Get Into Registry Files To Delete

Apr 1, 2006

How do I get into my registry files to delete the ones from the internet:

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Registry Mechanic Does Not Delete Registry Entries

Jul 13, 2006

I tried to delete the registry entries which were bad, I had 30 of them, but the these two will just not go away, even by doing them manually, such as saving as a backup then deleting it manually and remerging. They just show up no matter what I do, or so use programs like Registry Mechanic, which I found only mediocre, very far from the ratings. to delete these two entries somehow from someone who is actully knows how to without using several so called registry cleaners, which only work partially.

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Registry That Are Not Needed: Delete Registry Entries?

Sep 1, 2005

I have entries in my Windows XP Professional Registry that are no longer needed. When I try to delete these entries the registry editor will not allow me to delete the entries. Is there a way that I can delete/remove these registry entries?

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Delete Registry Keys?

Jun 13, 2005

While surfing through the internet I found someone who solved this problem and has a way to fix it. There are 2 registry keys in the registry that are causing the problem. It affects the explorer.exe and iexplorer.exe files.This is the key that needs to be deleted. Once these keys are deleted the desktop and internet explorer should come back to life.I was looking on here to see how to bring my desktop/icons back pc will boot but itll get to where the desktop should be and all i see is the wallpaper not even the taskbar appears....ive tried Last Known Good Config and safe mode.still from readin that post above,i concluded they had the same problem and thus now ahs the question: how do i get to delete them registry files from jsut a command prompt(brought through windows task manager(ctrl+alt+del))?also i can't afford to system restore,i have all ym importent bill files and money records adn what not on their.i have this pc and that oen entworked...but sicne the explorer.exe don't laod up and bring up the deskltop i can't access the files on that pc because it says location unknow using my network place!

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What Is Safe To Delete In Registry?

Jun 20, 2005

I've ran Easycleaner and Jv16 Power Tools registry cleaner and both programs pull up a lot, on both cleaners there is a descretion about being careful about deleting files.Im not asking for a lesson on registry cleaning but are there any "rules" on what I can difintively and safely delete?

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Restore Registry Files: Copy The Files From The WindowsRepair Folder?

May 23, 2005

The registry on one of my computers is corrupt and if I try to copy the files from the WindowsRepair folder using the windows system repair tool, I'm told the files cannot be found. One possible solution I thought of is using the registry files from my other computer running Windows XP. I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, how can I transfer the files. I would put them on a CD but the CD drive won't open when the system repair tool is running, and they're too big to fit on a floppy disk, even one at a time (the system and software files are both over 2mb.)

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Safe To Delete Registry Backup?

Nov 2, 2007

I have a backup.reg file (C:Documents and Settingsmy nameMy Documents eg backup.reg) that is 82MB that still has fragments after being defragged. I would like to simply delete this file since it's been a few months since I made the backup, and I'm not experiencing any problems with my registry. Is it safe to delete this backup?

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Registry- Delete All The Results Automatically

Aug 12, 2005

Is there any software available with that capability to search the windows registry for a specific word or phrase and then remove and delete all the results automatically?

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Truncated Registry Key - Cant Open Or Delete It

Oct 21, 2007

I have a rather strange registry problem that I can't seem to fix. It's a truncated key in the HKLM/System/Control Sets(all)/Control/Media Categories/ and the key has been truncated ie. {C1j8C09B-11D8-4fa5 and the rest is gone. Regedit can't open or delete it and exporting the category cleans it up but the import still includes it since it can't be deleted. Error message is "Cannot open {C1j8C09B.... Error while opening key." Do you have a method that might accomplish the fix. It's not causing any harm yet since it resides in an area that defines speaker jacks that I don't use but I really want it clean and a reinstall is out of the question with 30 years of custom data and op sys mods.

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Can Delete 012 - 013 - Registry Editor Version 5?

Mar 24, 2006

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
can i delet 012,013
[HKEY_USERSS-1-5-21-1275210071-1547161642-839522115-1003SoftwareMicrosoftSearch AssistantACMru5603]
"008"="Microsoft Photo Editor "
"010"="DVD SlideShow"
"014"="i386 setuodr bin"
"019"="web programs"

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Delete Blank Registry Keys?

Aug 23, 2008

Can I safely delete any blank registry key (one with no value), and/or delete any "folder" which has no keys and no subfolders listed?

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Big Registry - Delete Commands To Get Back

Jan 31, 2007

I came back later, turned it on, and BAM! I ended up with a blue screen whining about not being able to load a registry hive, C:WindowsSystem32ConfigSOFTWARE in particular.So I google searched on my brothers machine for a way to fix it, which pretty much involved loading up 6 annoying Win XP boot floppies that takes days to load (Ok i'm exagerating a little there....) and getting into the Recovery Console to perform some copy/delete commands to get myself back to previous registry files.
Which to my dismay, I found out that it took me back to the stone age (like when XP was first installed, infact to me it seemded like it had gone back even further).

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Scanning Registry Files: Finding Unknown Files?

Jul 6, 2006

A friend told me to scan my registry for Wineries and lo and behold I found something: My ComputerHkey_Current_UserSoftwareMicrosoftSearch AssistantACMru5603 In this... there is a file named: 002 and 003 one is called Cache one is called Wineries. Their types are REG_SZ

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Cannot Delete Invalid Uninstall Entries From Registry

Jun 24, 2005

I run Windows XP Home, SP 2, with all patches and upgrades through the latest MS Update. I use an HP Pavilion Desktop. I have extensive realtime spyware/antivirus protection and scan daily for viruses and spyware. I think the machine is clean. I have used a 3rd party uninstaller program for about 8 months. It will detect 9 invalid uninstall entries--they are Registry Keys

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Uninstall A Software: Cant Delete Registry Entries?

Aug 20, 2006

Have uninstalled Mobile Phone Tools for Motorla as it wasnt working properly. I have cleaned out everything except there are a few Motorola Modem entries in the registry that wont go. Do I need to get rid of these before I re-install? I want the comp to detect the phone as new hardware. If I need to remove the entries how can I do it when it tells me no?

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Task Manger Can't Delete Registry Manually

May 10, 2006

I downloaded a bunch of spyware by mistake this morning from a link my friend gave to me, he was unaware as well. I was able to get rid of the majority of it, but there are a few things in my registry i am unable to delete, i used spy bot to get rid of most of the spy ware but for some reason it is not detecting the rest, also ad aware detects it but is unable to remove it since it is running in the background, i am unable to find the processs from task manager and end it so i cant delete it from the registry manually. What it is doing is bascially spamming pop ups on my pc every so often, here are the suspected names of the infections : mpise.dll , h22o0cf3ef2.dll , h62o0gf3e62.dll.

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Delete Message - Trying To Delete All Files

Oct 19, 2007

When I start up whether in SAFE Mode or Normal I automatically get the Confirm Delete Message. This applies to programs, icons, photos, documents , folders etc - I cannot get to any of my work to back it up. I have tried Stinger -F-Force and W32.Blackmal@mm Removal Tools. Ran a full AVG scan with uptodate anti virus and Adaware Spyware. Sorry forgot to mention other things tried. The Pop up message does not appear in the Task Manger either as applications or processes. Each time you respongd NO to negate the delete it pops up again. There is no way I can get to any of my folders or files to burn to a CD as backup without the Confirm Delete message.

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Files Won't Delete - MOB Delete File

Sep 12, 2006

I am attempting to clean out my temp files on my Windows XP Home. The files and folders that I am addressing are: C:WINDOWSTEMP*.* *.OLD *.CHK *.BAK ~*.* _*.* and MSCREATE.DIRI have managed to clean all but one, which is _*.* When I run the search, I get the result of 144 files. I click on edit, select all, then file, delete. I receive the following error "cannot delete file: Cannot read the source file or disk" (please view screen shot). When I right click, I have no delete option, just "open containing folder, copy, and extract. (please view screen shot). I have run AdAware, Spybot, Ewido, and Avg Free. I also have CCleaner, Easy Clean which I have run. I have also used "Move On Boot" by putting the file path in the MOB window and try to have MOB delete the file. MOB says the file will be removed on the next boot.

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Can't Delete Files From Temporary Internet Files In Pro

May 22, 2010

There are many files listed in this folder. I am unable to delete them. When I go to this directory in safe mode command prompt there are no files. I even used dir /A:H to included hidden files and there are none. But I can still see them in Windows XP PRO. I have Norton 360 and it did not find any viruses. Went I try to delete them windows gives no errors. Some of the files even have the same name and extension. Is there a cache or a temp file I need to delete first?

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Registry From Adware Files

Sep 18, 2005

I am trying to clean out my registry from adware files .when I go to "RUN" Regedit the registry editor pops up and quickly goes away. Is thereanother way to edit the registry should I try it in Safe Mode

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Exporting Registry Files From One OS To Another?

Jul 7, 2005

I have files on my Win 2k machine that I Exported Registry. With my new XP machine, I would like to import them. How does the Registry know where to put them (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS, etc.)?

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Registry Corrupted - Files Missing

Apr 13, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM

I found this soultion online and followed it to the marked point:

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Certain File.reg - Binary Registry Files

Jun 19, 2008

I am trying to add this to registry(open). It says that cannot import certain file.reg The specified file is not a registry script. You can only import binary registry files from within the registry editor. Here is the script I was given to fix my flash player.

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Corrupted Files - Registry And Shut Down

Feb 25, 2010

Since January my computer started getting error messages about corrupted files, corrupted registry, and drivers stopped working. I tried different things and ended up formatting my hard drive and reinstalling Windows. Things were fine for a while, but after a week I started getting messages about corrupt files again, having issues with drivers, and now Windows won't shut down properly. Also, the computer powers off of its own accord sometimes. I'm using Windows XP Home Edition SP3. I haven't made any hardware updates recently.

Some of the error messages I've been receiving are. For Bluesoleil (which I have uninstalled and reinstalled) it says that the file is corrupt and to try an anti-virus scan (I tried to copy the message, but the window went off on its own). AVG anti-virus keeps on saying there are no active components, or replacing all the commands with things beginning with @. The drivers for my Logitech Fusion webcam stopped working, but I've reinstalled them, and they work, for now. The Microsoft Kernel Wave Audio Mixer kept on corrupting. I've also had the message 'Windows - Registry Recovery One of the files containing the system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternative copy.

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3B Registry - 60000 Files Took 35 Minutes

Feb 27, 2006

I just ran my 3B Registry Repair Pro and it scanned the last couple thousand files 8 or 9 times...usually it scans somewhere around 30000 files (just a guess, takes about 13 minutes), this time it scanned like 60000 files and took 35 minutes. I was trying to update my ActiveSync, but it wouldn't finish. Then the computer wouldnt shut down. I ran Norton One Button Scan on a restart, and it didnt find anything. Im super nervous about viruses and spy/ ad ware, so ive got and use all the stuff everyone here says to use. im stumped.

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Wont Modify Registry Values / Wont Delete File Or Folder?

Aug 5, 2010

First of all, im unable to change the registry values and also im not able to create a new value inside the registry editor. Its says " An Error in creating or renaming the value".Im not able to delete the file or folder inside my customized folder.It says "Access denied. Make sure that the disk is not full or write protected or the file currently in use."

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Exporting Registry Files Onto Your Hard Drive?

Apr 21, 2006

I am on the computer in one room, networking with a computer in another room.I know you can export registry files onto your hard drive. Do you then have the other computer's regedit import that file?

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Registry Files Stored, Like System.dat And User.dat?

Aug 4, 2005

Where are the registry files stored, like system.dat and user.dat? I thought they were in the Windows directory but I don't see them.

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Message Of Missing Registry Files During Rip Or Burn CDs?

Jan 27, 2010

why do i get the message that i have missing registry files when trying to rip or burn CDs with itunes and yet there is no problem with wmp

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Missing Files - Registry Error - Can Recover

Jun 12, 2005

I had my kid start my computer Win 2000(mistake) and a different desktop came up. It came up with a registry error and that everything was in admin.bak I copied it to desktop and rebooted now everything is missing. Can I recover my files?

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Batch Files To Create Registry Entries

Jul 22, 2005

I need to create a batch file to resolve a backup issue I'm having. I need a batch file to run before and after backup to correct the issue between Veritas and Backup Exec.

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