Screen Black During Reformat Hard Drive

Jan 25, 2007

During the process of setting of windows while reformatting my hard drive. The screen when black, when it came back it said that there was a problem and to keep from doing damage to your computer, windows was shutting down. It said to restart computer and that if the problem continued then the following steps should be followed.In bios disable the memory cache If you have new hardware disconnect the new hardware, uninstall drivers and programs. I tried several times to finish the reformatting but to no avail. I am using windows xp CD.

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Reformat Hard Drive Creates Blue Screen Of Death

Apr 11, 2010

I have a HP pavillion laptop windows xp.I think i got a virus back and tried to remove them with some anti spyware stuff but in the end i tried to reformat and this is what happens. I have my set up disk in, i start up my computer. Blank black screen with blinking _ in the top left corner. After a bit of loading in this screen it says Press any key to boot from CDa blue screen with Windows Setup is in the top right. At the bottom it says "Setup is loading files" etc etc. Text flashes in the space beside.a screen tha tsays "A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this so and so" I think this is the blue screen "of death"?

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Got A Black Screen - Damaged Hard Drive

Apr 8, 2007

I got a black screen, and the hard drive wouldn't boot. I took 3 old hard drives that I thought were still good, but after I formatted each one, I got a message that the hard drive was damaged . . . something else was wrong, like an improper connection . . .
finally, I hooked up a new Hitachi Hard Drive, and formatted it . . . and lo and behold I'm getting the same message.

It's possible the 3 older hard drives could have become damaged, but when the brand new Hitachi gives me the same message

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Laptop Hard Drive Not Sure - Black Screen

Jan 2, 2008

I need some big help with my laptop. I�m not too sure what or how its happen but I turn my laptop on 2day after using late last night, powered it on and I�m not to sure if this has anything to do with what�s happened but I walked away and trip up on the plug for the laptop and when I turned around to login to XP it was black with the screen saying no operating system found with the hard drive making a funny clicking sound. It�s a Sony Vaio Model PCG-6N1L and its from the U.S.(and I'm in the UK atm )

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Hard Drive Not Found Error Black Screen

Sep 8, 2007

When starting my computer, I have started getting a "Hard Drive Not Found" error on the black screen just as the pc starts booting up. I've not written down all the details, but I see the MAC address displayed and a cursor blinks just after the letters DHCP, there is something about "boot filename not received", then "Hard Drive not found" and then it defaults to the Windows boot screen and will boot up fine. The pc seems to run normal once up...but, I'm somewhat concerned about a "Hard Drive Not Found" error. It just doesn't sound good. I'm going to try to get more specifics as to what I'm seeing on the boot screens, but wondered if anyone here might have some suggestions as to what my issue is?

My pc specs should show in my signature. Also, I recently upgraded my graphics card, but that's the only hardware I've been playing with lately. Don't know if that would make any difference because I wasn't getting any trouble until now and that graphics card has been in about a week already.

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Black Screen After Bios Loads - No Hard Drive Activity

Dec 28, 2009

I have windows xp professional sp2, I uninstalled Symantec Antivirus then rebooted computer. Went through bios load screen then came a black screen (no hard drive activity or nothing) and stays black with no hard drive activity or anything for about 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes I get the Windows XP loading screen then boots as normal.

Prior to me uninstalling symantec it went straight from bios screens to windows xp loading screen almost immediately. The reason I uninstalled antivirus was I wanted to try a different antivirus

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Does Not Recognize A Hard Drive - On Booting Black Screen Appears

Feb 5, 2005

My computer has given me problems from day 1. Currently, it fails to recognize my E drive. When rebooting, a black screen appears that says "Secondary drive 1 not found." When restring to an earlier date, a screen says that the E drive cannot be restored because it is either turned off or disabled. The harddrive light which usaully flickers when the computer is working now stays on all the time.

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Reformat Hard Drive

Jun 3, 2006

A friend game me a Gateway Solo Model 2500 notebook computer. It came with Windows '98 and no software. I want to reformat the hard drive and install a copy of Windows XP that I have. How do I reformat the HD? When I tried I got a message saying that I couldn't format that drive (C) because Windows was using it.

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Trying To Reformat Hard Drive

Dec 29, 2004

I want to reformat my hard drive and i have a win xp update CD rather than the full version. i have my win98 full version CD though. i can't figure out how to do it using a ntfs hard drive and using win xp.

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Reformat The Hard Drive

Feb 7, 2005

I'd like to reformat my hard drive (which I've never done before). One question I have, is do I have to first uninstall windows? I currently have xp pro installed, but I got xp home with the computer when I bought it (don't ask me why, I have no clue.

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Need To Reformat Hard Drive

May 28, 2007

I have a persistent problem with Windows and every time I open a Windows application the Windows Installer launches and I have to wait 3-5 minutes before I can carry on. I have run Adaware, Reg Edit, Bug Doctor and dowloaded the Windows fix for WI - none of which have resolved the problem, although theyt have marginally improved system speed. I checked the hard drive and there doesn't appear to be any problem sectors, so I have given up and am about to reformat the drive and start again, I am running XP Home and have 2 x 80GB drives. I only want to reformat the C: drive (the f: drive contains only data - no programmes) but when I go into f-disk, it appears to only see the f:drive and not the c:drive.Can anyone tell me a way of formatting only the c: drive?

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Cannot Reformat Hard Drive

Sep 15, 2005

I have gone to Run/CMD and then put in format C:. I am asked if I want to continue and I say yes but then I am told they cannot format because another volume is in use. What is a 'volume" and how can I find out which volume is in use so that I can turn it off?

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Reformat A Hard Drive

Oct 20, 2007

I just wiped-out one of my hard drives that had Windows 98 to install XP. I used DBAN disk wiper. I used it as a SLAVE on my other computer (with XP), it didn't show with the other drives. I know the reason is that it's not formatted. My question is how can I format it if I can't see it?

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The Best Way To Reformat Hard Drive

Dec 20, 2007

My laptops is having so many problems I am going to reformat it and start over again. I have all of my drivers ready to go. What is the most user friendly method to reformat my hard drive without a disk?

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Can't Reformat Hard Drive Any More

Mar 2, 2007

A friend of mine has a gateway computer that is running windows XP. She has had alot of buffer overrun errors and also can't make burn dvds , can't read her email and can't go to any search engine. She wants to reformat her hard drive but it will not allow her to do so she is the only user on this computer so there is not an issue with having admin privileges.Any suggestions as to what she can do? Or how she can reformat her drive?

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Need To Reformat My Hard-drive

Jun 29, 2005

I need to reformat my hard-drive, but it says that I can't because it is the system partition. Can I change this somehow so that I can reformat?

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Reformat Hard Drive But No Keyboard

Jan 20, 2008

I am trying to reformat my harddrive using an XP home disc. The problem im having is that my PC is not picking up my USB keyboard on the setup screen and my mother board has no PS2 connection.

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Reformat The Hard Drive And Reinstall

Oct 1, 2005

It been a long time since I did this, I need to reformat the hard drive and reinstall windows xp, due to a program got corrupted, How do I reformat the drive?

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Computer Need To Reformat Hard Drive

Jun 16, 2006

I am dying to delete everything on my hdrive and compltely rebuild my computer. Am lookin for a quick answer cause am getting like 10 pop ups a minute and its recking my head lol, that and i have so much junk on my computer this formating is well overdue.

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Reformat Second Hard Drive Without Disc

Jan 17, 2005

want specific instructions on how to reformat a secondary hard drive without having the xp disc. never done this before. used to have son do all my hard drive installation work but he moved far away. i have complete system restore discs for first hard drive but does not recognize my secondary hard drive; found this out when reinstalling/doing complete system recovery on first hard drive. of course i backed up all my important information from both drives. i want to reformat second hard drive due to several reasons. One, i want to start off fresh. Two, there is a lot of junk on there i no longer want or need or use.

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Gotten Keylogged And Would Like To Reformat Hard Drive

Nov 21, 2009

I am pretty sure i am keylogged and i would like to reformat my hard drive. the only problem is, i want to do this without losing my music (i have over 3k songs) any way i can do this without an external hard drive?

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Reformat Hard Drive Containing A Virus

Jun 14, 2005

I have been told that I need to reformat my hard drive because it is infected by a virus. can I do an windows xp reinstall and reformat as explaines here and will that take care of the problem.

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Reformat My Hard Drive Without Original OS Cd

May 6, 2006

Features: P4 Dell Laptop, 20GB HD, CD/DVD ROM drive, 3.5 floppy HD, running a Genuine copy of Windows XP Professional SP2, My laptop is really sluggish, I have done everything from defrag through to using reg cleaning utilities and deleting programs i dont need, i was thinking about reformatting my hard drive, however I dont have my original XP Pro cd. Is there a way of keeping my current OS and reformatting my hard drive on my laptop?

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Using Sfc Scannow Reformat Hard Drive

Jun 27, 2005

I'm having problems with windows xp home and am going to try to use sfc /scannow to repair it. I am in the middle of downloading SP2 to burn to CD so I can have that CD when scannow asks for it since it says that I have missing or replaced files that need to be fixed.Do I just burn the file directly to a CD or do I have to do something special to it to make it run automatically when scannow asks for it? WIll it erase all my data? If so I need to go get an external hard drive first to back everything up since my DVD burner isn't working correctly.

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ASAP Reformat Hard Drive

Apr 13, 2006

I need to do a clean wipe of my system, so it's the same as when I first purchased it, and no, there is no warranty left on my computer.I've everything backed up that I want and need, and I've taken down notes of the drivers, the manufacturers, that sort of thing.I do own the Dell Reinstallation CD, with XP Home, Including SP1.I also own the Dell Tools System Software, and, Dell Resource cd's.I do not know if my computer will boot from the BIOS.From my understanding I need the cd to boot from the BIOS? Do I check to see that it does prior to putting in the restore cd, or do i simply put the cd in, and then choose this option and after that the restore cd will begin?

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Corrupt Hard Drive Files: Save The Files And Reformat The Hard Drive?

Oct 18, 2009

I recently helped someone save the documents off of their computer after it crashed (it was missing a Windows file. I tried the repair command and it wouldn't work, so I decided to save the files and reformat the hard drive).I plugged the hard drive into a working computer and pulled all the documents off of it (VERY slowly) onto an external hard drive.

Every once in awhile I wouldn't be able to pull a picture or document off because of a cyclic redundancy check error. I just moved on and saved what I could. I assumed it was because the hard drive was already bad so I just moved what I could.

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Reformat Hard Drive On ACER Laptop W/XP

Jun 17, 2006

My son purchased an Acer laptop with Win XP. It keeps shutting down during certain processes like converting files and things that run on their own like virus scans and SpySearch and Destroy. We also cannot get his e-mail to receive. It did for a couple days, but now won't work and our broadn band tech support tried all suggestions and said something else is wrong. We figure at this point the best thing to do is reformat the harddrive. This will also get rid of some unwanted files that were already on the harddrive that we can't delete.

The issue: how do we do this. The only disk we have is the Acer recovery disks.

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No Install Disc? I Need To Reformat My Hard Drive

Sep 15, 2005

Any possible solutions? where can i go to get a new disc, I have no idea where it went.

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Reformat Hard Drive / Cant Do A System Restore

Jul 5, 2005

I have an 8 month old Dell xp system and have just caught something nasty. I cant do a sytem restore, dl/run any software tools, and its so slow that the system is pretty much useless. Dell says that they think it is spyware and they can fix me right up for just $49.95. I think I have everything I need backed up, so I was thinking about wiping my hard drive and starting over for free. Could someone walk me through it? Then, could someone point me in the right direction to keep this from happening again.

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Instantiation Process Need Reformat Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2006

I have an older laptop (about 3 years) that has some things on it that I really dont care for but would like to wipe the slate clean and just start all over.I was told to reformat the Hard drive but dont know how to do this?then I was told that if I just reinstall Windows XP operating system that this would basically rid myself of most everything and start with Window OS what do you recommend I do in this situation?I just want to give this laptop to my nephew and would like for him to just start with a "new" System.

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Reformat Hard Drive / Pc Is Performing Slow

Jan 28, 2007

Recently my pc has been acting slow up and I've decided to start fresh with just the operating system installed. The only problem is I don't know the best way to go about doing this. I've heard all i have to do is pop back in the windows xp install disc and I go from there, but I don't want to take any chances.

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