Oct 8, 2007


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Corrupt Or Missing File Error?/Windowssystem32configsystem

May 3, 2006

I have an old computer with an Intel Celeron 467 MHz processor, 128 ram and I'm running Windows XP SP2. Earlier this week I came to turn on my computer, and could not log on to Windows. "Windows could not start because the follwing file is missing or corrupt Windowssystem32configsystem." I reinstalled XP. I couln't access the repair install. Then I thought maybe someone had gotten into my computer and I downloaded Zone Alarm...Big mistake. Since then my computer freezes, programs jam, I keep losing my internet connection,(DSL) and I get "cannot find server" messages. Its also slower as molasses in winter. A little better since the removal. Obviously Zone Alarm was removed and i went back to Windows firewall. I also use Ad-Aware, AVG, Spybot Search and Destroy, Spyware Blaster and I use Registry Mechanic and TuneUp Utilities.

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Turn On Computer Black Screen - Windowssystem32configsystem File Missing

Feb 5, 2006

My Windows XP operating system crashed last night. When I try to turn on the computer I get a black screen that appears stating that Windows did not shut down properly and how would I like to restart the computer. There are then five options available to chose from (3 Safe Modes options, last known configuration, and normally). I have attempted all five with no good outcome.

I do get the following message: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Set using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair"....

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Win Showing Error On Copying Files On 56%?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to install Windows Xp on my computer but it doesnt install. I am having problem with the copying files. I formatted the root drive C: so viruses can be removed, but still it doesnt install. Whenever the setup is copying files it stucks on 56% and then gives an error that the file is missing press enter to retry or esc to skip. I pressed enter 5 or 6 times and then it gives error pfn_chk_list and my computer restarts. The problem was that my xp was running fine the other day but then i saw a error physical dump memory error. After that the windows was booting but wasnt showing any startup screen and kept constantly restarting. So i thought it would be best to format my 400gb western digital hard drive and try again, but the copying error came again. I have made four partitions of my hdd.Please give me a solution to this and reply as soon as possible.

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C : Windowssystem32configsystem / Format To Fix

Nov 24, 2007

My kids kicked the cord for my keyboard and it came out, so when I tried to put it back in the power cord came out, then when I tried to get onto my computer I ran into this problem. I went to I can't even do step one, I got to the right directory, did the md tmp then tried to copy the files. It said it didn't copy them, so now what do I do. I have the win cd, but I just formatted my puter 2 months ago, and haven't been able to get my other hard drive in to save my pics and stuff, so i really don't want to format to fix this prob.

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WindowsSystem32configsystem Cannot Load

Jul 15, 2010

Turn it on, and thats when it started I get passed the BIOS and before the Windows Xp loading screen i get this "WindowsSystem32configsystem cannot load, its missing or corrupted yadda yadda yadda.I followed the steps on this guide provided by microsoft, I get passed step 1, but it never asks me any of the Administration stuff. After all the copying and deleting of those files, i reboot. It gets me to windows, but its in 800x600 resolution and blue background . I click start and the top says "owner". I cant run antivirus or anything because it says i dont have permission. So i restart and hit F8 when the screen is at the dell screen loading the BIOS not the windows loading screen, F12 or F2 didn't have safemode as one of the options .The guide said to use F8 so i did) and i get more error messages.Same spot where the first problem started, i get a whole bunch of stuff about my computer and dell. At the very bottom, it says "Keyboard failed" It loads to the next screen where it has the normal menu when you try to enter safe mode and the keyboard seizes to work. I'm stuck at "run windows normally" and none of the arrow keys work.

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Oct 9, 2010

I had problems right out of the gate...after typing out the first command line: tmpsystem.bak and hitting enter, I got the message that said could not find I tried again and was extra diligent with my typing, but the same disappointing message came up.I decided to use some imagination and initiative and, started with the last command line first: tmpdefault.bak This worked for this line and then the next one too: tmpsecurity.bak and so on. When I got back to the tmpsystem.bak line, it even worked for that one too.

Then I moved on to the delete commands and that worked out far as I could tell?But, when I got to the repair lines and, in particular, the: repairsystem C:windowssystem32configsystem I then got the same message saying that the file could not be found...back to square one.Then I went back to the start...typing out the copy lines, and I got the same message for the system line again. So, I started from the default line again and it worked--I was asked if I wanted to re-write the first file copied and I chose Y (yes) then the same brick wall when I got to the system line.

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Could Not Start - Windowssystem32configsystem Corrupt Or Missing

Jan 5, 2005

I have xp and when i start my cmputer i get this Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt windowssystem32configsystem,I don't seam to be able to enter safe mode with f8 pressed.

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Aug 3, 2005

I've just turned my notebook on this morning and a screen came up "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM" It then tells me that I can fix the problem using the original Setup CD-ROM... The problem is, in the last couple of years that I've had it we've moved twice and are about to move again and I can't find it anywhere! And, I need the computer for work. Is there any way I can do this without the CD?

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Error - Internet Explorer Has Restricted This File From Showing Active Content

Sep 25, 2005

On both my desktop and my laptop running WindowsXP SP2 I use a simple, homemade start page with links to sites I visit almost daily. Frequently, when I open this page, I will get this message on my desktop but not my laptop:"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer."Clicking for options, I get:"Are you sure you want to let this file run active content?"This is ridiculous, as there is no such "active content" on the page. Obviously, it has something to do with IE security settings.

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Not Loading - File Missing Or Corrupt - WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

Jul 1, 2008

I am having an issue with my computer obviously. I have a VPR Matrix desktop FT6100 computer. It has windows xp as its operating system. We had a huge storm here last Friday causing a total loss of power. Now, when I turn on the computer I am getting the following error message: Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM then it says please put in restore cd and press "r" for the repair menu. I put in my restore cd and the options were to just do the windows xp files, No Format or Quick Format. The first option the computer said was least destructive so I tried that route and brings me back to the same black screen w/ the same error msg. I went to to print off the instructions for the error msg and I can't even get to where the instructions are talking about. I don't want to lose all my files so I haven't touched the other 2 options on the restore cd. How can I fix this with my system?

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Boot - File Missing Or Corrupt - WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

Dec 15, 2004

Windows couldnt start because following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select?r? at the first screen to start repair. what do do? takes me to repair consol and then? i tried to fixboot.

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Feb 23, 2005

My friend's comp isnt working it gets the following error during boot up

"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

I tried the windows support method to recovering from a corrupt registry..after I created a temp folder I entered the first copy line copy c:windowssystem32configsystems c:windows says that this file does not exist....any help would be greatly appreciated

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C Drive Not Showing Up In My Computer

Jul 20, 2008

I have a Dell (Intel Pentium 4, 256MB RAM)Running Windows XP Home Edition.I recently had a Spamware/Virus situation (which I'm still working on fixing, with the help of instructions i found in the Spyware forum - Thanks!) which has caused a whole whack of little problems. I've figured out a couple (re-enabled Registry Editing; re-enabled Task Manager; Re-enabled "Display" in control panel), but there are 2 i can't figure out:When I go into "My Computer", my C: Drive is no longer listed.The "Log Off" button no longer appears on the Start menu. Only the "Turn off Computer" button is there.

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Windows Wont Start:missing File /windowssystem32configsystem

Mar 5, 2007

windows wont start up for me and i get the error message Windows could not start because the file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem Also i dont have the repair install option under install windows), it just says installing two versions of windows is not recommended do you wish to continue. I went into the recovery console but really have no idea what to do there.

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Computer Showing No Drivers For Audio?

Jan 20, 2006

I try to install my speakers and computer says - Driver not found !! I go into materials and everything looks fine !Audio card 82801DB(-M) ICH4 Active
So what am I doing wrong ??

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Computer Showing 100% CPU Usage While Using Broadband?

May 3, 2006

When using AOL Broadband the computer slows down and sometimes takes several seconds to refresh a page.I happened to open the Task Managerand two things came to light:I cannot get the complete Task Manager panel...It only shows TASK and used to show lots more.Also,and this is my problem,it shows CPU USAGE 100%.If I close AOL and go back online it is ok for a while and then starts to slow down to a crawl.

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Computer Showing CPU Usage 100% / PC Locked Up?

May 29, 2007

I am running xp sp2 the cpu usage is 100 % and pc locks up for about half an hour after boot up the the cpu usage drops to normal. I found sdfix on this site and ran it here is the report i got

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Computer Is Showing Low Video Memory

Jul 16, 2005

On the specs for my computer that is attached to the side, it says that my computer has 11 MB allocated as video memory. But, for some reason, when I last looked on my computer it said that I only have 4MB allocated as video memory. Why is this? And is there any way to bring it up, maybbe even past 11MB?

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Low Disk Space Showing On Computer

Jan 19, 2006

XP kept giving me pop ups saying that i have a danerously low disk space.. i deleted all extra files and music and etc and i was fine for a few weeks but lately its doing the same thing. there are 4 accounts on this computer and two of which refuse to log onto the internet (NetZero) one of them freezes whenever you click anything that isnt the start menu.. actually if you click something the whole screen blinks and only the backround is visible for a second and then all the icons return.i cant get into hijackthis to run it and i cant use ad aware because my definitions are a month old and it refuses to dowload new ones, the erro message says that the files cant be read. spybot works but then when it comes time to delete files i get this message " unexpected error in fixing problems (stream-schreibfehler)"

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Computer Showing Two Network Connections At Same Time?

Jun 26, 2005

Why does XP create a network connection & a seperate internet connection to the host when the network connection carries all protocols? Can I delete the internet connection or does it have some special purpose?

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Verdana Font On Computer Has Been Showing Up Really Small?

Jul 23, 2005

For the past few weeks the Verdana font on my computer has been showing up really small (smaller than normal) especially at size 1 (8px)I have tried removing the font file in the font folder and reinstalling it but the problem persists.

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Computer Freezing And Showing No Disk Activity?

Dec 13, 2008

I'm running a desktop PC (Dell Dimension 4700) with XP Pro SP3, 1.5 GB RAM. Both keyboard and mouse are USB. Over the last several weeks the computer freezes and I am puzzled about how to go through the troubleshooting. It is rather infrequent (maybe 4-5 times over 6-8 weeks?)When it freezes there is no apparent disk activity. The display appears perfectly normal. It appears to be random and infrequent. When it freezes there is no apparent response to either keyboard or mouse. Pushing the power button briefly does nothing, but pushing and holding the power button does result in the expected shutdown.

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Computer Hanging And Showing Black Screen At Every Startup?

Feb 10, 2006

my windows xp home edition hung and now shows a black screen everytime i start the computer. how do i cancel installation? do i have to access and the bios, and if so how do i do this

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Computer Showing Incorrect Disk Space After Installing OS?

Jun 2, 2009

Iv'e installed XP pro on my new computer.after installing all the software i need on the computer i checked how much disk space i'm using before creating an image, and then i encountered a strange thing.When i measure th used disk space using ALT+ENTER from the root directory all the file amounts to about 9GB (all visible and all accounted), but when i check the disk properties it reports over 20GB used.When i created the image, the file weighed over 20GB also even thought i don't have 20GB of files.I know for sure that this is very unlikely that i'm actually using 20GB and that ALT+ENTER reports a wrong size because on my other computer.

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Drive Letters Wont Showing In Computer After Virus Attack?

Sep 26, 2008

I was infected by a virus while changing to a different AV software. After a full day of cleaning, I have a perfectly usable and clean computer, however, my c: and d: drives are not displaying in my computer.They are listed in device manager, disk manager,and I can access programs off of them c: is my boot drive just nothing in my computer.I was able to create a shortcut to both of their root directories so I can browse them. All windows programs show them as viable drives and will browse, so this is more of a nuisance than a dire situation, however, it is a bit crippling.

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Computer Acting Moving Flashlight, Searching For Files Showing

Dec 12, 2005

I had just finished some windows updates when I tried to go to my computer. when I do, it will sit there with that little moving flashlight, searching for files for several minutes, and then everything works, it doesn't hang up unless I go to my computer. Also, I can't manually put in an internet address at the internet explorer address bar because it doesn't seem to react when I hit the go button.

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Computer Running Slow: Task Manager Showing 99% CPU Usage?

Jun 27, 2005

My PC is running superslow. Task manager shows that explorer.exe is using up to 99% of CPU usage- even though I have no programmes running.

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WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. Missing Along With Missing Disk Drive

May 4, 2008

i turned on my pc i got the error XP Could not start, the following file is missing or corrupt:
I run Microsoft Windows home service pack 2Also, to complicate things, My computer is lacking a disk drive, so i only have access to USB ports.

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Drive Letters Options Not Showing Up In " My Computer"?

Dec 5, 2007

When I open My Computer by double clicking from the Desktop, my 4 drives C/D/E/F are displayed in the right window pane. Now when I try to open the D or E drives by double clicking the Drive letters, i'm unable to open the drives. Whereas with the same procedure i'm able to open the C and F drives by double clicking. When I right click my D and E drives. I'm seeing that the Explore and Search options/attributes are missing and in that place I get to see some junk characters displayed, and rest of the other options/attributes are displaying normally.

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Computer Won't Reboot - Error Lsass.exe - System Error

Feb 16, 2006

I went to bed 2 nights ago with a statistical program running on my computer. I woke up the next day to find a black screen with a small window with an error message. It said: "lsass.exe - System Error" "Object Name not found." When I click OK, the computer tries to shuts down, but then when trying to reboot it comes back to the black screen with the error message.

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