working on a Comcrap Presario (my favorite as some of you know ), older model, not sure what, doesn't really matter anyway.It has a 2 gig hard drive which is about 99.9% full, shows 80 megs of available ram (yeah, yeah, I know) --- user was trying to figure out how to change the registered owner and somehow came up with the brilliant idea of installing XP Got an error message about not being able to find enough space, imagine that Booted up to the dual boot menu for the XP install and 98, I edited the boot.ini file to get rid of that since the install failed, will there be any other files that can be deleted?
I recently visited Microsoft Windows Updates and was horrified to discover that a total of 394 Windows Updates had failed to install. I clicked on 'Find Solutions' and followed the instructions, which were, click 'Start', click 'Run', type 'services.msc.' then make sure Background Intelligent Transfer Service is on Automatic (not manual) and is 'started'. I did this and tried to re-install the failed updates. This worked, but only for the 5 most recent updates (otherwise there would have been 399 failed updates). How do I go about installing ALL of the failed updates?
While I was manually checking my updates, I checked on the "Review Your Update History". I discovered that all 6 of the June 14 updates showed "FAILED" I tried checking for updates again, with the same results. Has anyone else experienced this, and how do I get the updates to install?
I formatted and reinstalled Win XP on Dimension 2400, but this time around 13 minutes to finish, I got prompted:"INF install failed. reason: handler and parameter error"The after 1 hour, I prompted:"13 minutes to finish install" and it froze.I did reinstall few times before but never had this problem, only thing that changed since the last that I chaged ISP to Shaw cable fast internet connection.
I have xp pro installed on the c: I want to install xp home on the I drive but on the setup up screen it says I can only install it on f:/ or d; or e:/ why dont I get all the drives I have formatted to install to instead of 3 partitions allocated?
i just reconfigured my computer and i tryed to install some of my games and all of them failed, for each one i tired to install it gave me errors for them?
After checking for win updates, I thought I would check the history of other updates. Much to my surprise, there were 6 updates, ALL from June 14, that had "FAILED". Some gave a page to go to for description, some did not. I have tried and tried to get these updates installed, but no success. These were the "critical updates" categories. Is there ANY way I can get the Microsoft to either send me to another address that would install them?
Shortly after IE7 came out of beta I allowed Windows update to automatically download and install the failed, then I went to MS site and manually downloaded and installed IE7. Success. Ever since then I have been unable to downloaded eight downloads...see below.
Cumulative Security Update for ActiveX Killbits for Windows XP (KB950760) Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB928365) Security Update for Windows XP (KB950762) Update for Windows XP (KB942763) Security Update for Windows XP (KB951698) Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - June 2008 (KB890830) Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 7 for Windows XP (KB950759) Security Update for Windows XP (KB951376)
although Service Pack #3 has installed itself....???...not sure how that happen. Its (SP3)listed in Add/Remove...I have searched the web and followed several, stop windows update service, then delete several folders from Software and Distributions directory...restart windows update service...reboot machine...and still to no avail.........
All MS updates will download, but will not install both for applications (MS Office) & for Windows XP PRO. After trying to install I get a MS window that lists the updates I tried to install failed. I am now about 83 updates behind ...My guess is some form of windows corruption, but how to fix??? already tried to do a windows repair to no avail...
New problem with winupdate. After clicking "Custom" on the update site, I get the screen that basicly says I must install software for use with the site. I click to start the download and install and the software downloads. After download the screen go's into "Install" mode, then quickly changes to "Some software failed to install". The solution is supposed to be on the update history link, but that does not show the Windows Genuine Advantage software to have been downloaded/installed. Repeating the cycle results in indicating the software for Windows Genuine Advantage has been downloaded and is ready to be installed. Clicking "Download and install" yields the same result of "Some software failed to install".
I just purchased a Win XP Pro OS from a local PC retail store and I installed it on my machine.Everything went by plan.After everything was done.I restart my computer and in the middle of the boot-up I get this message.Setup failed to install the product catalog (Fatal error). And another try to boot it up I get message Error Signature for WinXP Pro is invalid. The third time I get the first message again.I ran the setup disk again maybe I did something wrong No same thin again.Any cure for that?Any repairs possible? Any download from microsoft to solve the problem?
Hello, I have a computer that I built by myself but I have always had a problem installing programs due to registry problems. A prime example of this is when I tried to install AVG Free antivirus.
Error: Action failed for registry value HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun:AVG7_CC: creating registry value Access is denied.
I recently got windows xp and upgraded from windows 2000. Right now there are 93 updates or so that I can download and have downloaded but can not install. I have no idea why. The newest WGA says my windows is genuine I have 3 different virus protection programs all of which say aside from cookies my computer is clean. Some minor updates work but the critical ones do not. I have tried multiple ideas to fix this and have failed. What happens is I go to the microsoft update site. Click on express or custom install and go to the place where these updates are to be installed :
Security Update for Windows XP (KB873339) Critical Update for Windows XP (KB886185) Security Update for Windows XP (KB885836) Security Update for Windows XP (KB888302) Security Update for Windows Messenger (KB887472).....
I do not know what happen. Every time when windows start,there is a pop-up message from the task bar stating that a new hardware 'bus controller' was found and a large dialog box appears that prompts me to install the hardware.So I follow the instruction and check for 'install the software automatically' but failed.I tried several times but not successful.I then go to Device Manager and found a yellow exclamation mark under 'Bus Controllers'.Here I tried to right-click on it and hit 'update driver' but also failed.
Hypothetically,if I have an'illegal'copy of XP Pro which fails Windows Genuine Advantage verification and then buy a legal copy,do I have to do a complete re-install or can I just type the 'kosher' number in somewhere?
I tried to download and install the latest XP update (Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.18.2621.7), and it failed three times. Has anyone else had this problem?
I was going to upgrade my wifes Gateway to w2000 as a surprise, kept getting NTDETECT failed error. Before I could work it out or find a solution, she caught me. Lesson learned, Dont mess with wifes computer when she is not here. replaced ME on her computer and reinstalled all of the backups I had made before I had this brilliant Idea. Problem, I have a $200 system that I am dying to install on something. I have a dual hd each 40g and I have nothing on the Drive D. I have XP home on C: drive. I would like to install this W2000 on the D Drive. can someone tell me Is there a way to reformat Just D: drive and install w2000 on it without messing up C: drive. and then being able to pick which OS I want to boot to? This is by the way a Full system CD.
When I open to read my e-mails I get a message saying Failed to install Adobe Flash player Activex Setup. What can I do to remove this message when I openmy e-mails?
I have reformatted many times and took the same steps I always do, Ctl F11, agreed to erase and continue, etc. When I was told to continue, instead of my computer reformatting smoothly, I was given an error saying that it could not be completed and a black screen saying only that an error occured and to hit Ctl + Alt + Dlt, I was brought back to the same black screen asking to restart.
My modem stopped working, received and installed new modem on Wednesday, computer worked fine. now system keeps restarting, when I tried F8 command, menu comes up, but when I try to enter anything, I get very quick "NT Detect Failed" and then computer keeps restarting.
I have windows xp installed on my computer, the home edition. packet 2, Anyway, I have been trying to get my computer to go to stand by but it keeps telling me. system standby failed, the device driver for the standar 101/102 key or microsoft natural ps/2 keyboard device is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update this driver. I tried to update the driver, but for this basic key board there is not a driver to update. It is the microsoft natural keyboard elite. Nothing special about this at all. Other than that my computer is about 5 years old and had windows 98 second edition on it, but would go into stand by then, but now that I have put XP on it, it will not go to stand by.
I attempted to repair windows (XP Pro SP2) using the windows cd. Due to some bad memory the repair did not work. I got multiple unable to copy *.dll files notices. I've corrected the memory problem.Now when I go to repair Windows using the CD the previous installation is not recognized. I don't get the "Setup found an existing windows installation, would you like to repair it" (paraphrasing, don't remember exact wording).
PC is left on pretty much all the time. Whenever I have to restart it for whatever reason it restarts normally, loading XP relatively quickly. However, if I have to shut it down for even a few minutes, Windows will typically fail to load most of the time. Usually it will hang on the black screen with the white progress bar, or sometimes on the loading xp screen. At this point it will sometimes start up when I reset it, or it will show the "Windows failed to load normally" screen. If I then start in safemode then restart it usually works, or even if I choose "start windows normally". I'm not sure if this is a driver or hardware/bios issue, I have reformatted once, and restored the OS using my XP disk a couple of times but the problem persists. I keep most of my drivers up to date. Tools like Sandra don't report any major errors (from what I understand anyway). I have just ordered new RAM, as I thought this would sort the issue, but it hasnt. I have to run my memory at 100hz so it will boot without any problems . If I run my processor at 200fsb then the computer doesn't boot and it doesn't start.
Originally, the computer had Windows XP but when the operating system failed and I had no disk I tried to install Windows XP Pro using a disk I purchased.
These are the error messages I have been getting:
Windows Setup: Unknown Disk - there is no disk in this drive. A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed
I used a �Boot CD� and got the following information:
Previous Attempts at booting this system have failed at checkpoint [EMem]. For help resolving this problem, please note this checkpoint and contact Dell Tech Support.Is there a way to resolve this without having to wait forever on the phone with Dells tech support?
When I look in the event viewer I can see above error message.Are these drivers not loading due to programs being updated or has something gone wrong with my system? Below is the list of files not loading.I have checked quite a few of these files and they are present in my "System32/Drivers" file.
I have a laptop, HP dv6000, with Vista previously installed. Yesterday, I created a partition on my hard drive and installed XP on it. So, ideally, I should have two windows system installed. Maybe in fact, there are 2 systems installed. However, the problem is after I installed XP, it directly loaded into XP without letting me choose which system I wanted to load into when I restarted the pc. In other words, I can not log in my vista system now.
Now when I start XP I get the option to load a previous version of windows or (default) install the new OS As I say the second option comes up as default and gives barely 2 seconds to select the first option and continue with starting the computer How can I eradicate the option to install the new OS?
I can not bring up animated graphics on my screen. It will view most jpeg files but not gif files. I get a 'drawing failed' on the screen. When I call up a folder, only half the items show to the eye. The others are blank. When I call up a program, it says 'Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service'. I took screen shots through my print screen program and no problem to bring that program up. But when I go after them to put in Photobucket to post I get the 'Insufficient' message so I can't post them for you. It lets me do some things but not others?
Accidentally removed my Direct X from my machine Win XP SP2 32bit. Now when i do dxdiag, in the system tab it shows directX version: not found. Is there anyway to restore this directX without having to re-install windowx again?