Change Owner And Organization In System Properties
Jan 24, 2003
If you want to change the owner and organization in System Properties, just do the following:
Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
Now just change the value for RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization.
Okay so the title of the thread is a bit misleading, because I was able to get in and change who my computer is registered to... However, When I go to save or open something on the desktop it still says C:Documents and Settings(the name that I used to have the computer registered to)Desktop etc etc... in the navigation bar, How do I get the computer to change that?
How do you change the details of the registered owner and company in XP so that on change of machine ownership the old owner's details no longer appear when installing software etc?
I bought a used laptop with microsoft xp pro. The name of the former owner is always showing on the top when I use internet explorer or outlook express... It's a nuisance but that's OK. Yesterday I installed a program and cannot use it because I have a message :the microsoft jet database engine cannot open the file, it is already opened exclusively by another user or you need pemission. How do I get permission, or how do I change the registry to remove the former owner?
I have loaded XP home onto a laptop but in the process I typed the wrong name and now although the start up user is correct the 'Registered to: ' in System Properties - General is the wrong name.
After it found all the double files, i asked it to delete the first copy of each double, simple. right? Unfortunately, it changed my desktop back to the old classic windows style. I went to properties to get back the windows XP style. Ya know, the one that it comes with, soft round edges, microsoft blue. Unfortunately it won't change back, even though I keep choosing that style and hitting apply
I Cannot Change My Desktop Background. I Have A Blue Screen. When I Click In Properties, Then Click Desktop My Brouse Button And Stretch Buttons Are Gray. How Can I Fix This Problem
On my Dell 8250, I added a 1800 Flat Panel display and when I went to load the drivers, I found the Properties button greyed out. I went to device manager and no monitor was listed not even the Default Monitor. I've looked all over and can't find a clue on how to ungrey the Properties button.
On my Dell 8250, I added a 1800 Flat Panel display and when I went to load the drivers, I found the Properties button greyed out. I went to device manager and no monitor was listed not even the Default Monitor. I've looked all over and can't find a clue on how to ungrey the Properties button.
i have a dilemma with changing my wallpaper.I click on display properties->desktop tab->no response, just freezes.i click on the red cross to get out and comes up with message saying can't run rundll32.exe as app. I've tried looking for solutions but no one seems to know.I can set wallpaper by clicking on a photo then 'set as wallpaper' but i can't center them as the option is in the display properties desktop tab.
Is there NO ONE who knows how to fix this: I'd like to be able to just click on a scheduled task and have it run. However the default is set to show the properties of the task. (If I just click on the task in Control Panel, the Properties of the task show) How can I change the default from Properties to Run?
compaq presario 5000, 5BW130, new seagate hardrive, new install of windows xp sp2.My problem is I want to change the screen resolution, in display properties it won't let me move the slider it's set for 800 by 600 pixels, can't move it any further, color quality is: High 24 (bit) or medium (16 bit)that's it I want to make thing smaller what do I have to do, and what do I need??
I use a Dell LCD Monitor and every time I have tried to format and reinstall XP on my hard drive I go to my Monitor section and the Monitor Properties are shaded out thus making me stuck with the default crap that XP put on for my comp. I have the drivers I need for my monitor but the frackin thing wont let me use them.
When I click on desktop and select properties to change the desktop wallpaper I have a list of family photographs!I still have the desktop wallpaper folder in windows web folder but how do I put it back into the desktop and remove the ones that are mysteriously there.
My XP is currently defaulted on it's display settings 640v by 480 pixels and will not allow me to change it. In fact, there is nothing to change it to. I dont know what file I must of deleted, but is there anyway I can download the driver or something to make it so that it can be set on opitions that are higher?
I reinstalled XP Pro with SP1 on my computer today. Everything is working well except when my desktop loads the actual display is about an inch to the right on the screen. If I go into properties and change/apply the screen resolution from 800 x 600 then back to 1024 x 768 it realigns and all is well. I would just prefer to not have to do that each time I restart windows.
I am unable to change desktop wallpaper going through properties then desktop. I right click on desktop, select properties, click on desktop tab i then go to try and browse wallpapers but am unable as the box and scroll are frozen. I also have a problem when i type into run. "regedit" as soon as the registry opens it closes again so i am unable to edit the registry or look through it? This picture is of what my desktop wallpapers looks like..
Where in Windows XP explorer can I find the owner of a file that is the last person who saved as I used to be able in Windows 2000 explorer by right clicking the file choosing properties/advance/owner.
First, I still have problem to set a folder to be private. It should be a VERY EAY task.But when I right click the Property of a folder on D: drive its "Make this private" check box is gray out.So I can NOT make a folder be private in D: drive.
It seem to me the private folders are private under "My Documents" in C: drive.
I read from Help, it says a drive MUST be NTFS
But I type
convert D: /fs:ntfs
It says my D drive already is NTFS format. Since it already in NTFS, then why I can't make it private?
Apparently this is a home built computer, and right now it doesn't even realise it has CD drives. The owner re-partitioned it and now all it has on it is DOS 6.2. I try to use the 4 disk boot disks but I keep getting errors - file not found or corrupt, etc.
XP Pro here. I am new to it and don't know squat about it for now. I am taking over a small business and the computer that came with it. On the system properties general tab there is info about the system listed there including who the computer is registered to. I would like to change this from a person's name to the business name. I thought this info was listed in the Oeminfo.ini file.
I have a used laptop and have removed all of the previous owner's data. I have created a new user. I have changed the owner's name in My Computer and in the registry. Everything works well and I can find all my new files in My Documents as I expect. However in C:Docs and Settings there is a folder with the old owner's name. XP will not let me rename it or delete it and says it is "a Windows system folder and is requred for Windows to run properly". Apparently some part of XP is still using some files/folders in the old owner's name folder. How can I get around this so I can clean up my disk and delete the old owner's folder?
About a year or so ago I had been using my home pc when I worked remotely. I've since been provided with a laptop and so my home pc is just my home pc. I removed all work based software and all references I could find to my company and yet my company shows up along with my name whenever I install new software.
A quick and easy way to get system properties:Hold down your Windows Key and press Pause (Break), releasing both and just like magic up pops the System properties window.
I have 4 x 1GB sticks of RAM in my new PC i just built recently. but in XP System Properties it says there's only 3.25 why is that? does it have to do with the same reason HDDs don't really have 500GB if so on my old PC i had 768MB of RAM and it said i had exactly that.