I have be given a EX-coworkers Laptop. Running XP Professional. In the systems properties/under the general tab it has Registered to: EX coworkers name. My boss ask me to change it to the company name. Can this be done.
I'm having a problem with my desktop. I keep placing my icons where I want them on the desktop and every time I either reboot or refresh the desktop they jumble up again. The only thing I have checked in the properties menu is "Show Desktop Icons". I have installed "Icon Restore" and it works until I run a program, open a browser, or even open "My Computer". When I close whatever I am working on and return to the desktop, everything is jumbled again. In addition, the taskbar properties keep changing on reboot. On the Properties menu I have "Keep the taskbar on top" etc., "Group similar" etc., and "Show Quick Launch" checked. I also have several items in the notifications area set to "always show". On reboot, the "Show Quick Launch" becomes unchecked, and the notification area items either change to "hide when inactive" or become part of the "Past Items" list.
I am trying to make changes to a picture and when I try to save it I am told it is a rad only file. I go to properties and uncheck read only and apply it to the folder and all sub folders and files. When I check properties again it is marked as read only again. How do I fix this?
Am having a problem with Display Properties in WinXP-2. During the first 5 minutes after boot-up, screen resolution on my desk top is unstable with icon and window sizes changing from large to small and vice-versa. Resetting the Display Properties during this time has no effect. When the system warms up the problem is gone. Can the Monitor itself be the problem, or is it most likely the Video Card? I don't have another monitor to use as a test unit.
I am a computer enthusiast and I assemble my own PCs. I wanted to know how to brand the PC with custom System Manufacturer and System Model settings. I am aware of the OEMINFO.ini file but that only changes information in the Computer properties page when you right-click 'My Computer' and choose properties.But when you use dxdiag,the System Manufacturer and System Model read "To be filled by O.E.M".Could anyone please tell me how to go about changing these settings ? Changing the OEMINFO.ini file does not affect these values.OEM manufacturers like Dell, Sony have changed the settings on their products, so I'm sure it's possible.
XP Pro here. I am new to it and don't know squat about it for now. I am taking over a small business and the computer that came with it. On the system properties general tab there is info about the system listed there including who the computer is registered to. I would like to change this from a person's name to the business name. I thought this info was listed in the Oeminfo.ini file.
I have to keep reseting my computer time every so often. It's worse when I turn on the computer. It's always ahead by about thirty minutes, I have to keep setting it back. It never stays put. (CMOS battery?) Anything I can do to fix it? Windows 2000
I am running windows XP. Being a student I am relying on AVG, Spybot search and destroy/ adaware. Just recently my time in windows keeps changing itself. I am worried that maybe I have a virus but my antivirus protection is not finding it.
I have a question. Can you take out Windows from your PC and put in a MAC operating system. I believe it's called Linux or Panther OSX but I may be wrong. Anyhow is it possible? I'm just tired of dealing with Windows crashes and security problems and a host of other headaches. Probably should have bought a Mac but that's in the future plan. If possible to make the switch would it be difficult?
A quick and easy way to get system properties:Hold down your Windows Key and press Pause (Break), releasing both and just like magic up pops the System properties window.
I have 4 x 1GB sticks of RAM in my new PC i just built recently. but in XP System Properties it says there's only 3.25 why is that? does it have to do with the same reason HDDs don't really have 500GB if so on my old PC i had 768MB of RAM and it said i had exactly that.
Recommend keeping your PC clean and efficient over time? Is it easier to just reformat it when needed or better to clean it out regularly, and are there any ways of cleaning you would recommend?
IF you go to My computer right click and go to properties and your General tab has been change.WHY? I didn't do anything as far a can remember.so here is the picture.HOW to change this my version of windows is original and I have original package of Windows XP Pro. my license and everything someone can help me to change this?
I am running windows XP- home edition, I would liketo change my audio log in and log out music, I have some good wav files to put in there, also inquicken Deluxe 2005. I was able to change my audio in Windows ME and Quicken Deluxe 2004 but I do not see a way here
If you want to change the owner and organization in System Properties, just do the following:
Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion Now just change the value for RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization.
I have loaded XP home onto a laptop but in the process I typed the wrong name and now although the start up user is correct the 'Registered to: ' in System Properties - General is the wrong name.
I have been having a restart problem lately and it only happens everyone and a while. It happens about once a day and sometimes twice it is usually hours past boot up. I have heard about uncheecking a box in system properties. If i do this what will happen the next time the code reaches 00000x000
Here is a keyboard shortcut to the System Properties menu:Press: WINDOWS KEY + REAKNote: In versions earlier than Win XP this shortcut will bring up the device manager.
I want to thank this very useful site for teaching me a lots of TWEAKING TIPS. So, as a gesture of my appreciation I want to share this simple tweak I learned. Please run notepad and paste this text: ave it as oeminfo.ini in C:WINDOWSSystem 32. You can also create a bitmap file and name it as oemlogo.bmp, save it in C:WINDOWSSystem 32. Now, try to hold down Win key while pressing Pause/break.You'll notice that the text and image you created will appear in your System properties.
Whenever I try to open my system properties (right click on My Computer and click on properties, or go to my control panel and click on "system". nothing happens. I tried to fix it through hijackthis, and I also deleted all the virus' on my computer. I am able to open task manager, and all my other properties, I just can't seem to get to my task manager.
I have a computer that I bought cheap that has a factory(OEM) XP Home installation on it. It has the original user name listed on the Start Menu andSystem screen. How can I change the registered name to mine? Is there a program/patch that will change the name and registry to me?
My computer started acting up, and I couldn't play any games.WoW mainly -(Yes I play it) and Cod4, So finally I managed to fix it myself and this is what I did. Went into device manager, disabled then enabled my GFX card, Then I have to go into display properties and change 3D acceleration to 0 then back to full, Also when I do this it corrects my resolution.
However, EVERY time I power down my computer, I have to do this which get's very annoying
I have two problems the first, my system crashes every time that I try to change an icon on the desktop. If I want to rename or delete a icon I have to use explore to do so. Also some times when using the explore the system crashes. I have run virus scans, defrag, Norton Windows Utilities, and Spy Sweeper all come back clean. I go to the task list to check what processes are running but everything seems to low. The cpu shows 2% to 4% usage. My second problem is USB connections. I can no longer sync with my Dell Axim. I have disconnected and reconnected the USB connection and reinstalled the Microsoft 4.2 Activesync software but nothing helps. My USB printers still works.
is there a SAFE way of changing my system font because i want my OS to look more customised than it already is.i really don't know what to do since when i look at other forums i find that you have to change the registry and sometimes the computer doesn't like it and i don't want to risk damaging my system.
I would like to change the DEFAULT langage of Windows XP that is to say I would like my WHOLE windows XP to be in English, not in French.Does anyone know how to do that ?
i'm running Windows XP Home Service Pack 2 Edition, with all the latest updates, all my drivers are up to date but when I preform general tasks such as web browsing my computer lags badly.It takes forever to log into Windows and takes even longer to load Firefox up. Sometimes I get the (Not Responding) appear in the title bar, and the whole computer will lock up only to suddenly come back to life in a minute or so.It's been doing this about a month after I got it, but when Windows is first installed after a format it runs as smooth as a whistle then after a hour or so it starts to lag. I doubt its the RAM as im running 1GB's worth and the computer isnt that old I only got it brand new last year.