Can't Install 2000 Pro - Owner Re-partitioned

Jul 11, 2005

Apparently this is a home built computer, and right now it doesn't even realise it has CD drives. The owner re-partitioned it and now all it has on it is DOS 6.2.
I try to use the 4 disk boot disks but I keep getting errors - file not found or corrupt, etc.

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Install Piece Of Software - My Company Name Shows Up As The Owner

Jul 9, 2005

About a year or so ago I had been using my home pc when I worked remotely. I've since been provided with a laptop and so my home pc is just my home pc. I removed all work based software and all references I could find to my company and yet my company shows up along with my name whenever I install new software.

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KB890923-2000-XP / Cannot Install On 2000

Jun 3, 2005

Im installing a brand new pc and I just downloaded all the latest fixes and patches for the OS and the Browser.except one, KB890923. Everytime I try to launch through Windows Update it says it cant do it. SO I attempted to download and run it manually and it states that the program is not a valid Win32 application.

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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Install New 2000 Or Xp Better?

Oct 11, 2006

I want install window XP on my Compaq desktop which is running Windows 2000 professional at the moment, what is the best way to do this ?. I don't need to back up anything that is on 2000 as only the previous owners stuff is on it.Do I need to install 2000 and if so what is the best way to do this ?

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IIS.dl_ And IIS.in_ To Install IIS On On Win 2000 Server?

Jul 14, 2007

I need IIS.dl_ ISS.in_ from a windows 2000 CD or windows 2000 server CD, a trial CD will be find. They're in the I386.

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2000 Pro 2nd Harddrive But Cant Install Anything

Oct 12, 2008

Windows 2000 pro
Small master harddrive was full installed an old harddrive from another computer an 80gig axs a slave. it shows it is drive letter F and can open it I deleted all the files that were on it so it is empty. Itshows in computer managment but how do I get it so I can put folders, files and like put the antivirus on that drive, I think I did something wrong but don't no what it is. It shows in computer management as Drive F and I put it as NTSF like the master drive

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Install On 2nd HDD - How To Remove Win 2000

Jun 2, 2006

- HDD #1 has just a single partition with win 2000 installed set as master
- HDD #2 has 3 partitions (used for data backup) with no OS on it set as slave

what i'd like to do is put win xp pro on HDD #2, make it the master, put 2 partitions on it, remove windows from HDD #1 (don't want a dual boot)...that being said, how do i go about doing this? do i first switch the IDE cables and jumpers on the drives, reboot (with CD in CD-ROM), install win xp pro on HDD #2 and partition it (i have partition magic to do the partitions, if that matters)? how do i go about removing win 2000 from HDD #1? do i need to adjust the BIOS during this process?

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Trying To Install 2000 Profile

Apr 12, 2005

I am trying to install Win 2000 pro however once the HD if formated and its installed its needed files to reboot and continue installing the first time it trys to load up after rebooting it errors with the following message on a blue screen:
STOP c0000221 Unknown Hard Erro SystemrootSystem32

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Can Install Windows 2000, 200 Downgrade

Jun 1, 2008

I recently bought an old laptop which originally came with Windows 98. The individual had upgraded the to Windows XP which causes the laptop to run slowly. Can you tell me what is the best (simplest) way to remove XP so I can install Windows 2000

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Install Win 2000 / Cant Hear Any Sound

Feb 22, 2005

recently i install win 2000 but the problem is i cant hear any device maneger i can see that sound card is ok.but still it dosent work.i cant play songs.i open the hardware wizard and tyied to install the sound card but computer says that sound card is ok and its working properly.

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Chipset - Install 2000 Server

Sep 29, 2006

Looking for the correct chipset for my mobo. It is a via tech Model is vt8501 apollo mvp system controller. I am looking to install a win 2000 server.

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Lost Internet After 2000 SP4 Install

Dec 26, 2004

All went normal, except I now cannot connect to the internet. I did not select the option to archive (not smart).

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Install 2000 Pro - NTLDR File Is Missing

Jan 17, 2008

Ive been trying to install windows xp pro onto a compaq presario 5000 for the last 2 months but it doesnt want to go. i tried a flat out cd boot,

but i get an error "NTLDR file is missing" (never pressed a key when it said "Press any key to boot from cd"

I tried using the setup disks from microsoft at How to obtain Windows XP Setup boot disks

but right b4 the installation starts i get an error, "Value 0 in the setupsomethingorother file is corrupt or missing"

I tried to install windows xp pro from inside windows 2000 pro, but the stuff freezes the second i click install windows xp from the autorun menu's.

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2000 Install Hangs When Upgrading DLLS

Jul 30, 2005

I am reinstalling my Windows 2000. It worked okay before but I started having some trouble with some of the DLLs, so I thought a fresh install might fix the bad DLLS. It goes through the whole install process, but hangs up at the upgrading IIS section every time. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? I haven't changed any of the hardware since I installed 2000 last time.

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Clean Install 2000 Pro - Detail Procedure

Apr 27, 2007

I have xp pro sp 2 installed in my computer. I want to revert to win older version because of speed issues. I have Win 2000 pro Bootable CD. Could anyone give me the detail procedure on how to format the HDD and Install Win 2000 pro init?

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Upgraded 2000 Cannot Install - Multiple Failed

Mar 9, 2008

I recently got windows xp and upgraded from windows 2000. Right now there are 93 updates or so that I can download and have downloaded but can not install. I have no idea why. The newest WGA says my windows is genuine I have 3 different virus protection programs all of which say aside from cookies my computer is clean. Some minor updates work but the critical ones do not. I have tried multiple ideas to fix this and have failed. What happens is I go to the microsoft update site. Click on express or custom install and go to the place where these updates are to be installed :

Security Update for Windows XP (KB873339)
Critical Update for Windows XP (KB886185)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB885836)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB888302)
Security Update for Windows Messenger (KB887472).....

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Unable To Install 2000 Advance Server

Sep 28, 2006

I have an older server, manufacturer unknown, that was running Windows 2000 server with all the latest service packs. It was being used as a Citrix server in our environment. The server was put in before my time here and I saw that somebody had changed the C: to a M:We have since taken the server off the network and plan on using it as an internal file server. For some reason, I am unable to install a clean copy of Windows 2000 or 2000 advanced server on it.I have tried to wipe the disk clean with DBAN and KILLDISK and WIPEDRIVE but all just hang on the system.I have a Windows 98 startup disk that I was able to boot from and ran an FDISK.I was also able to format the C:.When I am in DOS and switch to the C: I type in Dir and it comes up with no files found.I checked the partitions in FDISK and it shows the Primary Partition as being active and shows the correct amount of disk space. Whenever I try to install Windows 2000 Advanced Server the system goes through the process of checking the files and gets to the point to begin installation. When I try to install the operating system, the next screen comes up saying it cannot find the hard drive.This is very frustrating as I know the C: is there as I can see it from DOS and it looks to be configured properly.

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Find The Owner Of A File

Jun 27, 2005

Where in Windows XP explorer can I find the owner of a file that is the last person who saved as I used to be able in Windows 2000 explorer by right clicking the file choosing properties/advance/owner.

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Install 2000 On Separate HD - NTDETECT Failed Error

Jan 1, 2005

I was going to upgrade my wifes Gateway to w2000 as a surprise, kept getting NTDETECT failed error. Before I could work it out or find a solution, she caught me. Lesson learned, Dont mess with wifes computer when she is not here. replaced ME on her computer and reinstalled all of the backups I had made before I had this brilliant Idea. Problem, I have a $200 system that I am dying to install on something. I have a dual hd each 40g and I have nothing on the Drive D. I have XP home on C: drive. I would like to install this W2000 on the D Drive. can someone tell me Is there a way to reformat Just D: drive and install w2000 on it without messing up C: drive. and then being able to pick which OS I want to boot to? This is by the way a Full system CD.

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Change Computers Registered Owner

Apr 10, 2008

Okay so the title of the thread is a bit misleading, because I was able to get in and change who my computer is registered to... However, When I go to save or open something on the desktop it still says C:Documents and Settings(the name that I used to have the computer registered to)Desktop etc etc... in the navigation bar, How do I get the computer to change that?

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Change Name Of Registered Owner And Company?

Jun 24, 2005

How do you change the details of the registered owner and company in XP so that on change of machine ownership the old owner's details no longer appear when installing software etc?

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Set Owner And Permission For A Folder/file On?

Sep 6, 2005

First, I still have problem to set a folder to be private. It should be a VERY EAY task.But when I right click the Property of a folder on D: drive its "Make this private" check box is gray out.So I can NOT make a folder be private in D: drive.

It seem to me the private folders are private under "My Documents" in C: drive.

I read from Help, it says a drive MUST be NTFS

But I type

convert D: /fs:ntfs

It says my D drive already is NTFS format.
Since it already in NTFS, then why I can't
make it private?

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Change The Registry To Remove The Former Owner?

Jun 17, 2005

I bought a used laptop with microsoft xp pro. The name of the former owner is always showing on the top when I use internet explorer or outlook express... It's a nuisance but that's OK. Yesterday I installed a program and cannot use it because I have a message :the microsoft jet database engine cannot open the file, it is already opened exclusively by another user or you need pemission. How do I get permission, or how do I change the registry to remove the former owner?

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Change Owner And Organization In System Properties

Jan 24, 2003

If you want to change the owner and organization in System Properties, just do the following:

Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
Now just change the value for RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization.

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Can't Delete Old Owner File In Docs / Settings Folder

Jun 19, 2008

I have a used laptop and have removed all of the previous owner's data. I have created a new user. I have changed the owner's name in My Computer and in the registry. Everything works well and I can find all my new files in My Documents as I expect. However in C:Docs and Settings there is a folder with the old owner's name. XP will not let me rename it or delete it and says it is "a Windows system folder and is requred for Windows to run properly". Apparently some part of XP is still using some files/folders in the old owner's name folder. How can I get around this so I can clean up my disk and delete the old owner's folder?

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Hard Drive Is Not Partitioned

Sep 5, 2007

i have been working on my friends computer for about a day and the problem is he has one hard drive with 2 operating systems. now the hard drive is not partitioned for both 0S when you click MY COMPUTER it only shows the local C:/ drive as for having another OS would have shown D:/ the problem i am having is how do i get rid of the second OS without deleteing his primary one? another question is if i do a windows XP REPAIR i dont remember if it saves all that they have or does it erase everything

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HD Partitioned - Destination Manually

Mar 11, 2007

I use Windows XPpro with HD partitioned so that D drive holds all applications. Unfortunately some applications install by default to C drive 'My Programs' and there is no option to change the destination manually. Does anyone know a way around this?

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Xp Vista Dual Boot Partitioned My HD To Run XP

Sep 13, 2009

I had partitioned my HD to run XP (pro sp3) and Vista. Not liking vista, I deleted it and merged the two partitions into one, XP. Now when I boot I still get the option to boot to vista or an earlier OS. There is only one OS so I thought that would just be gone. Its not. How do I get rid of that screen at start so it just boots into xp, I'm being careful because I tried to reverse them when I partitioned it and ended up with a real jumbo

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Moved My Documents To Partitioned Drive E

Jun 18, 2005

Using XP, I have moved the My Documents folder to a new drive "E". Seemed OK, but I was thrown by the fact I still have a "My Documents" folder listed under "Documents and Settings/myusername" In his folder, I also have folders for Cookies, Desktop, Favourites and Start Menu.

Q1. Should I delete this duplicate My Documents folder and or is it correct to leave it there as a copy (according to propertiesit is located on the C drive)

Q2. Should I move the other folders too?

I have also posted seperately a similarly related question about the program Folder

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Partitioned C - Other Drive Changed Its Extension

Aug 19, 2005

I recently decided to partition my basic HD so that I could have my audio applications and files on one partition (C) and and all my other crap on the other (E). Both partitions are using Windows XP. Now...I recently formatted partition (C) and reinstalled Windows on it, and suddenly the other partition changed its extension from (E) to (D) and was no longer available for me to log onto: Windows no longer asked me what installation I would like to log onto at startup. That was OK at first because I was still able to see all files that were on the computer while using dive (C) and save some of them. However, there was some data that was visible but screwed, especially the ones containing compressed material and this is really where all my important stuff was. Everything else worth saving could be transferred or copied onto (C), the working partition: wav files, mp3's, documents of any kind...etc.

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