless n/w.Connectivy beween the three computers has slowed to a CRAWL. Internet access is OK.

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Slow Network Connection

Feb 7, 2006

I have 2 computers I am trying to network together and share a dsl connection. One my wireless laptop everything is fine. On my desktop my connection is very slow I have tried everything I can think of and I am still at a loss. The other thing that is happening is my printer is hooked up to my desktop If I try to print from my laptop on the printer screen it says it is spooling but after about a minute it just drops off and never prints. I am using a Westell versalink modem/Router from verizon. I thought the router was not working right so I took the D-Link router back to best buy and ordered this one from verizon but I am still having the same problem. So the next thing I tried to do was reinstall windows on my Desktop but I am still having problems. If I switched from a hard wired system with my laptop and went wireless would this help. Any help with this problem would be great.

Frustrated Network Installer


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Losing Network Connection

Aug 14, 2005

I have a file server (Win2K Server) and two Win XP Pro PCs connected to it. I never turn the PCs off, just the monitors at night. Most every morning, after all night of no activity, when I try to access the domain drives, it cannot find them. I have to reboot. Also, when I do reboot, it takes anywhere from 3-5 minutes to come to the desktop after typing in the password. I am about ready to go back to Win2K. Never had this problem Win2K Pro.

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Wireless Network Connection Not Connected

Oct 5, 2008

XP has stopped connecting to my wireless connecter "Wireless Network Connection Not Connected" Device manager says everything is normal, and I can identify other local wireless networks. XP recognizes that the connector is there, but it won't hook up. I have disabled and reenabled the wireless connector and reloaded all of the Broadcom software. I tried to do an XP repair, but I am using SP3. The slipstream recovery disc that I made is asking for a password to get into XP, but there isn't any. I've verified this with three different password cracking programs. Everything else is working; I am on an Ethernet connection now.

how to force XP to connect or know what drivers I need to reload that are used to connect to the wireless connector besides the Broadcom's that I have already reloaded? I really don't want to do a complete XP reinstall.

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Local Network Connection Not Working

Apr 16, 2007

no adapters bound to TCP/IP are enabled for DHCP...unable to contact IP driver - error code 2...Remote Access Connection Manager Error 5 Access denied...Basically, this computer's local network connection is sending but not receiving packets.

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Connection Laptop To Wireless Network

Jul 23, 2009

I reinstalled windows xp sp3 on a old laptop. Everything went fine except for internet connectivity. I have a wireless network to which I connect several computers and devices and everything works like it should.When I try to connect my laptop to this network, it fails.Every 5 seconds it goes from not connected to acquiring network address.I am sure that the key is correct, I am sure that my router is belkin router is wireless G and so is the Ralink RT2500 card. I am also sure that I have not white listed MAC addresses so my laptop won't connect. Basically I have done every simple thing that perhaps could be causing the problem.

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Wireless Network Connection Stoping

Nov 21, 2005

Is there anyway to enable your wireless network connection and disable it with the starting & stopping of your web browser (IE 6.0), Win XP Pro, service pack 2. I like my wireless connection to be disabled when I am not surfing the web. Can I automate this task some how?

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Wireless Network Connection Get Kicked Off

Mar 27, 2006

I can connect to the internet, but I don't know when I get kicked off. The display on my taskbar always shows it is disconnected. When you pull up the screen is says " non connected" but it actually is, then about 15 mins later it kicks me off and I have to re connect manually. This is very time consuming and is a pest. I have tried restoring my registry to an eariler point and have checked for spyware and virus.

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Wireless Network Connection Disappeared

May 8, 2010

I am using a Toshiba Satellite Pro 6100 Laptop running Windows XP.I restarted the laptop, and was prompted to either start Windows normally or start uing last know best configuration-I chose to start with last known best configuration.Now when I go to Network Connections, there is no Wireless Network Connection Icon. However, when I go to Device Manager, the card is present under Network Adapters(Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card), and it states it is working properly.How do I get the icon back into Network Connections, so I can use my wireless again?

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Wireless Network Connection Properties

Jul 21, 2005

In the Wireless Network Connection Properties box under the Wireless Networks tab, there is a checkbox available for "Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings." In the past this box was checked and stayed checked all the time even if I rebooted, restarted, etc.. Starting a few days ago whenever I reboot, startup, etc. by default this box is now always unchecked and I have to go in and recheck it each time.What's making this box uncheck itself and how do I get it to stay checked again?

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Laptop Not Seeing Wireless Network Connection

Sep 13, 2005

I got my computer fixed See thread I am having another slight problem. I don't think that this problem was necessarily caused because of the others issues I have recently fixed because I have had this issue in the passed but it just seemed to fix itself. I have a HP zd7000us laptop with wireless capabilities. However I the system does not even show any wireless network available. My desktop in my house has no problems going online with the wireless, neither does my psp for that matter. It's like the computer doesn't even know it's there. I went to the hardware wizard on my system and it says the wireless card is working properly but it will not see any available wireless networks.

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Disabling Ad Hoc Wireless Network Connection

Aug 25, 2005

I have found in Group Policy that there is a policy called Turn off Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking Services and is located under Computer Configuration Administrative TemplatesNetworkMicrosoft Peer-to-Peer. I have enabled this policy and applied to a test Windows XP SP2 machine. I have found that on this test machine I can still create a new ad hoc wireless network. how I can prevent users from creating ad hoc networks? Or why this policy is not working the way that i thought it would?

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Network Connection Icon Has Disappeared

Dec 16, 2005

My mother has recently had problems with her pc and i wont bore you with the details but I've managed to sort it out and it seems to be running fine now.However the network connection icon has disappeared. (the 2 little flashing computer screens inthe bottom right hand corner near the clock) The trouble is she uses these to disconnect from the internet and at the moment restarts her computer each time she wants to disconnect.Its driving me nuts trying to find the right menu to turn them back on and I'm probably being blind.If someone could give me some info it would be most appreciated by me and my mum. She's running XP professional and has not yet installed service pack 2.

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Network Connection Folder Is Empty

Oct 25, 2008

We lost electricity for about 2/10ths of a second. My son was on the computer when it happened. The computer shut off and came back on. When it resumed, we were unable to connect to the internet. The first thing I did was check the Network Connections folder. To my dismay.This happened several months ago, and I was not able to fix anything and ended up using my 9 HP recovery disks. All I could find on the net seemed to involve fixing connections that you could see in the folder. I did a restore to the day before. Nothing. I did a system restore which put all the crap back on my computer that I don't need but still did not get me anything in my connections folder. I used the network connection wizard which says my broadband is working fine but won't connect. I checked my network adapters which were all working fine (although always hidden, is that normal?) When I did the system restore, it removed several network adapters, but since I don't have anything in the connections folder to connect, it doesn't really matter at this point.

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Can't Open STATUS Of Network Connection

Jul 14, 2005

I can't open the STATUS of my network connection and also with check on "Show icon in notification area when connected" wil not show icon when connected. The network connection itself is working okay. OS WinXP-HE SP2

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Lost Network Connection After Reinstallation

Nov 25, 2006

do you know anything about "losing" internet explorer, after a win xp re-install? my brother-in-law had a virus come in (we think) and his pc wouldn't start, wouldn't do anything, was stuck in a helpless loop, asking for install cd, then nothing, reboot same thing over & over. I had him re-install windows xp by hitting F8, working our way to get the pc to even see the install cd, it seemed to fix the booting up problem, he lost everything (personal files etc) but at least windows came up, and seemed to be functional until... now he can't connect to the internet, there's nothing in his network connections, tried the wizard, no luck, seems like the pc lost the ability to ADD a connection

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Network Connectivity With Remote Connection

Sep 20, 2004

I've been trying to connect to my home pc using a remote desktop connection. I have an adsl connection with a static ip address assigned to my home network which is behind a nat router or adsl modem. I have redirected the standard rdc port to aim at my pc when an incoming connection arrives. When i aimed a connection from my work pc to my static ip except one little thing domain called eletrironica and ntlanct my PC is not on a domain at all.

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Network Connection Icon Missing?

Mar 20, 2008

I was using my computer, when suddenly my Internet connection dropped. I tried reconnecting it, but it didn't work. The network icon on the taskbar disappeared. I went to Network Connections, and my connection wasn't there. I couldn't get the connection back. I've scanned my computer for viruses, but nothing came up.

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Screenshot Doesn't Work

Sep 3, 2010

i have a laptop and i know the keys to take a screenshot but it doesn't work .there is: fn+insert,prnt scrn sysRq but it does't work.

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Try Run Windows Normally Doesn't Work

Jul 27, 2007

This isn't my machine it belongs to my grandpa. It has XP SP2 on it. It loads just past cmos screen then reboots itself. no message or nothing. Try run windows normally doesn't work. Try run safe mode with network support NOPE.

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Reformatting Without F2 - Key Doesn’t Work

Feb 12, 2006

my friend tried to reformat my computer but for some reason my f2 key doesnt work out of all the keys on my laptop. i still get blue screens every once in awhile all related to windows. is there any other way to reformat besides going through the f2 during reboot?

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Msconfig Doesn't Work

Aug 4, 2005

why is it in win 2k msconfig doesn't work when typed into the command line?

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