Recently Windows Update hasn't been working for me. I, just about a minute ago, tryed updating and 8/8 updates failed These are the upates I was trying to download/install but they all failed.
Update for WMDRM-enabled Media Players (KB902344)
Update Rollup 2 for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 (KB900325)
Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP (KB917734)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB914389)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB918439)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB911280)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB917953)
Definition Update 1.14.1503.8 for BETA Windows Defender (KB915597)
im trying to download the net frame work 3.0 from the windows update,the download keeps saying download failed,check your recent downloads,all i have is net framework 1.0 1.1 framework 2.0,do i really need this?
I have at home a desktop connected by dial up (snail version), and a laptop in the office, connected by DSL.If I want to update Win XP, or others programs (all licenced, don't worry), can I download on my laptop, save on a stick, and install on my desktop?
There seems to be a problem with my windows update. It downloads the necessary updates with no problem but as soon as it start to install it, it gives me a failed message. No error codes nothing, just failed. Did anyone experience this and know what the solution could be
i have a hp pavilion 533w with 512 megs of ram and windows xp home w/sp2. the auto update has been downloading security updates now for 2 weeks but still is at 39% when that little yellow shield shows up in the tray.
After downloading the most recent firewall update to Mcafee personal firewall plus the computer kicked me out and rebooted. I contacted McAfee support and was - after numerous attempts - able to load their latest DAT file on the system and run a DOS scan which took 55 minutes. It found at least one trojan (the Multidropper .F trojan). I thought this would solve the problem. No. Went into SAFE MODE and was able to remove Personal Firewall. Rebooted the sytem. Bam! Once my desktop loaded, the computer rebooted again. McAfee's Security Center is still on my system, but the firewall has been uninstalled. The Computer is still rebooting continuously. Even SAFE mode takes forever to boot up. Before I take the computer into the local PC shop what can I do
I have a large amount of the above named files as a result of MS patches and updates. If these patches and updates were successful, and apparently they were, as I have received no indications otherwise. It's my understanding that these files are used to reverse or uninstall a failed update; Is that correct? How can I verify that all patches and updates were successfully applied? I've had no trouble after installing these, so I'm assuming that all is well. So the question is, How do I remove these $NTUninstallKB******* files?
When go to and try to update my computer, it says that the update was failed. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this problem, but am out of ideas.
I would like to get rid of the "Cancelled" and "Failed" entries in the Windows Update - Review your update history, because they are finally all corrected installed. How can i remove these enries from the history?
i just updated my computer through windows update and 3 keep failing no matter what, can anyone give any info on the below updates and why they wont install?
Security Update for Windows XP (KB896423) Security Update for Windows XP (KB922819) Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express for Windows XP (KB923694)
Office Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB949810) Failed. All attempts to install this Microsoft automatic update fail! Note: all other updates pushed out on same day installed OK! It downloads OK - but fails installation.
I tried to download and install the latest XP update (Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.18.2621.7), and it failed three times. Has anyone else had this problem?
I have recently updated (Auto)Windows XP. I have a Xerox laser printer on my network which after the update failed to work although it works from other computers (Mac) on the same network. I did a system restore and now it works, so the update is the fault. Before or if, I update again has anyone any advice on how to repair this situation. Auto Update is presently turned off).
How come when I tried to update outlook 2003 junk email filter it keeps saying it failed. Then I tried to go to the website to download directly from them instead of windows but it still did not work. Also, when it said that i need to install activeX it failed because it does not know publisher. and the icon keeps popping up saying I have to update but everytime I try to update it it keep failing.
About 7 days ago PC startup time went to an average of 6-7 minutes from just a few minutes. The event viewer seems to point to an 'Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler' entry with description: "Initialization of the COM subsystem failed: Error code: 0x8007041D". It is the only 'error' entry in the log upon startup. I Googled this to death and tried various things:
1. checked HD for errors 2. multiple tools used to cleanup/repair registry 3. reinstalled Windows Automatic Updater 4. defrag the HDs (grasping at straws)....
So, what do I do about this message . It's suggesting that I havea a virus, possibly Trojan, abwiz.F or possibly automatically need to download virus definition with the Intelligent Updater. My computer won't allow this and tell me that it is recommended to stop the process. The virus removal is far too complicated and I have read that folks who have done this found it didn't help the problem. I have Norton Virus protection.
i have an icon from microsoft.saids it has updates to install for microsoft office, update service pack 3.the only thing is it won't update.and the icon won't go away until it gets updated .plus norton keeps giving me a box saids norton can't update uninstall norton than my son did up my whole computer so i am afraid to really touch anything.
"Install the ActiveX control required to view the website," but I don't get the bar saying to install it. None of the troubleshooting tips were relevant.
After installing and running MSE I have been unable to update definitions either manually or automatically. At the same time I noticed that microsoft automatic updates are getting to around 28 percent and then stopping - not fully downloading or installing. I cannot get through to any microsoft websites now - but all other sites are fine. wuauserv and bits are missing from services also. Have I been sneakily virused by something which MSE hasnt picked up. I tried to run malicious software removal tool - it downloads alright but wont install - says its not a valid win32 application. I correctly downloaded the 32bit app. Can anyone shed some light on any of this. I dont want to rebuild again and again.
wen i turn on my laptop it keeps goin on 3 of 3 updates but does not install updates .then turns of an repeats all over again .an wont recignise cd/reboot factory instalationhelp
I recently formated and restored windows to how it was when I bought it. Everything was ok except for updating using the Windows Update feature. I have it on, but when I go to the updating windows its not doing anything. Its suposte to scan, but its not scanning since it takes forever. On my other computer, it works in seconds.
My computer has automatic update on it but it hasent been updateing lately so i went to windows update and found all the new updates for my computer and clicked "install New Updates" and it went to the download screen and said "Error Download Failure"
I would like to know how to uninstall an update that was performed by Windows Update.The update itself was in the "Hardware, Optional" Type list (ie. not the"High Priority"or the"Software,Optional" list)The update that was installed shows up in the History log correctly I believe that Microsoft incorrectly scanned the computer and assigned a hardware update that pertained to a different type of hardware ... specifically, the update pertained to an "IBM Thinkpad UltraNav Pointing Device" whereas the actual hardware is a Toshiba Satellite with a Synaptics Touchpad".
I have run live update and installed all updates OK except .NET Framework SP1.1 update.This will not install and there is no reason given why - it just says installation failed
Windows Update keeps trying to update Office 2003.I have a trial version of Office 2003 that came with my computer.I do not want it at this time, but I may want it at some point in the future.I don't know if it can be hidden from the Windows update but if not, I am not sure how to fully get rid of it. It has never been "installed."Windows update fails every time, of course, because it isn't now nor has it ever been installed.The biggest problem is that it keeps trying to apply the same updates over and over and over. It slows down the shutdown as it repeats the attempt(s) 3 times before each shutdown and also it keeps downloading the same and or other Windows Updates for Office 2003
I am using a Dell, Windows XP Professional laptop computer. It has a non- wireless connection to the internet via my LAN.Last week, the yellow update "shield" icon appeared in my systray and I updated Windows - the update was completed. Since then, the update shield icon has appeared in my systray four times. I installed the update each time, but it seems to have been the same update each time ("KB 967715"). If it is the same update each time, which it seems to be, why would the update "shield" appear in my systray four times within a week and a half to install the same update
I have a hp laptop with winxp pro media center Edition service pack 2. Windows update keeps redirecting me to mac update site any ideals why it would be doing this?
Windows update keeps asking to install kb949044 outlook junk e mail filter update. it says its is successful after installing. but a minute later its back. I have gone to windows update and looked at history and its says it installed good. but it keeps asking. I tried the windows update troubeshoot and downloaded update to desktop and installed it. but I get a message that says. Expected version of the product not found on system. outlook 2003 junk-e- mail filter. How can I get the filter back?
in my start menu -> all programs there is windows update and another called microsoft update. the icon for the windows update is the usual blue globe with the windows (4 colours emblem, its the one on your "start" button) and the icon for microsoft update is an image of a computer and an arrow pointing downwards.
in IE service pack 1, i clicked on the windows update on the tools tab on the menu bar. this loaded an empty page of the browser. this is the same when i click on windows update on the start menu -> all programs. however when i click microsoft update, it takes me to the update page where i could download my service packs and 'express' and 'custom' installations. i traced the application which triggers the windows update and its from the system32 = wupdmgr.exe. i traced the application which triggers the microsoft update and its also from the system 32 = muweb.dll,LaunchMUSite. is the windows update now obsolete, unusable and just but a dead-end function. and is microsoft update now the site that replaces the what-used-to-be windows update?