Recording The Activity On Screen?

Jul 21, 2005

Is there a way of recording the activity on your screen. Rather than Print Screen which is a still screen shot.Say you are on an interactive program or on the internet and you want to record it so that later you can go over it to recap.Or you want to record certain steps to take, to show someone else?

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Won't Go Past Loading Screen - Harddrive Activity

Aug 27, 2006

My computer starts up normally until it gets to the part where "Windows XP" shows up with the blue loading bar. When it gets to that screen, there is a few secs of harddrive activity and then it suddently just stops. THe screen stays the same wit the blue thing moving. I am getting no errors or anything. I am able to boot up into safe mode just fine. I can still get my files and everything. Is there anything that can be done to fix this? Could it be that a file just went corrupt? Manybe a way to reload a fresh version of the file? There is nothing I can think of that made this happen. The only thing done was creat a new account and then after creating the account is when the problem happened. I even tried a system restore to about 2 weeks ago and nothing. The same thing happens

THis has happened to me before. I was able to fix it for a few more boot ups by doing a system restore but then the same thing would happened. The only way i was able to fix it was by reinstalling windows again and i do not want to do that unless if it is my last option.

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Black Screen After Bios Loads - No Hard Drive Activity

Dec 28, 2009

I have windows xp professional sp2, I uninstalled Symantec Antivirus then rebooted computer. Went through bios load screen then came a black screen (no hard drive activity or nothing) and stays black with no hard drive activity or anything for about 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes I get the Windows XP loading screen then boots as normal.

Prior to me uninstalling symantec it went straight from bios screens to windows xp loading screen almost immediately. The reason I uninstalled antivirus was I wanted to try a different antivirus

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Aug 24, 2010


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Recording Sound In System Is Very Low

Sep 20, 2006

hey guys i got this new mic and i put in in my pc and the record sound is really low, i have to bascially yell into the mic, but when i had the mic on my sister's computer it's recording was perfect. i checked the volume settings and everything is up high and i still have to yell into it.

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Recording Sound And Hear It In The Same Time

Aug 4, 2005

My question is how to record sound and hear it from the computer speakers in the same time. When I record sound I see the green display viberating but how can I hear the sound in the same time?

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Set The Default Recording Rate High?

Jul 22, 2005

Control Panel Sounds and Audio Devices has a tab for setting playback performance but does not have a tab for recording performance.I have two 24-bit, 96 KHz USB 2.0 sound cards on my system and I would like to set the default recording rate high.The external sound cards are the Sound blaster Audigy 2 NX and the Phillips Aurilium PSC 805/17.

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Recording Device Does Not Support Writing To CD

Apr 10, 2005

When I try to use Record Now, to record to a cd, I get error: Your recording device does not support writing to CD. What can I do to correct this.I have deleted record now and reinstalled it,but that didn't do any good.

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Recording Every Detail An Installation Makes?

Oct 11, 2006

In the days of Windows 3.1, I had a program called In Control.Before installing a program, I would start InControl and it would then monitor and record every change to the system made by the installation, every line added to WINDOWS.INI, SYSTEM.INI, every file added or modified and even recorded changes in file time stamps and versions for DLLs etc.Is there anything that thorough for Windows 2000/XP. I want to be able to examine such a record that would not only record file version changes and files added or modified but also every line added, deleted or changed in the Windows Registry.Is there such a utility that really gets it all, down to the last detail?

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Computer Restarts While Using Cubase (recording Program)?

Jul 10, 2009

The problem is that the computer all of a sudden restarts for, according to me, no reason. It allways happen when I use Cubase (recording program) so that should contribute to that the computer restarts but it's not that the computer gets slow or anything because everything works and then all of a sudden it restarts and I lose all my work(if I don't remember to save).

My first thought was that the computer gets overheated or something but it doesn't seems to be that way either since the computer restarts and not turns off, if you see what I mean. Of previous experience I know that the computer usually turns off when it get's overheated (to cool down) and then after a while you can start it again, but the weird part this time is that it restarts directly.

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Registry Activity In Windows XP

Mar 25, 2005

I use the tool of regmon to moniter the activity of appliction access the registry. In the screen, i can see the request of 'query value' or 'open key' or'close key'. the response shows 'success','not found'. I can not understand why the applications need these request when they are running.

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Dual Tuners In MCE 2005: Watch One Channel While Recording Another?

Aug 31, 2006

My new rig recently had a Hauppage WinTV PVR-150MCE analogue TV Tuner attached. Following advice from this forum I was told that I could add any other TV Tuner in addition to what I currently had - it was impossible to add another identical PCI tuner because I am out of slots in my motherboard. So I got the Hauppage WinTV Nova-T DVB USB2.0 Stick - it fits in the USB port, provides me with DVB TV and doesnt have an excess unwanted remote control as I already have an MCE remote that came with the PVR-150MCE.

Now in MCE 2005 I cannot seem to record one channel while watching another. It keeps coming up with the message "Media Center is currently recording X do you want to stop recording and change channel?" - I want to change channel and KEEP recording going, why not do what I bloody well want and look for the other second tuner!!!) Why oh why doesn't Media Center use both the TV Tuners to its full potential?? I thought Media Center 2005 could utilize both tuners so I could watch one channel while recording another regardless of what type of tuner they are.

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Hangs Frequently Following Heavy Activity

May 29, 2006

Windows Xp on my machine hangs frequently following heavy activity like running a game or simply when running normal programs like media player. I have a dual boot system with 98 on an other drive. The same thing happens there too. I ran a surface scan using Scandisk on 98 to see if there are any bad sectors on the hard drive, but the results turned up no errors. This problem has been recurring for the past few days. I dont know if this is a hardware or software problem, so bear with me if I posted in the wrong section.

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No Restart - No Hard Drive Activity

May 22, 2008

When A program updates it ask you restart and you click on yes. The PC closes everything and shuts down to the post and there it stays with the cursor blinking. You have to turn it off and then power back on. At the point where it where it stalls at the reboot, there is no hard drive activity so it doesn't hurt to shut it down. It is just a pain in the butt.

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Recording/Loging Phone Calls From Modem To A PC Hard Drive?

Jul 11, 2005

I want to record and log phone conversations on to my hard drive using software only if possible.When I was using a modem I used a programe called Modem Spy, this will not work with Broadband/ADSL and so on and I no longer have modem fitted.I have tried a search on Google with limited results.Could anyone recomend or name a few products or their websites remembering that most work only with modems, I have ADSL

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Multiple Svchost.exe (5 Of Them), Explorer.exe At 100% CPU Activity, Winlogon.exe...

Apr 25, 2007

Alright this is really damn annyoying, the pc runs incredibly slow, when I look in task manager, explorer.exe is using 97% of the CPU, so I end the proccess and start a new one, then winlogon.exe runs at 97% CPU usage and this proccess can't be ended, and I noticed there are multiple "svchost.exe" about 5 actually, I even reinstalled the operating system about 3 times and the computer still has the problem. I looked all over the internet and I can't find anything that can solve this. I have the log from HijackThis:

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 05:33:42, on 25/04/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)

Running processes:
C:Program FilesApoint2KApoint.exe
C:Program FilesRealRealPlayerRealPlay.exe
C:Program FilesAOL 8.0aoltray.exe
C:Program FilesApoint2KApntex.exe
C:Program FilesEzButton VE 2.14EzButton.exe
C:Program FilesStarOffice6.0programsoffice.exe
C:Program FilesUniblueRegistryBooster2RegistryBooster.exe
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMsMpEng.exe
C:Program FilesWindows DefenderMSASCui.exe
C:WINDOWSsystem32 askmgr.exe
C:Documents and SettingsRojan ThomasDesktopHijackThisHijackThis.exe ...

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Computer Frozen Activity Light Stays On

Jul 13, 2008

My computer is stuck or frozen. The activity light stays on. I have removed all fans and cleaned them, remove battery and replaced after 30 minutes, used a different battery, unplugged all cables. After trying each one, I plugged the computer in again and still activity light stays on. The moniter is black. When I turn it off and on it shows "no signal" on the screen. I also replaced the ram with two 2Gs. What do I do to stop whatever activity is going on?

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Computer Freezing And Showing No Disk Activity?

Dec 13, 2008

I'm running a desktop PC (Dell Dimension 4700) with XP Pro SP3, 1.5 GB RAM. Both keyboard and mouse are USB. Over the last several weeks the computer freezes and I am puzzled about how to go through the troubleshooting. It is rather infrequent (maybe 4-5 times over 6-8 weeks?)When it freezes there is no apparent disk activity. The display appears perfectly normal. It appears to be random and infrequent. When it freezes there is no apparent response to either keyboard or mouse. Pushing the power button briefly does nothing, but pushing and holding the power button does result in the expected shutdown.

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Finding Way To Look Up Activity Time And Date Running On Computer?

Sep 14, 2005

Is there a way that I can look up the time and date of the activity on my computer? I am curious about both Internet activity, such as "at 3:43am on sept. 9, 2005 the page was being visited" and/or any computer activity such as "at 8:00pm the windows media player was being utilized" or "added files at 8:05pm". I guess what I am hoping for is a time-stamp log.I have Windows XP v.2002 SP2. I am connected to the Internet using Qwest DSL 7meg bandwidth max. I have MSN Premium as part of this package. And I am using Norton anti-virus 2004.

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No Programs Running Explorer.exe - Cycles Activity CPU Usage

Oct 1, 2005

I have a Toshiba Satellite notebook (about 18 months to two years old) running XP Pro, and frequently I encounter a situation where, with no programs running, explorer.exe "cycles" in activity and CPU usage - for example, from 30,000 K Memory Usage to 50,000 K to 70,000 K to 90,000 K (over the course of 10 seconds or so), then drops back down to 30 or 40,000K and starts over.

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Computer Facing Excessive Hard Drive Activity?

Oct 19, 2010

Recently, within the past few weeks, I've noticed that my hard drive has been running more than usual. I can hear it running, and I see the activity light flashing when the computer is basically at idle and not doing anything. The weird thing is that if I hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and bring up the performance tab, on the top portion of the graph, there is a spike in CPU activity, with the time interval being almost exactly every 60 seconds for about 2 or 3 seconds, along with corresponding hard drive activity. Then it stops and the activity spike repeats about 60 seconds later, over and over.

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Monitoring Internet Surfing Activity Or Website Viewing By Other Users?

Jun 23, 2005

Is there any way to monitor internet activity with XP such as logon activity to websites, specifically yahoo mail? Is there a log created anywhere in XP
where I can view which accounts may have signed into yahoo mail and when? I know there is software available for purchase to do this but is there anywhere in windows which creates a simple log of this data?

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Security Center: Popup Windows Firewall Detected Suspicious Network Activity?

Jun 19, 2005

This message keeps popping up every so often.. is it legitimate? or is it just a part of a pop-up ad/adware/etc.? "Windows Security Center WARNING: Windows Firewall detected suspicious network activity on your computer. Malicious software codes try to steal your privacy information, such as credit card numbers, electronic mail accounts, financial data or passwords.

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Sound Recorder Error: "Another Application Is Recording Audio..."

Jan 19, 2006

error when I try to record:

"Another application is recording audio. Stop recording with this other application and then try to record with Sound Recorder again." I have turned off all of the start up programs, restarted my computer, and even uninstalled TotalRecorder, which I thought was causing the problem.

I have tried to use Audio Audicity to record as well, but I get an error message there also, so something is really screwing everything up for me.

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Black Screen After Boot Screen, No Welcome Screen, No Logon Screen

Oct 28, 2008

its my previously-formatted HP Pavilion dv5201tx! The problem is as the title above. I can go into safe mode. I've used system restore twice. And in Documents and Settings folder I noticed it has:

Administrator description name description name.000

Is it creating more user folders? At some point description name.000 wasn't there. Corrupted registry hive? I'm not sure! Restarted many times, used Last known good configuration, and it's still black after the boot screen. Please help!

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Screen Freezes Up Then Black Screen Upon Reboot Sometimes A Red Screen

Apr 5, 2010

My computer screen freezes up after a while, then turns into a blank light blue screen and then into a black screen. I have used regcure, PCMedkit, and PC Doc Pro I have also tried some of the online help for a fee but nothing seem to work. Lately when trying to reboot I got a blank red screen. I'm using xp pro and a Nvida GeForce 9400GT GRAPHICS CARD.

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I Press Alt+Enter DOS Screen.opens 2 Full Screen Then Go Small In A Couple Of Seconds

Mar 19, 2008

I got a problem
I use a developer program to make executables (hobby of mine saves me going troppo) called Clarion, it works OK, I made a DOSable program with it, it works OK.
Once I could open to full size DOS screen by pressing the Alt+Enter keys and it would stay open until I was finished with it, then I could revert back to a small screen by pressing Alt+Enter keys again.

Now if I press Alt+Enter keys the DOS screen appears, but it stays open in full screen for a couple of seconds then automatically closes back to the usual small screen.

I have tried right clicking on the icon, properties, screen and putting a dot in the full size option, but this does not work.

I have scanned my PC for viruses etc but no joy there.
I have Dialup only, so don't ask me to do a Panda or Trend scan as they drop you if you no got broadband.

I'm using XP pro, 512meg ram, using a Gigabyte MB, and Nivida video card.
XP working OK-dokie, sound ok-dokie, video ok-dokie, screen to DOS wonkie.
how to fix this?

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Screen Blackout Then Appear With A Black Screen A Blue Box Giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS?

Jan 19, 2007

My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.

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Blue Screen Of Death, Boot Problems, Black Screen Startup

Jul 17, 2005

when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."

You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...

Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.

Any ideas?

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Blank Screen Freeze Up Before Splash Screen. Safe Mode Works

Oct 7, 2007

Very similar to the following problem but i do not have a raid, and it seems that this PC has a raid and i don't, plus it was never really determined what the actual solution was.

The basics: XP Professional Boot up screen, right before the windows loading screen, or direct after the F8 Menu if you hit "Start Windows Normally..." it will just lock up, no HDD activity, blank screen. now BSOD, nothing.

All 3 safe mods work fine.

Ran chkdsk /r in recovery.
Ran proper fixboot procedure.

Went into safe mode and checked the event viewer.

The only concerning message i got was: The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:

Formatting really isnt an issue since i can back up anything i need through safe mode. However its just the fact that the Windows gremlin has struck me again and i must defeat it once more.

I highly doubt this is a hardware issue as it is more of a driver/software issue.any help?

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Black Screen Appears After Load Screen - Uninstall A USB Bluetooth Driver

Nov 10, 2006

i get this error when i tried to open up my computer, first the windows xp loading screen works fine, then after that the screen just goes black and stays like that forever. this happened when i tried to uninstall a USB Bluetooth driver and it was requested to restart my pc so i did, and after that restart i cant get in no more, the screen just goes black after the windows xp load screen. im wondering how can i fix this problem? please help me guys... thank you.. and o yeah one more thing.. when i tried it on safe mode it went to the welcome screen but after that when i try to move my cursor i didnt move at all then i restart my pc again and the whole thing happens once more

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