Install 2000 On Separate HD - NTDETECT Failed Error

Jan 1, 2005

I was going to upgrade my wifes Gateway to w2000 as a surprise, kept getting NTDETECT failed error. Before I could work it out or find a solution, she caught me. Lesson learned, Dont mess with wifes computer when she is not here. replaced ME on her computer and reinstalled all of the backups I had made before I had this brilliant Idea. Problem, I have a $200 system that I am dying to install on something. I have a dual hd each 40g and I have nothing on the Drive D. I have XP home on C: drive. I would like to install this W2000 on the D Drive. can someone tell me Is there a way to reformat Just D: drive and install w2000 on it without messing up C: drive. and then being able to pick which OS I want to boot to? This is by the way a Full system CD.

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NTDETECT Failed And Hal.dll Missing

Apr 22, 2008

My file is missing(I believe it wound up in the recycle bin). I have read through pretty much every pre-existing thread on the subject. I have downloaded and make a disk of xpprobt.exe as suggested by one, and after a minute on uncomfortable waiting it spouts out that hal.dll is missing. I created an ms-dos diskette to try and copy the files manually to where they belong(I have a copy of hal.dll also) But I may not be the right disk, seeing as it was created on an XP sys. and the one not working is 2000 SP4. When loading the ms-dos disk it flashes an ME(?) logo. Not sure why but W/E Unfortunatly nothing but the dir ms-dos command actually Does anything, and trying to copy the files(yes, I used the correct command line) yields an Invalid Drive Specification Error(?) for some god-awful reason. Now i'm wondering what else I could do to fix it.

I have the links to the official microsoft boot disks and boot disk essentials here:

Some of the other threads have other posted URL's for fixes; this is the only link still working at this time. I will be attempting to troubleshoot it myself using microsoft and disk essentials files on the site, while continuing to search the forums for any other posts related to this. Anyone know of a sure-fire quick fix that they could post that may not exist elsewhere on the site(or at the least, save time trying to find it)?

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Upgraded 2000 Cannot Install - Multiple Failed

Mar 9, 2008

I recently got windows xp and upgraded from windows 2000. Right now there are 93 updates or so that I can download and have downloaded but can not install. I have no idea why. The newest WGA says my windows is genuine I have 3 different virus protection programs all of which say aside from cookies my computer is clean. Some minor updates work but the critical ones do not. I have tried multiple ideas to fix this and have failed. What happens is I go to the microsoft update site. Click on express or custom install and go to the place where these updates are to be installed :

Security Update for Windows XP (KB873339)
Critical Update for Windows XP (KB886185)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB885836)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB888302)
Security Update for Windows Messenger (KB887472).....

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Cannot Install / Error: Action Failed For Registry Value

Feb 4, 2006

Hello, I have a computer that I built by myself but I have always had a problem installing programs due to registry problems. A prime example of this is when I tried to install AVG Free antivirus.

Error: Action failed for registry value HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun:AVG7_CC: creating registry value Access is denied.

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Install Xp From Separate Partition Same Hard Drive?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a computer that Im trying to fix, the only way to input to the computer at this point and time is the hard drives. I have a working computer obviously. So could I take the hard drive out of the broken computer, give it two partitions, copy the windows install to one partition, start the the install in the broken computer from that partition and install that onto the second partition? Ive heard of this being down but I am no expert.

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BSOD In 2000 After Failed Printer Installation

Dec 15, 2005

Trying to install a Dell laser printer onto someones laptop with Windows 2000. Towards the end of the installation, the computer rebooted due to a bad battery and the AC was accidently unplugged. Now right when I get into Windows before the login screen, the computer just reboots and I can barely see a flash of a STOP BSOD error but don't have any time to read it. I can get into safe mode and do stuff. I tried reinstalling the software and drivers but it gives me an error. I can't uninstall anything because it doesn't see anything installed. What can I do? Its a USB printer BTW.

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KB890923-2000-XP / Cannot Install On 2000

Jun 3, 2005

Im installing a brand new pc and I just downloaded all the latest fixes and patches for the OS and the Browser.except one, KB890923. Everytime I try to launch through Windows Update it says it cant do it. SO I attempted to download and run it manually and it states that the program is not a valid Win32 application.

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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SP3 NTDetect And Slow Boot

Nov 7, 2008

After procrastinating for a while, I decided to finally install SP3. Installation went fine, no problems until the reboot at the end. When this happened, after the bios screen appeared, the monitor went black with no apparent activity.Thinking I had a bootup issue, I booted to the Recovery Console and ran Chkdsk and Fixboot. No difference. Then, reset the bios to defaults, and again no difference. I then decided to just reboot and let it sit there. (with fingers crossed).15 minutes later after the initial bios screen, the XP screen and updating bar appeared and seconds later I was at the desktop!

What appears to be happening is that the hardware detection phase of the boot process (NTLdr and NTDetect) are taking an exhorbitant amount of time (doing something!).I am confused as to what SP3 install could have done to start this off, but more importantly I am looking for suggestions as to the underlying cause and solution.

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Aug 30, 2007

It started with the NTLDR is missing error,so I load the recovery console and prepare to copy it to the drive when I notice ALL the boot files are missing, in fact every file on the root of C drive is gone.So I make a boot disk from my lap top copy the boot files to the disk and give this a try. Boots fine and seems to run perfect. Copy the boot files to the C drive, reboot numerous times, all good so I go home, leaving him the boot disk and showing him what to do just in case.

Next day same thing, What we seem to have determined is that the files seem to disappear later in the evening. I had him run all the pgms he normally does for a good while, quit the pgm and check C. The files are still there. after a few hours of fooling around he leaves PC on and goes watch TV. Comes back about 11:00pm to turn off PC, checks C drive and they're gone again. He re copies the files, shuts down and goes to bed.Next day PC boots fines before work, after work etc... BUT some time later in the evening it happens again.

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FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. Wuauclt Handler: Failed To Spawn COM Server Error?

Jan 3, 2007

When I try to install updates from Microsoft's site I get an error saying "Updates were not successfully installed." This happens during both manual and automatic updating. I search high and low and cannot find a fix that works. This is the specific error from the WindowsUpdate.log
FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. wuauclt handler: failed to spawn COM server
FATAL: 0x80070005: ERROR: Remote update handler container process created (PID: 1656), but exited before signaling event

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Video Card Post Error, USB Overcurrent Error, Possible Failed Mobo

Aug 3, 2007

i had was my motherboard cpu fan not working in its cpu fan pin, so instead i have it hooked up to a case fan pin. I am not sure if this means i have a faulty mobo or not.

I installed my brand new Creative sound card, I installed its software and drivers all fine and the PC restarted fine. Next creative wanted to update the drivers and I let it. After it was done installling the new drivers it needed a restart. On restart I could not even get to the post screen and was displayed with an error saying USB over current, PC shutdown in 20 seconds. At first i could not get past this error at all, so i tried taking out the sound card and putting inserting it again. I did not get the USB error now and was happy.

I played Battlefield 2142 for a few hours then shut it down. Now today when i get home from work and turn it on i saw that USB over current error again and got frusterated. After taking the sound card out and putting it back in I had some new problems. I only saw my Asus Splash screen saying "press delete to enter setup" although pressing delete did nothing, it just hung on that screen.

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Blue Screen With Error Windows 2000 Winlogon.exe Error?

Sep 22, 2008

After around 10-15 min after logging in a program error box opens up saying winlogon.exe fatal error then it switches to a blue screen saying fatal error c0000021a error. I have windows 2000 proffessional and a HP compaq nc6120 laptop.

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Install New 2000 Or Xp Better?

Oct 11, 2006

I want install window XP on my Compaq desktop which is running Windows 2000 professional at the moment, what is the best way to do this ?. I don't need to back up anything that is on 2000 as only the previous owners stuff is on it.Do I need to install 2000 and if so what is the best way to do this ?

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399 Failed Updates - How To Install

Apr 8, 2008

I recently visited Microsoft Windows Updates and was horrified to discover that a total of 394 Windows Updates had failed to install. I clicked on 'Find Solutions' and followed the instructions, which were, click 'Start', click 'Run', type 'services.msc.' then make sure Background Intelligent Transfer Service is on Automatic (not manual) and is 'started'. I did this and tried to re-install the failed updates. This worked, but only for the 5 most recent updates (otherwise there would have been 399 failed updates). How do I go about installing ALL of the failed updates?

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FAILED UPDATES - How To Get To Install?

Jul 2, 2005

While I was manually checking my updates, I checked on the "Review Your Update History". I discovered that all 6 of the June 14 updates showed "FAILED" I tried checking for updates again, with the same results. Has anyone else experienced this, and how do I get the updates to install?

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Got Prompted:INF Install Failed

May 12, 2010

I formatted and reinstalled Win XP on Dimension 2400, but this time around 13 minutes to finish, I got prompted:"INF install failed. reason: handler and parameter error"The after 1 hour, I prompted:"13 minutes to finish install" and it froze.I did reinstall few times before but never had this problem, only thing that changed since the last that I chaged ISP to Shaw cable fast internet connection.

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Failed To Install On C Drive

Mar 8, 2008

I have xp pro installed on the c: I want to install xp home on the I drive but on the setup up screen it says I can only install it on f:/ or d; or e:/ why dont I get all the drives I have formatted to install to instead of 3 partitions allocated?

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Failed Install On A 98 System

Jul 14, 2005

working on a Comcrap Presario (my favorite as some of you know ), older model, not sure what, doesn't really matter anyway.It has a 2 gig hard drive which is about 99.9% full, shows 80 megs of available ram (yeah, yeah, I know) --- user was trying to figure out how to change the registered owner and somehow came up with the brilliant idea of installing XP Got an error message about not being able to find enough space, imagine that Booted up to the dual boot menu for the XP install and 98, I edited the boot.ini file to get rid of that since the install failed, will there be any other files that can be deleted?

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IIS.dl_ And IIS.in_ To Install IIS On On Win 2000 Server?

Jul 14, 2007

I need IIS.dl_ ISS.in_ from a windows 2000 CD or windows 2000 server CD, a trial CD will be find. They're in the I386.

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2000 Pro 2nd Harddrive But Cant Install Anything

Oct 12, 2008

Windows 2000 pro
Small master harddrive was full installed an old harddrive from another computer an 80gig axs a slave. it shows it is drive letter F and can open it I deleted all the files that were on it so it is empty. Itshows in computer managment but how do I get it so I can put folders, files and like put the antivirus on that drive, I think I did something wrong but don't no what it is. It shows in computer management as Drive F and I put it as NTSF like the master drive

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Install On 2nd HDD - How To Remove Win 2000

Jun 2, 2006

- HDD #1 has just a single partition with win 2000 installed set as master
- HDD #2 has 3 partitions (used for data backup) with no OS on it set as slave

what i'd like to do is put win xp pro on HDD #2, make it the master, put 2 partitions on it, remove windows from HDD #1 (don't want a dual boot)...that being said, how do i go about doing this? do i first switch the IDE cables and jumpers on the drives, reboot (with CD in CD-ROM), install win xp pro on HDD #2 and partition it (i have partition magic to do the partitions, if that matters)? how do i go about removing win 2000 from HDD #1? do i need to adjust the BIOS during this process?

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Trying To Install 2000 Profile

Apr 12, 2005

I am trying to install Win 2000 pro however once the HD if formated and its installed its needed files to reboot and continue installing the first time it trys to load up after rebooting it errors with the following message on a blue screen:
STOP c0000221 Unknown Hard Erro SystemrootSystem32

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Installshield - Install Games Failed

Jun 22, 2005

i just reconfigured my computer and i tryed to install some of my games and all of them failed, for each one i tired to install it gave me errors for them?

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Failed Critical Updates - How To Install

Jul 7, 2005

After checking for win updates, I thought I would check the history of other updates. Much to my surprise, there were 6 updates, ALL from June 14, that had "FAILED". Some gave a page to go to for description, some did not. I have tried and tried to get these updates installed, but no success. These were the "critical updates" categories. Is there ANY way I can get the Microsoft to either send me to another address that would install them?

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All Updates Failed After Manual Install Of IE7

Jul 5, 2008

Shortly after IE7 came out of beta I allowed Windows update to automatically download and install the failed, then I went to MS site and manually downloaded and installed IE7. Success. Ever since then I have been unable to downloaded eight downloads...see below.

Cumulative Security Update for ActiveX Killbits for Windows XP (KB950760)
Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB928365)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB950762)
Update for Windows XP (KB942763)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB951698)
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - June 2008 (KB890830)
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB950759)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB951376)

although Service Pack #3 has installed itself....???...not sure how that happen. Its (SP3)listed in Add/Remove...I have searched the web and followed several, stop windows update service, then delete several folders from Software and Distributions directory...restart windows update service...reboot machine...and still to no avail.........

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MS Office Updates Install Failed

Nov 12, 2007

All MS updates will download, but will not install both for applications (MS Office) & for Windows XP PRO. After trying to install I get a MS window that lists the updates I tried to install failed. I am now about 83 updates behind ...My guess is some form of windows corruption, but how to fix??? already tried to do a windows repair to no avail...

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Downloaded - Software Failed To Install

Apr 22, 2008

New problem with winupdate. After clicking "Custom" on the update site, I get the screen that basicly says I must install software for use with the site. I click to start the download and install and the software downloads. After download the screen go's into "Install" mode, then quickly changes to "Some software failed to install". The solution is supposed to be on the update history link, but that does not show the Windows Genuine Advantage software to have been downloaded/installed. Repeating the cycle results in indicating the software for Windows Genuine Advantage has been downloaded and is ready to be installed. Clicking "Download and install" yields the same result of "Some software failed to install".

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Pro Failed To Install Product Catalog

Aug 11, 2005

I just purchased a Win XP Pro OS from a local PC retail store and I installed it on my machine.Everything went by plan.After everything was done.I restart my computer and in the middle of the boot-up I get this message.Setup failed to install the product catalog (Fatal error). And another try to boot it up I get message Error Signature for WinXP Pro is invalid. The third time I get the first message again.I ran the setup disk again maybe I did something wrong No same thin again.Any cure for that?Any repairs possible? Any download from microsoft to solve the problem?

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Can Install Windows 2000, 200 Downgrade

Jun 1, 2008

I recently bought an old laptop which originally came with Windows 98. The individual had upgraded the to Windows XP which causes the laptop to run slowly. Can you tell me what is the best (simplest) way to remove XP so I can install Windows 2000

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Can't Install 2000 Pro - Owner Re-partitioned

Jul 11, 2005

Apparently this is a home built computer, and right now it doesn't even realise it has CD drives. The owner re-partitioned it and now all it has on it is DOS 6.2.
I try to use the 4 disk boot disks but I keep getting errors - file not found or corrupt, etc.

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