Wont Modify Registry Values / Wont Delete File Or Folder?

Aug 5, 2010

First of all, im unable to change the registry values and also im not able to create a new value inside the registry editor. Its says " An Error in creating or renaming the value".Im not able to delete the file or folder inside my customized folder.It says "Access denied. Make sure that the disk is not full or write protected or the file currently in use."

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Editing The Registry Key Values ?

Jun 19, 2008

can u explain with a example please.Example : disabling autorun for CD drive[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesCdrom]"AutoRun"=dword:00000000
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerNoDriveTypeAutoRun]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b1[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer]"NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=dword:000000b1 Any website for learning registry editing?

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Importance Of Values For Zones In Registry?

Aug 24, 2005

What should the values be for the security zones in the Registry. Like 1004, (the one that gets changed all the time by something) and any other important ones.Or is there a specific site that gives the values?

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Leftover Registry Values After Reformat?

Sep 7, 2006

I like to reformat my computer periodically, it keeps everything running smooth. The time had come to reformat, so I popped in my XP Pro install disc and let it whirr. I did the usual deal, deleted my old partition, and recreated a new one using a Quick NTFS Format. The install went smoothly.Now however, I'm looking at some registry values, and I have all kinds of entries from old programs that were installed before I formatted. There are a few games on the list (FEAR, Oblivion, etc), the only problem is, I haven't installed those programs yet. It seems as if the format I've done didn't actually clean everything off.

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Deleting Registry Subkeys And Values?

Sep 8, 2005

Can I delete subkeys and values pertaining to Domains and addresses from the registry in all trees under SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionInternet Settings without affecting the normal functioning of my PC? Why are these domains and addresses saved in registry, and what are the consequences of deleting them?

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Perflib Registry Key Displays As Hex Values?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm attempting to install SQL 2005 on my mobile workstation and I ran into an error that I cannot resolve after hours of googling. The following registry key Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib09has a REG_MULTI_SZ entry called "Counter" that should contain a list of readable lables and values,I cut the entry's value short, the hex data extends to about 3000 lines (I exported the entry and opened it with a text editor). The entry for "Help" looks the same.

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Modify Registry For Uninterrupted Booting?

Sep 15, 2008

I was given this info quite a while back by someone, somewhere, I think a forum moderator for another computer and OS, but I'm an old person who can't remember squat and can't find it in previous posts either. My current operating system is Windows XP Pro SP3. The previous instructions given to me were for Windows XP Home Edition SP2. I don't know if there would be any difference in the ability to modify the registry or not, but I'll probably soon find out.

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Registry Keys And Values Settings Disturbed?

Oct 22, 2006

Was looking at Registry settings for Internet Explorer 6 Security HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternetSettingsones and noticed that the same Keys and Values are in HKCU|SoftwareMicrosoft|Windows|CurrentVersion|InternetSettingsones but do not have same data in the Values.Also see that Zones is in HKU hive with similar settings.Appears that settings in HKLM are used, but I was curious if anyone knows this for sure and if anyone knows why the duplicate keys and Values but different data.

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Unable To Edit Registry Values Of Kaspersky?

Feb 9, 2009

I have kaspersky anti virus installed on a windows 2000 server, it used to update from the administration kit. However problem with that server, means that the admin kit is no longer running.I cannot update kaspersky manually as it says it is controlled by administrator, and there is no update section of the settings, for me to change where the server looks for its updates.Think it maybe something that can be changed in the registry editor, however when i attempt to change the value, i get a 'Error writing the values new contents'The correct permissions have been set, but still not working.

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Registry Values/data For Start Menu To Looks Same As Before?

Jul 5, 2005

I'm trying to fix my Start Menu by editing the Registry values in but I am unclear about WHAT DATA SHOULD BE UNDER THESE 4 REGISTRY VALUES to fix the Start Menu.The problem I am trying to fix in my Start Menu is that looks the same as before, but when I hover over or click the All Programs submenu it doesn't appear. The hard drive light doesn't even come on like before when it was at least looking for my shortcuts. All the shortcuts are on the hard drive in the correct folders where they should be but the only way I can access them is through the Windows Explorer file mgr. The problem started after a Windows Update install

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Unable To Understand The Default Settings For Registry Values?

Nov 11, 2009

What are the default settings for registry values?

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Unable To Edit Registry Values By Using Admin Account?

Jul 14, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro, SP2 customer. We are attempting to modify the registry key for the "Everyoneincludesanonymous" from a value of 0 to 1. When he
selects "OK" he gets a message that says he cannot change this value. In fact he cant change any registry data and he is the admin.

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Essential Registry Values All Gone: Files & Programs Wont Open?

Aug 15, 2006

i downloaded this program from major geeks called 'RegScrub XP'. i assumed that it locates and deletes registry entries that are old and not in use.so in the program, on one of the tabs, i think it was 'user defined...' (or rather), i located all the registry entries and then deleted all of them.so now all the files and programs on my computer cannot open. all of the icons in the start menu and everywhere have that unspecified icon image, and when i try to open it it says - use the web service to find the appropriate program

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View And Modify User Folder Location

Aug 12, 2002

Microsoft Windows XP uses a lot of folders for each user. Everything from  "My video" to your personal documents folder. Below is where you can view the locations of these folders and can change them. Start Regedit. If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders Right click on the folders and select Modify Change the path to a new path if you want to change the path. Reboot your computer.

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Cannot Delete File In Folder - In Use

Jul 19, 2005

I got a file in a folder that I can't delete. When I try to do that always got the message that the file is in use. I already restarted the pc but it keeps saying the same thing. The file is not a system file, it's a normal user file.

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Unable To Delete File From Folder

Jun 13, 2006

Going through work computer trying to delete large amounts of old files. Some of them are just photos (part of work practice). I can not access them, to open them for viewing, nor delete them. Not part of old programs, just photos or .docs.
Problem One: Opening a specific folder A.
First: causes major delay when I try to access the folder A
Second: Error Msg reads: The disk in drive C is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?
No, I really just want to delete it.
Third: Try deleting folder that the folder B that folder [B]A/B] is in, Error Msg: Cannot delete folder, the directory is not empty.

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Can Not Delete File Or Folder Syntax Error

Dec 26, 2007

I can not delete a file in a folder or the folder on a flash drive because

I get volume label syntax is incorrect can not delete

I have windows xp

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Cannot Delete Folder - Close Any Program That May Using The File

Oct 7, 2004

"Cannot delete (folder name): It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that may be using the file and try again." So, I did that and it still will not delete. Besides rebooting (uses up much of my time) anybody know how to clear this?

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Can't Delete Old Owner File In Docs / Settings Folder

Jun 19, 2008

I have a used laptop and have removed all of the previous owner's data. I have created a new user. I have changed the owner's name in My Computer and in the registry. Everything works well and I can find all my new files in My Documents as I expect. However in C:Docs and Settings there is a folder with the old owner's name. XP will not let me rename it or delete it and says it is "a Windows system folder and is requred for Windows to run properly". Apparently some part of XP is still using some files/folders in the old owner's name folder. How can I get around this so I can clean up my disk and delete the old owner's folder?

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Cannot Delete A Folder - Cannot Read From The Source File Or Disk.

Jul 18, 2005

I have a folder in My Documents that has set up permanent residence there. No matter what I do I cannot get rid of it. The message that I get is, "Cannot delete file: Cannot read from the source file or disk."

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Delete Start Menu File Folder From Computer

Aug 5, 2009

My hard drive was formatted due to a virus and now when the computer is turned I get an empty file folder every time. I would like to know how to remove this and have it just go directly to my desktop.

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Batch File - Modify Attributes To Files

Sep 2, 2005

Is it possible to make a batch file to modify the attributes to files within a folder without typing out every single file in the batch file? (Needed for recovery console use).

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Error 1321 System Recovery - Installer Insufficient Privileges Modify File

Sep 22, 2007

Error 1321. The Installer has insufficient privileges to modify the file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105core3.zip. I'm using a Compaq 6470NX, running XP. I recently had to do a recovery and of course lost everything. I'm now trying to re-do stuff. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to ask. The error above came when trying to install a java runtime and I've gotten it for other things as well.

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Registry Mechanic Does Not Delete Registry Entries

Jul 13, 2006

I tried to delete the registry entries which were bad, I had 30 of them, but the these two will just not go away, even by doing them manually, such as saving as a backup then deleting it manually and remerging. They just show up no matter what I do, or so use programs like Registry Mechanic, which I found only mediocre, very far from the ratings. to delete these two entries somehow from someone who is actully knows how to without using several so called registry cleaners, which only work partially.

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Registry That Are Not Needed: Delete Registry Entries?

Sep 1, 2005

I have entries in my Windows XP Professional Registry that are no longer needed. When I try to delete these entries the registry editor will not allow me to delete the entries. Is there a way that I can delete/remove these registry entries?

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Bat. Delete Folders In A Folder Not Delete Folder

Nov 30, 2004

I have a batch file to delete temp files but it will not delete folders. DEL /s /q c:"Documents and Settings"Username"Local Settings"Temp If I use the following it deletes Temp file also. I do not want that. rd /s /q c:"Documents and Settings "BillandWezzie" Local Settings"Temp I hope there is some other way, because I have other folders that I do not want to lose. I think the above folder will come back when needed, but I am not sure.

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Blue Screen: Registry File Failure; Can't Copy Corrupted File To Tmp Directory

May 29, 2006

I'm in the process of repair/recovery of my machine (Dell Inspiron 8500 with Windows XP Home, Service Pack 2). I'm following exactly the instructions in:

http://attachments.techguy.org/attac...chmentid=62075, but a problem has developed. The "software" file (which is the file that the original blue screen error message says is "corrupt, absent or not writable") will not copy to the new tmp directory to create the backup. My understanding from the article is that this backup file (software.bak) will later be used to restore correct settings for various software applications. Since I can't copy it, it appears that I am screwed,

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Having Big Temp Folder / Delete The Contain Of This Folder

Sep 24, 2006

delete the contain of this folder without cuzing problems C:Documents and Settings Local SettingsTemp on win XP it is 750 MB

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Get Into Registry Files To Delete

Apr 1, 2006

How do I get into my registry files to delete the ones from the internet:

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Delete Registry Keys?

Jun 13, 2005

While surfing through the internet I found someone who solved this problem and has a way to fix it. There are 2 registry keys in the registry that are causing the problem. It affects the explorer.exe and iexplorer.exe files.This is the key that needs to be deleted. Once these keys are deleted the desktop and internet explorer should come back to life.I was looking on here to see how to bring my desktop/icons back up.my pc will boot but itll get to where the desktop should be and all i see is the wallpaper not even the taskbar appears....ive tried Last Known Good Config and safe mode.still nothing.so from readin that post above,i concluded they had the same problem and thus now ahs the solution.my question: how do i get to delete them registry files from jsut a command prompt(brought through windows task manager(ctrl+alt+del))?also i can't afford to system restore,i have all ym importent bill files and money records adn what not on their.i have this pc and that oen entworked...but sicne the explorer.exe don't laod up and bring up the deskltop i can't access the files on that pc because it says location unknow using my network place!

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What Is Safe To Delete In Registry?

Jun 20, 2005

I've ran Easycleaner and Jv16 Power Tools registry cleaner and both programs pull up a lot, on both cleaners there is a descretion about being careful about deleting files.Im not asking for a lesson on registry cleaning but are there any "rules" on what I can difintively and safely delete?

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