NTDETECT Failed And Hal.dll Missing

Apr 22, 2008

My ntdetect.com file is missing(I believe it wound up in the recycle bin). I have read through pretty much every pre-existing thread on the subject. I have downloaded and make a disk of xpprobt.exe as suggested by one, and after a minute on uncomfortable waiting it spouts out that hal.dll is missing. I created an ms-dos diskette to try and copy the files manually to where they belong(I have a copy of hal.dll also) But I may not be the right disk, seeing as it was created on an XP sys. and the one not working is 2000 SP4. When loading the ms-dos disk it flashes an ME(?) logo. Not sure why but W/E Unfortunatly nothing but the dir ms-dos command actually Does anything, and trying to copy the files(yes, I used the correct command line) yields an Invalid Drive Specification Error(?) for some god-awful reason. Now i'm wondering what else I could do to fix it.

I have the links to the official microsoft boot disks and boot disk essentials here:

Some of the other threads have other posted URL's for fixes; this is the only link still working at this time. I will be attempting to troubleshoot it myself using microsoft and disk essentials files on the site, while continuing to search the forums for any other posts related to this. Anyone know of a sure-fire quick fix that they could post that may not exist elsewhere on the site(or at the least, save time trying to find it)?

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Install 2000 On Separate HD - NTDETECT Failed Error

Jan 1, 2005

I was going to upgrade my wifes Gateway to w2000 as a surprise, kept getting NTDETECT failed error. Before I could work it out or find a solution, she caught me. Lesson learned, Dont mess with wifes computer when she is not here. replaced ME on her computer and reinstalled all of the backups I had made before I had this brilliant Idea. Problem, I have a $200 system that I am dying to install on something. I have a dual hd each 40g and I have nothing on the Drive D. I have XP home on C: drive. I would like to install this W2000 on the D Drive. can someone tell me Is there a way to reformat Just D: drive and install w2000 on it without messing up C: drive. and then being able to pick which OS I want to boot to? This is by the way a Full system CD.

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Aug 30, 2007

It started with the NTLDR is missing error,so I load the recovery console and prepare to copy it to the drive when I notice ALL the boot files are missing, in fact every file on the root of C drive is gone.So I make a boot disk from my lap top copy the boot files to the disk and give this a try. Boots fine and seems to run perfect. Copy the boot files to the C drive, reboot numerous times, all good so I go home, leaving him the boot disk and showing him what to do just in case.

Next day same thing, What we seem to have determined is that the files seem to disappear later in the evening. I had him run all the pgms he normally does for a good while, quit the pgm and check C. The files are still there. after a few hours of fooling around he leaves PC on and goes watch TV. Comes back about 11:00pm to turn off PC, checks C drive and they're gone again. He re copies the files, shuts down and goes to bed.Next day PC boots fines before work, after work etc... BUT some time later in the evening it happens again.

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SP3 NTDetect And Slow Boot

Nov 7, 2008

After procrastinating for a while, I decided to finally install SP3. Installation went fine, no problems until the reboot at the end. When this happened, after the bios screen appeared, the monitor went black with no apparent activity.Thinking I had a bootup issue, I booted to the Recovery Console and ran Chkdsk and Fixboot. No difference. Then, reset the bios to defaults, and again no difference. I then decided to just reboot and let it sit there. (with fingers crossed).15 minutes later after the initial bios screen, the XP screen and updating bar appeared and seconds later I was at the desktop!

What appears to be happening is that the hardware detection phase of the boot process (NTLdr and NTDetect) are taking an exhorbitant amount of time (doing something!).I am confused as to what SP3 install could have done to start this off, but more importantly I am looking for suggestions as to the underlying cause and solution.

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Missing Or Corrupt HAL.DLL - Boot Failed

Sep 15, 2008

Dell Inspiron 9100, 1 GB mem, 60 GB HD, Win XP Home 2002 SP3. Kept clean with TE Pro, cseraser, syswiper, Adaware, Spybot S&D, AWC V2, Regcure, RegscrubXP. McAfee current. Win XP SP's and updates current.

Boot failed after POST with (as near as I can remember, sorry!) "missing or corrupt HAL.DLL"

This has happened twice. The first time it happened (a year or so ago), I reinstalled XP. I also installed
a second installation of Win XP in a WINDOWS2 dir. Set up boot.ini to allow me to select WINDOWS or WINDOWS2 to boot from. Figured this would help if it happened again.

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Started Computer Application Failed - Missing Services.exe

Apr 17, 2008

I recently started up my computer and it said: ' This application has failed to start because MSVCP60.dll was not found. Re-installing this application may fix this problem.' I have tried chkdsk /r and safe mode but nothing.

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Xp Desktop Icons Missing,start Menu Missing?

Jul 5, 2009

All my desktop icons are missing ,start menu missing, only thing i could see is wallpaper on desktop right click is laso not working,i could only use ctrl+ alt+del to open task mgr and run a program what should i do to take them back.

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WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. Missing Along With Missing Disk Drive

May 4, 2008

i turned on my pc i got the error XP Could not start, the following file is missing or corrupt:
I run Microsoft Windows home service pack 2Also, to complicate things, My computer is lacking a disk drive, so i only have access to USB ports.

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Failed To Recognize The Cd Rom

Feb 13, 2007

My log in name doesn't really do my novice pc skill justice. I am actually dumber than a PC spare.
I decided to leave the stone age sort of and bought a copy of windows xp home to extend the life of my POS just a couple more months. I didn't want to buy a new computer and got a deal on a copy of xp home. I am planning on buying components and building a system from scratch soon, but for now just needed to keep going. Several of the sites I like to frequent recently upgraded and no longer support ME. The copy of xp I received turned out to be an OEM Windows XP Home w/ service pack 2.Like a moronic bozo I set my IOLO Drivescrubber into motion and whiped my HD clean. I didn't change anything in the bios as one: don't know how to and two: afraid to. Once the drive was clean however it failed to recognize the cd rom of xp. I then remembered I had to format and partition the drive in order for it to do so.

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SP2 CD Installation Failed

Apr 13, 2007

I had to do a Windows Repair on my uncle's computer and now I am trying to install SP2 again on a CD I got awhile ago. Well about halfway through it stopped. Says it failed. Anyone know why that is and how do I fix this so SP2 installs fully? I also tried to do it off of Windows Update. Failed that way also. I also tried doing it in Safe Mode. No luck. Same thing happens. What may be causing this? I got rid of 205 spy and adaware that he never scanned for. I also ran an antivirus scan. No viruses.

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OEM Xp Pro Installation Failed

Nov 9, 2009

Have Toshiba A135-S2276 laptop. Vista installed. Have vista recovery disk. My cyberphobic aunt wanted xp installed so it would be like her old computer.I've done the following on the laptop: Fdisk, partitioned and formatted hd in FAT32. Started the win xp pro OEM (legal license) install. It recognized the cd and everything was going well until there was a power failure when I was putting in the product code. I tried to simply restart the install and the cd was invalid media. Disk booted up to install menu in my legal win xp desktop. So it isn't totally corrupt.Laptop hd, fdisk, repartitioned, format and no startup with OEM Used set of win xp pro floppy disks to start install. OEM still invalid media. Did install with old xp pro, illegal copy. That worked. Unable to read oem. Downloaded and installed all of the win xp toshiba drivers. Had to search for the drivers as toshiba doesn't post them.

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SP3 Installation Failed

Sep 1, 2008

SP3 downloaded automatically but when I try to install it I get an "Access Denied" error message about half way through the installation. When I click OK on the error message it starts backing out the changes and after that Windows runs o.k. I have tried it twice with the same results. I disabled the Firewall temporarily on the second try but that didn't help. I don't know what it is trying to do when it fails because all I get is the error message.I am currently out of town so it will be next week before I can try anything but I would like to know where to start when I get home.

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System Reformat Failed

Nov 11, 2008

I have reformatted many times and took the same steps I always do, Ctl F11, agreed to erase and continue, etc. When I was told to continue, instead of my computer reformatting smoothly, I was given an error saying that it could not be completed and a black screen saying only that an error occured and to hit Ctl + Alt + Dlt, I was brought back to the same black screen asking to restart.

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Discovery - Failed To Boot Up?

Feb 21, 2009

Got the dreaded "Windows failed to boot up. Desperately searching for some way of getting into WinXP Pro but had no success until I tried the following, which I have written for our users: winxp pro on one of my XP machines would not boot into windows. Tried the "usual" steps to boot, including use of the winxp cd and the win boot up floppy. No luck but I was able to get into Safe Mode using the floppy and then hit Start>Run and typed in the run box "msconfig" (without the quote marks). When it opened, I noticed in the the bottom of the window had this Launch System Restore words so I clicked it and was able to restore the computer system to a day before the last restore, let it do it's thing and when it was over, winxp booted up and I was back in business.

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Up Grade Window But Failed

May 31, 2005

I originally had Windows Me on my pc and lap top. Well I decided to up grade both to xp pro but failed to "read the small print" and now, I can only activate one. I decided to activate my lap top but now, I am unable to use my pc because the activated license is on my lap top. How can I uninstall the xp pro from my pc and reinstall windows Me. I have the start up disk and cd for windows Me. If I can do this myself with help from all you wonderful members, I would really, really appreciate it.

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History Of Updates Have Failed

Jul 29, 2005

All of my history of updates say that they have failed. Windows xp professional with a good license. How do I fix this?

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399 Failed Updates - How To Install

Apr 8, 2008

I recently visited Microsoft Windows Updates and was horrified to discover that a total of 394 Windows Updates had failed to install. I clicked on 'Find Solutions' and followed the instructions, which were, click 'Start', click 'Run', type 'services.msc.' then make sure Background Intelligent Transfer Service is on Automatic (not manual) and is 'started'. I did this and tried to re-install the failed updates. This worked, but only for the 5 most recent updates (otherwise there would have been 399 failed updates). How do I go about installing ALL of the failed updates?

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FAILED UPDATES - How To Get To Install?

Jul 2, 2005

While I was manually checking my updates, I checked on the "Review Your Update History". I discovered that all 6 of the June 14 updates showed "FAILED" I tried checking for updates again, with the same results. Has anyone else experienced this, and how do I get the updates to install?

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Failed Repair Installation

Apr 23, 2010

Everything was running fine with my desktop PC till I turned it on this morning. It booted fine, Windows XP started and I entered my password. My desktop background appeared as standard but i had no taskbar, no start button and i was geting no response from either my right or left mouse buttons from clicking on the screen. I tried to get into task manager by using CTRL+ALT+DEL hoping I could get my explorer processes running again, but nothing happened other than a brief appearance of an egg timer. I powered down and started again hoping it was just a glitch. I was too optimistic. So I tried again, again and again achieving the same results. I had no luck getting into task manager or accessing any functions at all. I assumed that if explorer wasnt providing me with rudimentary functionality and if task manager was refusing to work either my only option was to attempt a repair installation of XP using my Windows setup disk to fix the problems.

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Installation Failed D:I386asms

Oct 27, 2007

System info:Compaq Presario 5000, Intel celeron,600mhz,40ghd,256mb and operating system was WinME. I first upgrade to WIN XP-PRO and all was fine for a week I then decided to wipe the HD and remove the partition and then reinstall winXP-PRO. This is when my problem began. During this new installation, it gets to the "windows" installation the error message then pops up which read "Installation failed: D:I386ASMS,error message :Incorrect function."Fatal error, one of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.I am unable to pass this point.

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Failed Hardware Installation Pop Up

Dec 18, 2004

I was wondering if you could help me. A few months ago, I was trying to install my old printer on my new XP laptop. I inserted the disk and ran into trouble because (I think) I didn't have the correct print drivers on this new computer. Instead of messing with all that, I wound up buying a new, networking printer. I have the new one installed and it works beautifully.The problem of this pop-up remains, though. I guess it's not really a problem -- just really annoying. Whenever I turn the computer on, it wants me to go through a wizard to help me complete the installation of the new device. Well, I don't want to install that old printer anymore. I've searched and searched, but can't figure out how to make that pop-up quit.

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Installation And Format Failed

Apr 12, 2006

My 20 GB HD is the master. everything was installed properly and I had no problems.
Yesterday I decided to change computer cases so I decided to transfer everything to the new case. I checked and tripple checked the hardware hook up. Every button and light works properly. When I turned on the comp, it would try to load and then it would turn off and restart on me. Thats fine, I figured I could use a format. So i put in the Original XP CD to format. Took me to the usual blue screen where it loads its drivers at the bottom, however after it loaded the Press F6 to load Raid drivers and Press F2 to do whatever, it froze on me. I can't understand why. BIOS loads everything, and it recognizes everything. I tried the whole put in the windows 98 or ME boot disk, but it would not load the drivers and then it would load from the XP cd. And yes it was set to boot from A: drive first.

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Failed To Load Resource DLL

Nov 30, 2004

Thanks for oppening the topic but now my problem is not here .l'll re-type the problem .Im running win2k pro and now when i right click on a desktop icon or any other icon i get ":Failed to load resource DLL" with no explanation of what dll is missing or corrupt .Once i press 'OK' the problem goes away and everything seems to run fine other than a few exceptions that im not sure are tied .My friend says he had the same problem and a week after ignoring it his pc crashed and died.

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Got Prompted:INF Install Failed

May 12, 2010

I formatted and reinstalled Win XP on Dimension 2400, but this time around 13 minutes to finish, I got prompted:"INF install failed. reason: handler and parameter error"The after 1 hour, I prompted:"13 minutes to finish install" and it froze.I did reinstall few times before but never had this problem, only thing that changed since the last reinstall.is that I chaged ISP to Shaw cable fast internet connection.

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Failed To Initialize Properly

Sep 10, 2007

"The application failed to initialize properly (0x80000003). Click on OK to terminate the application." Since I installed Visual Studio 2005, I've been getting this error when trying to run Soulseek, which has been working fine before. After OK, the same message comes up again, and after OK again, it closes and Soulseek doesn't run.The same thing happens trying to run Media Player Classic, and the HijackThis installer.Some googling suggested that other people had similar problems with other programs that might be .NET Framework related. I tried reinstalling Framework 2.0, installing 3.0, without any luck. Finally, I uninstalled Visual Studio and everything I could identify as installed with it, but still nothing.

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Updating OS Failed Many Times

Feb 25, 2009

The last 5 times I have tried to update my OS, it has failed.

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Failed To Connect To Server

Feb 9, 2005

I have just set up TightVNC on my home machine which is running XP Home edition. It is my first experience using VNC with port forwarding from a router (I have comcast for internet access and a SpeedStream 2623 wireless router connecting my cable modem to my PC). When I try to establish a connection from a client, it will pause for maybe 10 seconds and then return with a "Failed to connect to server" dialog.The puzzling thing is that I turned on logging for the server and from the log file it looks like it's connecting just fine.

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Failed To Install On C Drive

Mar 8, 2008

I have xp pro installed on the c: I want to install xp home on the I drive but on the setup up screen it says I can only install it on f:/ or d; or e:/ why dont I get all the drives I have formatted to install to instead of 3 partitions allocated?

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Update Failed During Downloading

Jun 16, 2006

Recently Windows Update hasn't been working for me. I, just about a minute ago, tryed updating and 8/8 updates failed These are the upates I was trying to download/install but they all failed.

Update for WMDRM-enabled Media Players (KB902344)
Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 (KB900325)
Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP (KB917734)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB914389)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB918439)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB911280)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB917953)
Definition Update 1.14.1503.8 for BETA Windows Defender (KB915597)

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Computer Failed To Login

Mar 27, 2007

My windows xp dell pc is not loading up the user login screen. The hard drive sounds like its trying to load something but failing. Then i can only get onto the login screen after various attempts at restarting. Is there a way to fix this non loading user login screen.

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Failed Re-installation And Formatting

May 6, 2008

I have just attempted to reinstall + format Windows XP on my laptop as I've had some serious spyware issues, however whenever I do so it fails and presents the error message of:*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0XC0000005, 0XF76120BF, 0XF7A5E208, 0XF7A5DF08).Can anyone please explain why this occurs?

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