Accessing SATA Hard Drive

Jun 14, 2009

My motherboard died and I had my files password protected in Windows XP Media Edition, can I connect the SATA hard drive to another PC via USB and unlock the protected files, or does it have to run as the main drive to allow access and entry of password and then making all files public?

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Accessing Second Hard Drive

May 6, 2008

I had a hard drive fail (can't boot up on it) so I installed windows on a second hard drive. I still want to be able to recover the files on the first drive, so is there a way I can just access the drive with both HDs attached to the computer?

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Accessing Second Hard Drive While Computer Is On

May 25, 2010

I recently bought Fantom Drives 1Tb external hard drive, Model # GF 1000EU. After about a year all computers would stop recognizing the external hard drive. My computers would know it was connected but I would not see it under "My computer." I read through hundreds of forums trying to fix the problem. When nothing worked I decided to take apart the enclosure and remove the hard drive so I could connect it to my desktop pc using a SATA cable. Essentially, I have two hard drives connected to my computer and I want to use one as an external hard drive so I am able to access data from it while still running my computer off of it's original hard drive. Is this possible?

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SP2 Resets When Accessing USB 2.0 Hard Drive

Jul 4, 2005

does not have problem when connected via legacy controller, problem only when using USB 2.0 card in PCI slot of XP SP2 machine. No blue screen just reset. Something seems to be clobbering memory. Have tried loading new driver, uninstalling and reinstalling driver. Tried multiple USB 2.0 cards as well. Windows/XP Home updates are automatic, therefore very current. Drive is Maxtor external USB.

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Accessing Desktop Files On Hard Drive

Jul 20, 2009

I am running windows xp sp2. My primary computer seems to have had a motherboard meltdown. Left on thursday, would not boot on friday. Cannot get to cmos, or anything. I removed the harddrive and put it in another computer to get work files off of the drive and transfer them to server. On boot it says"error loading operting system".I hooked up the hard drive as a slave and used explorer to go through and get the files. I can see the Desktop directory in documents and settings****desktop, but i get an access denied when i try to get to the files on desktop. I have tried using the Dos Command prompt and have the same result. I have booted in safe mode w/ prompt, same results. I have tried making a user profile with same name and passwords, no luck. These are files on the desktop, not shortcuts. Does anyone know how i can copy these files?

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Accessing Files From External Hard Drive

May 11, 2005

I bought a DELL labtop Inspiron 5052 over two years ago. It got XP Home version. A couple of weeks ago, a cup of coffee was spilled on my laptop. I took it to a computer shop. They contacted Dell and tried to order the labtop motherboard but to no avail as Dell has discontinued manufacturing this type. The warranty is only 1 year. So I decided to use it for spare parts. What 's an expensive cup of coffee ($3500.00). After removing the hard drive (60Gb) from the labtop, I made it as an external USB type hard drive. It was a perfect solution as at least I can save the data. But the fun was a short one as I now experience something to do with 'file access'. Connecting the external hard drive to my PC, I can see all the files and folders on it. The problem is on my Dell laptop I have 2 users setup under Document and Setting. One of the user logon (userA) enforces password while the the other (userB) enfoces no password for logging on. I can open files from userB with no problem but can not open files or folders from userA. It says "Access denied" or "file inaccessible". Is there a way to overcome this ?

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Accessing Files From Secondary Hard Drive.

Mar 5, 2008

I am using Windows XP and have two hard drives. Until recently I had Windows installed on one hard drive and all my important files (photos, business files, videos, etc) were also on this drive. My other hard drive was completely empty. Suddenly I started encountering problems with Windows and while I was using Windows it would completely freeze. I would pull the plug on the computer and start it again and then it would be fine - for a few hours - and then it would freeze again. The problem started happening more often and more quickly after rebooting and interestingly I noticed over the course of a few days that the problem seemed to be worse whenever my heater was turned on. I left the heater turned off and didn't encounter a problem again for a couple of days, but then it started happening again and more often even while the heater was turned off. I figured because there seemed to be a correlation with the heater being on and the computer's performance that the fans or the power supply inside the computer were over-clogged with dust. I opened up the computer and thoroughly cleaned out all the dust I was able to and made sure all the fans were dust-free. It didn't help. The computer's condition continued to deteriorate and occasionally when I attempted to re-boot the computer it would completely freeze before getting to the Windows boot screen or it would display the following message.

Windows could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check the Windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information. Over the next couple of days the computer wouldn't get to the Windows loading screen at all and it would only boot to the point of displaying the aforementioned message.I took my computer to my friend's house to see if he could fix it. He said that some of the boot.ini files in my version of Windows were damaged or I had accidentally deleted them somehow. Because I was completely unable to load Windows there was no way to do a System Restore so he came up with an alternative plan. He decided to load a new Windows XP onto my other hard drive and use that drive as my master. He said even though Windows was loaded onto the first drive, I would be able to access the files from it with the new Windows in Windows Explorer. So he did it but then we encountered a new problem. The new Windows works fine but for some reason I am unable to access the files from the other hard drive. I think this is because my original Windows had a password on it. When I used to load Windows you had to type a password to login as me and access my files. Otherwise you could only be a guest. But now when I try to access these files an Error message comes up saying these files cannot be accessed. It doesn't even give me the option to type a password.So basically what I want to know is this: Am I able to recover these files from my original hard drive. I really need them for my business and I have five years of family photos on there that are of high sentimental value to me.

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Accessing Hard Drive In OS Boot Situation

Jul 7, 2005

My computer has been sporadically crashing to blue screens due to an incompatible driver or drivers, so I tried removing two questionable drivers from the driver folder. It is clearly because I removed these drivers that the computer won't boot. So in order to fix the device driver problem I'll first have to get the operating system running, which means I must put the drivers back in place (I backed them up on the hard drive).So here comes my real question (disregarding compatibility issues which originally led to this boot problem): How can I access those drivers I backed up on the hard drive and put them back in the driver folder without booting up Windows XP? Does a boot disc have the utilities to do this? Is there some way of doing this through the BIOS? Is there an operating system or something that I can run off of a floppy disc or compact disc (which won't require any installation) that I can use to move these files? Maybe at a later date I'll create a thread addressing the driver incompatibility issue that I have, but, for now, I'm only concerned with putting those drivers back in their place so I can get to the next step.

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Accessing User-Specific Files From Old Hard Drive

Jul 16, 2005

I had my hard drive transferred to a new pc. I cannot access the numerous (and important!) files under Documents and Settings/My Username on the new pc. Apparently, Windows has restricted access to those files since it does not recognize me on the new PC. The files all seem to be there (based on the info from the properties of the documents and settings folder), but I cannot see them. Both old and new pc use XP Home.How can I regain access to these files?

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Difference Between A ATA Hard Drive And A SATA Hard Drive?

Oct 5, 2006

Can anyone tell me whats the difference between a ATA hard drive and a SATA hard drive?

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Won't Recognize SATA Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2007

I have an HP Media PC M400Y. It is a P4 3.0 Ghz with 1GB ram. It originally came with MCE2002. Last week I upgraded to MCE2005 to use the media extender feature with my new X-box 360.
Here is the problem and some background.

About a year ago, I had installed a second SATA hard drive, Seagate Baracuda 300GB, model ST3300831AS. This drive was plug and play into the motherboard and never had any issues. Before reformating the main C: drive, I moved all my valuable data on the SATA drive.

I then turned the PC off, removed the power and signal cables from the SATA drive. (I'm a novice, and didn't want to take any chances of erasing the SATA drive, while reformating the main C drive)

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Not Able To Load Up - Sata Hard Drive

Mar 8, 2009

i have a hp compaq dc7100 it has a sata hard drive in it, i need the drivers for it, not able to load xp on in locks up, i do not have the drives, i checked with hp not able to find.

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How To Install Sata Hard Drive

Mar 3, 2006

Just bought a 300Gig Maxtor SATA hard drive. My supports the connection onboard. How do I get Windows XP pro to reconized the full 300Gigs and not just 137Gigs. I have a Intel(R) Desktop board D85GVHZ Base System
Intel(R) Celeron CPU 3.06Hz 512MB of ram.

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Sata Drivers For Hard Drive?

Aug 18, 2007

I wasn't sure where this thread should be placed. I want to install XP and it wouldn't detect my hard drive. Since I have no floppy drive I want to slipstream a xp cd with the drivers already there. I am using the program nLite to make the bootable disc. However the problem is that I can't find the drivers or i'm unsure what is correct. My controllers are... Intel(R) 82801HEM/HBM SATA AHCI Controller Intel(R) ICH8M Ultra ATA Storage Controllers 2850.. But chipset is Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family.

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Not Detecting SATA Hard Drive

Jan 7, 2010

So I was bored today and began creating a old Pentium 4 System out of old PC parts around the house.Now, I have assembled everything and have tested all the parts and all are working fine, However when I go to install Windows XP on the machine it will not detect the Hard Drive (On the Partition Screen). Now I thought it may be a hard drive problem so I connected the hard drive up to my current PC and ran the XP Installation fine.However, Now when I try to boot the XP I installed on the hard drive off of my other system it will get to the splash screen and restart, so I turned off automatic restart on system failure and I get the 0x0000007B Stop error.

So I retried the XP installation on the system again, got to the Partition and Hard Drive selection screen and still no Hard Drive to be seen, I plugged in a USB and it detected it fine.I have tried booting in safe mode & every option under F8, However it just restarts on the XP splash screen, And as I said the hard drive seems fine as it comes up in bios and my main PC ran it fine, So I'm beginning to think that i'm in need of my motherboards SATA Drivers or something.

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Upgrading Hard Drive - New SATA Drive

Sep 17, 2005

I recently bought a new system with XP home already installed. Now I find that I should have installed the new SATA hard drive for better perfomance with my new P4 dual layered processor. I have ordered the new SATA 80 GB drive and would expect that when I install the XP on it I will have to call microsoft to activate it on the hard drive (since it was originally installed on the hard drive that I got with the new system). Any issues here or just call and explain the upgrade during the activation? (Understood that I will have to reinstall my other software again) As a follow up to this, would there be any problem slaving the original drive on the same IDE ribbon as the new SATA drive?

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Can't Get Installation To Find Sata Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2006

I'm can't get WinXP installation to find my Sata Hard-drive. I'm running Suse Linux on my IDE-HD and I could also had no problems getting my Suse 10.1 installation to install on the SATA-HD. I've booted up with winxp media install disk and tried to use the F6 key at the right time but nothing happens so it keeps going until I get to the point where I can press the S key to install SATA RAID driver from disk that came with my motherboard. The drivers install but then windows install still says no disk to install windows... I don't get it.

I've checked my bios and SATA in there, in fact the first thing I see when I boot up in the boot sequence is the SATA drive. Linux knows it's there but windows install doesn't. I installed XP on a WD SATA drive before and all I had to do was press F6 to install the controller from the XP disk but that doesn't work now.

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New Brand 500GB SATA Hard Drive

Jul 31, 2007

I'm not completely computer illiterate but i have never set-up a dual or triboot system before.I want to triboot XP Pro, Vista Home Premium and Ubuntu. I have a brand new 500GB SATA hard drive which is straight out of the box. I don't have vista yet but plan on getting it soon (when the next service pack is released) and don't want to have to reformat my hard drive when i do. So i thought it would be better to prepare for it now

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Looking For Sata External Hard Drive Enclosure?

Mar 11, 2005

I just bought me a new SATA 250GB Hard Drive and a external hard drive enclosure. I received the items today and I just realize the hard drive enclosure doesn't build into the way to connect to the SATA 7-pin data connector. All it has is the Parallel ATA 40-pin data connector. Can anyone recommend any external hard drive enclosure that can connect to SATA connector directly. And there is a main reason why I choose a SATA hard drive.

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Can't Install On SATA Hard Drive Drives

Feb 27, 2010

I want to install Windows XP on a new SATA HDD drive. The computer in question came with Windows Vista installed. There is no IDE option in the BIOS. There is no floppy drive on the unit. So it looks like I might have to slipstream all the drivers, etc., on to the unit (which I have no clue how to do). I do not have the motherboard make or model number, nor do I have the motherboard CD. My business partner is trying to take the cover off the laptop as we speak, but we're having trouble getting it off. Thus, as of now, we can't identify the motherboard manufacturer or the serial number.

Can anyone here point us in the right direction? The computer in question is a Compaq Presario c769us (laptop). It was purchased in June 2008. This all started when my business partner decided to use a Vista System Recovery CD to overwrite the existing copy of Vista that he had on the computer. After he ran the disk, the system stopped working. So right now, we have the old hard drive, which contains a non-working copy of Vista on it (which we can 't delete), and we have the new hard drive (a 250 GB Hitachi). So maybe we could just delete the copy of Vista on the old hard drive - the self drive test checked out okay on the old hard drive. So I guess the two options are - figure out a way to put XP on the NEW hard drive, or figure out a way to put XP on the OLD hard drive and delete Vista from it first. If we can put XP on the old hard drive and remove Vista from it, we could take the new hard drive back, and get our money back, too.

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Can't Install Windows On SATA Hard Drive

Mar 11, 2009

My old IDE hard drive went out on me so i went and bought a 500g WD SATA hard drive. When I put the windows installation disk in it does not recognize my SATA hard drive. after looking into it online, i found that alot of people had this issue. I read a few suggestions and tried them, (using the F6 function during install with drivers on a floppy disk, and streamlining drivers intot he windows installation disk itself using NLite), and none of them seem to work. I then used my friends old IDE hard drive, installed windows, and used a program to make a disk image of my hard drive and transfer it to my SATA drive. This didnt work either. I havn't fiddled with drive letters, (you know c: and e: and so on) i am thinking this may help but I am not sure. It is not a boot order issue i know how to do all that and nothing works. I am looking for a way to get Windows XP onto my SATA drive. (yes my mother board detects my SATA drive, and it is showing up in windows i just cant seem to get windows on it.)

I would prefer to just copy it from my IDE drive since i have already installed all the updates so if this is possible please let me know.If you know what kind of boot disk i need for windows xp installation to recognize my sata drive during installation that would be a big help too. (i have tried sata controller drivers for my motherboard, i tried using the software that came with my hard drive, and this too didn't work.)

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Cannot Recognize On SATA Hard Drive - Hardware Configuration Problem

Mar 10, 2005

I just built my first computer (specs in signature) with a SATA hard drive. I put the windows XP Pro CD and it formatted my Hard drive the it installed windows, but it says that windows could not start due to a hardware configuration problem. Is there some special thing I need to set to get it to boot from the drive or what?

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Maxtor SATA Hard Drive Slow - Long Boot

May 18, 2007

I have a maxtor hard drive SATA 200GB as my main drive and a second drive D. Very recently when I have noticed that my computer took longer to boot into windows. Applications seem to take a bit longer than usual to load. I have XP SP2 installed. I defragment my drive every few weeks so its not a defragment problem however when I try to defrag it now, it takes many times longer to do so. Also for a scan disk of C: (chkdsk on boot) it took 6 hours to get to about 25%. So there must be a problem. I can hear the hard drive loading sound for a few seconds and then there is a very long pause maybe about 10-20 minutes. It should only take a few hours the last time i did it maybe about 5 hours. Something is wrong.

When I transfer a large file like 1gb into my drive D it takes 15 minutes. Which is a bit long for a SATA enabled hard drive. I have had this drive for about 2 years now and it has never gone this slow before. I have downloaded the seatools from the maxtor website which diagnoses the drive. The tool ran slow but my hard drive passed the tests. Also when I ran that scan disk, it did say there was a mirror copy of something and also some other things. I think it had the word security in it so it deleted somethings. It mentioned indexes and some files. I forgot most of it.

I have checked my D drive and it is running fine and unaffected. Also I noticed during bootup that on the windows logo screen, the one with the bar moving from left to right that it freezes for about 5 seconds somewhere near the end of its loading. Then my keyboard lights come on (recognises keyboard). Later after the logo disappears, the screen is black for about 1-2 minutes and the hard drive periodically stops loading then starts loading something. This also happens when the welcome blue background screen comes on which is making boot times slow. Also happens when I shut down. There are some periods of hard disk inactivity.

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Make Hard Drive Dock - Supports Both Side - Sata

Sep 10, 2009

Does anyone make a USB dock that you can use with both IDE and SATA drives?

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CPU Jumps When Accessing Mapped Drive

Mar 4, 2007

I have a brand new install of XP Professional on a Dell with a 3.2Ghz CPU, with 1.5Gig of RAM in it. I setup a mapped drive to my file server from this XP workstation (all this is runing on my home network). As soon as I access this share and start to drill down through its folders, the CPU jumps to near 100%, rendering it useless. The task manager shows explorer.exe and system as being the two biggest resources of the CPU. If I close the share, the CPU doesn't let go. However, if I click on "disconnect" on that network drive, it lets go and returns to normal.I have disabled my anti virus and firewall to rule that out, but it keeps happening anyways. usually I just reboot to get back the CPU, but as I said above, last time I tried just disconnecting from the mapped drive, and that worked. What could be the issue? I never had any issues on my Windows 2000 machine accessing this same share, what could be XP's problem? I spent hours setting this machine up, but I am about ready to go back to 2000.

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Accessing Secured Files On Slave Drive

Oct 30, 2006

My computer came down with a nasty virus that I didn't want to deal with anymore, all the computer would do was constantly reboot, could never get to log-in. So I bought a new HD (which I really wanted anyway ) with intentions of loading new OS on the new drive and using the old drive as a slave, and after copying all the files I needed off the old drive I was going to reformat it for storage. Everything worked out fine except on the old drive I had a separate password protected admin login named Billybob where I kept all my important work files. I also used the sharing and security function to protect Billybob from access from other users. Now I can't access the files myself. I can only access the files that were in the 'Guest' profile that wasn't password protected. When I click on or try to move the files in Billybob I get the 'access denied' message. I used the HD utility program that came with my new HD and it allowed me to actually move the files on to the new HD but the files are still protected when I try to open them. Any help on this would be REALLY appreciated as I have over a years worth of technical work stuff in Billybob that I will never be able to replace.

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Boot Drive Letter Changed After Cloning To New SATA Drive

May 25, 2004

I installed a Serial ATA hard drive. Booted from floppy,partitioned and formatted 120mb HD,with 2 partitions.

Connected my old IDE drive and booted from Norton Ghostdisc, cloned my old drive to the new one. Removed all drives and USB card readers except the new SATA drive. Windows will not fully boot, it halts at the blue Windows intro screen. Restarted Windows, and scandisk ran, but indicated drive letter "H" not "C", so I guess the windows installation is still looking in the original place for it's files, ie. the "C" drive, that's why it won't boot. You cannot change the "System" drive letter from "Computer Management" within XP, and I cannot get into Windows anyway. Is there a "work around" for this, other than a clean install? Even then, is it still going to be drive "H"? And that means another Windows activation. How many goes do you get for activation? I tried a windows repair installation, and reactivation (wasted). Windows then worked, sort of. Lots of things were missing and programs unuseable,as they were looking for their files on "C": so I went back to square 1, put my old drive back in for the moment

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Sudden Loss Of Free Space On A Drive By Accessing Folders?

Dec 3, 2009

In my E: Drive I'v found the free space getting reduce when i access its folders.I'v run a scan using ESET Smart security and a-squared Anti-malware while runing the scan the free space increased by 100 MB but the problem persist even after the complete scan.

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Dual Booting On Two SATA Hard Drives

Sep 8, 2007

I have a computer at home with two identical 160 GB WD SATAII drives in it and I want a copy of XP on each drive. The first drive (Which I have been using as my gaming computer) has already got XP installed and I want to keep it pretty much free of anything but games so it won't affect performance. On the second drive, I would like to install another copy of XP and use this drive for my common use and with the primary intent of using it for a HDTV capture device. I've researched it for a while and have almost only been able to find information concerning dual booting with IDE drives using a jumper switching device so you don't have to dismantle the computer every time you switch drives.

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Barts PE Not Recognizing Hard Drives On Dell PC With SATA

Sep 2, 2005

Used to use Barts PE on a Windows XP system that had IDE drives. Created a new one since I was getting an error on my new Dell System with Windows XP PRO. Said it could not find a certain .in file. So I created a new Barts PE using a Windows XP Pro CD with SP1 and a blank CD to write the ISO image. After rebooting with Barts PE CD with ISO image, it looked fine and booted okay into Barts PE---BUT---it could not see my hard drives.

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Sata Hard Disc - Make Floppy From The Drivers

Mar 17, 2007

i have a p5s800-vm mother board of asus and the setup of windows xp (pro-sp2) dont find my hard disc and i need to make a floopy from the drivers on the disc to help it found the hard disc. that what i do to make that floopy (as some nice guys here tell me to) i go to the drivers folder on the disc of the motherbord than chose "raid" folder in it i chose the floopyimage folder there i have 3 folders


the guys here tell me to put the files of the 965_965L on the floopy without the foler imself. so in the 965_965L folder i have two files "SISRAID and "TXTSETUP.OEM" and aonter folder calld "raid" and in it i have to folders "winxp" and "win2000" and each folder has its own file. so what i do was to put only the "TXTSETUP.OEM" file on the floopy without noting else cause someone here tell me it all i need to do......

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