History Of Updates Have Failed

Jul 29, 2005

All of my history of updates say that they have failed. Windows xp professional with a good license. How do I fix this?

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399 Failed Updates - How To Install

Apr 8, 2008

I recently visited Microsoft Windows Updates and was horrified to discover that a total of 394 Windows Updates had failed to install. I clicked on 'Find Solutions' and followed the instructions, which were, click 'Start', click 'Run', type 'services.msc.' then make sure Background Intelligent Transfer Service is on Automatic (not manual) and is 'started'. I did this and tried to re-install the failed updates. This worked, but only for the 5 most recent updates (otherwise there would have been 399 failed updates). How do I go about installing ALL of the failed updates?

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FAILED UPDATES - How To Get To Install?

Jul 2, 2005

While I was manually checking my updates, I checked on the "Review Your Update History". I discovered that all 6 of the June 14 updates showed "FAILED" I tried checking for updates again, with the same results. Has anyone else experienced this, and how do I get the updates to install?

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Downloading Net Framework 3.0 From Win Updates Always Failed?

May 4, 2007

im trying to download the net frame work 3.0 from the windows update,the download keeps saying download failed,check your recent downloads,all i have is net framework 1.0 1.1 framework 2.0,do i really need this?

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Failed Updates KB948590 - Home SP2 And IE7

Apr 9, 2008

I have Windows trying repeatedly to install 3 updates, KB948590, KB945553 & KB941693 and failing. It first tried through automatic updates and after a re-start I saw it again trying to download more updates. Thinking that this was strange I went into the Windows Update site, and after checking for critical updates it said I needed the above 3. I then had a look at the update history and it said it had just tried to install these 3 through automatic updates and failed. When I click on the "failed" icon as directed to find out what went wrong nothing happens.

Between the automatic update attempt and my manual windows update attempt I was prompted to download KB892130, the Windows Genuine Advantage Tool. This was successful. The sequence of this is below;

Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB948590) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Windows Update - FAILED
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB945553) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Windows Update - FAILED
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB941693) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Windows Update - FAILED
Windows XP Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Windows Update - SUCCESSFUL
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB941693) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Automatic Updates - FAILED
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB948590) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Automatic Updates - FAILED
Windows XP Security Update for Windows XP (KB945553) Wednesday, 9 April 2008 Automatic Updates - FAILED

I'm running XP Home SP2 and IE7. I'm concerned that Windows on auto updates is going to waste some of my download quota by repeatedly attempting to download these updates without success. How can I find out why they won't install and try and fix it if nothing happens when I click on the "failed" icon?

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Updates Failed - Critical (KB886185)

Jul 18, 2005

I keep getting a message stating that my windows updates have failed. I've tried to install the following updates but no success.

Security Update for Windows XP (KB873339)
Critical Update for Windows XP (KB886185)

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Failed Critical Updates - How To Install

Jul 7, 2005

After checking for win updates, I thought I would check the history of other updates. Much to my surprise, there were 6 updates, ALL from June 14, that had "FAILED". Some gave a page to go to for description, some did not. I have tried and tried to get these updates installed, but no success. These were the "critical updates" categories. Is there ANY way I can get the Microsoft to either send me to another address that would install them?

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Updates Failed After Installing Firefox 1

Feb 8, 2005

Just installed Firefox a week ago and today cannot install Windows Updates for security fixes. Assume there is a conflict having IE and Firefox.

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Failed Security Updates After Reinstalling OS

Oct 7, 2007

When I reinstalled XP everything seemed to work well. No error messages, until I was contacted by MS Update that updates were ready for download. There were 77. It seems they download just fine, but during 'initializing installation', the screen abruptly changes to a list of files that failed to install, which is all 77. I then attempted to shut down the computer and reboot. No change. I tried installing one at a time. No difference. I tried installing in numerical order. No change. There is no error message other than 'Some files failed to install'.

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All Updates Failed After Manual Install Of IE7

Jul 5, 2008

Shortly after IE7 came out of beta I allowed Windows update to automatically download and install the upgrade....it failed, then I went to MS site and manually downloaded and installed IE7. Success. Ever since then I have been unable to downloaded eight downloads...see below.

Cumulative Security Update for ActiveX Killbits for Windows XP (KB950760)
Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB928365)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB950762)
Update for Windows XP (KB942763)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB951698)
Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - June 2008 (KB890830)
Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB950759)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB951376)

although Service Pack #3 has installed itself....???...not sure how that happen. Its (SP3)listed in Add/Remove...I have searched the web and followed several suggestions...ie, stop windows update service, then delete several folders from Software and Distributions directory...restart windows update service...reboot machine...and still to no avail.........

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MS Office Updates Install Failed

Nov 12, 2007

All MS updates will download, but will not install both for applications (MS Office) & for Windows XP PRO. After trying to install I get a MS window that lists the updates I tried to install failed. I am now about 83 updates behind ...My guess is some form of windows corruption, but how to fix??? already tried to do a windows repair to no avail...

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Failed Updates - Error Code Ox8007005

Dec 9, 2007

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

When trying to get updates Microsoft windows Installer 3.1 fails to install and I get the following Error Code ox8007005.

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Updates Failed - Security Update (KB896423)

Dec 19, 2006

i just updated my computer through windows update and 3 keep failing no matter what, can anyone give any info on the below updates and why they wont install?

Security Update for Windows XP (KB896423)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB922819)
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express for Windows XP (KB923694)

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Failed Updates - Office 2003 - KB919029

Dec 20, 2006

I have my XP Pro set up to alert me when there's updates so I can pick and choose the ones NOT to install, like IE7 for example! Anyhow, I let it download "junk email filter KB925254' and "update for office 2003, KB919029' both of which fail on the install with no explanation other than "Updates were unable to be successfully installed". I shut down that window and I immediately get the notification updates are ready to be dowloaded, tried shutting down my firewall which made no difference.

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The Following Updates Failed To Be Installed Successfully 816093

Mar 19, 2005

I'm having a little trouble with doing windows updates on this machine. I have tried everything suggested. The updates will download but always fail. However this system did have over 300 different types of malware, but I have removed these using MS Antispyware and Norton Antivirus 2004. I even got SP2 installed from a CD.

"The following updates failed to be installed successfully: 816093: Security Update Microsoft Virtual Machine (Microsoft VM) Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool (KB873374)" And NO ERROR MESSAGES, and nothing in the logs...

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Latest Updates - Failed To Load And Restarts

Dec 29, 2009

I come across very strange problem. Last week my machine running XP Home was infected by 'Boot.Mebroot' virus which curropted my boot configurations and my machine was getting restarted upon loading windows. I tried all the options but no use. Then I re-install (Upgraded to) XP Professional with complete installation without reformat and updated to latest SP3. It went fine, I ran Symantec and found the bugger and kicked off from my machine. Then I started Windows Live update as I want to bring my PC to latest patches. All the updates got installed without an error (about 58 updates most of them were security update, SP3 and IE8). As soon as I restart my machine it shows the same behaivour. It get restarted. I Repaired my XP professional three time now.

Why I am accusing MS XP Update for all this because Last night everything was running absolutly perfect, I started the update it showed me 58 updates. All update gone successfully. After finishing the the updates I simply restarted my machine and it failed again and restarting again and again. It shows me F8 boot options and I tried all but same. So I repaired this morning again. I tried the 'fixmbr' command in recovery console and it displays the dangerous message that 'This machine boot have some problem' but if you ruin FIXMBR you might loose the partition and stuff so I didn't run it as I have very important data on my disk.

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Specific Updates KB896727 Failed - How To Check And Delete

Aug 11, 2005

I'm having an issue today with some of the critical updates indicating "Failed" Win XP pro currently has SP2.
Update are set to automatic. But, i'm fixing a troubled pc and am loading the updates directly from the Microsoft update website. It shows 15 updates to be installed, but when I start them, the all fail. Not sure why. FYI, I've been able to download other non-critical updates so it appears the process is working.

Specific Updates are KB896727, Looking for directions or clues. It appears the update have been downloaded, maybe they are corrupted. how to check and delete the update so I can reload.

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Updates Failed - Office 2003 Pack 2 KB907417

Aug 23, 2007

I have windows XP.The following updates continue to fail: Office 2003 KB907417, Office 2003 Pack 2, KB928366, KB936181, KB936643.

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Automatic Updates Failed - Excel Viewer 2003 (KB918425)?

Jul 11, 2006

I have auto-updates enabled on my compute. Today there were several for updating, but two failed. They are:

1)Security update for Excel Viewer 2003 (KB918425)
2)Security update for Office 2003 (KB917151)

I have checked 'Add and Remove' and they are not there. I am advised they are unable to be updated by the automatic update facility. I downloaded them manually, but that also failed to instal. Could someone help please as this has never happened before to me. The update is 2.3MB. I have 33GB free on C:/drive.

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Updates Were Unable To Be Successfully Installed / AVI Files Failed To Load

Dec 2, 2006

To start, when I try to play an .avi file, real player and windows media player both encounter a fatal error. Thinking there may have been a windows update I went to update.microsoft.com to get updates. I was able to download all of the updates, but I could not install any of them. I tried to install them via express and custom updates on the website, via automatic updates, and virtually every other method I could think of. After researching the problem I came across similar problems with an array of solutions, including trying in safe mode, running sfc /scannow, uninstalling and reinstalling .net, shutting off and turning back on both automatic updates and cryptographic services, changing .dll files (lccwiz & pidgen), renaming the Software Distribution folder, downloading one update at a time, and other things that I can't even begin to think of at this moment, obviously with no success, as well as running SpyBot, AdAware, and Norton.

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Automatic Updates Unseen In Add/remove List/ Auto Updates Only Download Security Updates?

Jun 1, 2006

The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.

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Get Rid Of History

Aug 12, 2002

Get rid of that history. There is no good that can come of it. It will only take up space and allows any cleaver person to find out exactly what web sites you have visited.

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IE7 Has Lost The History

Oct 2, 2006

IE7 has lost the history when i press ctrl+h the screen is blank , when i look in the temp folder the history is there.

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How To Save History On PC

Jul 22, 2009

How do I set the history on my PC to keep more then 1 day to view? I used to be able to select a number of days but not anymore? I currently use Internet Explorer 8 and have Windows XP. When I click on History and View by Date it still doesn't give me the option to keep anymore then the current day.

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View History?

Aug 29, 2005

I have Windows XP, SP2, and I was wondering how do I check where my teenage son has been surfing????? I've checked Temp files and I just see a bunch of numbers. I would like to see something that looks like different web sites or a list of cookies that give me a name.

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Deleting History?

Jun 26, 2006

i was wondering if someone could tell me how to delete the complete history of my computer. I have windows 2000 professional edition.

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Checking Computer History

Jan 13, 2006


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How To View History Of Cookies

Jun 30, 2005

Is there anyway I can view the history and cookies once they have been deleted?

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Delete My Browsing History

Oct 31, 2008

I can delete my browsing history from the Tools menu but how do I delete the searches that have been done on Google from the XP header?

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Delete The History Of Those Searches

Jul 7, 2010

I have been doing some searches for files on my machine running windows XP and I'd like to delete the history of those searches... is there a way to do this? I'm NOT computer literate.

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Home Sp2 About Clearing History

Jul 24, 2005

Why is it when I clear my history including deleting files (offline content as well) and clearing cookies it still shows up in my address bar?

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