Can't Delete Old Owner File In Docs / Settings Folder

Jun 19, 2008

I have a used laptop and have removed all of the previous owner's data. I have created a new user. I have changed the owner's name in My Computer and in the registry. Everything works well and I can find all my new files in My Documents as I expect. However in C:Docs and Settings there is a folder with the old owner's name. XP will not let me rename it or delete it and says it is "a Windows system folder and is requred for Windows to run properly". Apparently some part of XP is still using some files/folders in the old owner's name folder. How can I get around this so I can clean up my disk and delete the old owner's folder?

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Access Denied To Docs And Settings Folder For Administrator

Jan 15, 2007

I have a Dell 4600 with with 769MB Ram and Windows XP Pro. My XP boot sequence got corrupted (according to Dell) on my "C" drive. They wanted me to reformat the drive (and lose all my work). Instead I installed XP onto my secondary drive and nenamed it "C", set up a special partition on my secondary drive to receive the old files ("D") and renamed the "bad" drive to "G". Though I can access/copy most files from "G" onto "D", my "Documents and Settings/Administrator" directory on "G" (not password-protected, but contained a lot of files) are all "access-denied". I can't open/view these files on "G" or even copy them to "D". If I try to open them, I get a "files inaccessible, access is denied" msg.

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Set Owner And Permission For A Folder/file On?

Sep 6, 2005

First, I still have problem to set a folder to be private. It should be a VERY EAY task.But when I right click the Property of a folder on D: drive its "Make this private" check box is gray out.So I can NOT make a folder be private in D: drive.

It seem to me the private folders are private under "My Documents" in C: drive.

I read from Help, it says a drive MUST be NTFS

But I type

convert D: /fs:ntfs

It says my D drive already is NTFS format.
Since it already in NTFS, then why I can't
make it private?

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Pro Docs And Settings Account Not Display

Apr 24, 2007

I would like to conceal the presence of an admin account.I am not referring to the account "Administrator". User name will be part of the group "Administrators". I would like "C:Documents and Settingsuser name" to not appear, unless user name has logged in to the computer. The computer is not part of a domain.

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Find The Owner Of A File

Jun 27, 2005

Where in Windows XP explorer can I find the owner of a file that is the last person who saved as I used to be able in Windows 2000 explorer by right clicking the file choosing properties/advance/owner.

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Renaming System File: Changing Documents And Settings A Folder Name?

Jul 28, 2005

In documents and settings a folder has been named after the old manager of this shop. How can I change the name to something else? In this folder are .java, cookies, and desktop folders.

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Cannot Delete File In Folder - In Use

Jul 19, 2005

I got a file in a folder that I can't delete. When I try to do that always got the message that the file is in use. I already restarted the pc but it keeps saying the same thing. The file is not a system file, it's a normal user file.

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Unable To Delete File From Folder

Jun 13, 2006

Going through work computer trying to delete large amounts of old files. Some of them are just photos (part of work practice). I can not access them, to open them for viewing, nor delete them. Not part of old programs, just photos or .docs.
Problem One: Opening a specific folder A.
First: causes major delay when I try to access the folder A
Second: Error Msg reads: The disk in drive C is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?
No, I really just want to delete it.
Third: Try deleting folder that the folder B that folder [B]A/B] is in, Error Msg: Cannot delete folder, the directory is not empty.

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Can Not Delete File Or Folder Syntax Error

Dec 26, 2007

I can not delete a file in a folder or the folder on a flash drive because

I get volume label syntax is incorrect can not delete

I have windows xp

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Cannot Delete Folder - Close Any Program That May Using The File

Oct 7, 2004

"Cannot delete (folder name): It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that may be using the file and try again." So, I did that and it still will not delete. Besides rebooting (uses up much of my time) anybody know how to clear this?

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Cannot Delete A Folder - Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk.

Jul 18, 2005

I have a folder in My Documents that has set up permanent residence there. No matter what I do I cannot get rid of it. The message that I get is, "Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk."

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Delete Start Menu File Folder From Computer

Aug 5, 2009

My hard drive was formatted due to a virus and now when the computer is turned I get an empty file folder every time. I would like to know how to remove this and have it just go directly to my desktop.

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Wont Modify Registry Values / Wont Delete File Or Folder?

Aug 5, 2010

First of all, im unable to change the registry values and also im not able to create a new value inside the registry editor. Its says " An Error in creating or renaming the value".Im not able to delete the file or folder inside my customized folder.It says "Access denied. Make sure that the disk is not full or write protected or the file currently in use."

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Temp Folder At C:Documents And Settings Admin Local Settings Temp

Jul 28, 2005

What is the "Temp" folder for which is at C:Documents and Settings Admin Local Settings Temp? Nothing seems to appear there while I use IE to browse.

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Bat. Delete Folders In A Folder Not Delete Folder

Nov 30, 2004

I have a batch file to delete temp files but it will not delete folders. DEL /s /q c:"Documents and Settings"Username"Local Settings"Temp If I use the following it deletes Temp file also. I do not want that. rd /s /q c:"Documents and Settings "BillandWezzie" Local Settings"Temp I hope there is some other way, because I have other folders that I do not want to lose. I think the above folder will come back when needed, but I am not sure.

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Delete Everything On LOCAL SETTINGS / TEMP?

Aug 19, 2005

i keep getting messages saying i have low amount of disk space. is it ok for me to delete the TEMP files on local settings?

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System Folder Renaming: The Documents And Settings Folder Renaming?

Aug 8, 2005

I'm trying to change some settings and file names.Specifically,I would like to know if there is anyway at all I can change the Documents and Settings folder. Not the All Users one, but the folder with my friends' name on it. The system is telling me this folder cannot be changed, but sort of reinstalling XP, isn't there some "back door" method I can employ?

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Having Big Temp Folder / Delete The Contain Of This Folder

Sep 24, 2006

delete the contain of this folder without cuzing problems C:Documents and Settings Local SettingsTemp on win XP it is 750 MB

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Individual Folder Settings

Dec 17, 2007

On my XP Pro box, I need to be able to give individual folders and it's sub folders a single view type. So if my folders looked something like:
|-Folder 1
| |
| | - Folder a
| | - Folder b
| | - Folder c
|-Folder 2
|-Folder 3

I need a way to apply the view settings (ie, thumbnail, details, list icons etc) to only folder 1 AND all the sub folders without it affecting Folder 2 and 3. Also, is there a way to apply the type of columns for the folder when using the details view.

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Stuck Folder Settings

Apr 28, 2008

I have hidden folders on my computer that I want to view. The odd thing is that it is already selected as view hidden folders in the folder options menu. No matter how I change the settings it is stuck on show hidden files, but it does not show them. I have also tried to restore defaults and it sets it to show hidden files. I pretty sure that show hidden files is not the default.

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Delete Orphan User Remnants From Documents & Settings

Jul 28, 2010

I had one machine that has gone out on loan during repairs and it now has several orphaned User folders under Documents & Settings, which did not have security set on them, have been emptied, but I would like to cleanup the mess. Logged in as Administrator and in safe mode I cannot delete these. I think this is one of those naming issues where the real name is not what's showing?? something like that. how do I ditch these I figure i might could slave it to a Win7 system, take over the files, then delete. that's a lotta work so if there's a quick way, that's better

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Reseting The Monitor Settings: Sticks By Ctrl + Alt+ Delete?

Mar 21, 2005

I went to play a game and then when i got in it was all red (not totally just a tint of red was over my screen) so i ctrl + alt + deled out and now its stuck like this......i donno how to get it back to normal

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Won't Remember My Folder Views/settings

Aug 23, 2005

Trouble remembering my folder views/settings. For example, I can set my folder to view Tiles or List or Details, but when I go back, it resets the view to what Windows chooses. Also, my quicklaunch bar won't remember the order of icons. After I change which icons I want where, it resets after a system restart.

So far, I have already tried deleting the BagsMRU key from the registry to reset the folder views. Also, I have already played around with the "remember folder settings" option in folder views. I have also tried a program called MRUBlaster to reset the settings. And, if I choose "set all folders to this view" setting, it works, but if I change the view later, it won't remember it

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Missing Documents & Settings Folder

Oct 29, 2009

I am running Windows XP Home version 2002 with SP3 and cannot connect to the internet with 2 of the User Accounts. Account No 1 No problems Account No 2 IE freezes whenever I try to connect to the internet. Account No 3 I set up this new account to see if a new account would have the same problem connecting to the internet as Account No 2. It does. On checking both Accounts I found that the Documents & Settings folder is missing. In Account No 1 it is present. Would this missing folder have anything to do with being unable to connect to the internet and if so,

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Xp Folder View Settings Not Being Saved?

Jun 5, 2006

Open a folder. Go to the tools menu, then go to the view menu.One of the boxes down on the list, says Remember Each folders View settings.I have that checked.HOWEVER, after I shut off the computer, and sometimes after I have ran any number of programs, all my folders reset to Icon view. Something is wrong with the system as it is not saving each folders view setting. Could this be due to a virus, or a corrupt entry in the registery file?

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Need Temp Folder Bigger Settings

Apr 16, 2006

I tweaked my settings on my computor so I would have my temp folder limited to a certain size but now i need it bigger and i forgot how i did it.Can anyone help me? BTW I'm running windows Xp family.

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Saving Folder View Settings

Jun 14, 2005

Running windows XP Pro and networked wirelessly to a windows XP home with admin priveleges. Both have latest service packs. Had same problem as some past threads regarding recalling folder view settings. Followed that advice and deleted the recommended registry lines + applied Kelly's BAG Limit fix. Reset individual folder views/settings and these now saved OK. EXCEPT as follows:Through My Comp I open Drive C: and window opens at size/pos saved but does not remember that I set VIEW/FOLDERS for a split pane.If I then continue and expand, say, My Documents, or any other folder which has had its view defined and saved, then close current window, the next time I open a folder from my desk top (eg My folder, Download, etc) it opens at the size and view settings of the "Drive C:" window. I can then reset that window view again until I repeat steps above when it is again lost.

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Fonts Folder Settings Won't Stick

Jun 23, 2005

Somehow over the last couple of days my Control Panel/Fonts folder has forgotten it's supposed to display Details view and every time I open it.I get that awful useless icon view.This is true whether I open the folder from Control Panel, My Computer or Explorer.I have all my other folders set to Details view and I've tried several methods to make the Fonts setting stick Closing the Fonts folder by various desperate shift-clicking and control-clicking of the Close icon in the top right;Running the "increase remembered folder settings to 8000" Registry script from Kellys Korner.Nothing has worked so far.

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Can't Find Local Settings Folder

Nov 15, 2009

Using XP home edition, I'm trying to tweak my Chrome browser so I went looking for the installation folder. The properties dialogue in the shortcut tells me it's in "C:Documents and SettingsOwnerLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe". The problem is that I cannot find this folder. When I go to my D&S folder and open my "Owner" folder, there is no "Local Settings" folder. I have my system set up to show all folders, including hidden and system folders, so I know that isn't the problem.

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Temporary CD Burning Folder - How To Find Folder To Copy The File

Sep 5, 2005

I am trying to copy my Quicken files and it states it automatically copies them in the Windows XP's temporary CD burning folder. How do I find this folder to copy these files onto a CD or DVD.

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Edit - Remove Commands For Folder - Drive - File Folder

Apr 14, 2005

I'm played with the folder options over and over and for some reason ever though I have clicked open folder in same window and "launch folder window in a separate process" is NOT clicked, for some reason when I double click to open a folder it still opens it with a new window. Also, under file types it won't let me edit or remove the commands for folder, drive, and file folder.

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