Computer Freezing And Showing No Disk Activity?

Dec 13, 2008

I'm running a desktop PC (Dell Dimension 4700) with XP Pro SP3, 1.5 GB RAM. Both keyboard and mouse are USB. Over the last several weeks the computer freezes and I am puzzled about how to go through the troubleshooting. It is rather infrequent (maybe 4-5 times over 6-8 weeks?)When it freezes there is no apparent disk activity. The display appears perfectly normal. It appears to be random and infrequent. When it freezes there is no apparent response to either keyboard or mouse. Pushing the power button briefly does nothing, but pushing and holding the power button does result in the expected shutdown.

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Low Disk Space Showing On Computer

Jan 19, 2006

XP kept giving me pop ups saying that i have a danerously low disk space.. i deleted all extra files and music and etc and i was fine for a few weeks but lately its doing the same thing. there are 4 accounts on this computer and two of which refuse to log onto the internet (NetZero) one of them freezes whenever you click anything that isnt the start menu.. actually if you click something the whole screen blinks and only the backround is visible for a second and then all the icons return.i cant get into hijackthis to run it and i cant use ad aware because my definitions are a month old and it refuses to dowload new ones, the erro message says that the files cant be read. spybot works but then when it comes time to delete files i get this message " unexpected error in fixing problems (stream-schreibfehler)"

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Computer Freezing Nad Chkdsk Utility Corrupt Disk

Apr 8, 2006

My computer has been freezing up latley. I tried to do system restore but it will only let me go back one day. I am also getting a message that says firefox.exe- the file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume C:

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Computer Keeps Freezing / Get Random Disk Read Errors

Apr 8, 2008

Ok this problem started about 2 weeks ago when my windows xp wouldnt load it go to the loading screen but the progress bar just continued to act as if loading but windows never came on . Eventually after several restarts windows loaded but this continues to happen randomly. Also my computer keeps freezing and I get random disk read errors I have run a check on the hard drive and ram and both these seem to be working ok I have also run several spy ware and antiviruses can anybody help

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Computer Showing Incorrect Disk Space After Installing OS?

Jun 2, 2009

Iv'e installed XP pro on my new computer.after installing all the software i need on the computer i checked how much disk space i'm using before creating an image, and then i encountered a strange thing.When i measure th used disk space using ALT+ENTER from the root directory all the file amounts to about 9GB (all visible and all accounted), but when i check the disk properties it reports over 20GB used.When i created the image, the file weighed over 20GB also even thought i don't have 20GB of files.I know for sure that this is very unlikely that i'm actually using 20GB and that ALT+ENTER reports a wrong size because on my other computer.

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System Randomly Freezing And Showing Many Errors?

Jun 25, 2006

I have a Pentium 4 with 480mb of RAM. My problem started about month ago. I would hear a click sound coming from the box and shortly thereafter it would freeze. The three finger salute "Cnt Alt Del" did nothing and I would have to turn off the machine and start again. Sometimes it would boot up OK, then others I would get weird messages..

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Computer Frozen Activity Light Stays On

Jul 13, 2008

My computer is stuck or frozen. The activity light stays on. I have removed all fans and cleaned them, remove battery and replaced after 30 minutes, used a different battery, unplugged all cables. After trying each one, I plugged the computer in again and still activity light stays on. The moniter is black. When I turn it off and on it shows "no signal" on the screen. I also replaced the ram with two 2Gs. What do I do to stop whatever activity is going on?

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Finding Way To Look Up Activity Time And Date Running On Computer?

Sep 14, 2005

Is there a way that I can look up the time and date of the activity on my computer? I am curious about both Internet activity, such as "at 3:43am on sept. 9, 2005 the page was being visited" and/or any computer activity such as "at 8:00pm the windows media player was being utilized" or "added files at 8:05pm". I guess what I am hoping for is a time-stamp log.I have Windows XP v.2002 SP2. I am connected to the Internet using Qwest DSL 7meg bandwidth max. I have MSN Premium as part of this package. And I am using Norton anti-virus 2004.

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Computer Facing Excessive Hard Drive Activity?

Oct 19, 2010

Recently, within the past few weeks, I've noticed that my hard drive has been running more than usual. I can hear it running, and I see the activity light flashing when the computer is basically at idle and not doing anything. The weird thing is that if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up the performance tab, on the top portion of the graph, there is a spike in CPU activity, with the time interval being almost exactly every 60 seconds for about 2 or 3 seconds, along with corresponding hard drive activity. Then it stops and the activity spike repeats about 60 seconds later, over and over.

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Disk Management / PC Showing Low Space

Sep 24, 2004

When I look at the XP Dish management window, I see an unnamed 5Gb section to the left of C and D drives.It is subtitled (EISA configuration), what is this for? Also the XP help says that there should be a FREE SPACE optoin on the rt-clk menu of the lofical drives. I only see delete. Am I looking at the wrong place? (reason: I would like to create a new logcal drive.

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Disk Management Not Showing Any HD Partitions

Jul 3, 2009

This is my wife's Lenovo T61 and I've posted this in the laptop forums. While attempting to prep for a larger hard drive, I noticed that Disk management isn't showing any HD partitions. It does show the CD ROM device. It will not display USB external hard drive partitions but will display USB CD ROM devices. Device manager and explorer will display hard drives/partitions just fine. At this same time, I found that a scheduled chkdsk /f will not run. The PC just boots normally. Defrag will not run either. I was able to run sfc /scannow plus the Lenovo "disk doctor" utility and nothing is reported to be amiss. Another broken item was system restore. It was enabled but no restore points were available.

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Removable Disk Not Showing Up In Explorer

Aug 27, 2005

I have a usb flash disk storage device and a flash mp3 player (usb) that will
not show up in windows explorer as Removable Disks. Both devices show up in
device manager as working correctly. I am running windows XP.

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Showing Low Hard Disk Space

Mar 9, 2005

Can anyone help me on my little problem? My computer at home has OS Xp and a few programs installed on the c drive which has a partition size of 10 gb, now all the programs should be using about 3 gb of space but it shows that 7 gb is in use. I check the c drive for temp and chk files and there are none. Select all the files including the ones that are hidden and take properties to find out the space they are on and it shows that it is 3 gb. What can possibly be holding back the other 4 gb and is there a way to free the space without formating the computer?

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Removable Disk Not Showing Up - Widows Explorer

Aug 27, 2005

I have a portable flash disk usb storage device and a flash mp3 player (usb)
that will not show up in windows explorer as Removable Disks. Both devices
show up in device manager as working correctly. I am running windows XP.

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Not Showing Any Drivers Under Disk Management - Updating

Sep 19, 2010

I have two logical hard drives and my C drive is Logical, How do i make that my Physical hard drive so i could update to windows 7. Because it's not showing any drivers under Disk management but it shows them under disk defragment

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Wont Load And Showing No Hard Disk?

Mar 6, 2008

hi..found a computer in the garbage and i wanna get it going for my kids.At first it started in safe mode only.I tried to do checkdisk and i restarted now i get a bunch of messages saying missing files such as windowssystem32tfs.sys and isapnp.sys and agp440.sys. Like i said i have no software or anything for this computer but i do have a windows disk for another computer.How hard would it be to wipe the hard drives out,start over and find all my drivers?

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Disk Management Not Showing Properly Xp Home Sp2

Feb 11, 2007

I just recently noticed when I went into control panel administrative tools computer management that my disk management add in/snap in is missing information.It should show me my drive numbers and more. Also there is no right click options when I try to use them on the partitions.Check the picture attached.Probably a microsoft tech would know the answer.

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Hd Enclosure Showing As Local Disk / Unable To Eject?

Jul 30, 2009

I have an external usb hd enclosure with an ntfs 320 gb IDE drive inside it.. when I connect it to my PC it shows up as local disk but I would rather it show as a removable disk so I can properly eject it. How would go about doing this?? thanks! (i have xp sp3)

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Computer Screen Keeps Freezing: Keep Turning The Computer On And Off?

Mar 13, 2008

In recent weeks the computer screen keeps freezing with the cursor being replaced by the hour glass symbol. This usually happens after several hours computer usage - but sometimes it occurs soon after the computer is turned on.When this happens, I am unable to log off; the computer on/off button does not work when the screen freezes and I have to turn the computer off at the mains.In order to be able to log back into my broadband internet connection I have to turn the computer and and off twice and then on again Sometimes when the computer screen image freezes a message box appears always saying "End programme" (i.e. "End programme - CiceroUIWndFrame" or "End programme - mixer").

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Computer Freezing

Dec 28, 2005

Hi! I just recently installed 256 MB of RAM and Windows XP. My computer has started freezing a lot lately. I have to turn computer off and back on. Help.

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Computer Freezing And Beeping

Aug 9, 2007

I've been away at University and have since come back and my parents are having some problems with one of the computers at home.Basically when using the computer Windows will just completely freeze up randomly, the mouse will stop moving, the keyboard will stop moving, and the clock will stop. As this happens, a noise comes from the computer which sounds the same as one of the noises when I turn the computer on, but it repeats a couple of times. It's a more mechanical whirring noise rather than an electronic beep or anything like that. It's very hard to explain - sort of like a build up of 'whirring-ness' and then a click (x I was wondering if this could be a hard drive problem for one - although I have done some diagnostics on the drive with SpeedFan and everything seems to look fine.

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Computer Freezing For 2 Secs Then Ok

Oct 11, 2005

I reformatted my C: drive today and installed win xp pro fresh and now its doing this.

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Computer Crashing And Freezing

Mar 25, 2007

My computer keeps crashing and restarting itself all the time. it also keeps freezing when i am using programs. it doesnt happen with just one program, it happens when i am on the internet too. i have run AVG, spybot search and destroy and spyware blaster but there is nothing coming up as abnormal.

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Computer Freezing And Crashing

Mar 29, 2006

My computer is freezing and crashing can someone help me I'm bout to download hijackthis so I will return with a log in a few mints.

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Computer Freezing Up Every 10 Seconds

Mar 20, 2005

my computer keeps freezin every 10 seconds then stops then again every 10 seconds, and i dont know why i checked task manager and was able to find out every 10 seconds this new thing shows up called and it dissapears right after the freezing is done which last for like less then a second.i tried scanning and deleting the spyware but still it keeps coming.i am using Windows Xp Professional, and also this is a pretty old PC.

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No Response From My Computer - Freezing

Mar 27, 2006

I have issues over here. I can log on, i get my welcome screen and choose my profile and then i freeze, i can't run anything. I can see my icons but my profile freezes, when i choose another profile, it lets you choose a program, and then that freezes

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Computer Freezing All The Time

Mar 29, 2005

I have the most current hijack this version and I have run Norton, Microsoft antispyware, spybot search and destroy, ad aware etc, and my computer keeps freezing. I thought it was Win amp or AOL instant messenger but it still does it when these programs aren't running.

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Computer Is Freezing Up And Restarting By Itself?

Jul 25, 2007

I have a HP Pavilion 554E. Windows XP. It has been running really slow for awhile. And for the past week and a half it has been freezing up and restarting itself. I'll be surprised if i get this finished before it does it again. Also I have tried 4 different browzers and each one is working for a bit then just closing on me. It is driving me crazy. I can't get it to stay on long enough to burn any of my stuff to a disk.

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Computer Keeps Restarting Itself - Freezing Up

May 16, 2006

It just started happening this morning. It keeps restarting itself and I dont know why It has freezed up a couple times and restarted 6-7 times. What happens is once I turn it on and all the programs load I will try to do something and then it just boots up again. Anyone know what is going on? I tried a system restore to 3 days back before it restarted on me but I am still having problems. I was also able to run quick scan with Windows Defender and nothing showed up.

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Computer Freezing Constantly

Dec 15, 2005

My PC is freezing alot mainly after internet activity and especially after e-mails are sent.

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Computer Too Slow And Freezing

Aug 7, 2010

I am staying with my sister in law for a few days and have tried to clean and update her computer for her but have had only limited success so far. I have run a HiJack This scan and attach it below. Itt would be appreciated if someone could have a look at it and see if there is anything else I can do.

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