Scan Disk Won't Complete

Mar 25, 2007

I have windows xp 2002 and Check / Scan Disk freezes at 49% after showing a bunch of unreadable sectors / files. How can I "force" scan disk to fix errors? I don't have the ability to reinstall windows as a fix.

View 14 Replies


System Won't Complete AV Scan

Apr 8, 2007

I use V-Com Fix It as my suite to handle system maintenance including antivirus protection. When I try to run a scan, it goes through memory scan fine and starts working on the actual files. At some point it chokes on a file and the system starts acting strangely. The icons in the taskbar either disappear or duplicate, but when I run the cursor over them they usually disappear. If I try to launch a program I'm given various error messages like it's a bad image or not a valid system 32 file. The only solution is to reboot and that can usually only be accomplished by hitting the reset button on the case. (After posting this message, I'm going to do it again and post more of the messages I get) My CounterSpy programs scans fine, with no suspicious problems. I got Karsperky's online virus scanner to run and it didn't find anything suspicious either.

I think the problem surfaced shortly after installing .NET Framework, but I'm not sure that's the problem. I've tried uninstalling .NET Framework, re-installing version 2.0, but the same problem occurs. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Fix It. I've tried using MSCONFIG to do a diagnostic boot with no mandatory service running, but still had the problem. The problem has also happened on its own without the virus scanner running. The autofile scan was probably running in the background though. The PC had been sitting for a few hours.I REALLY don't want to do a complete reinstall of XP if I don't have to. So, I'm hoping somebody here can come up with some other stuff to try.I'm running XP SP2, Fix It 7, CounterSpy 2, Kerio Personal Firewall.

View 15 Replies View Related

Computer Lagging And Cannot Complete Scan

Apr 28, 2007

I have XP and I am lagging bad, pics won't load. I've tried to do bitdefender and my computer shuts down half way through every time.

View 14 Replies View Related

Disk Defragment, Scan Disk And System Restore Not Working?

Dec 29, 2008

I've tried it in safe mode too, and I get the same message for defragmenter "disk defragmenter could not start", for scan disk "..could not complete scan ", and system restore just does not respond when I select the restore point, I can only close it.

View 11 Replies View Related

Has Virus And Virus Scan Cant Complete Task

Jun 26, 2005

Hi just joined this forum today to see if anyone kind enought can help me out The problem is one of my drives has a virus,i have done a complete scan with online virus scans such as panda Trend micro housecall etc, i have used my norton program too but when these programs carry out a full system scan ,it gets to a certain point my
computer makes a clicking noise for a second then my screen freezes up i cant move the mouse pointer basicaly screen freezes. i know i have some infected files but i dont know which ones are infected as the virus scan dosnt finish and show end results

View 8 Replies View Related

Disk Cleanup Doesnot Scan Disk

Jul 21, 2005

When I run Disk Cleanup, it says it is scanning the disk, and I hear disk working noises, but in just a couple of seconds it presents me with its list of proposed files to delete.It *never* offers to compress old files, though I certainly have files that qualify. Just to test it, I clicked on the Options button and
changed the default "age" of files to compress to 7 days instead of 50. Disk Cleanup *still* didn't find any to offer me.

View 8 Replies View Related

Complete Format Disk

Feb 9, 2009

I decided to do a complete format with my windows disk, and so I booted from it and I have come upon the selection screen which asks which partition it wants to install under. There was an E: partition, which I removed.

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Windows Was Unable To Complete Disk Check From Computer

Mar 23, 2009

windows was unable to complete the disk check from My Computer.What cause this and how can I fix it? Apparently, this is the reason I am unable to perform a defrag.I ran a Chkdsk.exe and got the following msg: The type of the file system is NTFS. Cannot lock current drive.Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? y

View 2 Replies View Related

Scan Disk

Sep 28, 2007

My laptop keeps doing a scan disk at least three times a week when my computer boots up. It does find errors and fixes them, but the it continues to happen. I am also having a problem accessing help and support. I have run a disk defrag, disk cleanup, Spybot check, CCleaner, and Avg Virus scan and they have come up with nothing. I have a Compaq Presario C304NR that is running Windows XP. As far as I know my Windows XP is completely updated. I'm not sure what other information you need to know so I went into dxdiag sorry if this is to much information lol just wasn't sure what u would need to know. Thank you for any help that you can give me...oh also I have a lot of programs that load up when I first start up. I want to shut down the ones I don't need and know how, but don't know which ones I can safely shut down.
System Information
Time of this report: 9/28/2007, 16:42:17
Machine name: YOUR-0548C161E1
Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: n/a
System Model: n/a
BIOS: n/a
Processor: Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 420 @ 1.60GHz
Memory: 502MB RAM
Page File: 605MB used, 632MB available
Windows Dir: C:WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode

DxDiag Notes
DirectX Files Tab: No problems found.
Display Tab 1: No problems found.
Sound Tab 1: No problems found.
Music Tab: No problems found.
Input Tab: No problems found.
Network Tab: No problems found.

DirectX Debug Levels
Direct3D: 0/4 (n/a)
DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)
DirectInput: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectMusic: 0/5 (n/a)
DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)
DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)
DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)

Display Devices
Card name: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Chip type: Intel(R) GMA 950
DAC type: Internal
Device Key: EnumPCIVEN_8086&DEV_27A2&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_03
Display Memory: 128.0 MB
Current Mode: 1280 x 800 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Monitor: Plug and Play Monitor
Monitor Max Res: 1600,1200
Driver Name: igxprd32.dll
Driver Version: 6.14.0010.4670 (English)
DDI Version: 9 (or higher)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Driver Date/Size: 8/14/2006 15:59:52, 48128 bytes
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
WHQL Date Stamp: n/a
VDD: n/a
Mini VDD: igxpmp32.sys
Mini VDD Date: 8/14/2006 16:00:24, 1109568 bytes
Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-64E2-11CF-B261-AF10A2C2CB35}
Vendor ID: 0x8086
Device ID: 0x27A2
SubSys ID: 0x30A5103C
Revision ID: 0x0003
Revision ID: 0x0003
Video Accel:
Deinterlace Caps: n/a
Registry: OK
DDraw Status: Enabled
D3D Status: Enabled
AGP Status: Not Available
DDraw Test Result: Not run
D3D7 Test Result: Not run
D3D8 Test Result: Not run
D3D9 Test Result: Not run

Sound Devices
Description: Conexant HD Audio output
Default Sound Playback: Yes
Default Voice Playback: Yes
Hardware ID: HDAUDIOFUNC_01&VEN_14F1&DEV_5047&SUBSYS_103C30A5&REV_1000
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Type: WDM
Driver Name: CHDAud.sys
Driver Version: 3.40.0000.0000 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
Date and Size: 5/1/2007 02:11:54, 630272 bytes
Other Files:
Driver Provider: Conexant
HW Accel Level: Full
Cap Flags: 0xB5B
Min/Max Sample Rate: 8000, 48000
Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 13, 12
Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0
HW Memory: 0
Voice Management: No
EAX(tm) 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No
I3DL2(tm) Listen/Src: No, No
Sensaura(tm) ZoomFX(tm): No
Registry: OK
Sound Test Result: Not run

Sound Capture Devices
Description: Conexant HD Audio input
Default Sound Capture: Yes
Default Voice Capture: Yes
Driver Name: CHDAud.sys
Driver Version: 3.40.0000.0000 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
Date and Size: 5/1/2007 02:11:54, 630272 bytes
Cap Flags: 0x41
Format Flags: 0xCCC

DLS Version: 1.00.0016.0002
Acceleration: n/a
Ports: Microsoft Synthesizer, Software (Not Kernel Mode), Output, DLS, Internal, Default Port
Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth [Emulated], Hardware (Not Kernel Mode), Output, No DLS, Internal
Registry: OK
Test Result: Not run

DirectInput Devices
Device Name: Mouse
Attached: 1
Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Keyboard
Attached: 1
Controller ID: n/a
Vendor/Product ID: n/a
FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: HP Quick Launch Buttons
Attached: 1
Controller ID: 0x0
Vendor/Product ID: 0x3647, 0x0001
FF Driver: n/a

Poll w/ Interrupt: No
Registry: OK

USB Devices
+ USB Root Hub
| Vendor/Product ID: 0x8086, 0x27C8
| Matching Device ID: usb
| Service: usbhub
| Driver: usbhub.sys, 8/4/2004 02:08:44, 57600 bytes
| Driver: usbd.sys, 8/4/2004 17:00:00, 4736 bytes

Gameport Devices

PS/2 Devices
+ Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard
| Matching Device ID: *pnp0303
| Service: i8042prt
| Driver: i8042prt.sys, 8/4/2004 17:00:00, 52736 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 8/4/2004 09:58:34, 24576 bytes
+ HID Keyboard Device
| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard
| Service: kbdhid
| Driver: kbdhid.sys, 8/4/2004 01:58:36, 14848 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 8/4/2004 09:58:34, 24576 bytes
+ Terminal Server Keyboard Driver
| Matching Device ID: root
| Upper Filters: kbdclass
| Service: TermDD
| Driver: termdd.sys, 8/4/2004 12:01:08, 40840 bytes
| Driver: kbdclass.sys, 8/4/2004 09:58:34, 24576 bytes
+ Synaptics PS/2 Port TouchPad
| Matching Device ID: *syn011f
| Upper Filters: SynTP
| Service: i8042prt
+ Terminal Server Mouse Driver
| Matching Device ID: root
| Upper Filters: mouclass
| Service: TermDD
| Driver: termdd.sys, 8/4/2004 12:01:08, 40840 bytes
| Driver: mouclass.sys, 8/4/2004 09:58:34, 23040 bytes

DirectPlay Service Providers
DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
DirectPlay8 IPX Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider - Registry: OK, File: dpnet.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
Internet TCP/IP Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
IPX Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpwsockx.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
Modem Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.2180)
Serial Connection For DirectPlay - Registry: OK, File: dpmodemx.dll (5.03.2600.2180)

DirectPlay Voice Wizard Tests: Full Duplex: Passed, Half Duplex: Passed, Mic: Passed
DirectPlay Test Result: Not run
Registry: OK

DirectPlay Adapters
DirectPlay8 Modem Service Provider: HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem with SmartCP
DirectPlay8 Serial Service Provider: COM3
DirectPlay8 TCP/IP Service Provider: Wireless Network Connection 2 - IPv4 -

DirectPlay Voice Codecs
Voxware VR12 1.4kbit/s
Voxware SC06 6.4kbit/s
Voxware SC03 3.2kbit/s
MS-PCM 64 kbit/s
MS-ADPCM 32.8 kbit/s
Microsoft GSM 6.10 13 kbit/s
TrueSpeech(TM) 8.6 kbit/s

DirectPlay Lobbyable Apps

System Devices
Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) Ultra ATA Storage Controllers - 27DF
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27DF&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&F9
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSintelide.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 01:59:42, 5504 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSpciidex.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 01:59:42, 25088 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSatapi.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 01:59:44, 95360 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) SMBus Controller - 27DA
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27DA&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&FB
Driver: n/a

Name: Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27D8&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&D8
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERShdaudbus.sys, 5.10.0001.5013 (English), 1/7/2005 20:07:18, 138752 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Root Port - 27D4
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27D4&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&E2
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSpci.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:07:48, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Root Port - 27D2
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27D2&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&E1
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSpci.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:07:48, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Root Port - 27D0
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27D0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&E0
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSpci.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:07:48, 68224 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 27CC
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27CC&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&EF
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbehci.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:49, 30080 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbport.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:49, 143360 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 03:56:48, 74240 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:08:44, 57600 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32hccoin.dll, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 17:00:00, 7168 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CB
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27CB&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&EB
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:50, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbport.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:49, 143360 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 03:56:48, 74240 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:08:44, 57600 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27CA
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27CA&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&EA
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:50, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbport.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:49, 143360 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 03:56:48, 74240 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:08:44, 57600 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C9
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C9&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&E9
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:50, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbport.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:49, 143360 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 03:56:48, 74240 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:08:44, 57600 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB Universal Host Controller - 27C8
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C8&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&E8
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbuhci.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:50, 20608 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbport.sys, 5.01.2600.2891 (English), 4/19/2006 07:50:49, 143360 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32usbui.dll, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 03:56:48, 74240 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversusbhub.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:08:44, 57600 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801GBM SATA AHCI Controller
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27C5&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&FA
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSiaStor.sys, 5.05.0000.1035 (English), 10/13/2005 05:07:12, 874240 bytes

Name: Intel(R) 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Controller - 27B9
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27B9&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_013&B1BFB68&0&F8
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSisapnp.sys, 5.01.2600.0000 (English), 8/17/2001 16:58:02, 35840 bytes

Name: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27A6&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_033&B1BFB68&0&11
Driver: n/a

Name: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27A2&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_033&B1BFB68&0&10
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSigxpmp32.sys, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 16:00:24, 1109568 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxprd32.dll, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 15:59:52, 48128 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxpgd32.dll, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 15:59:42, 140288 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxpdv32.dll, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 15:59:14, 1304320 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxpdx32.dll, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 16:01:06, 2076160 bytes
Driver:, 8/14/2006 14:27:00, 524850 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxpxa32.vp, 8/14/2006 14:27:02, 929 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxpxk32.vp, 8/14/2006 14:27:02, 58704 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igxpxs32.vp, 8/14/2006 16:30:02, 22416 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32hccutils.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:37:04, 81920 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxsrvc.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:37:32, 43520 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxsrvc.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:37:30, 188416 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxpph.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:37:50, 163840 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxcpl.cpl, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:39:22, 94208 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxcfg.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:08, 450560 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxdev.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:37:00, 155648 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxdo.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:38:00, 98304 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxtray.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:39:08, 98304 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxzoom.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:38:54, 106496 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32hkcmd.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:28, 114688 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxress.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:38:14, 3276800 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxpers.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:38:08, 94208 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrara.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:42, 143360 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrchs.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:42, 98304 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrcht.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:44, 98304 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrdan.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:44, 159744 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrdeu.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:44, 176128 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrenu.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:37:10, 155648 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxresp.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:46, 172032 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrfin.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:46, 159744 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrfra.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:46, 167936 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrheb.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:48, 139264 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrita.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:48, 172032 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrjpn.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:50, 114688 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrkor.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:50, 114688 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrnld.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:50, 172032 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrnor.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:50, 159744 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrplk.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:52, 163840 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrptb.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:52, 163840 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrptg.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:52, 163840 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrrus.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:52, 163840 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrsve.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:54, 159744 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrtha.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:54, 147456 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrcsy.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:44, 159744 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrell.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:46, 176128 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrhun.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:48, 167936 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxrtrk.lrc, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:54, 155648 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxext.exe, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:36, 110592 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxexps.dll, 3.00.0000.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 14:41:36, 23552 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32difx32.dll, 2.01.0000.0000 (English), 4/21/2006 10:13:40, 309760 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32iglicd32.dll, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 15:16:50, 2363392 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igldev32.dll, 6.14.0010.4670 (English), 8/14/2006 15:19:24, 450560 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32igfxCoIn_v4670.dll, 8/14/2006 16:24:12, 192512 bytes
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32difxapi.dll, 2.01.0000.0000 (English), 4/21/2006 10:13:40, 309760 bytes

Name: Mobile Intel(R) 955XM/945GM/PM/GMS/940GML Express Processor to DRAM Controller Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_27A0&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_033&B1BFB68&0&00
Driver: n/a

Name: Intel(R) 82801 PCI Bridge - 2448
Device ID: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_2448&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_E13&B1BFB68&0&F0
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSpci.sys, 5.01.2600.2180 (English), 8/4/2004 02:07:48, 68224 bytes

Name: Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN
Device ID: PCIVEN_14E4&DEV_4311&SUBSYS_1363103C&REV_014&38B5BDF7&0&00E2
Driver: n/a

Name: Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC
Device ID: PCIVEN_10EC&DEV_8139&SUBSYS_30A5103C&REV_104&2EC23395&0&40F0
Driver: C:WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSRtnicxp.sys, 5.663.1212.2006 (English), 12/14/2006 16:44:06, 85120 bytes

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Scan Disk

Aug 31, 2005

I need to run scan disk but it isn't in my system any more or was it
ever? I use XP HOmed Editon with Serv. pack 2?
Can I find it somewhere?

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Scan Disk

Feb 12, 2005

When I try to scan my computer with scan disk, once scan disk starts, in a couple of seconds it says that it's complete. Before when I used to scan my computer, it used to say which part it is currently scanning and it shows the pecentage.

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Where To Find 'scan Disk'?

Jul 18, 2005

Could someone please tell me where to find 'scan disk' I have windowsxp home
edition with sp2

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Scan Disk Found FS-Rec

Jun 13, 2006

Computer has been operating very slow, especially with shut down. You have to keep trying shutdown. So I attempted to run chkdsk. AT first it wouldn't run so I choose to have it run on reboot. It was proceeding along nicely,then received the following error found at FS-Rec.sys address F9EOFS1D base at F9EOF000 Datestamp 3b7d8361. I have run a scan using Symantec Antivirus also adaware and spybot without anything being found.

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Scan Disk Missing

Nov 3, 2008

My scan disk is missing from my computer,,,Please help me get it back...Diminsion 8400 xp pro

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Scan Prompts For Disk - Correct CD

Jan 8, 2007

Intel Dual Core 2.4Ghz / XP MCE SP2.Running sfc /scannow I get the following message that is well documented on this forum and elsewhere: "Files that are required for Windows to run properly must be copied to the DLL Cache. Insert your Windows XP Professional SP2 CD-ROM now."My problem is that I know I am using the correct CD, and I can't see why Slipstreaming should be necessary, but I still get the error.Some history:01 New PC supplied from manufacturer with XP MCE SP2 backup disk02 Reformatted the HDDs and rebuilt the PC how I wanted it to be using this backup disk to load the o/s03 After installing a particular application I startedto get odd behaviour so ran sfc /scannow04 The error reported above occurred so I checked that the CD has a full i386 directory (it does, of course given I used it to build the PC)

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Disk Cleanup / The Scan Just Freezes

Dec 15, 2006

when i do my disk cleanup my the scan just freezes and never completes.

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Shut Down / Scan Disk - Can't Restart

Apr 22, 2007

Son's Dell 2600--3 yrs old has just crashed. Disk was fairly full (lots of music, plus recent I-pod video converter installed). Right before this happened, I did routine virus, adware scans then error check. During error check, the computer shut down and blue screen came up saying "problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage." It goes on to say if this is the first time restart (same thing happened) and if not to disable/uninstall antivirus, etc (impossible if I can't get computer to start normally) and to run chkdsk. There is a STOP message: STOP: 0x00000024 (0x001901FF, 0x82B97920, 0xc0000102, 0x00000000). The second of those four sets of numbers changes with each restart. After restarting, I am given options to go into safe mode, last known good config., etc. All end up with the same blue screen and message. I have searched google high and low yesterday and today, tried various things, tried Win XP CD (goes right back to options for safe mode, etc.).

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No Disk In Drive - Scan The Computer

Jan 2, 2007

I keep getting the error message "Windows No Disk". In the error box is the message "There is no disk in the Drive, Please insert a disk into the drive" No drive letter is specified. I've tried putting disks in every drive, & still get the message. I have to hit the "cancel" or "continue" key several times.I read a lot on this and have tried many things, but the error still comes back.I have scanned my computer in safe mode with AVG antivirus and antispyware. Nothing appears.

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Svchost.exe Eating 95MB Memory - Scan Disk

Dec 6, 2004

To all those with the ability to step up to the plate and knock this one out of the park (steroids permitted):Shortly after starting windows xp home edition, a process named "svchost.exe" starts and ties up 50% of my cpu usage. The process will not end on its own so I open the task manager and end the process. I've been running Norton Anti-Virus 2004, Ad-aware SE Personal, and Spybot Search & Destroy. I update these programs daily, yet they show no unwanted guests on my computer. How do I get rid of this booger.

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Scan For File Corruption - Errors + Disk Wiping

Jul 18, 2009

I would like to see if all data files in my computer are still healthy, i.e. they haven't been damaged or corrupt yet. Manually opening one by one is not an option. There are literally millions of files. I knew the System File Checker but it is only for Windows system files. I want to check the health of all my data files. Disk checking, as far as I know, has nothing to do with file corruption. The drive can be healthy even if some files have been corrupt unrelated to drive failure reasons.I tried to search on the net but couldn't find any.

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Cannot Scandisk -"Windows Was Unable To Complete The Disk Check"

Jul 24, 2005

Using xp build 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519:service pack 2.P4 3.4gb with 1gb ram & 300gb hdd. HDD @30% of capacity Something strange going on.Today PC very sluggish and odd behaviour.Normally boots in seconds, now taking about 6 minutes.Have run virus scan, adaware & Spybot S&D. Nothing peculiar.Have tried to Scandisk both from normal boot and safe mode.
Get error message: " Windows was unable to complete the disk check"

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BSOD During PerfectDisc Scan Or Registry Mechanic Scan

Nov 19, 2006

I went to use PerfectDisc yesterday, it suggested I do a bootup scan, I did, allowed it to do pagefile scan too. Ran fine. Then rebooted, went to do regular scan. it locked up on the Blue Screen of Death.

"Bad_Pool_Header" and gave some error info... 0x00000019, and so on.

Computer runs fine though otherwise, which is funny.

Then when I try to go to Registry Mechanic and scan, it goes all the way through, and on I believe the deepscan, it always goes to BSOD there. I think while it's in the HKEY section of current user.

There may be other programs that will cause the BSOD, but these 2 are the only ones so far. Please guide me through this....Anyone.

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McAfee Virus Scan Takes Very Long To Scan

Aug 19, 2005

I have McAfee Managed Virus Scan.When I scan my computer or a folder it takes a very long time. How would I speed things up?

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Warnings In Scan Report - Did A Virus Scan

Mar 6, 2006

I did a virus scan using Avira Antivir. There were no viruses on the computer bit it said there were 53 warnings which are as follows:

[WARNING] The file could not be opened!

C:Documents and SettingsLocalServiceNTUSER.DAT

[WARNING] The file could not be opened!

C:Documents and SettingsLocalService

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Repair Installation Will Not Complete

May 17, 2009

On yahoo home page was holding mouse over an ad. The computer suddenly crashed and restarted. My husband then got a sudden error message on his computer.

"One of the files containing the System's registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful" You could not get it to go away if you clicked ok. We restarted in manually because you were not able to get into start or any programs at all. I did get it to go away at one point but still could not get into any programs or start menu. I was trying to run an anti virus and also a clean up and fix of registry, but could not.

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Upgrade Vs. Complete Install

Oct 9, 2006

I am planning to reformat my desktop this weekend. I currently have Windows ME,upgraded to Windows XP Home. I would like to buy the complete Windows XP Home (with SP2) so I can have a nice clean (and hopefully easy!) reformatting experience. Am I allowed to sell my old Windows XP Home "Upgrade" software to else on Ebay I have all the cumentation and serial numbers. Is there anything else I need to provide to a potential buyer It would be nice to recoup some of the cost of my new Window

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Home SP2 Install Won't Complete?

Jul 26, 2005

I cannot seem to install SP2. Every time I try, it freezes up somewhere in the middle. I just tried last night, and it never made it past the first message. Something like "Initializing installation". It doesn't sound like the hard drive is doing anything. When I try to cancel the install, it will then freeze on the "Cancelling Installation" message. The only way out is to "End Task". The furthest I got was one time when it seemed to finish installing, but when it rebooted, my system was at 640 x 480 resolution, and still at SP1! I then ran a System Restore and got back to where I originally was, minus a bunch of security patches, even though the point I restored should have already had those patches


-When trying to install, I let it run OVERNIGHT, so it has plenty of time to work.)

-System is clean of Spyware, Viruses, etc.

-System performance is pretty good, although I do get an occasional blue screen, hence the reason I'm finally trying to update.

Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this?

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Laptop Will Not Complete Restart

Mar 18, 2006

My laptop (Presario 2700) froze last night. I tried to restart it several times and it completely stops at the Windows XP screen. Running the Home edition. Even in safe mode, it stops at the XP screen.

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Complete Crash After Installing SP3?

Aug 27, 2008

I installed SP3 onto my computer a couple days ago. As soon as I rebooted I encountered a reboot loop that reboots before windows starts. I do not even get to a blue screen. I have no access to safe mode, VGA mode, etc. For the sake of excluding it as an issue, I do not have a AMD.

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Unable To Complete Pro Updates

Jul 28, 2008

Once I've downloaded the updates windows fails to install them. I've even tried one at a time and still nothing. I'm logged in as a domain admin figuring it was permissions related however it still fails to apply the updates.

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Cannot Complete The Setup After Reformat

Jul 12, 2008

I had to reformat my computer due to the fact that It wasn't booting anymore for some reason..well I tried setting it up and when it comes to the OS setup screen it told me it was going to install XP Pro. I was actually using my friends CD so I didn't know what OS was gonna I didn't have the right key because my key is for MCE 2005, so I get my CD to install MCE 2005. I guess my computer still thinks it's about to install XP Pro and i get this fatal error that says, "An error has been encountered that prevents Setup from continuing. Setup failed to install the product catalogs. This is a fatal error."

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