Black Screen After Bios Loads - No Hard Drive Activity
Dec 28, 2009
I have windows xp professional sp2, I uninstalled Symantec Antivirus then rebooted computer. Went through bios load screen then came a black screen (no hard drive activity or nothing) and stays black with no hard drive activity or anything for about 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes I get the Windows XP loading screen then boots as normal.
Prior to me uninstalling symantec it went straight from bios screens to windows xp loading screen almost immediately. The reason I uninstalled antivirus was I wanted to try a different antivirus
When A program updates it ask you restart and you click on yes. The PC closes everything and shuts down to the post and there it stays with the cursor blinking. You have to turn it off and then power back on. At the point where it where it stalls at the reboot, there is no hard drive activity so it doesn't hurt to shut it down. It is just a pain in the butt.
Yesterday I de-dusted my PC using one of those air-spray devices. Just got all the dust out and gave it a general clean. I didnt stick the duster anywhere that I should'nt have....
Anyway, I go to turn my PC on and it gives me the "Loading Windows XP" screen but then just goes black, and Windows doesnt load...So I turn off and then on again. I load it up in safe mode, then restart again - without changing anything. The computer then restarts as normal - As if nothing had happened. Which is good - but whenever I turn it off i seemingly have to go through this entire procedure again
Recently, within the past few weeks, I've noticed that my hard drive has been running more than usual. I can hear it running, and I see the activity light flashing when the computer is basically at idle and not doing anything. The weird thing is that if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up the performance tab, on the top portion of the graph, there is a spike in CPU activity, with the time interval being almost exactly every 60 seconds for about 2 or 3 seconds, along with corresponding hard drive activity. Then it stops and the activity spike repeats about 60 seconds later, over and over.
whenever i start my dell laptop inspiron 6000 after the dell load a black screen appears with a white loading bar appears which loads for about 10 minutes and then the windows xp proffesional sp2 loads i had recently reinstalled windows from a cd can you please tell me how to get rid of this black loading screen
I got a black screen, and the hard drive wouldn't boot. I took 3 old hard drives that I thought were still good, but after I formatted each one, I got a message that the hard drive was damaged . . . something else was wrong, like an improper connection . . . finally, I hooked up a new Hitachi Hard Drive, and formatted it . . . and lo and behold I'm getting the same message.
It's possible the 3 older hard drives could have become damaged, but when the brand new Hitachi gives me the same message
During the process of setting of windows while reformatting my hard drive. The screen when black, when it came back it said that there was a problem and to keep from doing damage to your computer, windows was shutting down. It said to restart computer and that if the problem continued then the following steps should be followed.In bios disable the memory cache If you have new hardware disconnect the new hardware, uninstall drivers and programs. I tried several times to finish the reformatting but to no avail. I am using windows xp CD.
I need some big help with my laptop. I�m not too sure what or how its happen but I turn my laptop on 2day after using late last night, powered it on and I�m not to sure if this has anything to do with what�s happened but I walked away and trip up on the plug for the laptop and when I turned around to login to XP it was black with the screen saying no operating system found with the hard drive making a funny clicking sound. It�s a Sony Vaio Model PCG-6N1L and its from the U.S.(and I'm in the UK atm )
When starting my computer, I have started getting a "Hard Drive Not Found" error on the black screen just as the pc starts booting up. I've not written down all the details, but I see the MAC address displayed and a cursor blinks just after the letters DHCP, there is something about "boot filename not received", then "Hard Drive not found" and then it defaults to the Windows boot screen and will boot up fine. The pc seems to run normal once up...but, I'm somewhat concerned about a "Hard Drive Not Found" error. It just doesn't sound good. I'm going to try to get more specifics as to what I'm seeing on the boot screens, but wondered if anyone here might have some suggestions as to what my issue is?
My pc specs should show in my signature. Also, I recently upgraded my graphics card, but that's the only hardware I've been playing with lately. Don't know if that would make any difference because I wasn't getting any trouble until now and that graphics card has been in about a week already.
My computer has given me problems from day 1. Currently, it fails to recognize my E drive. When rebooting, a black screen appears that says "Secondary drive 1 not found." When restring to an earlier date, a screen says that the E drive cannot be restored because it is either turned off or disabled. The harddrive light which usaully flickers when the computer is working now stays on all the time.
I have this strange problem:I can't see my Bios loading .The screen is totaly black untill the windows' welcome screen , and then everything is back to normal. It happened when I updated my motherboard Bios (Gigabyte GA-8N-SLI ,Rev. 1.0) through the original vendor's Website
I'm using a notebook and I just hibernate my computer, so I decided to finally give it a restart. The restart when fine, I saw the boot screen it was booting, I could of aborted the chkdsk but I decided to let it run. After it ran, the computer restarted and the computer hangs after the bios screen. F8 --> Safe Mode, Last known good config and all those nice things didn't work. I even booted into recovery mode, tried chkdsk /p fixboot fixmbr, none of that worked. Anyways, right now I booted into the XP CD clicked enter, clicked REPAIR and it's just reinstalling over I guess? I've never clicked repair before so I don't know how this is going to work
I had put my pc off with the on/off button, because I was in a hurry. Later when I tried to open it, it shows the BIOS screen and than nothing happens it just turns black and thats it. And it goes off when I put my finger slowly on the on/off button.
Ive done a fair amount of searching online and tried a number of things myself, needless to say, they didnt work.Ok, so here's the issue; When I go to turn on my computer, I make it to the XP splash screen with the 3 blue bubbles moving left to right... But nothing from there.Additionally, between the BIOS screen and the XP splash screen, theres some weird black screen with what looks like a long barcode-esq bar, where a solid white line fills the gaps moving left to right...
A few weeks ago it started freezing and restarting randomly. Sometimes, on restarting, I would get the "Serious error" pop-up, which I always sent, and always got different results. Sometimes it would say it was an unknown driver error, sometimes an anti-virus error, once a RAM error. I had just upgraded the RAM when this started, so I ran the M$ testing tool several times, no errors. I also removed the new RAM, which didn't solve the problem, and put it back in
Loads of *.TMP files created automatically in c:windowssystem32 " on while searching for a problem I was having.It was posted by DidoWide on the HJT forum, so I was unable to post a reply, nor could I send DidoWide an email to ask how he solved in in the end, but I have the exact same problem. Two times now, at a seemingly random times (both times round about 11:00AM), all of a sudden, loads (and I mean tens of thousands) of TMP files, looking like 0fb149fbcb12b2799cfd1c55fc08b4e9.TMP are pumped into my system32 folder. In a matter of 15 or 20 minutes, this may generated as much as 5GB of used diskspace. Some are 0K, some are 91K, but other than those tow, sizes seem to be constant.
I have tried replacing the power supply-no change.I've tried unhooking cd-rom, floppy, replace ram & everything remains unchanged.Bios never recognizes a hard drive. I've tried several known good hard drives and the original hard drive works in another machine. It starts POST & I get HP splash then back to NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND, It doesn't find the CD rom drive either. What might this be related to? I've replace hard drive cable, floppy cable. The only cable I haven't replaced it the cd-rom drive.
The hard drive works as a slave in another computer. I am running virus scan and spyware on. But, why won't it work in the other computer? I'm thinking its somehow related to the bios and the fact that it cannot see the drive in the bios. I don't find anywhere in this particular bios where I can try to auto recognize the drives
I am using XP on my laptop,tried to boot up my computer and it was extremely extremely slow. Took maybe 15-20 minutes to get started.When the desktop finally came up, it was in a bad resolution. The cursor would move fine, but if i tried to click on anything it would pretty much completely freeze up.Id maybe be able to minimize a window, but no program would open at all.I don't really know what to do since it is pretty much impossible to do anything on the computer.I checked my hard drive in the computer BIOS and it didn't report any problems.Not really sure what my next step should be.I have a lot of information on my computer that i really can't lose, but don't really know how to back anything up at this point.What can i do?
just installed a second internal hard drive. tried to access bios at start up (to setup hard drive) but system doesn't respond to ANY keyboard keys. system just continues with normal Windows boot-up. once XP is running all functions and software seem fine. no matter how many times I try at "Press Del to enter Setup" nothing works. Jusat before I had this problem, I had a problem with software (which I have removed) that caused my system to lock up. when I rebooted system stopped and offerred reboot options, ea: Safe Mode, but I the arrow keys would not work, system just went directly to Windows boot can I access the bios if system doesn't respond to keyboard?
I recently got myself another hard drive, that I wanted to install in my computer. From before, the computer contained a hard drive and a CD-burner. I do not have instructions on how to set the jumpers on the new hard drive to make it master or slave, so I had to try my way. I figured how to make it master, so the present configuration is that this new hard drive is secondary master, and the CD-burner is secondary slave. BIOS recognizes this, but unfortunately Windows does not seem to find any of the devices on the secondary controller with this configuration.
I'm running a pc with a 975xbx board and an e6600 that has worked fine for 2 years plus. A couple months ago i replaced my computer case, power supply, and got some new storage hard drives, but my RAM, mobo, cpu, and optical drives stayed the same.I was running windows xp fine for this whole time....and then a couple days ago as I was surfing the web, the computer just shut off spontaneously. no warning, no nothing, just black screen and the computer was off.Now, when I start up, I'll get to the windows startup logo before I get a 0x00000007e blue screen crash.In BIOS, my hard drives, RAM, etc are picked up fine. Just for kicks i moved some ram around, dropped to one stick, unhooked the optical drives, yet the problem persists.Now, if i throw in my windows xp install CD and try to repair or just reinstall, it doesn't find the drive at all. but the bios does.
If i take a new formatted hard drive and insert it, the xp install again doesnt find it.I have 2 raid controllers on my intel board, and the floppy disks for both, but when I boot the raid controller screens pop up fine and recognize drives prior to the windows logo. If i throw my install CD in, however, and hit F6 to go to the raid controller install, the xp cd can't seem to read my floppy disks, as if they aren't even there. but the floppy drive light is on, powered, and the cables are plugged in.This is just really confusing, as if my computer just doesn't read anything but the CD drive.I'm at a loss. I'm willing to just do a clean install of windows on a formatted hard drive, but the windows CD install program won't detect the new drive (it is low-level formatted).I'm using XP professional and it's a full install CD, not just recovery.
How do I reinstall Windows XP on my laptop (Compaq V5000 - which is several years old)? The laptop's cd-rom is dead. There is no floppy disk drive. The hard drive has crashed. I have read on some websites that I can make a bootable usb drive. However, I have not been succesful in making a bootable USB thumb drive when the laptop's BIOS doesnt support a USB device to be bootable.The only thing I do have is my desktop computer (which is working fine) and a USB external case for the laptop internal hard drive.
I am upgrading the hard drive for my pavilion ze5400 laptop the original has a smart error and at on point stopped working alltogether though is decent at the moment.The original drive is an ata-100 30gb, The replacement is a western digital scorpio blue 250 gb at first i was getting an error trying to load xp saying STOP: c0000221 Unknown Hard Error SystemRootSystem32 tdll.dll, I eventually tried a duplicate xp bootable setup cd and it worked fine up to the partition stage. I made two partitions and formatted them. When I got back to check the status on the second the computer was just black. Now when I boot off the xp cd I just see black and if I don't load and just let the comp try to start up it says ntldr not present (or something close to that) press ctrl alt del to restart.
Is there a way of recording the activity on your screen. Rather than Print Screen which is a still screen shot.Say you are on an interactive program or on the internet and you want to record it so that later you can go over it to recap.Or you want to record certain steps to take, to show someone else?
My computer starts up normally until it gets to the part where "Windows XP" shows up with the blue loading bar. When it gets to that screen, there is a few secs of harddrive activity and then it suddently just stops. THe screen stays the same wit the blue thing moving. I am getting no errors or anything. I am able to boot up into safe mode just fine. I can still get my files and everything. Is there anything that can be done to fix this? Could it be that a file just went corrupt? Manybe a way to reload a fresh version of the file? There is nothing I can think of that made this happen. The only thing done was creat a new account and then after creating the account is when the problem happened. I even tried a system restore to about 2 weeks ago and nothing. The same thing happens
THis has happened to me before. I was able to fix it for a few more boot ups by doing a system restore but then the same thing would happened. The only way i was able to fix it was by reinstalling windows again and i do not want to do that unless if it is my last option.
Well i am trying to install a fresh copy of XP and the CD is bootable and the CD drives all work ok, i have tried 3 different CD Drives but when i goto start the boot sequence i get an message saying:
Searching boot device No emulation
Press any key to boot from CDrom....
I press a key and the cd drive starts off but the screen stays black and does not do anything.
I have never seen the message No Emulation under searching boot device before
A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps.Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard disks or hard drive controllers.Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
I have had windows XP Pro installed, updated and running fine until about a week ago. I was away from home for about a week and left the machine plugged into the mains but powered down. When I returned home to boot up, it kept doing things like constantly hanging on parts of the bios POST screen, eventually booting up after thirty or so complete restarts. It finally booted into windows but after the last shutting down, it will now not boot up at all. I have replaced the bios battery and reset the bios several times.