Did a (SlipStream SP2) "Repair Install". Now have NO IE of any version. And no Defrag; as IE is required.There IS a: C:Windows$NtUninstallie7beta1$ with ONLY--- "spunist.exe".When I attempt to reinstall IE7B, I'm informed that it is already on the computer. Any attempt to install IE7A or IE6 indicates that there is a newer version already installed.
I was deleting one email in an outlook folder (a personal folder), and the entire folder and contents--all emails--disappeared. Can't find them anywhere...They did not go to the delete folder. Any way to retrieve them? Do you know what happened? (I have Windows XP.)
After a PSU failed and took my motherboard with it, I decided to build a new system and move my hard drive. Of course XP wouldn't boot. Since I didn't have an XP disc on hand (old system came with XP preloaded), I purchased Vista figuring I might be able to do an in-place upgrade (i could use 64-bit anyways). This didn't work as the Vista upgrade demanded to be started from within windows. I downloaded a clean version of XP w/ bittorrent and attempted a repair install. This seemed to go fine until setup restarted to complete the installation. Now XP restarts automatically on the loading screen and if I start in safe mode, I get the message "Windows XP Setup cannot run under Safemode."
I recieved a virus and did a complete re-install of windows xp. Unfortunately I did not have a anti-virus program. I unwisely surfed the web and seemed to have contracted another virus. Trend-micro's trial program doesn't seem to be able to locate the virus. I also loaded spybot, ad-aware, and XoftSpySE, and they say I have many problems, but can't seem to fix them every time I run these programs
Built recording studio computer. Mobo Intel DP35 DP, Intel Core2, 4 GB ram,Geforce video card, M-Audio Delta sound card, Windows Xp home w/SP2 Had troubles with screen going blank every 15 minutes. Replaced screen, and video card and finally removed hard drive and formatted it to remove everything including OS. Reinstalled HD and attempted clean install of WinXp Cd w/SP2 In the middle of install I get error setup can not copy the file PLUGIN.OCX how I can complete install of WinXP
windows was unable to complete the disk check from My Computer.What cause this and how can I fix it? Apparently, this is the reason I am unable to perform a defrag.I ran a Chkdsk.exe and got the following msg: The type of the file system is NTFS. Cannot lock current drive.Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? y
I was scanning my computer using spyware sweeper and i saw it scanning all these files that i hadn't put on my computer so i saw where that file was which was C://documentsandsettings/admin/Complete, so i got all the way to admin but there was no Complete folder! so i clicked show hidden files but it still wasnt there! i think its taking alot of my memory.
Using xp build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519:service pack 2.P4 3.4gb with 1gb ram & 300gb hdd. HDD @30% of capacity Something strange going on.Today PC very sluggish and odd behaviour.Normally boots in seconds, now taking about 6 minutes.Have run virus scan, adaware & Spybot S&D. Nothing peculiar.Have tried to Scandisk both from normal boot and safe mode. Get error message: " Windows was unable to complete the disk check"
if i do a clean install of windows xp to replace windows vista, will it create a windows.old folder that has all the stuff i had from before the clean install?
I made the change below however, if I click on a folder in the left hand "Folders" pane, it works as before and opens the folder and displayed in the contents in the right hand pane.
However, if I click on any folders in the right hand (files pane) a new windows explorer window opens a displays the "my documents".
The same thing happens if you click on a shortcut to a folder. Instead of the folder opening, it opens a new window and displays "my documents".
This problems started when I added a new function to the folder file folder file type properties to print out the contents of a folder by calling a batch file that piped the content to a file.
In the file association for file folders in the advanced section I now have three functions - the afore mentioned 'create file list' - explore (the default), and - find
For the folder file type I just have: - explore and - open
Any suggestions on how to put things back to the way Windows Explorer always worked before make clicking folders in the right hand pane open them up properly in the same window as per clicking them on the left hand pane?
When a download is complete, the dialog box opens, announcing "Download Complete" and when I Click the "Open Folder" button the "Download Complete" dialog box closes but the Target Folder doesn�t not open. First noticed this after SP3 in this XP Home environment.
Where�s the �Honor the 'Open Folder' button� setting to get this functionality back?
I cannot find my windows folder on my c drive. In the files and folders "show hidden files and folderS" is checked.No where on the c drive can I see my windows folder.
I have Windows XP with 40GB hard drive. My Windows folder has 18,000+ files using over 30GB !!! I am running low on space and I am not sure what to delete from the folder. I do not use Mcafee.
I would like to rename a Windows system folder, specifically: "C:Documents and SettingsDAVID..."As this information is visible when surfing the web. I have tried doing it the usual way and am presented with a dialogue box saying: "DAVID... is a system folder and is required for windows to run properly. It cannot be moved or renamed."
My pc one day started to reboot all the sudden on its own. i didnt understand, so i took a virus check, adaware and spyware checks. nothing turns out- but then i took the virus check one more time, then when it reached the windows folder, it suddenly rebooted, and that happens almoste all the time when i reach the windows folder. Strange. But just running normaly in windows, it runs fine. But when i play games, it reboots all the sudden
How To Import My Music Folder To Windows Media,or Nero Burn.I Have This Folder That Has All Mp3 Music In It, And I Have Burned Music Before,but! On The One I Just Burned I Put The Disc In The Dvd Player,and It Just Shows Me The Track #s. The Disc I Burned Before Had The Track #, Title And Song. My Question Is.. How Do I Format.Or Import The Whole Folder To My Burner.(windows Media Player).I Would Like To Use Nero Burner. Do I Open The My Music Folder,And Slide The Track Over To The Burn Unit? Or Slide Over The Whole Folder? The Folder Has Only 10 Songs I Want To Burn. I Am Ilitterate To The Computer,so! I Don't Know How To Do These
I have a problem with my pc. Can anybody help me? I normally save my all works and files in my documents folder in my windows xp OS. I have a username to log in to my pc.underthis user name I had made my documents private.One day to do some work I logged in to the PC as an administrator.Here I delete my user account and created with same name again. But now I have lost all my documents. I can see it's there in my documents and settings but access denied because of the folder made PRIVATE. Can you help me to get my documents back?
Does anybody know how to change the folder that Windows Explorer first opens when invoked? Mine defaults to My Documents, which is very large and 99% of the time I don't want, so I would like to change it to My Computer or simply to drive C:
Im mad that my My Music folder is empty, how do i put my windows media player music in it? whenever i download music i just go to "Add to windows media player", how do i bring that to "My music"
On yahoo home page was holding mouse over an ad. The computer suddenly crashed and restarted. My husband then got a sudden error message on his computer.
"One of the files containing the System's registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful" You could not get it to go away if you clicked ok. We restarted in manually because you were not able to get into start or any programs at all. I did get it to go away at one point but still could not get into any programs or start menu. I was trying to run an anti virus and also a clean up and fix of registry, but could not.
I am planning to reformat my desktop this weekend. I currently have Windows ME,upgraded to Windows XP Home. I would like to buy the complete Windows XP Home (with SP2) so I can have a nice clean (and hopefully easy!) reformatting experience. Am I allowed to sell my old Windows XP Home "Upgrade" software to else on Ebay I have all the cumentation and serial numbers. Is there anything else I need to provide to a potential buyer It would be nice to recoup some of the cost of my new Window
I cannot seem to install SP2. Every time I try, it freezes up somewhere in the middle. I just tried last night, and it never made it past the first message. Something like "Initializing installation". It doesn't sound like the hard drive is doing anything. When I try to cancel the install, it will then freeze on the "Cancelling Installation" message. The only way out is to "End Task". The furthest I got was one time when it seemed to finish installing, but when it rebooted, my system was at 640 x 480 resolution, and still at SP1! I then ran a System Restore and got back to where I originally was, minus a bunch of security patches, even though the point I restored should have already had those patches
-When trying to install, I let it run OVERNIGHT, so it has plenty of time to work.)
-System is clean of Spyware, Viruses, etc.
-System performance is pretty good, although I do get an occasional blue screen, hence the reason I'm finally trying to update.
Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this?
My laptop (Presario 2700) froze last night. I tried to restart it several times and it completely stops at the Windows XP screen. Running the Home edition. Even in safe mode, it stops at the XP screen.
I installed SP3 onto my computer a couple days ago. As soon as I rebooted I encountered a reboot loop that reboots before windows starts. I do not even get to a blue screen. I have no access to safe mode, VGA mode, etc. For the sake of excluding it as an issue, I do not have a AMD.
Once I've downloaded the updates windows fails to install them. I've even tried one at a time and still nothing. I'm logged in as a domain admin figuring it was permissions related however it still fails to apply the updates.
I had to reformat my computer due to the fact that It wasn't booting anymore for some reason..well I tried setting it up and when it comes to the OS setup screen it told me it was going to install XP Pro. I was actually using my friends CD so I didn't know what OS was gonna install...so I didn't have the right key because my key is for MCE 2005, so I get my CD to install MCE 2005. I guess my computer still thinks it's about to install XP Pro and i get this fatal error that says, "An error has been encountered that prevents Setup from continuing. Setup failed to install the product catalogs. This is a fatal error."
I have reinstalled Windows XP on my Dell Dimension 8000. I got XP installed ok but then need to connect to the internet to update/download all the software I need. Network Setup Wizard cannot find any network hardware. All I need to do is connect the PC to my home network (wired). This all worked before, I just can't figure out how to get the computer to recognise the modem?In Device Manager there is no modem listed. Shouldn't there be one? Is it drivers? I put the Dell drivers disk in which didn't seem to do anything.
I'm trying to schedule AdAware to run weekly in the middle of the night. I've set up a scheduled task which does exactly what it is supposed to do--to a point. Adaware pops right up at the appointed time, but requires a "run scan" click from me to proceed any further. I've configured AdAware for automated scans and had hoped the scheduler, combined with this setting would kick off a truly automatic scan while I sleep soundly.
I have windows xp 2002 and Check / Scan Disk freezes at 49% after showing a bunch of unreadable sectors / files. How can I "force" scan disk to fix errors? I don't have the ability to reinstall windows as a fix.
I use V-Com Fix It as my suite to handle system maintenance including antivirus protection. When I try to run a scan, it goes through memory scan fine and starts working on the actual files. At some point it chokes on a file and the system starts acting strangely. The icons in the taskbar either disappear or duplicate, but when I run the cursor over them they usually disappear. If I try to launch a program I'm given various error messages like it's a bad image or not a valid system 32 file. The only solution is to reboot and that can usually only be accomplished by hitting the reset button on the case. (After posting this message, I'm going to do it again and post more of the messages I get) My CounterSpy programs scans fine, with no suspicious problems. I got Karsperky's online virus scanner to run and it didn't find anything suspicious either.
I think the problem surfaced shortly after installing .NET Framework, but I'm not sure that's the problem. I've tried uninstalling .NET Framework, re-installing version 2.0, but the same problem occurs. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Fix It. I've tried using MSCONFIG to do a diagnostic boot with no mandatory service running, but still had the problem. The problem has also happened on its own without the virus scanner running. The autofile scan was probably running in the background though. The PC had been sitting for a few hours.I REALLY don't want to do a complete reinstall of XP if I don't have to. So, I'm hoping somebody here can come up with some other stuff to try.I'm running XP SP2, Fix It 7, CounterSpy 2, Kerio Personal Firewall.