Dr. Watson Is Bugging - Rename - Move Or Delete File In Explorer

Feb 2, 2006

I have a laptop running XP pro and whenever I try to rename, move or delete a file in explorer, DRWatson(kind soul that he is), pops up to tell me that he has encountered a problem and he needs to close. He then gives me the option to send an error report to microsoft. After sending numerous copies of these error reports to bill and not recieving anything in return, I thought it was about time I tried someone else. This is how I came upon this excellent site and after reading some of the posts, I am hopefull that there is a knowledgeable person on board who will be able to help me. The error report from DrWatson is below. If anyone can understand it and knows what the problem is, please let me know because at the moment I cannot do anything with my files or folders and it is driving me mad. The error report says:

Application exception occurred:
App: C:WINDOWSexplorer.exe (pid=3268)
When: 01/02/2006 @ 23:13:06.340
Exception number: 80000007.................

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Cant Rename Or Delete File

Nov 11, 2008

I have a spare drive where I keep all my music. When I open that folder and right click on a song to rename or delete the folder, it just shuts down and takes me right back to desktop.Normally when you right click on a song you get all kinds of options like scan with antivirus,create shortcut,rename,delete and so on.

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Can't Remove Rename And Delete File

Jul 7, 2006

Normally when you click on a folder or file in My Documents, and right click on that file or folder, you should get a list of options on what you want to do with that file/folder, including deleting it. However, I have a very stubborn file in my computer that will not delete. When I right click it, it does not give me the option to delete it. I can not remove, rename, or move the file. It won't do anything at all. Is there any way at all that I can delete or remove it

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Deleting A File: File Wont Move Or Delete?

Jul 29, 2007

Ive got a file on my desktop I cant Move, or Delete. Ive tried using Other Software, doesnt work,Says filename is Invalid. I cant rename the file,the context menu for the file is different than any other file, removing the Rename, Delete, and everything Useful... I cant open the File, btw was supposed to be a picture... Ive tried that technique you can use to rename a file, by clicking once on it selecting it, then clicking on the filename again, but beeps as if it was invalid. I have also tried safe mode, which also failed...

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Folder Won't Rename Or Delete

Sep 10, 2008

I'm trying to rename or delete a folder but there is no options for the folder.Ok the problem I am having is I can't delete or rename the folder..... 'S Documents this folder is empty. I think I used a trick on u-tube to hide the name and I cant find iThe trick. This folder shows up as a My Document folder in dos. and says acesss denied. It may be a duplicate or used in the same way. Posibly it a folder used by windows

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Rename Or Run Scan Or Delete / Short Cut Menu Does Not Come Up

Apr 6, 2005

I have xp home edition sp2 on my computer. When I right click say on an icon on my desktop or rightclick on a picture in my documents to rename or run a scan or say delete it my short cut menu does not come up and the hour glass just sits there, then if it doesnt freeze up the icons disappear then they come back and I lose most of the items in my tray next to the clock.....Dr watson post mortem debugger pops up and the error program says.....dr watson has incountered error and will be closed by windows..you will need to restart program...an error log is being created.

Another error program has come up and says.explorer.exe generated error and will be closed by windows you need to restart program..an error log is being created.I get the send a report to microsoft... but i cant as my computer is now froze. I have asked alot of ppl about this but they have no clue and its driving me crazy...my uncle said just dont right click but its something I do on a regular basis I forget and this is what happens each and every time.....I have run a scan and my virus scan and defragged

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Un Able To Open , Delete , Rename User Folder In My Documents

Dec 24, 2005

To begin with. My Hal.dl file ended up missing, so I got an error and had to reinstall windows, bla bla bla bla. i didn't lose all my data, and just reinstalled windows. I had to reinstall all my programs again, and everything went swell, untill I hit one problem. I had a ton of data (over 15 GB of pictures/music, etc) on my desktop. Since it was on my desktop, I now have my previous user folder in my documents, and I am un able to open it, delete it, rename it, etc. I know that the data is still there because when I check how much of my drive is taken up, it is obvious. (22.2 GB DOES NOT just disapear

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Unable To Delete Or Remove And Rename Files And Folders?

Jun 17, 2005

Using XP SP2 and I can not move, rename or delete any folders.For example - I create a New Folder and try to rename it - it stays as New Folder. I try to move ANY folder and it does not move - stays where it is. Even when copying contents of a USB stick - folders will not move, be renamed or deleted. I CAN however, move files and rename and delete files - just not ANY folder!I can delete the folders from the command prompt though.

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Can't Rename .htm Files And Explorer Usage Suspicious

May 1, 2010

All the .html files on mywindows XP sp2 machine have been renamed to .htm and further when I try to rename them, the explorer CPU usage suddenly increases to maximum. But, some files gets renamed and others can't be renamed at all. And, for those which cannot be renamed, I get a pop-up error message saying "file is being used by another program and cannot be renamed.", and that's when explorer starts using all of CPU and system gets very slow.I have already done full system scan through Kaspersky and Malware Bytes Anti-Malware, but they have simple turned out to be futile.

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Rename A Group Of Files Or Folders (Batch Rename)

Jun 22, 2003

To rename a group of files or folders in WinXP, open the explorer folder that contains the files and do the following:
(be careful not to include any critical windows system files or folders when applying this technique.  back up with system restore first if you're not sure.  also, it only makes sense to apply it to files of the same type.)
1. Highlight the files and/or folders to be renamed (remember to hold down the CTRL key to select non-adjacent files); or hold  CTRL-A to select all the files and folders in a given folder
2.  Let the mouse hover over the file that you wish to be the first in the series

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Random Explorer.exe Crash With Dr. Watson Log?

Sep 4, 2008

I need help with a very annoying problem. For several months now I have been experiencing totally random explorer.exe crashes. They can happen maybe every couple of days or sometimes it can go several weeks before a crash. The crashes can occur when using Windows Media Player or while browsing the Internet or sometimes doing absolutely nothing at all Like I said it is random, not only in what I'm doing but also when it happens.The error message is very vague and when I look in Event Viewer, all it says is Event ID 1000, Faulting application explorer exe, version 6.0.2900.5512, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x04aa2128 (the fault address is never the same though.)

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Explorer Keeps Crashing, Taking Dr. Watson With It?

Apr 29, 2008

I've started having constant Windows Explorer crashes lately. It usually happens after I have a directory window open on the desktop and then close it. Unfortunately, it often freezes Dr. Watson with it, and my PC becomes unresponsive until I enter the Task Manager and kill both instances of Dr. Watson that is showing. What sort of things affect Windows Explorer? If there is something corrupt, is there a chance that if I install SP3 it will fix it?

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Explorer.exe & Dr Watson Error App Crash Too Often

Sep 12, 2006

I have a Compaq-based computer running WinXP SP2 on it and for a little while I've had explorer.exe crash on me from time to time just out of the blue. Well a new problem has risen and it started today and its a nasty one. I was testing out a file-sharing program, but it said I needed the latest Java update to run it, so I went to the Sun Java website and downloaded their J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 06 (that's what was on the site) and got that all set up and started checking out the program I had downloaded earlier (Limewire Basic) from Filehippo.com and as soon as I clicked on a file from the list of files that came up in my search, the program would instantly close out without notification. I didnt see it as a big deal. I got a hold of the file I was downloading, but every time I went to or near the folder in my personal folder's directory, explorer.exe decided to crash on me. So I thought I might have caught a virus, so I looked to see if it was on some programs I've used in the past for finding trojans and whatnot and it came up clean. So I uninstalled and deleted LimeWire and thought maybe the Java had something to do with it. Turns out I was wrong again. So right now this machine has no Java on it. So I went into safe mode and still could not get to the folder with the file in it. Explorer.exe AND the Dr Watson Postmortem Debugger app both crashed on me (got that normal error in which you can send out an error report to Microsoft) and it did this several times.

So then I booted the computer back into the normal mode and attempted to get to the file through the cmd.exe (DOS) program and I eventually figured out (with the help of someone on my buddylist) how to get to the specific directory that the folder was in and I tried to delete it, but everytime I typed "Y" to the prompt, cmd.exe would crash as well. Now it sais that there are 0 files in the folder (has 3 subfolders in it) that I was trying to delete and 5 folders (including the "." & ".." on the DOS prompt. So I've been screwing around with this for about 4 1/2 hours now and I've had no luck getting to that specific folder. If I try to get to it through my folder, explorer.exe crashes. I can get right to the directory that the folder is in and then it will just crash. Everything else seems to run just fine. I havent tried checking the disk check thing, but what does one reccomend I do? I've already reformatted this computer once before (last year) and I dont want to have to do it again (because I dont have the money or the WinXP disk to get it reformatted again).

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Explorer Locking Up: DR Watson Postmortem Debugger Comes On?

Oct 6, 2006

Windows Explorer keeps crashing on me, so when I click on 'send error report' DR Watson Postmortem debugger comes on, but that locks up too. So, I end up having to end Dr Watson's task to unlock the programs and get everything done. Some days I never need to do it, but some days (like today), I've had to do this repeatedly, like, seven times within an eight hour period.

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Explorer And Dr Watson Post Morten Debugger

Dec 27, 2006

I have been having a problem with my OS. I recently just reformatted my hard drive, because of the problem I am having, just to have it come back on me.The problem I am having is with my Windows Explorer and Dr Watson PostMortem Debugger. Every 20-30 minutes, I will get the messages (2 of them) for, "Windows Explorer has encountered an error and must close", and, "Dr Watson PostMortem Debugger has encountered an error and must close".Again, this is the reason I reformatted in the first place. I know it's not a virus doing this (At least, I hope it's not, as I just reformatted).

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Large Dr Watson Log File

Jul 3, 2005

I am using XP Home and am concerned at the size of DRWTSN32.LOG which is 733,866KB. Is this OK? It seems to be rather large for a text file.

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Can't Delete Move Files - Symptoms

May 22, 2005

this is a problem that I've been having for months now, I can't figure out what's really causing it so far.Symptoms1 - When deleting video files (.avi, .mpg) they will do one of three things.a. The file will delete fine. b. The file will delete fine, then a few seconds, will re-appear in it's original location, and will be untouchable. Cannot be deleted, opened, moved, renamed, etc.. You will get an access denied error from windows stating that the file is in use.c. The file just won't delete in the first place. See above 'untouchable 2 - Moving files gives very similar results. I won't ever get the initial error that the file is in use. The file will move, but will then be in both locations. The folder I move the file to will be normal - deletable, openable, etc.. but the one in the original location will be untouchable. Sometimes, the file will appear to move fine, but in a few seconds, will re-appear, untouchable, in the original location, same as above

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Cant Change Admin Password - Really Bugging

May 5, 2009

I'm on my computer, and it wont let me change the password (it says - you do not have permission)I tried the booting up F I found a thread about changing the password for an adminhttp://forums.cnet.com/5208-6142_102-0.html?threadID=150312 I have windows xp professional- Dell Vostro 200 ( 1 year old) It seems the system wont give me permission. Tried run- control user passwords

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Move Internet Explorer 7 To 6

Dec 9, 2006

I am typing this message in IE7. I like 6 better. Could be a comfort thing and I miss my Woobie, but I'm not sure. I know I don't like the extra half inch that's taken on top of my screen. I can't seem to move the tool bars around to maximize my viewing area. Is it possible to roll back to IE6.

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Move To Folder Crashes Explorer

Oct 13, 2006

when I try to move a file using "Move To Folder" Windows Explorer says it has encountered a problem and must shutdown then after I close that dialog (send error report/or not) Dr Watson Post Mortem Debugger does the same computer locks up except I can use Task Manager to reboot.

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Need To Move A File Without Booting

Aug 21, 2007

I am looking for a way to access and move a file without booting Windows. The reason is that I am a collossal idiot and accidentally moved a .dll file that is used by winlogon.exe and now I need to move it back.

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Get Move File Box Popping Up On Screen

May 9, 2006

If I select several files (mp3 or movies) and click Play Selection or Play All, I get the 'move file' box popping up on the screen. When I press cancel it pops up again, and I must click cancel one more time, before my files start playing as they should.Does anyone have a clue how to fix this annoying problem?

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Unable To Move File Is Being Used By Another Program?

Apr 3, 2007

Can anyone explain why this happens? When I go to move certain .avi movie files on my hard drive from one directory to another, I get an error message that says: Error Moving File, It is being used by another person or program.The problem is, I don't know of any other programs using it. All my media players are closed. How can I find out what process is using it? This computer has only 1 log in (me) so it is not another person.

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Move/Copy File In Searching Result

Aug 2, 2010

MOVE or COPY file when they appear in the SEARCH RESULTS window after doing a search.

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Can't Move Paging File To An External Hard Drive

Aug 28, 2007

I've got Windows XP home and two external hard drives (connected via USB) and I'm trying to give one or both of those drives paging files. My hard-drives are an I-Omega 500GB and a Maxtor 300GB, both with plenty of room. I want to set my paging file to 650MB.I know how to change the size of a paging file. I go to System advanced performance...etc to get to the virtual memory box, I set the paging-file sizes for the external drives (remembering to press SET) then reboot. When the computer has restarted I run a disc analysis, but the external drives have no paging file.I notice that many people move their paging file to an external drive, so why isn't it working for me?

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Start Safe Mode Cannot Delete File - Source File Not Found

Mar 20, 2007

I read the advice to start in safe mode to delete files that gave the errror message cannot delet file - source file not found. They wouldn't delete in Safe Mode either. I am trying to delete mp3 from my c drive because I have an external disk where I have my music library. I can delete them one at a time without getting the error message but not a bunch of them. Some of them I have been able to delete in a bunch.

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Cannot Delete File: Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk In Recycle Bin

Sep 1, 2010

I have files in my recycle bin. My recycle bin shows nothing when I open the folder but there is 6 items in the folder. I have tried to delete them through C: ecycler but when I try that I get an error on the bottom of my screen that says The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

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Cannot Delete File: File System Error(1148), WIN2K

Apr 16, 2005

I have a user with a home driectory that has created a folder with mutliple folders within it. I am not sure how far the direcroty goes, but I have counted to at least 26 directories deep. I cannot delete the parent folder in either explorer, or from the prompt. At the prompt I have tried RD foldername and it says, "Folder not empty". Tried del foldername*.* with no error and still cannot delete it.

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:cannt Delete File: Cannot Find Source File Or Disk

Mar 20, 2010

I am running windows xp sp3. I tried to uninstall Frost Wire, via add or remove programs. I noticed that after it supposedly uninstalled from the a or r file the shortcut was still listed on my desktop. So I searched for F W and found a few references that popped up after my search. When I right clicked on them and tried to delete, that is when I received the above error message

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Strange File: Delete It Or Not Delete It?

Apr 21, 2005

Is the following file to be deleted 16 - DPF: {72C23FEC-3AF9-48FC-9597-241A8EBDFE0A} (InstallShield International Setup Player) - http://ftp.hp.com/pub/automatic/player/isetupML.cab

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Files Won't Delete - MOB Delete File

Sep 12, 2006

I am attempting to clean out my temp files on my Windows XP Home. The files and folders that I am addressing are: C:WINDOWSTEMP*.* *.OLD *.CHK *.BAK ~*.* _*.* and MSCREATE.DIRI have managed to clean all but one, which is _*.* When I run the search, I get the result of 144 files. I click on edit, select all, then file, delete. I receive the following error "cannot delete file: Cannot read the source file or disk" (please view screen shot). When I right click, I have no delete option, just "open containing folder, copy, and extract. (please view screen shot). I have run AdAware, Spybot, Ewido, and Avg Free. I also have CCleaner, Easy Clean which I have run. I have also used "Move On Boot" by putting the file path in the MOB window and try to have MOB delete the file. MOB says the file will be removed on the next boot.

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