Keyboard Shortcut For System Properties

Aug 12, 2002

A quick and easy way to get system properties:Hold down your Windows Key and press Pause (Break), releasing both and just like magic up pops the System properties window.

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Keyboard Shortcut To The System Properties Menu

Aug 12, 2002

Here is a keyboard shortcut to the System Properties menu:Press: WINDOWS KEY + REAKNote: In versions earlier than Win XP this shortcut will bring up the device manager.

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Target Tab In Shortcut Properties Not Working

Aug 5, 2005

When clicking on the find target tab in the shortcut properties box, rather than opening a window and highlighting the target, windows XP open the search engine.

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What The Purpose Of Run - Drop Down Selection In Properties Of Shortcut?

Mar 12, 2006

drop down selection in the properties of a shortcut? It has 3 selections: Normal, Minimized and Maximized. I guess I don't understand its purpose because I can select a particular option of the three but nothing changes. So I figure it isn't what I'm thinking it's for.

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Switch Language By Keyboard Shortcut

Aug 9, 2005

I have problem in switching over to other languages using short keys.

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Keyboard Laptop: "windows"-R Shortcut To Start A Run Command?

Jul 1, 2005

How do you key a "windows"-R shortcut to start a run command?On Swiss French keyboard layout, the usual key immediately on the right of the shift is missing; how do you type a backslash is this keyboard config?

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Shortcut To System Restore?

Dec 9, 2005

Is it possible to create a shortcut to the System Restore wizard where you can create a new restore point? I have a friend that is new to the computing world and he is driving me crazy with questions about the most basic things. I thought if I could put a shortcut to the wizard, I could just have him create a new restore point each day before doing anything and then I could help him roll backward if he messes something up. Then maybe he wouldn't be so paranoid to try new things.

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Have Lost Shortcut To System Restore

Jan 2, 2009

I get into System Restore using..However , when I click on 'System restore' nothing happens.Can anyone help me to overcome this? In addition , how can I put a shortcut onto my desktop to get into 'System Restore' ?

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Can't Find System Restore Shortcut On Start Menu

Aug 26, 2005

I can still use system restore; but my problem is I can't seem to locate system restore on the start menu, I know that it used to be there. Is there any way to put the icon back on the start menu? Running Window XP Home Edition.

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Pro System Properties

Feb 24, 2006

XP Pro here. I am new to it and don't know squat about it for now. I am taking over a small business and the computer that came with it. On the system properties general tab there is info about the system listed there including who the computer is registered to. I would like to change this from a person's name to the business name. I thought this info was listed in the Oeminfo.ini file.

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Change System Properties/Registered To?

Nov 27, 2007

In viewing System Properties on my PC I see the display of

Registered to:

This information is the default for registering any new software which is installed.

How can I change this? I searched through regedit but have not found the exact location of this information.

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Change Ram Information In System Properties?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to change ram amount information in system properties of my computer

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RAM Amount Not Correct In System Properties

Feb 14, 2007

I have 4 x 1GB sticks of RAM in my new PC i just built recently. but in XP System Properties it says there's only 3.25 why is that? does it have to do with the same reason HDDs don't really have 500GB if so on my old PC i had 768MB of RAM and it said i had exactly that.

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System Restore Has Vanished - Properties Box

Jul 31, 2009

When I try to restore from tools or help I get no response and the System Restore tab has vanished from my Properties box.

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Changing General Tab Name From System Properties?

Jul 3, 2006

I have be given a EX-coworkers Laptop. Running XP Professional. In the systems properties/under the general tab it has Registered to: EX coworkers name. My boss ask me to change it to the company name. Can this be done.

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Change Owner And Organization In System Properties

Jan 24, 2003

If you want to change the owner and organization in System Properties, just do the following:

Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion
Now just change the value for RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization.

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Change The Registered Name - Disturbing System Properties

Sep 19, 2005

I have loaded XP home onto a laptop but in the process I typed the wrong name and now although the start up user is correct the 'Registered to: ' in System Properties - General is the wrong name.

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Computer Restarts - Uncheecking Box In System Properties

Sep 28, 2006

I have been having a restart problem lately and it only happens everyone and a while. It happens about once a day and sometimes twice it is usually hours past boot up. I have heard about uncheecking a box in system properties. If i do this what will happen the next time the code reaches 00000x000

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Adding Useful Information - Image In System Properties

Feb 19, 2003

I want to thank this very useful site for teaching me a lots of TWEAKING TIPS. So, as a gesture of my appreciation I want to share this simple tweak I learned. Please run notepad and paste this text: ave it as oeminfo.ini in C:WINDOWSSystem 32. You can also create a bitmap file and name it as oemlogo.bmp, save it in C:WINDOWSSystem 32. Now, try to hold down Win key while pressing Pause/break.You'll notice that the text and image you created will appear in your System properties. 

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Can't Open System Properties / Device Manager

Jan 29, 2006

Whenever I try to open my system properties (right click on My Computer and click on properties, or go to my control panel and click on "system". nothing happens. I tried to fix it through hijackthis, and I also deleted all the virus' on my computer. I am able to open task manager, and all my other properties, I just can't seem to get to my task manager.

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System Freezes When I Use Keyboard

Nov 16, 2009

Im trying to fix my computer that ive had for a long time. Last week I noticed during my computer log on when asked to press ctrl alt del to logon, when i push it the computer would freeze. I tried using different keyboards both usb and ps2 with no luck. So as a last resort I tried a system repair. The system repair will load all the way untill it asks for me to enter my cd key, as soon as i push a key to enter it, the system freezes again, However the text indicator ( | ) is still flashing.

I use this computer for my business and have sensitive data and programs within the harddrive ( and no backup ). Is there anything I can do that wont resort to a full system format?

Note: the keyboard works when navagating BIOS

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System Properties - Not Get Auto Checked Open Startup / Rebooting?

Sep 1, 2004

I go to start, control panel, click System, then click on Advanced, then Settings for Performance, uncheck Fade or slide menus into view, Show shadows under menus, Show shadows under mouse pointer, Slide taskbar buttons, Smooth edges of screen fonts, then I click on OK and OK again then re-boot and go back to look at the Performance Options and they're checked again :S anyways way to make then not checked for good and not get auto-checked open startup/re-booting?

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System Properties - Open Advanced Apply Button Grayed Out

Sep 6, 2005

I wouild like to know where this resides in either 'Windows' or the registry. When I open 'Advanced' the 'Apply' button is greyed out, so I would like to repair it.

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Safe To Delete Older Profile Named / Administrator From System Properties

Jun 13, 2005

is it safe to delete my older profile named Administrator from System Properties Advanced tab>under User Profiles>Settings? as i already have a new administrator account. it all happened when my Pc crashed & i had to create a new administrator account.also i booted it twice so it created two additional folders-Administrator.username & Administrator . Also it gives me an option to delete the old Administrator from above path.

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Keyboard / Mouse Failure To Do With System Restore

Apr 14, 2010

I used System Restore to restore my pc to a previous date. It restarted and updated, then when I turned on my pc it started up normally and went to the log-in screen. Except both the keyboard and mouse weren't functioning. I read some other forums and posts about this, but it seemed other people who had this problem were able to use the kb/mouse during safe mode. I can't use them in either normal nor safe mode, so I can't even log-in. I have a Dell desktop pc, any ideas on how to fix this?

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No Keyboard Or Mouse:keyboard Works On Bootup?

Jan 30, 2005

I have a friends PC, a gateway P4 2.6, winxp home. The mouse and keyboard up and died. He had a kvm switch, the electronic kind when it stopped functioning. I have tried usb, ps2 everything. The keyboard works on bootup, so I can get into bios etc... but when it gets to the windows screen, nothing. No mouse or keyboard. Safe mode is the same thing. Dont want to format and reinstall windows. On that note, I did try a repair, when it asks for admin password it wont accept it. Says invalid admin password.. The password IS windows admin password though. With no mouse even in safemode, and windows not accepting my admin password during repair,

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USB Keyboard Won't For Setup - Keyboard Works In BIOS

May 10, 2008

I just finished assembling my new build. It boots and I can get to the BIOS. I even have it booting from the DVD drive so I can load Win XP.However, when I get to the Windows Setup and it asks me if I want to setup windows(press enter), Repair(some other key), quit(F3) my keyboard won't work. I hit "Enter" because I want to install XP and nothing happens. It is not responding to my keyboard strokes.
This is strange because the keyboard works in the BIOS.

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ActiveX Virus/spyware Infecting System And Keyboard Wont Work?

May 13, 2008

I was about to download the ActiveX to make some video stream work online, but turned out it's a big virus. Now, whenever I want to open any folder, I get this > My NOD32 is not telling me I have a virus, and Spybot is deleting spywares, but this is still in my laptop. I have a Windows XP by the way. Also, about two or three days ago, something really weird has been happening to my keyboard.

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Keyboard Not Working / No Lights Come Up On The Keyboard

Mar 3, 2005

My friends keyboard is not working. When she turns the computer on no lights come up on the keyboard. Have tried another keyboard and still the same. Unable to get into the computer to check bios etc as there is a password on the account.

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Wireless Keyboard Wont Attach To System / Safe Mode Wont Open?

Jul 14, 2005

Windows XP Prof Service Pack 2 Microsoft Intelli Type Wireless Keyboard My problem is simply!!! When booting my computer the keyboard does not become active until windows has loaded. Hense I am unable to press F8 during the boot process and therefore cannot boot to safe mode. To make matters worse there is a F/Lock key on the keyboard which on starting is always inactive.

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Don't Want To Use Start Shortcut

Dec 12, 2005

How can i make an icon(shortcut), not a key press, that will open the startbar? can it be done in plain windows or must i use some program?

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