Windows Folder Has 18,000+ Files Using Over 30GB?

Dec 30, 2005

I have Windows XP with 40GB hard drive. My Windows folder has 18,000+ files using over 30GB !!! I am running low on space and I am not sure what to delete from the folder. I do not use Mcafee.

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Save All Works And Files In My Documents Folder In Windows Xp OS

Jul 14, 2005

I have a problem with my pc. Can anybody help me? I normally save my all works and files in my documents folder in my windows xp OS. I have a username to log in to my pc.underthis user name I had made my documents private.One day to do some work I logged in to the PC as an administrator.Here I delete my user account and created with same name again. But now I have lost all my documents. I can see it's there in my documents and settings but access denied because of the folder made PRIVATE. Can you help me to get my documents back?

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2000pro See 30GB HDD As 7GB

Feb 8, 2009

I ran into an issue reformatting my 30gb drive after using GetDataBack to recover data from the drive. Partition Magic sees it as 8gb accessible, Disk Management sees it as 7.8gb inaccessible. The BIOS sees it as 30gb and the PM8 DOS boot floppy sees it as 30gb. (8gb and 21gb) I formatted the 21gb as the 8gb was already formatted with the PM8 Windows. I booted back to windows but it still says 7.8gb in Disk Management but now says 8gb and 21gb in PM8 Windows. They are accessible in PM8 but not through windows. I have SP4 on board and all other updates. I know there is a solution for this but it�s escaping me.

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Doing A Clean Install Of Windows Xp Create A Windows.old Folder?

Jul 21, 2010

if i do a clean install of windows xp to replace windows vista, will it create a windows.old folder that has all the stuff i had from before the clean install?

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MS Shortcuts To Copy Folder And Sub Folder & Files

Apr 1, 2008

I need to create two unqiue shortcuts that will copy two different folders contents and overwrite to another folder (including all sub-folders & files).The destination folder/subs will be the same location for both of the other two folders being copied.

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List Files In Folder/Sub-Folder By Filename

Aug 23, 2005

I have hundreds of photos in subfolders, the photo names being prefixedwith a 4-digit sequence number.I would like to be able to create a text file containing all the files
sorted by File Name and then showing the sub-folder that they are in -is that possible?

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Windows Explorer And Folder Shortcuts Open To "my Documents" And Not The Folder

Apr 2, 2007

I made the change below however, if I click on a folder in the left hand "Folders" pane, it works as before and opens the folder and displayed in the contents in the right hand pane.

However, if I click on any folders in the right hand (files pane) a new windows explorer window opens a displays the "my documents".

The same thing happens if you click on a shortcut to a folder. Instead of the folder opening, it opens a new window and displays "my documents".

This problems started when I added a new function to the folder file folder file type properties to print out the contents of a folder by calling a batch file that piped the content to a file.

In the file association for file folders in the advanced section I now have three functions
- the afore mentioned 'create file list'
- explore (the default), and
- find

For the folder file type I just have:
- explore and
- open

Any suggestions on how to put things back to the way Windows Explorer always worked before make clicking folders in the right hand pane open them up properly in the same window as per clicking them on the left hand pane?

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Explorer Wont Open Files In A Folder After Downloading Files?

Aug 1, 2010

when i download a file and then try to open it. i get an error that the specified file has encountered a problem and needs to close. if i cut and past the file to a location outside the folder i can then run the program.

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Arranging Files Types - Various Files In Desktop Folder

Nov 5, 2006

I have Windows XP. I have a folder on my desktop with various files in it, of different types, like word pad files, pdf files, etc. They are all mixed up. I would like to arrange these files in order of file type.

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Missing Windows Folder

Apr 16, 2007

I cannot find my windows folder on my c drive. In the files and folders "show hidden files and folderS" is checked.No where on the c drive can I see my windows folder.

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Complete Folder - C:Windows$NtUninstallie7beta2$?

May 28, 2006

Did a (SlipStream SP2) "Repair Install". Now have NO IE of any version. And no Defrag; as IE is required.There IS a: C:Windows$NtUninstallie7beta1$ with ONLY--- "spunist.exe".When I attempt to reinstall IE7B, I'm informed that it is already on the computer. Any attempt to install IE7A or IE6 indicates that there is a newer version already installed.

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Renaming Windows System Folder?

Jun 10, 2006

I would like to rename a Windows system folder, specifically: "C:Documents and SettingsDAVID..."As this information is visible when surfing the web. I have tried doing it the usual way and am presented with a dialogue box saying: "DAVID... is a system folder and is required for windows to run properly. It cannot be moved or renamed."

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On Reaching The Windows Folder - System Reboots

Jul 17, 2005

My pc one day started to reboot all the sudden on its own. i didnt understand, so i took a virus check, adaware and spyware checks. nothing turns out- but then i took the virus check one more time, then when it reached the windows folder, it suddenly rebooted, and that happens almoste all the time when i reach the windows folder. Strange. But just running normaly in windows, it runs fine. But when i play games, it reboots all the sudden

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Right Click Folder In Windows Explorer - Halts

Aug 31, 2005

When I right-click a folder in Windows explorer, explorer hangs. I'm using Windows XP Pro SP2. How can this be solved?

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How To Import My Music Folder To Windows Media?

Feb 24, 2005

How To Import My Music Folder To Windows Media,or Nero Burn.I Have This Folder That Has All Mp3 Music In It, And I Have Burned Music Before,but! On The One I Just Burned I Put The Disc In The Dvd Player,and It Just Shows Me The Track #s. The Disc I Burned Before Had The Track #, Title And Song. My Question Is.. How Do I Format.Or Import The Whole Folder To My Burner.(windows Media Player).I Would Like To Use Nero Burner. Do I Open The My Music Folder,And Slide The Track Over To The Burn Unit? Or Slide Over The Whole Folder? The Folder Has Only 10 Songs I Want To Burn. I Am Ilitterate To The Computer,so! I Don't Know How To Do These

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How To Change Folder Windows Explorer First Opens When Invoked?

Aug 2, 2006

Does anybody know how to change the folder that Windows Explorer first opens when invoked? Mine defaults to My Documents, which is very large and 99% of the time I don't want, so I would like to change it to My Computer or simply to drive C:

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Cant Run Any .exe Files - Deleted .exe In Folder

Aug 18, 2005

I accidently deleted .exe in Folder Options in the control panel.

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Folder There Are A Lot Of Files - Delete Them

Aug 10, 2005

While looking in "Windows(XPsp2) Explorer / Documents and Settings / Owner," I noticed a folder - "My Recent Documents." Within that folder there are a lot of files. My 2 questions are:1- Can these files be deleted?
#2- If they can be deleted, how would that be done? Would we do it just be high-lighting the files on right-side of screen and then deleting?

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Get Rid Of Files In Temp Folder?

Jun 5, 2006

My browser files have are very confusing.My C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMELocal Settings Temp has some junk, but some of it is active system files- which shouldn't be there.One folder in ''Temp'' is called ''Cookies''. Another folder in ''Temp'' is called ''History'' and contains ''History.IE5''. also ''temporary internet files''.There is also a ''History'' folder one level up (where it should be) that has no''History.ie5''. There is also a ''Cookies'' folder two levels up (where it should be). It seems to be an exact duplicate of the one in the ''Temp'' folder, I deleted all the other files in ''Cookies'', but they reappeared later.If I try to delete(in safe mode) everything in the Temp folder, I discover that they reappear after restart. how can i get rid of files from temp folder.and also how can i restore History folder which has no historyIE6 sub folder.same with temporary internet folder.

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Temp Files Folder In SP2

Oct 16, 2005

Windows XP SP2 temp files I would just like to know if I can safely delete ALL the temp files in this folder, if for no other reason than to free up some space, or maybe speed up things a little bit. A simple search under Windows Explorer(*.tmp )has some files show up as Windows emp, some as Windowssystem32, and some as Program Files PC MightyMax, but all of these are listed as tmp in the TYPE heading of Windows Explorer.In addition, I've never used the Hijack This program before but I will now to submit what I guess is a snapshot of my system...?? Perhaps someone could suggest adjustments, if any, as my system does run slow on many occasions. My specs are as follows: Windows XP SP2 Home Edition, IE6, McAfee Internet Security Suite 2005, 2.4ghz processor, 256MB RAM, 40GB hard drive (NTFS file system).

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Files Lost In CONFIG Folder

Jul 4, 2005

i accidently dragged some files to the "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfig" and now whenever i click those folders so that i can open them it gives me an error "C:Documents and SettingAll UsersDocumentsConfigFILES" is not accessible Access Denied it also tell me that the FOLDER is EMPTY what's worst is that it's still taking space from my drive i dont know if there's a way that i can recover those files or at least delete the folder

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Exe Files Won't Run - In Folder Rundll.exe Is Present

Feb 17, 2005

I had a pretty weak virus on my computer named "pe_weird" I believe it was. Basically just an old backdoor virus that I had on a CD with an infected file that I burned a couple years ago. I went to trendmicro and cleaned everything that was infected and deleted some non-essential files, but somehow I think I "cleansed" a file needed to run windows.

Now whenever I click an EXE file, it comes up with the "Open with..." box. Any exe file does that. When I went into control panel to look for system restore (which I hope is the last thing I have to do), any item in control panel that I click pops up the error message "C:WindowsSystem32Rundll.exe -- Application not found". However, when I checked in that folder, Rundll.exe was present, 32.5kb filesize.

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No Files In Temporary Internet Folder

Oct 7, 2005

This folder is empty and does not fill even when I have browsed around for a while. Whats going on?

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Delete Files In WindowsTemp Folder?

Mar 14, 2005

It's a silly question I know, but I've noticed my C:Documents and SettingsCompaq_OwnerLocal Settings Temp folder is HUGE and since my security scans are getting long I'm trying to reduce the files they scan, however - not sure if these are needed. Some folders are empty, some contain .exe files from programs I downloaded ages ago and have since uninstalled etc. How do I know what I can get rid of and what's the purpose of this folder in the first place?

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Delete Log Files In Temp Folder?

Jul 18, 2007

Can I safely delete all those .log files in my temp folder all are 2K or 3K size.Also, is there software out there that would help clean up some of these unwanted files?

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Cannot Delete Files In Temp Folder

Jan 29, 2008

I've been handed down a computer. It's a Sony VAIO, and comes with two hard drives. Windows is installed on an 80GB hard drive, which had (when I first booted the computer) only about 0.5GB free.I eventually found out that the temp folder under "C:Documents and SettingsMY NAMELocal Settings" was taking up almost 60GB.I emptied it of all but two files, both ending in .tmp (i forget what they were called). They were both 144KB in size. I couldn't delete them as they were "in use".So why does the computer still think that the temp folder is so enormous? Right now it says 57.5 GB. What should I do about it? I have checked that hidden files are shown, and run Cleaner and Disk Cleanup.

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Strange Files In The Temp Folder

Dec 19, 2005

I started getting some strange files in the TEMP Folder (located in Documents and Settings)Here are 2 examples: sqlite_2oRFEX2SK0bVcQP.CMLS-2005-12-18-07-41-08.log.There are 4 of the first example and more than 200 of the 2nd the total size is approx. 350 Kb.I'm using W-XP Home and a brand new computer.Have never seen anything like these before.

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Unable To Delete A Folder With 0 Files

Apr 3, 2005

I've been unable to delete a folder and subfolder that appeared out of nowhere in October of 2003. The folder is named C:502371470d48710f4f and contains a subfolder named sp2. The subfolder contains 0 files. Both folders are read-only. I go to Properties and uncheck the read-only attributes; however when I try to delete I then find that the attributes have returned to (grayed-out) read-only. Access, of course, is denied.

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Files Locked And No Folder Access

Nov 13, 2005

I recently bought a new SATA HDD, and decided to use it as my primary drive. I installed a new clean OS XP Pro on it and set my old primary drive to slave. Everything boots fine, and I can see my secondary drives, but when I try to access some files from it it says Access Denyed. This error message occurs on random files and folders, but are not system files/folders. Sometimes the folders when right clicked on said they had zero bits of data.

When I boot from my secondary drive again I ran into another wierd problem where it seems that I have lost all USB support. Since my mouse and keyboard are both USB I had to dig around and find serial devices instead. The keyboard works, but not the mouse. I was able get into my system and the files that were locked before when my drive was set to slave were ok and I was able to access them and the folders that said they contained no data, had all the data inside and accessable. I booted again as a slave drive, with same problem. But when I went to boot as a primary my serial keyboard doesn't even work. WIndows boots, but I cant get past the login screen because of lack of io devices. Is there anyway I can unlock/remove the OS thats on and get my files back that are "locked or missing"?

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Hold Maximum Files In One Folder

Jun 30, 2005

Is there a way to make it so i can hold more than 10,000 files in any one given folder?

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