Error Accessing Registry

Aug 26, 2005

I have a few registry entries i want to remove however i keep recieving the error "Error accessing the registry" whenever i try to merge the .reg file.The file i am trying to merge contains the below which as far as i can tell is correct.

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System Error 53 When Accessing Server By Name

Sep 22, 2006

I have a Windows XP Pro SP2 machine. I can connect to remote shares by IP address, but not by name. If I do a Start, Run, \computer it says "The network path was not found."There is no server on this particaular network it's all peer-to-peer, and I've enabled NetBIOS for good luck. Nothing. I cannot ping the other machines by name, either. All other machines in the network run fine.I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling components of Network Connections, and TCP/IP is the only protocol installed. I have confirmed that all of the computers are in the same subnet and same work group.There is no firewall software installed on the machine, apart from XP SP2, and I've disabled that.

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Registry Error: Trying To Export Hives As Registry ?

Jul 1, 2005

Everytime I try to export HKLM and HKU as Registry Hive Files using regedit, I get the following error message: Registry Editor Cannot export D:HivesLocal Machine: Error writing the file. There may be a disk or file system error. I am trying to export the above mentioned hive to my second hdd. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong

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Input Tab Error In Dxdiag Registry Key Error

May 16, 2010

I have registry key errors in the Input tab under Dxdiag. See attached files for full visuals, I found in the attachment DxDiag.txt It says that I have Registry Key errors

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Keep Getting Error - Registry

Jul 31, 2006

I keep getting error, and i know I have a registry problem. I have downloaded a couple of free programs, but it says on these programs I need to purchase a full copy to fix the rest. I can't work, and husband is out of work, looking for a job, so money is very, very tight. Anyone know of a free program that will fix all registry problems, or if I have to pay for a full program online which one is best, and about how much will we have to pay for it. Husband needs computer to look for job, and we keep getting kick off the internet, and he is very upset, and neither of us have computer knowledge to fix this.

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Mouse Error After Changes To Registry

Apr 2, 2010

I lose usage of my mouse when I reboot my Windows XP Home Edition SP3 after the following actions:

1. registry clean up with Cleaner

2. disabling of one or more unncessary service(s) from within services.msc

I also noticed that when I reboot one more time the mouse issue goes away, but it reappears at the next reboot and so on (it appears every two reboots...).Each time I have been able to reverse changes OK by coming back to the System Restore point I had created before the changes.

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Unstoppable Registry Error

Mar 22, 2006

so this laptop is running fine, nothing wrong, until one day, Matlab is opened up, and the computer blue screens and restarts.Upon restart, the stop code blue screen for Registry_Error comes up. Seeing how this was completely random, I was somewhat at a loss.The first thing I do is try to restore the registry, following Microsoft's detailed instructions.I could replace the hives with the old ones from the repair folder and then start windows fine, (except for having a retardedly old registry). Then I would copy more recent registry files from system volume and put them in the tmp folder and restart to the recovery console. From the console I would copy over the new files which should be the next step to windows booting and me running system restore

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Registry-error Can't Boot Up Tried Reinstall?

Jan 4, 2007

blue srceen tried safemode reinstall a fix on pc that worked but not this time keeps booting back to registry- error a problem has been detected windows has to shut down but freezes their hold button a lot of times to shut down. laptop is dell insprion 8200. I can get into bios to run xp cd repair but keeps going back to blue nightmare. error reads If problems continue, disable or remove any newly Installed hardware software disable BIOS memery options such as caching or shadowing. use safemode stop: DX0000005 (OX00000001, OXE15D9008 ,OX005CE000,Ox000001D6)

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Registry Error With Setup Disc

Sep 24, 2007

I can't login to my computer so I was doing a repair with the setup disc and got a registry error.I don't know what to do because I can't log in to fix the problem.

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Bad Registry Hive And Recovery Console Error

Dec 20, 2006

I have a computer that does not boot and gives the following error "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINNTSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM" So I did a goole search and brought up an article on the Microsoft Support site telling me how to start the computer using the Windows XP Home install cd and go through the Recovery Console to try the restore the backup registery. This article can be found at the following address: just for reference.When I get into the Recovery Conbsole it does not ask me for the Administrator password or any password for that matter but I can not complete the instructions given in the article on the Microsoft Support webpage.

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Installing .net Framework 3.5 : Results In Registry Error?

Jan 20, 2009

Am trying to install 3.5 .net framework on my xp computer. below are some screenshots that it gives me. Also a log file of the errors. one line in particular gives a path to my backup drive when it should be my C drive. Looks like the registry has the wrong path and don't know where to find it to fix. F is my backup drive.

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Missing Files - Registry Error - Can Recover

Jun 12, 2005

I had my kid start my computer Win 2000(mistake) and a different desktop came up. It came up with a registry error and that everything was in admin.bak I copied it to desktop and rebooted now everything is missing. Can I recover my files?

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Cannot Install / Error: Action Failed For Registry Value

Feb 4, 2006

Hello, I have a computer that I built by myself but I have always had a problem installing programs due to registry problems. A prime example of this is when I tried to install AVG Free antivirus.

Error: Action failed for registry value HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun:AVG7_CC: creating registry value Access is denied.

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Registry Error After Fresh Reload On New Harddrive

Feb 16, 2005

I will start from the beginning, two weeks ago when my 6 month old computer ( a Compaq Presario, 120 GB HD, 512 RAM, Pentium 4, 2.4GH Processor) had a black screen showing disk boot failure one morning when I got up. I had left it on overnight, and it was fine when I went to bed. My brother feels certain it was hard drive failure, as it was making clicking noises, speeding up and slowing down, and finally quit. a Western Digital 120 GB, and he installed it for me. We installed the 7 recovery disks with Windows XP that is the original disks to the system. Windows booted and I proceeded to install Norton which came on the system, went online to get updates, and the computer locked up completely while getting updates.

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Registry Error After Fresh Reload On New Harddrive

Dec 24, 2005

Everytime I initiates my Windows, a message appears on the screen telling that Windows recovered himself from a problem at the registry by using a backup copy... But it always appears

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Unable To Open Any Program Files / Registry Error?

Dec 18, 2006

I restarted my computer and now i cant open any of my programs.It appears the links are missing.for example, in the program files menu (start > all programs) there are no icon pictures anymore just blank icons.when i double click to open .exe files nothing occurs.(the problems occured after i restarted my computer and messages popped up asking if i wanted to change registry settings for a variety of different things so i said no to all messages)

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Boot Up Error Messages - Can't Found Removed / Add Registry

Aug 3, 2005

I get the following message windows on bootup that the following can't be found and they have to be removed or added to the registry:
C:Windows..Program~1Common~1Micros~1MSINFOinfo32.exe and C:Windows..Program~1Common~1Micros~1MSINFOmsinfo32.exe I also can't open Word 2000 because of a Runtime problem error message. All errors occurred at the same time. Running Win XP SP1.

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Registry Files Crashed And Burned / Getting Error Message?

Sep 3, 2008

My rig crashed and burned yesterday. Definition: Gibberish on the screen, error messages galore, screen eventually locked up.

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Broken And Corrupt System Registry - Error 0x80004005?

Sep 17, 2008

I just updated my XP and when it rebooted, I got an error message saying 0x80004005, Also, I have seem to lost my Windows XP CD. I updated with the Genuine Advantage tool and errors started popping up. I'm not sure what to do now. I googled and It said something about a corrupt registry.

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C0000218 Registry File Failure: Little Blue Pop Up Screen With The Error

Mar 4, 2006

I did not add any new memory to my systeme. however, I did remove my current memory to access the inside of my laptop. The fan wire had come loose so I reconnected. I fixed that problem only to find out the problem with the registry. I have chose the load last known configuration that worked correctly but it still gives me the little blue pop up screen with the error, then the restart.

I tried to use my windows xp os disk to try and repair it but it wont read the disc before the blue screen comes back up. I'm thinking of buying a Laptop To IDE Hard Drive Adapter. So, I could at least format my hard drive. I'm not sure if this would be a good idea. I went to the microsoft webpage that deals with this issue but I can not seem to find one to fix my problem.

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Registry Error Message C0000218 - Changed Something And Blue Screen Came?

Feb 14, 2007

Im am getting STOP - c0000218 Registry file falure the registry cannon load the hive. systemroot/system32/config/security or its log or alternative. It is corrupt, absent , or not writeable. but whatever I do it I end up with the blue page with the eror message on it. I went into the bios setings and made sure that it could be bootable with cd but all in vain.

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Registry Mechanic, System Suite, Error Killer & PC On Point

Aug 11, 2006

I have been using "System Suite 4.0", but see SS 6.0 has been released. Rather than jump to upgrade SSuite, I wonder about the comparative value of "Register Mechanic", "Error Killer" and "PC On Point". Is there a site that routinely reviews and perhaps rates system utilities

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Error Codes 7 - Registry File Failure - Blue Screen Of Death?

Mar 19, 2009

Error message(blue screen of death): "STOP: c0000218{registry file failure} the registry cannot load the hive(file): systemrootsystem32configsoftware or its log or alternate it is corrupt, absent, or not writable

beginning dump of physical memory physical memory dump complete. contact your system administator or technical support group for further assistance." I was told that windows needed to be rebooted. So I moved my hard drive to another comp and transfered all my memory onto an external hard drive so I could reboot windows. I found an xp cd and tried to reboot from ide cd-rom and it wouldnt work. i ran a diagnostics on my ide and this error came up "primary ide: 0 st380011a- fail code 7"

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Won't Start, Blue Screen Error STOP: C0000218 {Registry File Failure}

Oct 3, 2007

I'm gettting a blue screen when i try to start my laptop with Windows XP media. It's saying the registry cannot load the hive (file): /SystemRootSystem32ConfigSECURITY or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable. I'm guessing I need the windows xp media reinstallation disk, but I can't seem to find it.

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Accessing Second Hard Drive

May 6, 2008

I had a hard drive fail (can't boot up on it) so I installed windows on a second hard drive. I still want to be able to recover the files on the first drive, so is there a way I can just access the drive with both HDs attached to the computer?

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IE6 Not Accessing Secured Websites

Dec 27, 2005

My laptop i can access regular websites but I am not able to access secured websites or my aim account. First off I checked the computer for viruses and spyware and it seems to be fine and also i tried to repair IE and even reset all the defaults. We did all these little configurations that i found on google but it seems not to be working.I also tried to download firefox and wont load up at all.

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Accessing COA Number From Windows

Jun 21, 2005

I know it's possible, but forgot the method. How do you command Windows to discover the folder where the certificate of authenticity number resides, that was originally used when installing the OS. I need to reload the OS from a recovery disk, but lost the original COA number.

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Accessing Old User Desktop From Old HD

Dec 1, 2006

I have an old 80gb HD that has some old files I would really like to get back. I think something went wrong with the boot.ini or something but it will no longer boot. It still has all the files. I am now using it as a slave drive on my current system(XP PRO SP2). The problem is that I need the files off a pw protected user. It is my old loggin so I know the pw but it wont let me into it. I was thinking that if my current loggin was the same I might be able to access it but no such luck.

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Computer Is Too Slow When Accessing Internet

Dec 16, 2005

My computer is running too slow when I am accessing internet. It takes hell amount of time to load any page and sometimes it does not even load and says that page can't be found.

I spoke to internet service provider two times and they says there is no problem from their side. They have done a speed check and said that there could be something wrong with the computer.

I am not really getting what could be wrong with my machine.

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CPU Jumps When Accessing Mapped Drive

Mar 4, 2007

I have a brand new install of XP Professional on a Dell with a 3.2Ghz CPU, with 1.5Gig of RAM in it. I setup a mapped drive to my file server from this XP workstation (all this is runing on my home network). As soon as I access this share and start to drill down through its folders, the CPU jumps to near 100%, rendering it useless. The task manager shows explorer.exe and system as being the two biggest resources of the CPU. If I close the share, the CPU doesn't let go. However, if I click on "disconnect" on that network drive, it lets go and returns to normal.I have disabled my anti virus and firewall to rule that out, but it keeps happening anyways. usually I just reboot to get back the CPU, but as I said above, last time I tried just disconnecting from the mapped drive, and that worked. What could be the issue? I never had any issues on my Windows 2000 machine accessing this same share, what could be XP's problem? I spent hours setting this machine up, but I am about ready to go back to 2000.

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System Wont Allow For Accessing The Specified Device?

Aug 27, 2007

I deleted the I386 folder by mistake and had to repair the operating system...and it seems to be running fine. I had to reload a SP1 but I updated to service pack 2. But now I'm getting a "Windows cannot accessthe specified, device path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them" error. This happens when I get on IE, but it could be related to another program that runs automatically. Either way I can't do anything cause the error won't go away.

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