Target Tab In Shortcut Properties Not Working

Aug 5, 2005

When clicking on the find target tab in the shortcut properties box, rather than opening a window and highlighting the target, windows XP open the search engine.

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Work Find Target In Link Properties

Sep 13, 2009

I right click a link click Properties, then click Find Target and instead of folder with the target opening an Open With box opens. It has several programs suggested, but not explorer.exe. I have to browse for explorer.exe.

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Save Target As Is Not Working

Jan 9, 2009

When I right-click on files to download the 'save target as' option is not there... Its not grayed in, its just not there. It works on some sites but not most.The site says that I have to download doing that and there is no other way.

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Save Target As Is No More Working

Jan 2, 2005

I recently installed Win XP with SP2. After this, I am not able to save files using the "Save Target As" option in the Right click menu. For files with extensions like .exe and .zip clicking on the link opens a window that asks if I want to run the program or Save. If I select Save, I am able to save the file. But for files like .pdf I am not able to save because clicking on the link opens the Acrobat Reader plug in and the file opens in the internet explorer. How do I save pdf files?

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Save Target As In Right Click Not Working

Jan 15, 2005

when i tried to download mp3 in a site, i right clicked at the link and tried to click "Save target as" to download the file, but when the box just pop, the "Save target as" is not available..

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Shortcuts And Find Target Is Not Working

Dec 22, 2007

I have noticed that for all the shortcuts when i go to properties and click "find target" nothing may be some due to some deleted registry keys.if someone has the answer to this problem.

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Save Target As Not Working And Gives Error Message

May 26, 2005

Last night i was trying to download a file and i cant -since my right click save target as inst working i keep getting this error message if i go to my desktop i can open the file fine so it must be something on this computer --IE is updated and content advisor is disable any thoughts ?

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Keyboard Shortcut For System Properties

Aug 12, 2002

A quick and easy way to get system properties:Hold down your Windows Key and press Pause (Break), releasing both and just like magic up pops the System properties window.

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Keyboard Shortcut To The System Properties Menu

Aug 12, 2002

Here is a keyboard shortcut to the System Properties menu:Press: WINDOWS KEY + REAKNote: In versions earlier than Win XP this shortcut will bring up the device manager.

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What The Purpose Of Run - Drop Down Selection In Properties Of Shortcut?

Mar 12, 2006

drop down selection in the properties of a shortcut? It has 3 selections: Normal, Minimized and Maximized. I guess I don't understand its purpose because I can select a particular option of the three but nothing changes. So I figure it isn't what I'm thinking it's for.

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Shortcut To SEARCH On Start Menu Not Working

Mar 17, 2007

In the last few weeks I have noticed that if I try to search for a file or folder by clicking "Search" on the start menu I am not able to open the search window. I used to be able to do it this way until quite recently. I can however, search by opening a new explorer window and hitting the "Search" button on the tool bar.I have looked on Microsoft KB for a solution and tried repairing it by following Article ID:913503, to no avail. I also tried doing a system restore but no help.The problem has occurred on both my Desktop PC as well as my Laptop.Has anybody else come across this problem, and more importantly found a solution.I'm running XP MCE on both machines, with Norton Internet security on my laptop, and Zonealarm Pro Security Suite on my desktop PC.

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D Drive Is Not Working Properly - Checked Properties

Jun 6, 2010

when I try and download a new program on my computer, it tells me to put in disk so I do and it tells me it can't find it. I go to properties and it tells me that this function is operating properly

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Can't Close Save Target As

Mar 9, 2009

When I try to right click and choose save traget as I can't. It shows it grayed out.

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IE Does Not Show Save Target As

Apr 7, 2005

I recently had to reinstall everything following a virus which locked me out of my pc. However since then, if I try and download certain .wmv files with Internet Explorer, they will not play on Media Player 10. These files worked absolutely fine before the reboot. I tried downloading the same files with a p2p program and they work with no problems with Media Player.Is there something I can do to reconfigure the way explorer downloads things, as I really want to be able to do things as I did before. I'm pretty sure it's an IE problem rather than a codec because as mentioned, the files work just fine when I download them with a different method rather than 'Save Target As'.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Create Folder With A Target

Apr 9, 2007

Does anyone know how to create a folder that has a target in Windows XP? It has been done on some of our machines, but I am having trouble recreating it. The folder appears in the start menu and has an arrow next to it so you can mouse to the folder and the menu of links shows up next to it. This gives a cleaner look than putting a shortcut on the start menu.

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Wrong Target Opens

Jul 17, 2005

When I open mspaint always opened with "my documents". For no known reason it started opening with "My Pictures". How can I change the which file I want it to open with?

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Frame Target With Opening Links

Aug 10, 2005

The issue is that on web pages with multiple frames, if I click a link in one frame that is supposed to open in another frame, it opens full-page instead.This began occuring after I installed the monthly Windows Security Update in June.It is machine independent as it affects all 3 of my machines. All 3 are running XP SP 2. It is browser-independent as it happens in both IE and Firefox. It is webpage/app-independent, also. This happenes on many different sites, not just one.

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Change The File Location For Save Target As

May 20, 2010

I routinely download the latest set of filters for my anti-spam program, and Windows routinely wants to save them in My Documents, by default. I ALAWYS save the file (filters.txt) to the following location (by Right-clicking the file):C:Documents and SettingsMickApplication DataMailWasherPro, Is there any way that that I can: Save this particular file to the abovementioned Path, by default? Without disturbing Windows current, Save In My Documents setting? I am using WinXP Professional SP3 (fully updated).

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Save Target As Giving Errors All The Time

Feb 7, 2006

I am using bt broadband (yes i made that mistake ) and use the btyahoo browser but it is stopping me 'savetarget as' it comes up with an error saying this can not be downloaded. I was letting me do this last week but not this week.

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Save Target As Disappeared - Browser Is Independent

Dec 14, 2008

After I updated some programs to their most recent versions (adobe flash player 10, java 6 update 11) all of a sudden the option 'save target as' just disappeared in my options when I right click on my mouse and for instance want to save a .doc or .pdf file I see online. I'm using Firefox 3.0.4, but the option is also not possible when I try to do this with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer (A related problem (I think) is that from that moment onwards I was also not able anymore to download doc and pdf files in Firefox that were sent to me on my gmail account. I could download these files when opening gmail in Google Chrome however.)How do i get my 'save target as' function back?

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Download Video / Save Target As" It Only Saves It As A Html File

Sep 8, 2007

I used to be able to grab a video clip form the internet and save it to my computor. Now when I grab a video with a wmv extension and do a "save target as" it only saves it as a htm file and does not grab the video itself.

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Target Folder Location - Shared Documents - Pc1's Documents

Jul 27, 2007

im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see:
Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)

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Don't Want To Use Start Shortcut

Dec 12, 2005

How can i make an icon(shortcut), not a key press, that will open the startbar? can it be done in plain windows or must i use some program?

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Too Many Buttons For One Shortcut

May 10, 2009

I can't hit enter or tab and a few other buttons without my delicious bookmark popping up.and if i press back on my mouse it pops up delicious too.

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Can't Get Shortcut Arrows

Nov 20, 2008

It seems most people want to do away with shortcut arrows. I WANT them but can't get them. I have tried Tweak UI. I check the appropriate box but they will not show up. How can I get them to appear?

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Shutdown Shortcut

Mar 13, 2006

As you all probably know, you can create a shortcut that will automatically shut down your PC, by creating a desktop shortcut of C:WindowsSystem32Shutdown.exe. There is a catch: if you accidentally press it, there is no convenient way to stop the shutdown sequence. (you can create a CANCEL SHUTDOWN shortcut, and have the shudown shortcut have a delay (-t 10, for example), but that is cumbersome, and will take up even more desktop real estate.)So i had this idea for a solution. I tried creating a keyboard shortcut for the shutdown shortcut (and was going to do the same for the Cancel Shutdown Shortcut). And, it worked fine. The point was that I could get rid of the little shutdown shortcut icon from my desktop. So, I moved it to a file in My Documents, so it would still be available, just not sitting on the desktop. (Note: I even repeated the above process, starting in another folder, instead of starting at the desktop and the following problems still occurred)

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Shortcut Open With IE?

Sep 9, 2006

How would I setup one site shortcut icon to open with IE please? I use firefox as primary.

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My Computer Shortcut?

Oct 30, 2008

Had a tech in today testing my ADSL, I just got back and fired her up to find the Icon on the desktop is missing?Any simple way to restore this, I don't want to do a system restore as I have no way of knowing what the Tech may have changed or added that will be lost.

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Some Best Shortcut Keys

Aug 12, 2002

Windows XP is full of many KEY-Combo Shortcuts to access Feasures quickly. Here are some of the shortcuts you may find most useful.WINKEY + E = Opens explorer windows with the folder sidebar enabledWINKEY + PAUSE/BREAK = Opens "system propertieS"SHIFT + DELETE = Delete a file without sending to Recycler first (NO RECOVERY!)F5 = Refresh (Usefull in Internet Explorer)SHIFT F5 = Reload Webpage from scratch (NO CACHE)CTRL + SHIFT + END = Highlight everything down a Text page from current possition (USE HOME for up)ALT + CTRL + DEL =Ahh, an old favorite. If an App. is being rude, use this to bring the the "Task Manager" (and kill it if you want). There is some other toys here too like, priorities you can set.Search "Shortcut keys" under "HELP & SUPPORT" for a complete list of Shortcuts, including these.

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Every Time Shortcut Appears

Oct 23, 2007

Everytime I open a folder of any kind and click on something this shortcut appears. If I click on this shortcut it says "Windows Script Host" There is no script file specified.
What is it and how can I stop it please? Its very annoying. The shortcut is a big "S" and on the bottom it has this written: .VBS;VBE;JS;JSE

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Lost My Docs Shortcut

Mar 26, 2006

In the "My Computer" window there is normaly a shortcut to "My Documents". But I have some how managed to remove that.

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