I Cannot Change My Desktop Background. I Have A Blue Screen. When I Click In Properties, Then Click Desktop My Brouse Button And Stretch Buttons Are Gray. How Can I Fix This Problem
Until recently just the usual Windows files in the Background file list in Display Properties/Desktop. Recently the list grows day by day it seems with a variety of files from My Pictures folder. Now takes quite a while to open the desktop option. Possibly linked to Picasa some way. How can I get rid of them without deleting the photo file ?
When I click on desktop and select properties to change the desktop wallpaper I have a list of family photographs!I still have the desktop wallpaper folder in windows web folder but how do I put it back into the desktop and remove the ones that are mysteriously there.
I am unable to change desktop wallpaper going through properties then desktop. I right click on desktop, select properties, click on desktop tab i then go to try and browse wallpapers but am unable as the box and scroll are frozen. I also have a problem when i type into run. "regedit" as soon as the registry opens it closes again so i am unable to edit the registry or look through it? This picture is of what my desktop wallpapers looks like..
After it found all the double files, i asked it to delete the first copy of each double, simple. right? Unfortunately, it changed my desktop back to the old classic windows style. I went to properties to get back the windows XP style. Ya know, the one that it comes with, soft round edges, microsoft blue. Unfortunately it won't change back, even though I keep choosing that style and hitting apply
I am having difficulty changing my desktop wallpaper. No matter what I do, I cannot put a different picture or wallpaper on the desktop. I have already tried using the right click on the desktop and going into the properties that way. It won't even let me select any of the options for the wallpaper. And I used to be able to go to my photo files and just pick one, right click on it and select the "set as desktop background" option. But now it won't let me change it at all.
i have a dilemma with changing my wallpaper.I click on display properties->desktop tab->no response, just freezes.i click on the red cross to get out and comes up with message saying can't run rundll32.exe as app. I've tried looking for solutions but no one seems to know.I can set wallpaper by clicking on a photo then 'set as wallpaper' but i can't center them as the option is in the display properties desktop tab.
i am using windows XP professional and recently my computer's desktop has been having some problems, it was working fine this morning then i turned it on just now and my desktop is blue, i cannot change the background, i cannot unlock my taskbar or see icons in my start menu, i have no clue what could have caused this to happen
I cannot change the desktop background by going to Settings>>Control panel>>Display>>Desktop due to subj. reason. Why is this option blocked & how to acivate it again ?
I am unable to change my desktop background. I had a virus problem and it appears the virus had been removed but when I restart a message appears that I am still infected I scanned with ATT McAfee and it says I am not infected.
I know this is simple but it's driving me nuts that I cannot fix it. The Help desk just updated my computer and now there are boxes surrounding the names of the desktop icons. I do not want these boxes. When I change the desktop color, it changes the color of these boxes. How do I fix this so there is no box and it is clear with just the names. I can't stand looking at this!
I got a toshiba laptop with some malware problems. I fixed everything but the desktop properties. I cannot change my desktop background and the browse and position buttons do not work when in display properties. The selection of pictures/backgrounds has been grayed out. I have tried using customize desktop and restarting my pc, and have also tried the reg file from kellyskorner website and this has not worked. I hope that there is a simple solution for this frustrating problem.
i cannot change the desktop background..every time i will open the properties-desktop the only thing i can change is the color,i cannot even click the browse because its gray(cannot be click) and i cannot scroll the the backgrounds.i try changing the desktop background in nvidia, there i can browse the pictures i want to become the wallpaper but eventhough i apply the settings the desktop is still the same it did not change.
i cannot change the desktop background..every time i will open the properties-desktop the only thing i can change is the color,i cannot even click the browse because its gray(cannot be click) and i cannot scroll the the backgrounds.i try changing the desktop background in nvidia, there i can browse the pictures i want to become the wallpaper but eventhough i apply the settings the desktop is still the same it did not change.
My daughter has a Dell XPS M1210 laptop running Windows XP Media Center Edition. She got fooled by PSGuard and thought she was downloading antispyware software after a warning came on her screen. She ended up with the TrojanDownloder.xs and the SmitFraud problem. With a lot of assistance from past posts I was able to I think delete most of the problems. But I still can't change her theme or desktop background. I got rid of the "you have spyware and need to download spyware removal software" backgroun by now the screen is blue or a solid color and nothing else.
I think i might have a virus. i can't change my desktop background and every once and a while the programs:10387.exe, 1609.exe, 18975.exe, and 5095.exe show up on the process list when i hit control+alt+delete.
we have 4 separate accounts each w/admin privileges it seems 2 have somehow become linked when the desktop background is changed on i it gets changed on another as well.
i recently had a couple of trojans on my computer. they started to make my computer crash alot and they changed my background to a huge warning sign..it had said warning your computer is infested with many trojans malware and adware. i ran alot of scans and now i am very sure that its all cleaned up. But when i try to access my taskmanager i cannot. i have read another thread wich told me to type in taskmngr.exe or something like that the run thing but it just said task manager has been disabled by admin. how to reenable it and i am the admin. also when i try to change my background via right click>properties>desktop where i should be able to scroll through the backgrounds is all locked up and disabled.
I recently got over a virus and got rid of it but afterwards it doesnt allow me to change my desktop background. My original picture shows up for a second on startup then goes black. It also shows up just before log off too.
I'm being driven insane by this. An office laptop running XP Home was riddled with malware - spyfighter, pcadprotector, CSW.HomeSearch etc. I've managed to remove them all after a full day of hassle but I'm still left with a frustrating issue in that I cannot adjust the desktop background. The properties box is greyed out for backgrounds. We have a simple peer to peer network (workgroup in fact) and no internal security or policies. What can I do before I throw the thing out of the window?
When I right click on the desktop and select properties and click the desktop tab, I can't change the background picture (BTW, I just want a solid color background). I can click the color flydown and apply a new color, but that doesn't affect the current desktop. On reboot, the rebooting, the new background color appears until late in the boot process when the background whites out.
Yesterday I wanted to change desktop background,but I was unable to use arrows (up or down ) and cannot click on any displayed selection I ran AVG and found 4 viruses (trojan Renos) and many spywares all are in a vault,but background still not working.I downloaded Hijackthis and created log file.Could someone please tell me how I can uploaded to Cnet and hopefuly get help in identify the problem? Thank you.
Trying to help a friend of mine. He had added a shortcut to his desktop, says was active shortcut, ever since then has not been able to change desktop, its white (none) . I went to the sreen to change it and selected the one he wanted . I then closed the system and rebooted, when it first comes up,the background is correct, but when loads icons it reverts to a white background.
I have windows xp and Im having trouble with my background. When I go into display properties, under background I cant select any backgrounds. It stays one solid color and behind that is a background.
Every image I place an image in 'My Pictures' folder it is by default being placed in my Background list.I would prefer to use the browse function in Display Properties> Background to select which images to add to the list.As it set up right now I will eventually end up with an unwieldy number of images in the list.What can I do to change this.
How can I add a custom location to the display properties background tab? All my wallpapers are stored under D:Wallpapers and I want to see them in the background tab.
In Windows XP, is there any way to remove the list of "My Pictures" from the wallpaper (background) list in Display Properties? Every picture I've saved from the Internet and every picture I've saved from my digital camera appears in the list of background pictures that can be chosen from the "Desktop" tab in Display Properties. MOST of these pictures would be inappropriate as desktop wallpaper so I'd rather not have them as choices in the list (menu). In addition, there are hundreds of them! I don't want to delete them from "My Pictures" however.
when I open my Display Properties and move to the Desktop tab and choose Browse to choose a picture to set as my background, after I have selected Open and the box closes, the Apply button is unavailable and the image I chose does not appear in my list or in the preview. I've also taken notice that certain images that were once in the list of available backgrounds images, such as Ascent, Autumn and Azul no longer appear to be available. Right clicking on an image and choosing Set as desktop background does not work, and neither does choosing the same option from the Picture Tasks. Does anybody have any idea what has happened and how I can restore whatever settings I may have changed without applying a system restore?