Accessing COA Number From Windows

Jun 21, 2005

I know it's possible, but forgot the method. How do you command Windows to discover the folder where the certificate of authenticity number resides, that was originally used when installing the OS. I need to reload the OS from a recovery disk, but lost the original COA number.

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Accessing Multiple Shared Folders On Windows Pro X64?

Feb 15, 2009

I am having a system with XP Pro x64 with multiple shared folders. Here is the setup. I have about 10 users (1 Admin account, 9 Limited accounts). I have created 10 folders for each User and modified them as shared folders with each user having access to their respective folders ONLY while the Admin account will have access to all folders. I have disabled 'Simple File Sharing', switched off Guest Account. Now I can view this system on other systems on the n/w. But the problem is, if I map a shared folder on one system, I was not able to map anymore on other systems and it gives error, 'the system can not accept multiple connections' in those lines.

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Accessing The Windows Management Instrumentation Software?

May 14, 2010

"Cannot access the Windows Management Instrumentation Software. Windows management files may be moved or missing" This is the error that i get when accessing system information built into the system tools.

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Accessing Startup: Windows Cannot Find 'msconfig'?

Jan 27, 2007

I am having a problem accessing startup (msconfig). I am running Windows XP Home SP2. I had this problem once before in the past and I reinstalled Windows to fix the problem. Is there any other way to fix this without having to reinstall Windows again? Error Message: Windows cannot find 'msconfig'.

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Accessing Second Hard Drive

May 6, 2008

I had a hard drive fail (can't boot up on it) so I installed windows on a second hard drive. I still want to be able to recover the files on the first drive, so is there a way I can just access the drive with both HDs attached to the computer?

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IE6 Not Accessing Secured Websites

Dec 27, 2005

My laptop i can access regular websites but I am not able to access secured websites or my aim account. First off I checked the computer for viruses and spyware and it seems to be fine and also i tried to repair IE and even reset all the defaults. We did all these little configurations that i found on google but it seems not to be working.I also tried to download firefox and wont load up at all.

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Accessing Old User Desktop From Old HD

Dec 1, 2006

I have an old 80gb HD that has some old files I would really like to get back. I think something went wrong with the boot.ini or something but it will no longer boot. It still has all the files. I am now using it as a slave drive on my current system(XP PRO SP2). The problem is that I need the files off a pw protected user. It is my old loggin so I know the pw but it wont let me into it. I was thinking that if my current loggin was the same I might be able to access it but no such luck.

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Error Accessing Registry

Aug 26, 2005

I have a few registry entries i want to remove however i keep recieving the error "Error accessing the registry" whenever i try to merge the .reg file.The file i am trying to merge contains the below which as far as i can tell is correct.

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How Can Verify IP Number?

May 6, 2006

Can someone tell me how I can verify my IP number?

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WPro Key Number

Feb 20, 2005

My son-in-law's PC went totally south so he put together a Barebones and installed XP Pro but he misplaced the Key # so he is unable to activate with MS. He installed a new primary HDD and borrowed a Key # temporarily. The PC does not boot the drive from the former PC which he installed as a slave drive. Belarc and Everest will not read that drive so no help there. He can open and look in the slave drive(F) and tried copying the wpa.dbl file to the new drive but it did not work, even in safe mode. Any ideas how he can recover the Key # from the old drive so he can use it on the new drive?

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Computer Is Too Slow When Accessing Internet

Dec 16, 2005

My computer is running too slow when I am accessing internet. It takes hell amount of time to load any page and sometimes it does not even load and says that page can't be found.

I spoke to internet service provider two times and they says there is no problem from their side. They have done a speed check and said that there could be something wrong with the computer.

I am not really getting what could be wrong with my machine.

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CPU Jumps When Accessing Mapped Drive

Mar 4, 2007

I have a brand new install of XP Professional on a Dell with a 3.2Ghz CPU, with 1.5Gig of RAM in it. I setup a mapped drive to my file server from this XP workstation (all this is runing on my home network). As soon as I access this share and start to drill down through its folders, the CPU jumps to near 100%, rendering it useless. The task manager shows explorer.exe and system as being the two biggest resources of the CPU. If I close the share, the CPU doesn't let go. However, if I click on "disconnect" on that network drive, it lets go and returns to normal.I have disabled my anti virus and firewall to rule that out, but it keeps happening anyways. usually I just reboot to get back the CPU, but as I said above, last time I tried just disconnecting from the mapped drive, and that worked. What could be the issue? I never had any issues on my Windows 2000 machine accessing this same share, what could be XP's problem? I spent hours setting this machine up, but I am about ready to go back to 2000.

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System Wont Allow For Accessing The Specified Device?

Aug 27, 2007

I deleted the I386 folder by mistake and had to repair the operating system...and it seems to be running fine. I had to reload a SP1 but I updated to service pack 2. But now I'm getting a "Windows cannot accessthe specified, device path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them" error. This happens when I get on IE, but it could be related to another program that runs automatically. Either way I can't do anything cause the error won't go away.

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Accessing SATA Hard Drive

Jun 14, 2009

My motherboard died and I had my files password protected in Windows XP Media Edition, can I connect the SATA hard drive to another PC via USB and unlock the protected files, or does it have to run as the main drive to allow access and entry of password and then making all files public?

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Accessing Second Hard Drive While Computer Is On

May 25, 2010

I recently bought Fantom Drives 1Tb external hard drive, Model # GF 1000EU. After about a year all computers would stop recognizing the external hard drive. My computers would know it was connected but I would not see it under "My computer." I read through hundreds of forums trying to fix the problem. When nothing worked I decided to take apart the enclosure and remove the hard drive so I could connect it to my desktop pc using a SATA cable. Essentially, I have two hard drives connected to my computer and I want to use one as an external hard drive so I am able to access data from it while still running my computer off of it's original hard drive. Is this possible?

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SP2 Resets When Accessing USB 2.0 Hard Drive

Jul 4, 2005

does not have problem when connected via legacy controller, problem only when using USB 2.0 card in PCI slot of XP SP2 machine. No blue screen just reset. Something seems to be clobbering memory. Have tried loading new driver, uninstalling and reinstalling driver. Tried multiple USB 2.0 cards as well. Windows/XP Home updates are automatic, therefore very current. Drive is Maxtor external USB.

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Problems With Accessing Internet On Laptop

Feb 21, 2006

I'm having problems with accessing internet on my laptop, on our home wireless network.It's so slow! We have the router downstairs, when i am sitting next to it, it's slower than the PC upstairs I'm typing this on! It's recent, with no hardware changes. And at least 1 PC on the network works's taking over 200s to load, but then only takes's really unreliable and main pages will load (slowly) but clicking on links yields nothing.It's not bandwidth issues either, we have a 3mb connection, and the problems are the same no matter the usage.The speed on the laptop is just so unreliable.

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Accessing An IDE Raid To Copy Files

Feb 9, 2008

I am trying to get files off of a computer that has an IDE raid setup.The IDE Raid is on the motherboard and I have all the drivers. Win XP is installed but will not boot.I have tried many of the MS fixes that deal with XP stopping during the boot up. Frankly I do not care about getting XP to run again on this system, but I do need some files as the owners did not back up their files.I used the XP CD to boot up the computer, F6 to enable raid and gained access to the hard drive.I installed a second IDE drive in the computer to transfer the files to. Everything seemed fine. I could see both drives, look at any directory and so on. However, I was not allowed access to copy any files, make any directories, etc. Just to get to the raid drive in the first place I had to enter the admin, so shouldn't I have had permission on both drives? I also wanted to try just booting to a command prompt, but had no access to the raid drive that way.I tried UBCD Win XP to no avail for the same reason, no drivers for the raid so it just wasn't there.

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User Blocked Not Accessing Folder

Nov 30, 2007

When i go to Documents and settings, i can see the inside of my own folder, the other administrator folder, my 12 years old limited-user folder - but not my 8-year old sister's limited-user folder!It pops up an "error" saying: Cocuments and settings/"Lisa" is not accessible. "No access"and it shows that the folder contains 0 byte.When I logg in to her account, then I can check what is inside.

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System Error 53 When Accessing Server By Name

Sep 22, 2006

I have a Windows XP Pro SP2 machine. I can connect to remote shares by IP address, but not by name. If I do a Start, Run, \computer it says "The network path was not found."There is no server on this particaular network it's all peer-to-peer, and I've enabled NetBIOS for good luck. Nothing. I cannot ping the other machines by name, either. All other machines in the network run fine.I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling components of Network Connections, and TCP/IP is the only protocol installed. I have confirmed that all of the computers are in the same subnet and same work group.There is no firewall software installed on the machine, apart from XP SP2, and I've disabled that.

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Stop The Computer Accessing To Your Account

Jul 9, 2006

when i tried to log on to my account it said loading personal settings i thought to myself that's fine then this message cam up and it said, there is an error which is stop the computer accessing your account and also it says or you do not have the sufficient rights to enter the account then it says press ok so i pressed that then it said we are now making a temporary account for you to go on and any changes made will be lost then i pressed ok. So now i have a new account and all my information has been wiped from that account. But the funny thing is i go on the administrators account and i can see my files so it must be still there but it is just stopping me from getting onto my account.

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Number Of Concurrents Users Will 32 Bit Will Allow?

Aug 23, 2006

1- how many concurrents users will win xp pro 32 bit will allow ? (what i am trying to know is if i install an application on (a machine running win xp pro 32 bit )that is server application where 20 users can use it , i would like to know if all those users will be able to run that application installed from that Machine i an trying to use this machine acting as a server but running win xp pro, since win 2003 server with 25 user licenses is to expensive for us right now ? of course i will have hardware computer capable of doing this with a dual core processor and enough memory and a fast hardrive

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Bit Torrent Port Number?

Jan 24, 2005

what is the bit torrent port number? where it could be found on internet or i have to buy from shop or some ware.

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Turns On Number Lock

Jun 29, 2010

Despite setting the BIOS to turn off NUM lock, when XP boots it turns it back on. I haven't been able to find anywhere in XP to turn it off.

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Number Lock Defeated

Jan 1, 2007

I set up a new Dell Optiplex 620 lunchbox with XP SP2 Pro recently that has an issue I don't know how to resolve. I'd like the computer to start with the Number Lock engaged so I went into the BIOS and made sure that it was set to always be on. But when Windows takes over the startup procedure it shuts the Num Lock off. Why is Windows doing this and how to I fix it? Registry edit?

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How To Find Fax Number Send

Sep 3, 2005

I am clueless when it comes to faxing. How do I find out my fax number. if someone send something to me. How do I get started with faxing something going out?

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How Do I Find Serial Number?

Aug 12, 2005

i have an do i find its serial number?

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Number Of Pagefile.sys Required?

Oct 9, 2006

I have 3 physical disks and work from the D drive with XP pro disk 1 has partitions C and N disk 2 has partitions D, E, F and G disk 3 has partitions H, I, J and K Just wondering how many Pagefile.sys files I need to have, as I did a search and found 3, on C, N and D. I thought one was enough ?

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Accessing Files From Win7 Computer To A Xp System?

Aug 11, 2010

We have 7 computers at our business where I want to place some files on one of the newer ones and let the others simply access them. However, the newest computer is running Win7 64-bit pro. Some of the other computers are just Win XP pro 32-bit. If I setup a "Work Network" on the Win 7 computer where the files are located, will I be able to find them on one of the Win XP computers? Hope I am being descriptive enough. Sorry if I'm not.

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Sharing Permissions - Accessing File - Read Only

Oct 3, 2008

I have a problem with sharing permission's.The actually problem I kept a folder in sharing in which there are different files.some times what happens is two different users access one file at a time without knowing and save the data from were the real problem creates. i need to give permission like if one user is accesing the file the other user shuld get read only until he uses.

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Accessing A Folder - Encountered A Problem Needs To Close

Mar 14, 2007

This has been happening for some time, Only when i access the folder with the dloaded tv show files. What causes this and how do i fix it?

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